• Published 7th Sep 2023
  • 3,004 Views, 185 Comments

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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23: Shadows of the Village, Part 3: Family Meeting

Spike and Viper had waited for a few more minutes before they finally arrived at her home, it was a pretty large village, possibly just as large as the valley itself, it was full of lush green forest surroundings and mountain areas far off in the distance, there were some buildings made out of concrete, and wood, and some were nicely well made and looked like a good place to live in. It was a pretty large village compared to the other places Spike has been with the other's, and he was honestly impressed with how nice it looked, and they haven't even gotten off the boat yet.

"Wow.. this place is really nice Viper, just from the looks of it, it already looks great.." Spike complimented looking around with fascination while Viper looked worried and concerned just coming back here, she didn't expect much to change in the last years she's been gone, but it almost felt like this was a different place, it felt more.. large..
"Hey Viper, may i ask what your villages name is?" Spike asked curious as it's never been told before, Viper still stayed silent for a moment before remembering it's name.
"Yeah.. welcome to Dragon Valley, Spike." Viper introduced and Spike was shocked on what he just heard.
"Dragon Valley? Wow, i did not expect that kind of answer." Spike said a little surprised on this, but also felt a little prideful knowing it's named after his species.
"Yeah.. i held that back from you for a while, it was named for honor and respect, it's how most people envisioned what dragons would be." Viper explained which made Spike chuckle nervously.
"Yeah.. maybe this worlds dragons.. but from what i know.. eh..." Spike said nervously moving his claw around, as he barely knew if his kind had honor like people hoped they would be.

The boat had finally arrived at the docks of the village, and Spike and Viper carefully made they're way out of it, to say some were shocked to see them would be an understatement, they all knew about Viper and the reputation she's had, from being a star ribbon dancer before she was chosen to be a Kung fu master, and she's obviously known for saving the village when her dad wasn't able too, which proved herself. A lot of them looked at Spike with awe as they saw he was a real life dragon, they all turned they're attention to them. They both felt a little nervous from coming here, this was the first time Spike had been here, and Viper hasn't been here for years.

Spike did notice a lot of the structures around here were carved like dragons, there were some dragon like columns holding up small houses, some looks of dragons being carved into stone walls like a sanctuary, it was a strange worship Spike found from this place, but it did make him feel a little more prideful seeing all of this.

"Wow.. this is your home?" Spike asked quietly to Viper who was looking around herself, and seemed interested in it's state.
"Yeah.. but i don't remember it being this large, i know i've been gone for years, but this place feels like it expanded a lot since.." Viper said interested in it's state, and Spike looked around for any other details he saw.
"So.. we're there any places you liked to go here, or any festivals that happened often?" Spike asked curious wanting to know more about this place.
"I did often like going to a special pond just outside of the village, it was a nice, quiet, relaxing place me and my family went to every once in a while to bond. It was one of our favorite places to go to when we wanted to bond more." Viper said with a soft smile, and that sounded like a relaxing place.

"Do you.. wanna head there first, or should we see your family first?" Spike asked curious on what to do next, Viper put her tail on her chin to think about it for a sec.
"I think we should.. see my family first Spike, i think we all can go there together for fun." Viper suggested which Spike smiled at.
"Well then.. lead the way Vipes, this is your home not mine." Spike insisted moving behind her a little.
"Sure thing, follow me sweetie." Viper said in a sweet tone as she moved ahead with Spike following behind, and the villagers kept looking at them with amazement.

Spike just continued to move through the village with her, taking in the sights he could find here, there were tons of blossom trees, while they weren't fully blossoming because it's Summer, they were a really nice sight to see, the village mostly consisted of bunny's and pigs, even some other snakes themselves, they all were doing multiple jobs today, some were going out to fish, some were selling fruits and other food to the villagers, and others giving respectful bows to them, like they were glad to see them.

Spike was just fascinated with this village, not only is it called Dragon Valley, a lot of the structure here is made to look like Chinese dragons, Spike didn't know much about his kind, but he did find it interesting on how much variety to his kind were, and not just in appearance too. Spike did seem to notice Viper had a look of worry as they kept moving through the village, she was obviously thinking about how she's gonna react to her father's.. illness, and Spike was just concerned for her.
"Viper, you sure you wanna see them right now? We could get a quick meal if you'd like?" Spike offered trying to help her feel comfortable, but she seemed to be focused on this, and wasn't really wanting a distraction.
"We'll be fine Spike, besides, me and my sisters will probably make something for the family during the time we're here, so we won't be needing that." Viper assured and Spike was more interested now.
"What are you sister's like? I've barely heard you talk about them before." Spike asked curious on them, and Viper had a bit of a nervous look after that question.

"Let's just say.. they can be a lot, while i do love them, they are a bit to handle, even if they are younger.." Viper said a little embarrassed by that remark which made Spike have a little smug.
"So your the oldest one? Kinda hard to tell with how cute you look." Spike teased which made her chuckle a little before giving him a small whack with her tail.
"It's rude to call out a women's age Spike." Viper replied which made them laugh a little.
"My bad ma'am." Spike teased again as they just kept moving after that little laugh.

They continued to make their way through the village again, it was pretty large to say again, it felt like they were walking through for over 20 minutes, and they barely have seen it all. But soon, they started to move up a lush green hill with trees and bushes over most of it, it was a pretty high hill as it went on for a while, sure it wasn't NEARLY as large as the steps of the Jade Palace, but that was a good thing, they've often had to do 100 lap jogs up and down those stairs most of the time for training., which would take up till sunset if they started it at morning.

But soon enough, they arrived at a small but nice looking house at the very top, it was a calm looking house and it looked both old and not that old at the same time, it was nicely decorated and it just looked like a nice place to live. But they both knew they were here, they were at Viper's home finally.
"You ready for this Viper? We can take a moment if you want?" Spike offered again, making sure she is ready for this, but she seemed to have a somewhat confident look on her, despite also showing some worry too.
"Don't worry, i.. think i'm ready for this, before we do this, i just wanna say thank you for coming with me Spike, i think it's best i took you along for this, i may have needed the support after all.." Viper said gratefully which made Spike smile and rub her head again.
"No problem, anything for you, i'm ready whenever you are." Spike assured ready to do this.
"Okay.. let's see my family.." Viper said a little more confident as she went up to the door.

She raised up her tail just a little and made a few knocks on the door, to let them know they were here. Viper and Spike both had nervous looks as they waited for someone to come, they both knew it was gonna be a lot to explain, but they were both confident they could do this. After a few seconds, they could hear stuff moving around quickly as they think this persons rushing to see them, after a few seconds, the door finally opened again and they were greeted by a larger snake that looked a lot like Viper, but far larger, she looked at Viper with shock and recognized her instantly.

"Viper?.. is that you daughter?" She asked both shocked and amazed she actually came, Viper had a bit of a sad and nervous look seeing her after so long, but there was no turning back now.
"Hello mom, it's really great to see you again.." Viper said as she came up to give her a hug which she quickly returned, she had tears of both sadness and joy seeing her after so long.
"Oh my beautiful daughter, it's been so long.. i can't believe your really here.." She said lovingly as she looked at her in the eyes, Viper was still trying to process how to handle this.
"I'm glad to be here.. i wish i could've come here under.. better circumstances.." Viper said with regret, but she her mother gave her a small assuring smile to comfort her.
"Do not worry child, i understand how important things are for you, i'm just glad you were able to come here.." She said with a smile which did make her happy a little.
"Thanks mom.. it's great to see you.." Viper said gladly which made Spike smile a little hearing that.

She soon turned her attention to Spike and looked surprised seeing she brought a friend here too.
"Oh hello, and who may you be young man?" She asked coming up to him while Spike was a bit nervous too.
"My name is Spike, it's really nice to meet you, i came with Viper to help her through this tough situation, it's what a close friend would do." Spike introduced shaking her tail.
"Well Spike, my name is Emily, i am glad to meet you, i didn't know my daughter was friends with a living dragon!.. you are a dragon right?" Emily asked looking over Spike's body which made him chuckle a little.
"Yep, i'm a real living dragon, i've been great friends with Viper for some time now, and i've been handling myself great here." Spike said rubbing the back of his head a little which made her chuckle a little.

"Well, i can already see she's made a great friend, maybe even more then that.." Emily teased which embarrassed them both.
"Mom, not in front of him, we haven't even gotten in the house yet." Viper said coming in front of them, and Spike stood a little back for this.
"I'm just kidding sweetie, i haven't seen you in a long time, i've heard of your achievements, and i was just so eager to see you again, i just couldn't wait to see you." Emily said smiling softly, and Viper had a bit of a smile too.
"Thanks mom, is.. dad okay? We traveled here as soon as we got the letter.." Viper asked really worried for him, her face soon had a bit of a sad look to it being asked that too.
"He's in his room, please come with me you too." Emily said slithering inside, Spike and Viper looked at eachother for another moment before going inside themselves with Viper closing the door.

Spike followed Viper and Emily through the house, it was a really nice house from both the inside and out, there were tons of nice glass decorations on the walls, followed by photos of what looked like a really young Viper and her family, one showed her ribbon dancing for the town, and other's showed her alongside her father who looked like a really sweet snake, a lot of the furniture was wooden and made of bamboo, but they were so nicely done it's really hard to tell, there was so much to this small house it felt really like one would have a nice childhood with.

"Wow, this is a really nice place.." Spike complimented looking around the place which made them smile a bit.
"Thank you, i've tried keeping it clean, it's been a lot cleaner since Viper was a bit of a mess before." Emily teased which made Viper upset again.
"Mom, please don't talk about that stuff in front of him, it's really not the best time to ask that." Viper asked not wanting her to reveal anything embarrassing.
"It's just a little joke Viper, sorry, but i couldn't help myself." Emily said chuckling to herself a little.
"Hey, it's okay, i don't mind that kind of stuff at all." Spike assured which relieved Viper a little.
"Thank goodness.." Viper said as she prayed nothing too big would be dropped when here.

After a few more turns in the hallways, they soon came to a large open room that kinda reminded Spike of the rooms back at the palace, only this was way larger, it was filled with tons of different paintings of China's landscapes, and there were flowers around a large bed, and they saw a really old and large snake laying down in it, and they all knew who it was.

Spike slowly walked besides Viper who was really nervous about all of this, he looked really weak right now and probably won't get that much better while they're here. Seeing this already almost made Viper start to cry seeing her father's state, and Spike did what he could to comfort her along with Emily.
"It's okay sweetie, we're here for you." Emily assured rubbing her head softly.
"We're gonna be with you for this, don't worry." Spike assured too while Viper looked down with regret, she knew this was coming for a while, and always feared the moment she would see him like this, now they were here, and she had to face it, whether she wanted to or not.

After taking another deep breath, she slowly moved up to him who was starting to wake up, Emily and Viper came in front of him while Spike stayed behind a little for them to talk, Viper had a look of concern seeing her father after so long, he had a really long beard that went down most of his body, he looked really tired and weak, and had some wrinkles over him, it did crush her seeing him in this state, but it's inevitable for all of them.
"Hey dad.. are you doing okay?" Viper asked finally speaking to him, he slowly turned to Viper and saw she was finally hear, and despite his really old age, he still moved his tail around really well so he can rub her head while smiling at her.
"Viper.. my daughter, you really came.." He said with tears of joy finally seeing her after so long, Viper had tears of her own and came up to give him a hug.
"I came as soon as i got the letter dad.. i'm so sorry i wasn't here sooner.." Viper said regretfully holding him close, but he helped calm her down by soothing her again, trying to help her as well.
"It's okay sweetie, i know you've been doing amazing things, i didn't mind waiting a little, i'm just so happy you came." He assured which did make her feel a little better and Spike had a small smile seeing them meet again after so long.

"I didn't know how to handle this dad.. i was just so worried about all of this, i would've come months ago if i could.." Viper said trying to explain all of this, but he slowly rubbed her head again to calm her down.
"You don't have to explain, i love you either way.. as long as you had your time, it's all that matters, you don't have to apologize about anything." He assured once more which did relieve her a bit, but she knew who else she had to introduce.
"Thanks dad, but i didn't come alone, i brought.. a really close friend." Viper said which interested him.
"And who may that be sweetie?" He asked curiously, Viper turned to Spike who was standing back a good distance for their privacy, and made a little motion with her tail telling him to come forward, and he slowly made his way to him while looking nervous as well.

After a few more steps, Spike came face to face with him, and he had a huge look of shock seeing Spike, since well.. you know.
"Um.. hello there. My name is Spike, it's.. nice to meet you." Spike introduced holding out his hand, he was very shocked seeing Spike and instantly recognized his species.
"Are you.. a dragon? A real dragon?!" He asked with amazement which did make Spike nervous even more.
"Uh.. yep, i'm a real dragon, been learning Kung fu for a while now, and i've been really close friends with Viper." Spike said with a nervous smile which made him smirk a little.
"Close friends? How close exactly?" He teased which embarrassed them even more.
"It's not like that, we're just best friends." Spike said raising his hands up which made him and Emily laugh even more.

"You don't have to hide anything, i know this kind of reaction." He teased slowly getting up while Viper and Spike didn't respond at his joke, but soon got back to the topic.
"Well, since that's out of the way. I haven't introduced myself, you may know me as Great Master Viper, but you can simply call me Ethan" Ethan introduced shaking Spike's hand.
"Well.. nice to meet you Ethan. I've heard so much about you, and it's a huge honor." Spike said respectfully as Emily helped him up with Viper.
"I should say the same thing, never in my life would i expect to meet a living dragon, especially one who knows Kung fu, i should be honored to meet you." Ethan complimented which made Spike smile hearing that.
"That's really great to hear, i'm glad i came here." Spike said with a smile which made them all happy a little.

"You can make yourself at home, we'll be having a few more people coming, but just know we're happy to have you here." Emily said as they were moving out of Ethan's room for some air.
"I'll be as respectful as i can Emily." Spike assured walking alongside Viper, who while happy that her parents liked Spike, was still a bit nervous on how far they're gonna go with they're teasing.

"So dad.. you mind telling me how the village got so much larger since i was last here?" Viper asked still curious about the renovations.
"Oh, that was done thanks to our community, they all we're getting tired of the village constantly being attacked and almost destroyed, and we're worried for me since i can't hold them off as well as i used to. So they all got together and built all around the areas of the village, making it larger and more grand then before, and they made sure they got some trained people to help defend the village from any other thieves, it was as a way of thanks for how much our family has done with protecting the village, and to try and learn to defend others too. It makes me proud knowing how well the village turned out." Ethan said as they looked out the window, and could see the large village from up the hill, Viper could only remember the smaller parts of it when she was last here, and was just amazed seeing how far it's come.
"Well that explains a lot.." Viper said fascinated on how this came to be.

"And.. how about the dragon statues that were.. almost everywhere before we came up here?" Spike asked curious as well, he knew about the whole honor and respect thing, but just wondered if it was for something else here.
"Oh, sorry if that bothered you a little. That was to help represent our kinds ancestors, and to help us give our respect and prayers to those who protected China and the world for so long, before moving to the Spirit Realm to rest peacefully. It still amazes me that our kind are descendants of yours." Ethan explained which fascinated Spike even more.
"Hey, you all have been doing this WAY longer then me, i'm sure they would be proud seeing how well you've protected everyone. And i couldn't be happier to see it all myself." Spike assured which made them smile once again.
"Thank you young Spike, i already see you being a great son in law." Ethan replied keeping this tease up which once again, just made them embarrassed.
"Dad, please stop with that!" Viper begged not wanting this to keep happening, but he chuckled again before making a few coughs.
"I'm just messing around sweetie, it's your choice to make. " Ethan assured once again as they moved into the living room.

"So, would you both like some food you two? I'm sure that long walk to the village made you hungry." Emily asked as Viper and Spike sat next to eachother near a long table, and they couldn't help but admit it was true.
"Um.. yes please, i think some food would be nice." Viper replied which made her smile softly.
"Then wait here, i'll be done with some in a bit." Emily said slithering off to the kitchen while Ethan sat at the table too. While Spike was glad to meet Viper's family, there was still something missing.
"So um.. Ethan.. do you know when Viper's sister's are supposed to come?" Spike asked curious of where they are.
"I made sure the letter was sent to them too, i don't know where.." Ethan said right before they all heard another knock on the door, which could only mean one thing.
"Huh, never mind then." Ethan said about to go get it, but Viper stood up with Spike first.
"Please sit here dad, we'll get it." Viper assured as she and Spike went to get it.
"We got it." Spike added going with her while Ethan just stayed there smiling at the two.

Spike and Viper went over to the door to greet what they think is Viper's siblings, Spike was interested in seeing what the rest of her family is like, and he was about to get his answers. The door was knocked on another time just as the two got to the door, and they looked at eachother one more time before Viper reached for the door.

And with a simple turned, the door finally opened so they could greet them, and Spike got a good look at 3 other snakes that were around Viper's size.

One of them had light pink scales with blue eyes, she had purple flowers on the side of her head that was like Viper's own, and she had a small blue umbrella on her side, most likely for rain or just to look nice. She had a look that was like Viper's and she looked like twins honestly.

The other had dark purple scales followed by pink eyes, she carried some small fans on her side that must be for dancing as he's seen Viper use them before too, and also had pink flowers on her head too, and she honestly looked like a long time dancer.

And the last one had Sapphire blue scales followed by purple eyes, she had emerald green flowers on her head for fashion, and carried some bags full of supplies, possibly for the long trip they had to get here. They all looked like Viper for the most part, but they did look a bit younger.

They all had a look of surprise seeing Viper was already here, but all looked very surprised seeing Spike, and he honestly saw where this was going. But Viper decided to be the first one for introductions.
"Hey sisters.. i'm glad you were able to make it.." Viper said with a smile while they stood still for a moment.. right before they suddenly jumped at Viper making high squeals which shocked Spike greatly.
"Viper! It's so great to see you again!!" The pink one squealed hugging her tightly.. and she strangely sounded like Pinkie Pie in a way.
"We've been wanting to see you for years! How have things been?" The purple one asked with a soothing voice that meant she had some calmness to her.
"Oh my gosh! oh my gosh! It's really you!!" The blue one squealed as they all hugged her body which almost chocked her.

"Girls.. loosen up.. please?" Viper said between breaths, they all quickly saw what they were doing, and loosened up a little.
"Sorry." The pink one said as Viper took some breaths.
"Not even 10 seconds.." Viper said to herself as she already knew how hyper they could be.
"Sorry Viper, but we were just so excited to see you after so long! It's been what.. years?" The blue one asked shrugging her tail around.
"Yeah, we've heard so much about what awesome stuff you've done, we just were so excited to see you." The purple one said helping Viper up, and Spike was just shocked as he didn't expect them to be this full of energy, but then again.. Viper did say they were a lot to handle.

"Hey, i'm just glad you all made it, it's been a while since we were all in the same room together right?" Viper asked looking over them who were smiling widely.
"Oh you bet! You would not believe how much i've been wanting to show you my new dance moves Viper." The purple one said holding out a one of her fans, which confirmed Spike's little theory.
"I've picked up some dance moves myself, don't think a fan can beat a ribbon." Viper teased going up in her face which made her smirk a little.
"Oho, you may be the big sister, but the better dancer? I'd like to see you try..." She teased as they stood silent for a moment, before just making a playful laugh again.
"We'll get to it later okay?" Viper asked patting her head and she nodded in response.

"Oh Viper, it's so great to see you sister." The pink one said still excited over all of this.
"I know girls, it's great to see you all too." Viper said looking over them, she was just really glad to see her sister's are still the same.
"So Viper, when did you get here?" The blue one asked curiously.
"We got here around half an hour ago maybe, took a bit longer seeing how big the village is now." Viper explained which they agreed too.
"I know, seeing how big the village is now isn't something i think would happen.." The purple one said right before they realized something else she said.

"Wait, what do you mean.. we?" The pink one asked curiously. Viper had a nervous look before a small sneeze was heard, Viper and her sister's quickly turned to Spike who was rubbing his nose from the sneeze, but soon noticed them looking at him and got a bit nervous.
"Um.. hi?" Spike asked nervously holding his hand out, they had a look of shock seeing him for a moment before they turned into a look of excitement.
"Oh my gosh!!!" They all squealed which made Spike nervous.
"Oh boy.." Spike said with fear right before he was tackled by all of them suddenly lunging to him.
"Girls! Wait!" Viper shouted trying to get them off him who were inspecting him.

"Oh my gosh! Is he.. is he?!" The pink one asked gleefully looking at Spike's purple scales.
"I think he is! He's a real dragon! I can't believe this!!!" The blue one said looking in Spike's eyes with a excited look while the purple one opened Spike's mouth to see where his fire is.
"Is that green fire? I didn't know dragons could breath different colored fire! Amazing!" The purple one said closing it while Spike was feeling overwhelmed.
"Viper? A little help please?" Spike asked worried as they were all over him while Viper just came up to them.
"Girls, please give him space." Viper said trying to help him up.
"Sorry." They all said at once before quickly getting off of him to let him breath.
"Dear Celestia.." Spike said to himself as Viper helped him up.

"Sorry about that Spike, but as you can see, these are my sisters." Viper said looking at all three of them who were still excited about him.
"Um.. nice to meet you all." Spike said holding his claw out, which they all quickly shook at once almost hurting his wrist.
"It's so nice to meet you! I'm Linjin, the pink one is Shiji, and the blue one is Beihe" The purple one said pointing at each one with they're names.
"It's nice to meet you!" Shiji said excitedly still shaking his claw.
"And what's your name?" Beihe asked wanting to know his.
"Um.. Spike." Spike introduced which made them all smile even more.
"Such a cute name for someone like you." Linjin teased which made Spike nervous even more.
"Girls, please give him space." Viper said coming between them all, they soon let go of him to properly talk.

"You never told us you we're friends with a real dragon Viper!" Shiji said amazed looking at Spike who was still shocked about this.
"How long have you known eachother?" Beihe asked excitedly looking at them both.
"And is he your boyfriend Viper?" Linjin teased again which made her groan hearing that.
"Please don't Linjin, Spike's a close friend, he came here with me to help us through.. our little problem." Viper said standing besides Spike who looked saddened hearing it.
"Yeah.. it's something i didn't want her to be alone on.." Spike said rubbing her head again.
"Aw.. that's so sweet of you Spike. I already see a great person from you." Linjin said sweetly.
"I didn't know dragons could be this cute!" Beihe said gleefully which just embarrassed him even more.
"Moving on.. we're just glad to see you Viper, and are glad to see you have a close friend here too." Shiji said moving this along which did relieve them a little.
"It's great to see you all too, i'm glad you all could make it." Viper said smiling at them.

As they were making small talk, Emily slithered into the room and saw all of them together.
"Girls, Spike it's all ready." Emily shouted which got they're attention.
"Coming Mom/ Emily" They all shouted as they quickly made they're way to the table, Spike was still shocked on how eager they all were, how Viper handled them at a younger age is beyond him.

They all soon made they're way to the table so they could sit down and eat, and there were a lot of dumplings over the table to eat. Ethan smiled lovingly as he saw all his daughters together again.
"It's been so long since i saw all of us together like this, i can't tell you all how grateful i am for this." Ethan said looking over them, and they're expressions soon turned to ones of sadness seeing his state.
"We came as soon as we got the letter dad." Linjin said sadly seeing this.
"We would've come here far sooner if we didn't live so far.." Shiji said regretfully looking down a little.
"We all didn't want you to be alone on this, and we weren't gonna let you be alone." Beihe said sitting next to him alongside Emily.

"It's okay, i'm just glad we all could be here to spend time together." Ethan assured smiling at all of them.
"He's right girls, and now that we're together, why don't we all just try and enjoy our time as a family?" Emily asked hopefully.
"Of course mom, we'd like nothing more, no matter how long we're here." Shiji said softly as she was having some of the food.
"Of course dad, anything for you." Viper said sitting next to Spike again who was being extremely respectful.
"And Spike, thank you for coming all this way with our daughter. Knowing she has a friend who's willing to go this far with her, is someone i can already trust." Ethan said gratefully looking at him.
"Your welcome sir, i'm glad to be here with you all." Spike said as they all looked at him.

"We're glad too Spike, after we're done eating, how about we go to the village for family bonding?" Emily suggested trying to think of something.
"We'd love that! With how big the village is now, i've been itching to see what else there is!" Shiji said excitedly just thinking of what they'll see with the others excited too.
"That sounds lovely mom, i'm sure it's something we all could have fun with." Viper said agreeing to this.
"I like that too, i'm really interested in what else there is here." Spike said eager at all of this too which made them smile hearing that.
"Then it's settled, we'll all head down in a bit, let's all just take some time to get settled, alright?" Emily asked again which they all nodded in agreement with.

"Of course mom!" The sisters all said at once which made Ethan smile at.
"Thank you my daughters, i am so glad you all are here for this.." Ethan said gratefully which made them happy again.
"No problem dad, we all love you no matter what." Viper said softly looking at him.
"I know, and i love all of you too." Ethan said looking over them, Spike smiled seeing all of them together like this, and was glad to see them like this.
"Let's all just have this time to ourselves." Spike asked getting back to eating, Viper smiled at that and began eating herself. But one thing she did notice is that her sister's were looking at Spike with smirks when he wasn't looking, and she got an idea on what they were thinking, and maybe had to be even closer with Spike during they're time here..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this little chapter! I decided to name Viper's village Dragon Valley not just for them to have respect and honor to the dragons, but also to honor what Viper's ancestors have done for protecting it, and i thought Ethan and Emily were a great name for her parents, they were never said in canon from what i know, so i'm gonna make it like that, and i hope you don't mind.

i'm gonna add an extra part to this arc which will have Spike bonding with Viper and her family more, to give more time together before some real fighting happens, so it'll be a 7 part arc now. Quick question to you all, how does a little competition between Viper and her sister's sound, especially given who it is for? I also wanna give a thank you to SpikeSmolder fan for giving me the name suggestions! Thanks a ton for that! I hope you all liked this and look forward to more!

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