• Published 21st Sep 2023
  • 1,328 Views, 7 Comments

Winds of Change - BadassWaffle

Hitch burdened by the relentless stress of his duties in Maretime Bay confronts the shadows of his own heart and discovers an unexpected love in the midst of chaos and self-doubt. Will he find redemption, or will the darkness find him instead?

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Redemption, or...


Stress is how we react when we feel under pressure or threatened. It usually happens when we are in a situation that we don't feel we can manage or control. Stress can be seen as any type of change that causes physical, emotional or psychological strain.

For Hitch, stress was part of his job.

Being the sheriff of Maretime Bay came with its usual stress; making sure everything is in order that is. It could range from something as simple as paperwork, to planning and executing huge projects. With Bridlewood and Zephyr Heights technology, more and more projects came. More modernization was introduced, as well as building ideas. As sheriff, being the lead in approval for new buildings and structures, the process involved many aspects. First was of course the land itself. It needed to be approved in terms of structural integrity, and showed no significant organism life of any endangered species. This could take several weeks.

Another was the process of shutting certain parts of the town down for the workponies to be able to get the materials into the construction zone. This would require multiple barriers and constant motion based patrolling, making sure nopony crossed the restricted zones.

But let’s not forget the most tolling activity as sheriff as of recent. Protests and even riots. There seemed to be a new crowd outside the office every day now, with some sort of different problem. There have been a rare few times where ponies would get physical, but as said, that was rare. The times that it did, Hitch had to intervene, and uphold the law. Once, he had a pony come after him in an argument between him and some townsponies that were complaining of the main waterline work noise being done to cope with the new and modern apartments being built. The mare was a unicorn who was upset from the noise, to which Hitch had no control over. She then got physical, pushing him back towards the office door. After warning her several times, he pushed back, setting her on the ground. When noticing her horn lighting up, Hitch quickly got a magic preventing device that he quickly coupled around her horn, to which the crowd was shocked, tainting his image as a worthy law enforcement officer. These events were quickly degrading his reputation in the town.

But he had no choice.

Lastly, was his friends.

Somehow his friends added to his stress. He wasn’t really sure why this was, but it felt almost worse than dealing with the public.

He didn’t understand why Izzy being so happy and excited all the time annoyed him. Maybe it was because she was loud?

He couldn’t wrap his head around as to why Pipp was on his nerves. She was so nice and always offered to help whenever he seemed dull. Maybe it was because she was always on her phone?

Sunny… had the biggest impact on him. He hated himself so much, having to admit that. She was just so naive and always tried to see the ‘bright side’ of things. How the hell did she manage to just waltz through all the bad times! Absolutely ridiculous… whatever…

Lastly was Zipp… who… didn’t annoy him at all? Or, well, not really. She would often notice Hitch’s changes in his behavior, pulling him aside to see if there was anything that was bothering him, to which he declined. She would then ask a second time, but would back off after Hitch again said that he was okay. Maybe it was because she was lenient, or she was so neutral on things.

…Or perhaps it was because he found her attractive… Yeeaaahhh…

He can’t remember when he started feeling this way, but he just loved everything about the pegasus. Her colors were so bright and beautiful. She was always there for him, often becoming more relaxed around him. She usually had a more ‘cool’ attitude with the group. But when it was just the two of them, she relaxed. The side he himself saw was a rare sight. Every now and then he’d catch her in some sort of act that made him wonder if she felt the same, whether it be hugging or touching each other for just a little longer, being closer in proximity, or by just staring. The only moment that shifted him slightly off the fence about it was when they were working together at his apartment on a new filing method. One minute they were looking at the computer, sitting on the couch together, the next minute Hitch woke up to see them leaning against each other, Zipp’s wing around him. However he didn’t want to get his hopes up, and just wrote it off as her instincts.

At this moment, Hitch was walking out of his office, seeing a crowd once again.

It was 5:30, he was clocked out of his shift and put on standby, which meant he technically did not have to intervene. His face was of pure uninterest, eyes half lidded, head hanging lower than usual. He simply turned right, going down the main walkway towards the direction of Canterlogic. When getting to the halfway point to the factory, he turned left to see one of the new big and modern buildings; his apartment, 10X Maretime Bay. The structure was pure white, with soft ambient lighting making its way up in between the huge frameless glass windows that were flush with the building. But before he could hold up his keyfob, he was stopped by a throat clearing.

With a very slow and tired move, he turned around, and saw the last pony he wanted to see right now.


He felt bad that he felt this way with her. This was his childhood best friend that he was not happy to see right now. She had all the feats of a great friend. She was loyal, always supportive, attractive, way too nice, and always willing to do anything. She always had Hitch in her grasp of friendship. He always saved her when she needed it. He knew that she would stand by his side in confidence, no matter what the outcome might be. Hitch's mind wandered to the memories of happier times, when he and Sunny would share laughter and stories on much more relaxed afternoons. He missed those days, the simplicity of their friendship.

But why did he have such a strong feeling to just push her away right now? Why did he hate the fact that she was smiling?

“Hitch! Hitchy Hitch Hitch. How are we?”

‘Oh my god if she says my name one more time…’ Hitch got progressively more agitated.

“...*sigh*... Fine Sunny. What do you want?”

“Whoah, nothing Hitch, I just saw you and I wanted to see if you were okay.”

Her concern made him snap instantly.

“You know what, Sunny? Why don’t you just go away, okay? You have the audacity to come and ask me how my day was or how I am or whatever you asked me, and you know full well as I do how it’s been. You know my reputation is being damaged by angry ponies because of construction, you know that all I do now is get yelled at and scrutinized by others. You know I hate all of it. Why would you think it’s such a grand idea to ask me if I am okay!”

The moment of silence was deafening… “...Nevermind Hitch…” Sunny said, her words wavering due to her near ready-to-cry expression. She walked away, not even giving him a chance to respond.

But Hitch didn’t care. ‘Good, walk away.’

Hitch then took his keyfob out of his bag again and held it up to the doors of 10X, gaining access once the system recognized which resident it was. The glass doors slid open, and after entering, the above speakers greeted him. “Welcome home, Hitch Trailblazer.”

When reaching the top floor, he finally took a deep breath, getting to his apartment. The modern unit immediately helped him relax. He was now alone, and didn’t have to stress. The apartment radiated a sense of calm, with the soft ambient lighting casting a gentle glow across the sleek white walls. The muted hum of technology and the distant sound of seagulls created an atmosphere of tranquility.

Well… that was until he heard a very loud knocking sound at his… balcony doors? ‘Wait, the balcony?’

Looking to the glass, he saw Zipp, who looked pissed.

He walked over to the door, flipping the lock, stepping back to let Zipp slide it open herself.

Immediately, when the door slid open, she went after him. The atmosphere in the room seemed to change with Zipp's presence. The air crackled with tension, and even the gentle hum of the apartment's ventilation system sounded somehow louder in the charged silence. But when Zipp spoke, it felt like a shockwave. “Hitch are you out of your damn mind?!”

As Zipp's voice echoed against the apartment's sleek walls, Hitch couldn't help but feel the contrast between the elegant decor and the raw emotion in the air. Her harsh words made him wince. Due to him not really having a problem with her, Zipp being angry scared him a little.


“Why did you make Sunny cry?” Hitch's heart raced as Zipp's voice rang through the room like a gunshot. He felt a shiver run down his spine as her words cut through the air, leaving an uncomfortable tension in their wake.

He was lost at first, but then rolled his eyes involuntarily as Zipp delivered her ultimatum. He couldn't shake off the feeling of being cornered, as if her words were pushing him to confront truths he'd rather ignore. “Zipp, a few things. One, I don’t need you flying up to my apartment to yell at me. Two, I don’t need you butting into my relationships with my friends. And three, don’t tell me how to live my life, okay?”

“First, I came up here to not only yell at you, but to kick your ass if you don’t listen to me. Second, I’m gonna butt into your relations because soon, you won’t have any. And third, I will tell you how to live if you keep being an ass to everypony.”

Every sentence Zipp spoke, each step she took, her hoofbeats seemed to echo in Hitch's ears, the sound magnified by his pounding heart. The closer she got to Hitch, he lowered his rear a little bit, becoming more and more afraid with each step. He had never seen Zipp this angry before. She was usually laid back, the colors of her fur and mane reflecting her brightened attitude. But right now, she seemed dimmed, her colors more washed out. Hitch wrestled with his own inner turmoil, torn between his desire to keep his distance and a growing urge to share his struggles.

Hitch’s eyes shifted between hers, “Y-... you don’t understand Zipp.”

She noticed Hitch’s state. She knew that something was wrong with him. Bad cop wasn’t working. Zipp's body language shifted as she got closer to Hitch, her tense posture easing into a more open stance. Her wings, usually a symbol of her confidence, now rested at her sides. “Hitch… what’s wrong?”

“I… I-I… I just…” He couldn’t find the words. Zipp was worried about him?

“Hitch, something is wrong with you, and I know the past month or so you haven’t been at 100% because of all the complaining from the town, but… you’re pushing everypony away that wants to help.” Zipp now moved very close to Hitch, causing him to sit down, leaning back against the wall. She then grabbed his body and pulled it towards hers, hugging him, leaning her head against his.

Hitch didn’t know what to do or how to feel. Zipp… a royal pony, a princess, the future queen, was currently hugging him.

A silent tear fell down his left cheek.

When he spoke, his voice didn’t sound as if he was crying, but his eyes definitely showed the opposite. “I just… it’s been so hard lately Zipp. I don’t know how I haven’t just given up yet. The work is too much for any pony to try and complete. I hate being alone, I hate all of the complaining and violence put against my badge. I hate that my reputation is falling… I hate my life.”

Immediately after hearing this, Zipp separated from Hitch, her arms still at his sides. She intervened right away. “Hitch, don’t you dare say that. You have an amazing life. You have an amazing job, this beautiful apartment, and you have four friends who are terribly worried about you, but are too afraid to talk to you on the off-chance that you might say something that you’ll regret.. All we want is for you to be happy. But right now, you aren’t and I’m here to fix that.”

The smile she gave him felt like it could stop time. The fact that her ears were pinned against her head didn’t help, she was just so cute.

All Hitch could do was dart his eyes all over the place. He looked at her eyes, and then her smile, and then back up to her eyes, repeating this process multiple times.

Zipp's smile, once radiant, wavered like a flame in a breeze. Her eyes, usually bright and full of life, dimmed as if a cloud passed over them. They dropped slightly, veiling the emotions that were playing across her features. With a soft exhale, she closed her eyes, as if preparing herself for something that required immense courage.

What happened next caused time to really stop at the perfect moment. The whole room was softly illuminated by the setting sun by the oceanline, and the ambient light strips on the ceiling. The room was completely quiet, the perfect temperature surrounding them.

In the silence that followed, the room seemed to hold its breath, the air growing thicker with anticipation. The gentle hum of the ventilation system was the only audible sound, the room's soft illumination casting a warm glow over the scene.

With a determined inhale, Zipp shifted forward, the movement both subtle and deliberate. It was as if the weight of the moment pressed upon her shoulders, yet she carried it with a grace that spoke of her resolve. Her breath mingled with Hitch's, the proximity between them charged with an energy that was difficult to define.

In those fleeting seconds before their lips met, time itself seemed to pause, allowing the intensity of their emotions to fully manifest. Hitch's heart pounded like a drum, each beat echoing in his ears as his senses became acutely attuned to the presence before him.

Their lips finally connected, the touch soft and gentle, a fragile bridge between their hearts. It wasn't just a physical meeting; it was a collision of feelings, a declaration that defied words. Zipp's lips were warm against Hitch's, carrying with them a promise of understanding and companionship.

Zephyrina Storm, the future Queen of Zephyr Heights, was currently locked in a kiss with the Sheriff of Maretime Bay.

It was soft, with little to no pressure. Zipp’s eyes were closed, her head tilted to the right to make the kiss more comfortable.

All Hitch could do was stare wide-eyed.

But when Zipp started to put pressure into him, he was knocked out of his stupor, as his eyes now closed, returning the kiss.

Zipp now wrapped her arms around his neck, her wings now fully extended.

Hitch put his hooves right under her wings, avoiding contact, knowing how sensitive they can be. Once he did so, she put them back down over his hooves, as if to warm them up on a cold winter's day.

The taste of the Pegasus was sweet like candy, causing him to want more, continuing the kiss in a sudden burst of confidence.

After minutes of the silent kiss, it deepened further, with a symphony of emotions played out in the silent space between them. Hitch's pulse quickened, each heartbeat aligning with the rhythm of their shared experience. He could feel Zipp's breath, a steady cadence that harmonized with his own.

As if staged, the integrated speakers played soft music, set to play at the current time.

In this suspended moment, their connection transcended the physical act, delving into a realm where their souls met. Time flowed like honey, stretching the seconds into eternity. Every sensation, every nuance, seemed magnified, as if etched into their memories with the permanence of a painting.

Eventually, their lips parted, creating a bittersweet distance that held the promise of more to come. Their eyes met, each reflecting the emotions of the other, a mirror to their unspoken bond. Zipp's smile returned, a beacon of hope and possibility, and Hitch's expression softened, revealing vulnerability he had long kept hidden.

The room seemed to release its collective breath, the atmosphere no longer charged with tension but infused with a newfound understanding. It was a kiss that had spoken volumes, a bridge forged between two souls that had weathered their own storms.

Zipp's wings, once held close, unfurled as if echoing the expansion of their connection. Her features held a mixture of affection and determination, a testament to her unwavering support. And Hitch, for the first time in, well, a while, felt a weight lift off his shoulders, replaced by a warmth that spread from his chest to his hooftips.

Though words had been absent from the exchange, their hearts had communicated a truth that transcended mere language. It was a beginning, a promise, a shared journey into uncharted territories of their feelings. And as they stood there, facing each other, they were no longer two separate entities but two spirits united by the thread of their emotions.

Hitch then let go of her body. Zipp however, kept her arms around his neck, keeping their muzzles no more than an inch apart.

They were panting.

“Wh… what just happened?”

“You said that you hated your life, and I find that hard to believe, so I decided to remind you of one of the many reasons as to why I know you don’t.”

“Which is…”

Zipp rolled her eyes, muttering at first. “Oh my-... me dummy!”

The giggle from the mare made him smile in embarrassment.

“Hitch, we’ve been friends for a very long time, and I know we have grown much closer as of recently. I… well, I started noticing it about a day after we brought Equestria back to its former glory when other mares would talk to you and flirt… But I knew that we had something, and I thought you did too, which led me to where we are now... Plus I thought that kissing you would maybe reset you? Ehheh…” She looked at him sheepishly, “I just hope you realize that even if you don’t feel the same way, I wanted you to know how important you are to me, and hopefully I actually am a reason for you not to hate your life. I’ll always have your back Hitch. I’m with you to the end of time buddy.”

Hitch looked into the mare’s eyes. All he could see was honesty. He smiled. “Well, I guess you’re right. That little stunt of yours worked.”

Zipp’s eyes lit up. “It did?”

“Admittingly yes.”

Zipp took her left hoof off of his neck, pumping it up into the air. “Good! Perfect! Yeah!” Shortly after she recomposed her giddiness.

“So, you, like, like like me?”

Zipp could only smile when he looked back up to her, hope in his words.

“*sigh* Yes Hitch, I like you a lot.”

“And you felt like this after we fixed Equestria?” He asked.

“Well, that… and since we met?...”


“Yeeeaaahhh, sorry.”

“So like, what now? What do we do about this?”

“I don’t know about you sheriff, but you’re mine.” Zipp said jokingly.

“O-oh… well that’s fine.”

“Wait actually? You would date me?”

For the first time today, Hitch smiled. He can’t remember the last time he did. “Of course I would Zipp. You are just so fun to be with, and you always are so easygoing. Plus, you are sooo beautiful. I could spend forever with you.”

This got an aww from the princess. She then held out her arms, extending her wings again fully, wanting a hug, to which Hitch returned.

“I… I love you, sheriff.”

“Really now? Little fast, ain’t it?” Hitch’s smirk was short lived when Zipp jabbed his side

“C’mon, you know you love me too.”

“Can’t argue with that.”

When the next track in the que played through the apartment's speakers, it once again felt like it was staged.

“There’s just one more thing Hitch.”

Hitch leaned back from the hug. He didn’t separate from her, but he leaned back far enough to see Zipp’s face.

“Are you finally ready to talk about your stress? About everything that’s going on? And apologize to Sunny?”

Hitch's chest tightened as he replayed his recent interactions in his mind. He saw how he had distanced himself from his friends, realizing that his stress had driven him to isolate himself. Taking a deep breath, Hitch knew he had to make things right. He had hurt Sunny with his words, and he needed to show her that he cared. It was time to confront his own mistakes.

With one deep breath, he nodded. He was ready to get back on track.

Author's Note:

Hi everyone. I hope that you enjoyed this story. I've had this story done and ready for a little over a year now. I just haven't posted it because I wanted the other stories before this one to have priority... and because the cover art wasn't ready up until a few hours ago.

I hope that you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. I wanted this story to have more detail, like an extended scene with Sunny in the beginning of the story, or maybe a followthrough with her at the end. However I feel like that would have diluted the story, and gotten it off track, resulting in readers giving up halfway through the story.

Anyways, enough about what could have been, and more of what is to come. I will be back soon.

For now, be your best you. :)

Comments ( 6 )

Hitch then took his keyfob out of his bag again and held it up to the doors of 10X, gaining access once the system recognized which resident it was. The glass doors slid open, and after entering, the above speakers greeted him. “Welcome home, Hitch Trailblazer.”

Hitch has a smart home? Well, it's cannon that he has a paid off mortgage so...

“You know what, Sunny? Why don’t you just go away, okay? You have the audacity to come and ask me how my day was or how I am or whatever you asked me, and you know full well as I do how it’s been. You know my reputation is being damaged by angry ponies because of construction, you know that all I do now is get yelled at and scrutinized by others. You know I hate all of it. Why would you think it’s such a grand idea to ask me if I am okay!”

Whoa ok you didn't have to go blowing up and take your frustration I mean yeah I get it I work in a restaurant and people will get upset with you if they don't get it right away or they're not satisfied but still you didn't have to go that far you know better than the people who yells at you as they always say two wrongs doesn't make a right

Dang that was pretty sad and also sweet at the same time so it looks like hitch is having some problems lately and it doesn't help the other ponies in town are giving him so much trouble and he really wanted to be so distant with others he even yelled at Sunny to leave him alone which that was mean and everything but I guess he was just stressed out but then zipp came over and called him out as well but then they finally chilled out and actually talked to each other but after a few moments they shared feelings with each other and even having crush with each other which that's pretty cute now he has to apologize to Sunny and the others about his outburst well I would say this was a pretty nice one keep up the good work

I really like to see Hitch x Zipp stuff, since I ship them. Zipp and Hitch seem like they could end up being a couple in the future of the show. But anyway, this was pretty cute.

This was phenomenal! Insanely well written and really hitting the feels. Love your work Waffle.

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