• Published 15th Sep 2023
  • 734 Views, 41 Comments

Ivy - Badmiral Biscuit

A chance encounter with a minotauress at Home Depot changed my life in ways I couldn't have imagined.

Comments ( 10 )

I have to admit I started this by mistake. Your name is a very close approximation of some other Biscuit that I like to read. :facehoof:You may have heard of him. He writes very interesting slice of life stories. This is similar and while I don't usually read stories such as this by the time I realized my mistake, it was too late, my slight OCD kicked in and it required me to finish. Yes I skimmed some parts, but over all it was very good. I enjoyed the hunting and post setting... since I've done that sort of thing. Seeing a "city boy" experiencing it for the first time was entertaining.
I can say I enjoyed it all except the epilogue. I was kind of a let down, but it lived up to the description of a life changing event in the protagonist's life. However, I think becoming a Park Ranger requires a college degree, but I may be mistaken. The fact he is applying emphasizes the profound effect the 3 night stand had on him. I won't remove this from my favorites due the ending. It reminds me of another ending of a weather pegasus going back home after spending time at college on Earth.

I am kinda baffled by the lack of comments on this particular story, however. There should have been many. I hope my short one kinda helps.

I've been reading this with my spare time at work. It's been an incredible read, yet i do feel solemn for how it ended. The protagonist felt so happy and thought they had their soul mate. Then waited and waited for the invite call to go back, yet it never came.


I have to admit I started this by mistake. Your name is a very close approximation of some other Biscuit that I like to read. :facehoof:You may have heard of him.

Hmm, nope, never heard of this Badmiral BIscuit character :derpytongue2:

This is similar and while I don't usually read stories such as this by the time I realized my mistake, it was too late, my slight OCD kicked in and it required me to finish. Yes I skimmed some parts, but over all it was very good. I enjoyed the hunting and post setting... since I've done that sort of thing. Seeing a "city boy" experiencing it for the first time was entertaining.

I've never done post-setting or hunting, but I've been through the woods on deer trails a time or two (in fact, part of the deer hunting chapter was inspired by me doing just that while I was writing the story). It is an experience for those who aren't used to it, and that's a fact.

I do apologize for luring you in on . . . well, maybe not false pretenses, so to speak, but by the deliberate choice of having an identical avatar and very similar usernames between the regular account and the alt account. And no worries about skimming certain parts; it's very much a personal taste thing and tastes vary. I'll admit that when I watched the Equestria Girls movies, I skipped the songs 'cause I dislike musicals for reasons which are not particularly germane here. :heart: I suppose if you skipped the spicy bits, it's more like Captains Courageous.

I can say I enjoyed it all except the epilogue. I was kind of a let down, but it lived up to the description of a life changing event in the protagonist's life.

Sometimes life is like that. While I would also agree that the two of them being together forever would be the best ending, it's been my experience that real life doesn't always work like that.

However, I think becoming a Park Ranger requires a college degree, but I may be mistaken. The fact he is applying emphasizes the profound effect the 3 night stand had on him. I won't remove this from my favorites due the ending. It reminds me of another ending of a weather pegasus going back home after spending time at college on Earth.

Silver had a year and maybe that wasn't enough or maybe it was. She became one of Conrad's golden boats at the end, and maybe 'Cart Boy' did, too . . . I think he did, I think if there ever is a sequel he'll be a fully-fledged park ranger and loving every minute of it.

And you know what, part of the reason I'm here on FimFic is because of an unhappy ending and me making something of it.

I am kinda baffled by the lack of comments on this particular story, however. There should have been many. I hope my short one kinda helps.

That's the nature of having a fairly unknown alt account that posts sporadically; it doesn't get the following or interaction that the main account gets. Sometimes that's disappointing and other times it's understandable, I appreciate you taking the time to not only read thorough something that isn't really your thing as well as commenting :heart:


I've been reading this with my spare time at work. It's been an incredible read,

Thank you! :heart:

yet i do feel solemn for how it ended. The protagonist felt so happy and thought they had their soul mate. Then waited and waited for the invite call to go back, yet it never came

I don't know if either of them could actually be considered soulmates, honestly. Maybe it felt like it in the moment, but I don't think it was a thing that could have lasted, but I also think that doesn't make it worth any less. The protagonist learned something about himself, about what he wanted and what was important and sometimes that's what you need more than anything else.

Interesting ending. I see what you were going for. Sometimes it is about the experience, not the ending state. Had a few of those myself. Still good story.

It'll be what it is. I'm here for the journey, not necessarily the destination. :raritywink:

edit: After having read the ending, it works really well. :raritywink:

Oh, I enjoyed this so much, and yes, the ending was sad, but as you say Admiral Biscuit Badmiral Biscuit, sometimes in life we have to deal with the unhappy endings, or at least, what seems to be an unhappy ending. For some people, the idea of a soul mate is silly. "You don't need someone else to make you happy," they say, and I usually respond "you don't need someone to make *you* happy, and that's good! But for some of us, life is devastatingly lonely, and we are out here seeking someone who wants to complement us, make us feel complete."

For "cart boy," he found that in Ivy, but she's clearly more of a free spirit than he is, and while I'm sure she liked him, and enjoyed his company, for her it seems like life is a continuing series of adventures. She will meet someone else to make the weekend interesting, and move on, and move on, and move on, and good for her, but I do feel for cart boy. I really do.

Lovely story.

There's a country song I probably shouldn't quote due to site rules, but basically the singer thanks God for prayers which were not answered. I think that while cart boy didn't get the girlfriend he might have thought he wanted at the beginning of the story (he certainly got an . . . interesting weekend), he did learn something about himself in the process and perhaps is set on a new course in life.

Not that that makes it any easier in the moment; I think we all have those times where we've hoped for something that didn't come to pass, especially when it comes to romance. Or maybe I'm the only one :derpytongue2:

As an aside, if it weren't for a failed romance I wouldn't be writing on Fimfiction; whether that's a blessing or a curse (and for who) is for the jury to decide.

You're right that Ivy isn't the type to settle down; she does her thing and whatever comes of it is what comes with it. She's very independent and doesn't need a man (or a woman, if she also swings that way) to hold her down. Doesn't mind somebody coming along for the ride, but they better be willing to keep up and pull their weight.

That having been said, it's not impossible that Ivy would find cart boy again. After all, while it might not be right to call him a soul mate, he certainly proved that he was willing to work, that he was willing to try new things, and that he could please her. He thinks she lost his number, but maybe she didn't; maybe some weekend in the future she'll call him again to see if he's up for another trip up north.

And honestly, if he says that he'd love to but he can't take time off his new job as a park ranger, I think she'd respect that.

So maybe more bittersweet than sad. :)

Good Story! :twilightsmile:

Kind of gives me the same feel from when I had my out-of-civilization adventure, although far different than Michigan woods. Back in the Eighties, I spent several weekends with a friend up in the far-less traveled parts of Death Valley, the southern part where it was a valley surrounded with the peaks of the Panamints and absolutely NO humans anywhere for 100's of miles.

Ivy, however, is just a figment of imagination, although I would have had no problem hanging with her, even if just for the exoticness of her kind, Then again, I'd still feel some discomfort around her, being a minotaur and know how they can be,,,rough.

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