• Published 21st Sep 2023
  • 1,150 Views, 10 Comments

Prank War! - BottleH2O

Celestia finds a way to get even with Luna after she suffered a string of defeats in their long running prank war. Luna meanwhile gets a very big reminder that of the two of them, she's the little sister

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That Shrinking Feeling: Part 2

“Alright class, everypony get out your notebooks and quills! It’s time for us to start a new subject. The one you have all been waiting for: Astronomy!” the classroom of foals cheered happily, all of them were eager to begin the subject that has been talked up for the entire semester. Their teacher, Mrs. Light Halo, and the professor of Astronomy at Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns looked on proudly at her class’s eagerness.

Once everypony had settled down and their attention was on her, Mrs. Light cleared her throat and began the lecture “As you all know, the planet we live on is called Equis. It is one planet of several in the solar system. Now, can anypony tell me-”


Mrs. Light stopped talking, her ears perking at the unexpected disruption. “Just a minute class, I’ll be right back,” she said as she walked over to the door. Her class watched on in confusion as Mrs. Light opened the door and stepped outside, closing it behind her. The foals heard a very audible gasp come from their teacher outside, followed by some undistinguishable words as she conversed with somepony else outside. But it didn’t take long before the door opened again once more. Mrs. Light stepped back inside with a large smile on her face “Alright everypony, it looks like today’s class just got even better. We have a surprise guest here who will be teaching alongside me today. Please give a warm welcome to Princess Celestia!”

Everypony gasped with delight and stamped their hooves in applause as the door opened and in stepped the Princess of the Sun. Celestia smiled gently at the class as she walked to the front of the room and spread her wings widely “Good morning everypony! How are you all doing this lovely day?”

“We’re doing good Princess Celestia!” The class shouted in unison. Celestia smiled “Excellent! Are you all ready to begin your lesson today?” she asked. There was another rousing sound of excitement from the class, much to Celestia’s delight. She walked back over to Mrs. Light at the front of the room and nodded to her “whenever you’re ready,” she said to her. Light Halo pulled out a map of the solar system and put it on the blackboard.

“Not much is known about the solar system, as ponies to this day are still learning about space by looking to the stars with their telescopes. They can see many different planets, stars, and of course; the moon!”

The class watched on attentively as Mrs. Halo continued “Now then, Princess Luna has confirmed from her…er…trip to the moon, that it is completely silent up in space. There is no air for normal ponies to breath in space, so if a pony were to one day launch themselves up there, they better bring a spare supply with them!”

The class giggled at the thought of someone going to the moon. It just seemed so ridiculous! Celestia looked over to the class “Alright class, does anyone want to tell me about how the day and night cycles works?” she asked, as she used her magic to poof a small model of Equis appeared in front of her, held aloft by her magic. Complete with a small sun and moon. Though, strangely, something was off about the moon model. Something that nopony other than Celestia had any knowledge of. Yet.

A colt in the front raised his hoof. As Mrs. Light called on him, Celestia subtly activated her magic, causing her horn to glow a very faint gold. If everyone’s attention hadn’t been on the colt giving his answer (who was double checking his notes just to be sure), they would have noticed two small figures float out from the confines of Celestia’s regalia and up to the light fixture on the ceiling. Lionheart and Storm Striker were gently deposited down where they were able to have a full view of the classroom.

“Shame the ride’s over already. I almost went to sleep in there. Who knew Princess Celestia’s fur was so soft?” Lionheart said to his partner as the two of them crawled to the edge of the light fixture and peered down “It was like sleeping on a cloud. But even softer,”

Storm nodded as he gazed down on the scene below “I know right? I was just as surprised as you were. And for some reason the booming hoofsteps and small tremors were the perfect white noise in the background. I totally would have fallen asleep too if she hadn’t placed us up here,” he said.

Down below, the colt had just finished his explanation to the class about the day and night cycle, the class applauded him, stomping their hooves against the ground, causing a mild earth to the two little guards on the ceiling.

“Excellent job young colt!” Celestia praised him proudly. She held up the model of the planet for the class to see “As you can see, the sun and moon do in fact orbit our dear home planet!”

The class held their breath as they stared, transfixed, at the model. Mrs. Light just stared at it in confusion, and the shrunken guards felt grins begin to slide across their faces as they got a good look at the planetary model. More specifically, the moon.

The entire class burst out laughing hysterically as they got a good look at it, even Mrs. Light suppressed a giggle behind her hoof. It wasn’t a moon at all! It was a fun sized Princess Luna inside a golf ball that was painted grey, with her head and legs peeping out. Luna clenched her teeth as she gave the class her best smile, all the while subtly glaring at her giant older sister, who winked back. Even the two Luner guards were chortling to themselves up in the light fixture at the sight. This was the easiest guard duty they’ve ever done! Princess Celestia practically did everything, carried them around, and they still get to be paid extra on top of their usual salaries, including some top tier cake and extra vacation time!

Smirking to herself, Celestia levitated the model up to her eyes and in front of the class “Alright colts and fillies, do we have any questions for our resident moon?” she asked sweetly.

A lone colt raised their hoof. Celestia pointed to him “Yes, you young stallion,” she said. The colt stared directly at Luna and asked with upmost confidence in his voice “What kind of cheese is the moon made of?”

“I think that went very well; wouldn’t you say Lulu?” Celestia snickered to herself as she all but pranced though the castle hallways. Luna huffed as she bobbed up and down, once more finding herself stuck to Celestia’s flank “I’ll say,” she grumbled “What have you been teaching those foals Tia? The craters on the moon were not caused by me sitting down! And I most certainly am not an alien just because I returned from the moon after 1000 years!”

Celestia burst out laughing pleasantly “Well, I certainly did not tell them any such thing. It’s probably more tall tales the foals came up with for their enjoyment,” she replied cheekily “By the way, do tell me, do you feel more attuned to your moon ever since you’ve on mine?” Celestia asked mischievously, giving her rump a small shake.

“No, I do not!” Luna shouted in her squeaky voice “All you’ve done is stick me next to your cutie mark and walk around!”

Celestia shrugged “Shame. I was sure that would work,”

Luna groaned “You’re having too much fun with this. Just you wait Tia, I’ll get you back for this. The humiliation for my pranks will be doubled!” she exclaimed. “Awww, don’t worry Lulu, I’m sure you’ll get your chance eventually. But until then, I’ll be savoring every moment of this,” Celestia said. She rounded a corner and approached another set of doors. She pushed them open, revealing that she was now inside the castle kitchens. Celestia had called ahead, kindly asking the kitchen staff to take the day off because she wanted to use the facilities. But she had requested one special food preparation from the castle chief. That very same preparation is what was going to be used for the final part of Celestia’s prank to Luna.

As Celestia stood in the doorway pushing open the doors with her magic, two small figures buzzed by her eyes and into the room. Lionheart and Storm Striker to be precise. After Celestia had returned from her school, she had requested Discord to restore their flight so the two of them could move around as they pleased, and so they can still keep an eye on Luna, as per her request. Celestia sauntered though the kitchen, making her way over to the back, where she could see precisely what she had asked the castle’s head chef to make for her.

“Alright Lulu, here we are! Hope you’re ready for some fun!” Celestia giggled as she peeled Luna off her cutie mark and held her aloft in front of her gigantic white muzzle. Her deep purple eyes focusing in on her diminutive form. “What is it now Celestia?” Luna groaned.

“Well, I was thinking, you must have gotten rather exhausted spending most of the day stuck to my cutie mark or on the cucumber slice. So how about we get you some exercise?” Celestia asked. “I’m not a hamster, I get plenty of exercise Tia,” Luna complained “If anything, you’re the one who needs it. I can feel an earthquake every time you take a step!” Celestia ignored the jab at her weight as she spun Luna around to face the table “Ta-da! What do you think?”

Luna stared “What…is this?” she asked. Laying before her was a maze. But it wasn’t just any maze, it was made entirely of cookies. Luna started salivating. If Celestia’s biggest weakness was cake, then hers was freshly baked cookies.

“The goal here is simple, reach the other side of the maze. Easy peasy right?” Luna looked at the maze. Though it was rather big, it seemed simple enough. Not to mention that it looked delicious! If she did get stuck inside the maze, she could always eat her way out. Celestia reached over, Luna still in the grasp of her wing, and dropped her down in the front of the maze. Luna landed on the soft beaked cookies on her rump. Shaking her head to clear the dizziness, she looked up to see Celestia looming high above her with an amused grin on her face.

“Whenever you’re ready Luna dear,” she boomed. Luna rolled her eyes and stepped inside the maze. “I must say, the royal head chef did a marvelous job with the décor,” Luna commented as she looked around. It was a perfect replication of the royal hedge maze, with a bunch of culinary delights around every corner. Cookie royal guards were lined up around the perimeter of the wall, gingerbread ponies were inside it, the walls were made of sugar and chocolate chip cookies (Luna’s favorites), and there were even a few fudge statues of herself and Celestia littered around inside as well.

As she walked through the entrance, the chocolate chip cookie gates shut behind her. Luna began her search through the maze. She was fairly confident she knew where she was going because of the fact that she liked to spend a lot of time wandering through the maze at night, practicing scaring her guards in preparation for Nightmare Night. Rounding a corner, she passed by another set of cookie guards. Luna smiled and threw her hoof against her head in a mock salute “At ease guards! Your Princess commands you to return to your duty!” Giggling to herself she continued trekking on.

It wasn’t long before she finally found herself in the center of the maze. Inside, she was surrounded by peanut butter and chocolate cookie walls, and a fudge statue of herself and Celestia decorating the interior. “Congratulations Luna! You’re almost there!” Celestia thundered encouragingly, her voice shaking the ground. Luna looked up to see Celestia munching on a slice of cake while leaning her head on her hoof “Don’t mind me, just gonna snag this little confectionary delight here,”

Luna eeeped as a tremendous shadow fell over her. Celestia reached down and gripped the fudge stature in front of her, tearing it out of the maze and raising it towards the heavens. “There you go my dears,” she said, setting it down on the table next to her elbow. There, Lionheart and Storm Striker immediately descended upon it and began munching away. If Celestia were to look closely at them she would notice small hearts in their eyes as the delicious taste of fudge melted in their mouths.

“Ya know, I’m really beginning to like this gig,” Storm Striker said, his mouth full of the tasty treat.

Lionheart nodded enthusiastically “Hope Princess Luna is having fun in the maze,”

Luna meanwhile was looking around, trying to remember where to head next. “Let’s see, is it left by the fudge statue or right by the hot chocolate river?” She wondered. But as she pondered her next move, she heard something making a clack clack clack noise behind her. Luna sighed in exasperation “knock it off sister. I’m trying to think!” she hollered as she turned around. But once she did, she froze. Luna had expected to see her giant sister’s hoof tapping the table behind her, but instead, she was greeted to at least five or six of the cookie ponies, somehow inexpiably, walking around the turn behind her and over to where she was currently standing.

“By the way Lulu, I may have forgotten to mention that from here on out, all the cookies in the maze will start to chase you,” Celestia commented offhandedly as she tossed another slice of cake into her mouth and swallowed the piece whole.

“You’re just telling me this now?!” Luna hollered in disbelief as she scampered away from the oncoming zombie cookies. Unsuccessfully. Luna yelped as she tripped and fell into the river of hot chocolate in her haste to get away. She resurfaced, spluttering and clambered out of the warm drink. After shaking herself dry like a dog would, she glanced over to where the cookie ponies were. And they were fast approaching her! Luna galloped away once more, racing down the hallways with renewed urgency as the cookies closed in behind her.

“Blasted confections!” Luna shouted as she rounded a corner, skidding into a wall of chocolate chips. She snagged one as she ran and nibbed on it as she hurtled along the pathway. All the while Celestia looked on. The whole scene looked hilarious from her bird’s eye view.

But eventually, Luna’s luck finally ran out. She turned another random corner in her panic but found herself face to face with a large wall looming above her small frame. She tried to double back and find another route but unfortunately for her, her adversaries had caught up to her. She was trapped. As all the cookie zombies started to pile into the narrow hallway she was in, Luna began to back up slowly, her wings were flared but would be of no use with her magic gone.

She kept backing up until her rear hit the wall behind her. Tentatively, she glanced behind her, confirming her fears with her own eyes before turning forwards to face the still oncoming horde of cookie ponies.

“Tia! What happened if they catch me?!” Luna called apprehensively over her shoulder to where Celestia was looming behind her. “I don’t remember. I think they toss you into cookie mix and try to bake you into a cookie!” she called down to her little sister as she tossed more cake into her mouth and chomping down. Luna’s eye twitched. That did not sound appealing in the slightest.

But then again…” she thought and turned back to face the horde in front of herself “They are made of nothing but desserts, no?” A devilish grin began to seep across her face as she subconsciously licked her lips “And I haven’t eaten a good freshly baked cookie in a while!” Luna lunged forward and wrapped her legs around the nearest cookie warrior. They tumbled to the ground, Luna on top, and she began to devour the cookie as fast as she could. The sound of a drill could be heard as the Luner Alicorn finished her snack in a manner of seconds. Smacking her lips, making sure to get the last of the cookie dough, she got back up to her hooves and surveyed the rest of the mob, who had all stopped their advancement. Even Celestia was looking down in shock. Clearly, she hadn’t expected this to happen.

Luna had a predatory grin on her face as she slowly advanced towards the mob of cookies, who in turn was slowly backing up, matching her step for step. Luna crouched low, much like a cat stalking its prey, wiggled her rump in anticipation, and sprung forward towards the cookies yelling “I AM THE COOKIE MONSTER! FEAR ME!!”

The cookies turned tail and ran, with a hungry alicorn on their tails. Oh, how the tables had turned. Celestia watched with wide eyes at the scene, yet another slice of cake hovered forgotten next to her mouth as the spectacle played out before her. One by one the cookie ponies fell prey to Luna’s sugar tooth. Luna even burst though the walls of the maze at points as she chased the confectionary concoctions. Ten minutes later, Celestia stared as Luna finally made her way through the exit of the maze. Plopping down on her stomach with exhaustion from all the running and desserts she ate. Luna panted, trying to catch her breath as she slowly looked skywards towards Celestia.

“T-There. Done it. Found the exit.” Luna gasped for air. She rolled onto her back and went limp, her adrenalin rush and sugar high finally running out. Celestia nodded calmly as she chewed on even more cake. “Congratulations Luna, you beat the maze. Though some unconventional methods I will admit, but nevertheless you made it through,” Celestia said, getting to her hooves and stretching “I believe this makes me the winner of this week’s prank war.” Celestia had a triumphant look on her face as she gazed down at Luna.

“Agreed,” said Luna, looking at Celestia upside down with exhaustion. Celestia set down a card next to Luna, which read Celestia: Winner! Luna: get owned :D

Luna rolled her eyes at the card, glancing back up at Celestia who was pointing her nose up in the air proudly. “Yes, well done sister. You got me good with this one. Not even I could see something like this coming,” she said “Though I must ask to put an amendment on our prank wars. If you would kindly not shrink me again? And I will not do the same to you,”

Celestia thought about it for a second, before shrugging “I don’t see why not. Seems like a fair decision on both of our parts,” she said. Luna rolled over and clambered to her hooves “Excellent. Now then, can we return to our room? And restored to our proper size? It is beginning to get late and we must perform out duties for the night so our little ponies can get their sleep,” Celestia nodded and scooped up Luna, depositing her on her head at the base of her horn “The spell will wear off in a little while since it was a long time ago since you smelled the Lavender flowers and Discord had tampered with the effects to make you smaller for the spa. Probably in an hour or two Discord’s magic will lift, and you’ll be back to normal. I’ll handle the moon for now,” she said.

Luna felt a spark of relief flood into her. After the long day she had, a break was something she could definitely use. But before the two could depart, something caught her eye “Sister, do not forget about them,” Luna said, pointing to the still shrunken forms of Lionheart and Storm Striker. Celestia turned around, spotting the pair still on the table, and stifled a giggle. They had fallen asleep, their bellies full of the delicious desserts they had the pleasure of eating.

Celestia, being as gentle as possible, unfurled her wing from her side and scooped up her two tiny guards, tucking them back into the warm confines of her regalia and nestled against her soft fur so as not to disturb their sleep. The sun princess smiled to herself and set off, carrying her three shrunken passengers as she exited though the kitchen and back towards her quarters to lower the sun and raise the moon.

The next day

Princess Luna yawned as she opened her balcony doors and stepped outside into the crisp, cool air. Now back to her proper size after the eventful day she had prior. Celestia had been right, after about an hour she had returned to her normal size and her magic was restored. The first thing the lunar princess did was issue an order that night court was canceled for personal reasons. The second thing she did was take an extra-long bubble bath in steaming hot water, accompanied by her royal rubber duck captain of the seas, Captain Ducky.

Luna could practically feel the tension melt away in the tub that had accumulated throughout the day. As she swam though the waters, she had drifted her mind around, trying to come up with new prank ideas. But ultimately, she decided to make that tomorrow’s problem, she was simply too tired to worry about it. With the following day now here, Luna was debating about starting the day off with putting itching powder in all of Celestia’s shampoo or maybe some hot sauce in her toothpaste. It’d have to be something simple to get Celestia’s guard down before she retaliated with a prank of the same caliber that her sister had pulled.

She looked to the sky, spotting the moon in its usual place, glowing brightly in the sky and illuminating the kingdom with its soft white glow. Luna glanced over at the opposing tower but frowned. Celestia wasn’t there yet. “Oh well,” Luna thought as she lit up her horn “I may have to pick up your slack dear sister. We do have a tight schedule to keep after all,” But as Luna lowered the moon over the horizon and prepared to bring up the sun, the sun did indeed come up without her interference, glowing with Celestia’s signature golden glow of her magic. Luna smiled, relieved that she didn’t have to step in. She turned her head over to Celestia’s balcony once more, expecting to see her there. But, to her surprise, she was still not over on her side. “I’m beginning to wonder if Tia just got lazy today and simply raised the sun from her bed,” Luna thought with amusement.

As she prepared to head back inside her room to grab a snack before heading to sleep, Luna felt the ground shake, wobbling her around. Her legs shaking from the vibration “What was that?” Luna exclaimed with alarm. It wasn’t long before low, thunderous thuds filled their air, causing the entire mountain to shake.


Luna grabbed onto the balcony ledge to steady herself amidst the trembling. And to her shock, she saw almost instantly what was causing the disturbance.

Celestia. Now standing almost as tall as Canterlot Mountain itself, making her way over to Luna’s side of the castle. Celestia reached down with her wing and plucked up Luna in her mighty grasp, the balcony crumbling away from the sheer force from the gigantic wing.

“Good morning, Luna!” Celestia boomed pleasantly “Are you ready to spend the day with your really big sister again?”

“Tia! What do you think you’re doing?! Unhoof me this instant!!” Luna yelled, wiggling fruitlessly in the iron grip “We agreed no more size magic!”

“Ah, Ah, Ah. We agreed to no more shrinking Lulu. I don’t recall us saying growing ourselves was off limits,” Celestia responded cheekily, winking down at Luna, who was left gob smacked at the realization. It was technically true. Celestia let out a booming laugh as she dropped Luna into her chest fluff and stomped away, Luna squeaking out in frustration at the fact that she had gotten bested twice in a row during their prank war.

As the now giant sized Celestia passed by her window as she was stomping off, two tiny figures on her bedroom dresser were watching her leave.

“So…when do you think she’ll remember about us?” A still shrunken Lionheart asked, scooping up a hooffull of cake from the gigantic slice Celestia had given him as payment. Sitting next to him was a still equally tiny Storm Striker, who was busy going to town on his own giant slice of cake “I don’t know. Hopefully before we finish off this awesome cake," he replied. The two guards settled back, enjoying their hard-earned treats as they watched out the window in the distance, The gargantuan Celestia was eager to make up the lost points she had lost during the prank war, much to the dismay of Luna.

Author's Note:

This is part 2 of the trade done with Tsitra360. Based off of this picture. Scenes and ideas were provided for me.

Comments ( 8 )

Why isn’t there a Twilight Sparkle tag when she’s already in the cover art?

Because she only had one speaking line to match the picture, unlike Shining and Cadence. Other than that she really wasn't in the story much so I didn't really see any reason to add the tag

I can deny it no longer!:twilightangry2:

I am smol.:trollestia:

Oh yeah lol. She definitely enjoyed giving Luna her comeuppance :D

As soon as I read the promise Luna insisted on, I knew one of them would make themselves gigantic for the follow-up of the primary antics.

Lol glad you figured it out

Truth be told, I actually figured that it would finish with Luna doing that, but it works just as well.

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