• Published 26th Sep 2023
  • 239 Views, 3 Comments

Diary of a Lost Pilot [EaW] - Sillything

(Based on the Equestria at War HOI4 mod.) The diary written by Glacier Breeze, a mare sent to provide air support to the Kirians during their civil war

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A Look Into a Different World

-8th July, 1009-

Mom gave me this diary as a final send-off before I flew out to a new world. I didn't want it, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to keep track of my stories, gotta make sure I knew what to brag about, right?

Anyways, I've been sent to help the Kirian government with their little uprising, me and the other pilots are betting on how soon we'll be back home. I say we'll be back by Nightmare Night.

-10th July, 1009-

We made it, it was a long journey but we've finally landed in the dirt airstrip that was built for us. Unfortunately, the planes we were given are a little outdated, a few of the "Thunderbolts", as the locals are calling us, had issues landing with the heavier landing gear of the Gladiators. But we made it, can wait to see the welcoming party awaiting us!

-11th July, 1009-

Talk about a party, no wonder the Kirians are known for their celebrations, I don't think I've ever had so much fun in one day!

Well, unfortunately duty calls, today was our last day together on the ground for a while, but it shouldn't be all that long before we're back in our beds like nothing ever happened.

-15 July, 1009-

Sorry for the wait, haven't had anything fun to say. The skies down here are so much clearer, I can see forever in every direction almost! But that's besides the point, I had my first proper assignment today! Around lunchtime, me and a handful of mares all took off to provide some air support to the Kirians.

It was funny, seeing them fighting with mussle-loaded rifles, repeating guns, and machine guns older than I am. It almost looked like a story grandpa would have told me! But this time, it wasn't the rambling of an old man, it was real combat.

I'm lucky the other guys use a different color uniform, or I'd have no way of telling who I'm supposed to drop a bomb on!

Oh well, just another day of saving lives.

-2nd July, 1009-

I think one of the mares in town likes me, every time I'm in town she manages to bump into me, and she always has this really interesting look on her face, maybe she's just amazed at how cool I am! But seriously, it's been 4 times now we've met somewhere in the same way, one of us goes through a door or down a hall, and the other is standing there already. I guess it's just destiny we meet or something!

-18th July, 1009-

The war is starting to heat up, I'm rarely ever at base now, the populace seems worried about how well their enemies are doing.

They shot at me today, the didn't hit me, but it came way too close for comfort. I think I'll go to bed early tonight.

-12th August, 1009-

Things aren't going better, losses are rising, the only Kirian airship supporting us was shot down by a sniper, I watched the captain fall out of the basket, and I don't think he survived the drop.

The fighter squadron lost two pilots, a Mare and a Stallion. I think they were siblings, both were shot down by a machine-gunner on the hilltop we were supposed to bomb, I guess we weren't fast enough. I didn't know either of them, but I hope their family takes the news well.

-19th September, 1009-

I'm still here, the war has gone horribly. The airfields we landed in were seized yesterday, we had to land on a dirt road no better than the path to an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere, I almost flipped my plane over just landing it.

They found the remains of the airship. No survivors, the supplies had already been looted by the time anycreature got there.

I wanna go home.

-22nd September, 1009-

We lost another fighter, shot down on a reconnaissance mission. Apparently the first two that went down were intact enough to be salvaged. The other guys have fighters now, and they've taken most of the Kirian industry too now, the army has had to revert from modern guns back to muzzle-loaded guns again. I heard rumors about a plan to dig a big long trench somewhere out west, trying to get ready for a final stand I guess?

Who knows, I'm just ready for the war to be over with.

-10th October, 1009-

So much for being home by Nightmare Night, I was just told we might be here another year or two at this rate. Oh well, guess mom will have to celebrate without her daughter this year. I'll write her a letter, if I can find any good way to send it in this forsaken place.

-15th October, 1009-

I found that Kirian mare again, ran into her on my way into the nearest town to find a post-office. Said she left her home to get away from the other kirians. I was a little too stunned to speak, once that town fell I considered her dead. I don't know what came over me, but I think I just stared at her for a while silently. My chest has felt warm all day, I think I'm getting sick, where's a doctor when you need one?

-21st October, 1009-

It happened again! I ran into her, and couldn't even speak properly, my words sounded like I had drank a whole bar's worth today, but I was as sober as ever! Am I getting sicker? Did she poison me somehow? What's going on? This whole country is confusing.

Either way, the tea she made for us was great, I think we all want a little more, or maybe all the pilots are just touch-starved and begging for attention. I know I certainly could use some loving right about now.

-1st December, 1009-

Forgot to write for a while. 4 more pilots went down, as well as one of our bombers. This war keeps getting worse, the only thing keeping me here is knowing that I can't go back home if I run away, what would I say to dad? He'd disown me if he knew his own daughter couldn't live up to his flying ace legacy. Maybe I could get a fake identity? Dye my fur, grow my mane out even longer, take some voice lessons? Surely I can get out of this somehow.

That mare came back with more tea, said its good for our heads. I hope so, I haven't slept in a few days.

-2nd January, 1010-

Not home for another holiday. Still haven't found that post-office, I'd ask somepony else to send it home for me, but they can't get anything home either. Ran into that mare once again, she finally told me her name, and now I can't get it out of my head.

"Emerald Gold", such a lovely name. I think I'll sleep good tonight.

-3rd January, 1010-

While I was out on a walk, Emerald found me again, she asked if we could walk together and I barely managed to stammer out an answer. I think I'm going mad, my whole body feels hot, even in the dead of winter! I hope it's not a disease, I don't wanna get my whole squadron sick while we're setting up our new base in the coty of Verdant.

Anyways, we walked together for a while, Kirian architecture is beautiful, so is the language. I think I'm gonna try learning some in my free time to surprise my new friend.

-18th January, 1010-

Went on another walk with Emerald, I think something snapped in me. She called me out for looking at her the whole time and instead of saying something witty like usual, I just told her everything.

She said I wasn't sick, I just had "feelings". Well, needless to say, she was more than open to talking with me through those "feelings" into the late hours of the night.

-3rd February, 1010-

2 more pilots dead, both from my squadron. I didn't see them go down, but I sure heard their planes go down. I heard them scream over the radio for help, and I almost broke down while they burned on the ground. I wish I could do more to help, but all I can do is pray to Celestia they live somewhere happier after today.

-9th February, 1010-

Had another quiet night out with Emerald, she was giving me lessons on the local language (on my insistent asking), it's definitely harder than I had thought, even the writing looks complex. It gives me something other than sit and stare at the ceiling to do though.

I think I'm gonna ask Emerald out to lunch tomorrow.

-10th February, 1010-

She said yes! It was the best lunch I've ever had, but it was probably because she was there with me, even though the food was too hot for my taste. When I was on my way back to base, Emerald gave me a kiss on the cheek, and I almost had to stuff my face in my uniform to hide how red it got. I'd pay a trillion bits for this night to never end.

Oh well, guess I'll have to ask her out for more food!

-3rd March, 1010-

Supplies at base are starting to run low. The surviving fighters are having to share ammo, and some of the bombers are almost empty. Fuel is getting tight too, we've been cut down to limited operations, only striking when we have to now. At least the cold is starting to clear up, the skies should get a lot easier to fly in now!

-25th March, 1010-

4 more were downed. The air support squadron is starting to get thin. Two of us got in a fight last night, both sent to the makeshift pile of corpses we call an infirmary.

We're going mad over here, the only thing keeping me from flying away is knowing I get to see Emerald again.

-6th April, 1010-

I had to support the defenders at Wateroats today. One of my closest friends in the squadron was shot down. He was talking to me about his family last night, he had a wife and two colts.

Now he has nothing, I saw him go down, he'd be lucky to still be in one piece after the crash.

I feel sick, I haven't slept in days again. I keep thinking I'm hearing air raids, but there's never anycreature there.

I miss my family.

-20th May, 1010-

The bombers have been grounded, they're out of ammunition. Half the fighters are grounded for the same reason. I had to support Wateroats again, two more pilots dead right in front of me, and I can't get the screaming of kirians running from my own bombs out of my head.

I almost shot a stallion today, everyone is on pins and needles around base, I don't blame them.

Emerald made us more of that tea, it almost feels like it has healing powers of some kind, I almost immediately feel better after I drink it. Maybe thays just because she made it though.

-19th July, 1010-

Nothing new has happened, I've bombed outside Wateroats so many times I think the other guys know my face by now. It doesn't matter if they do or not, none of them have lived to tell the tale.

I'd brag about how many I've taken down, but I'm too stressed to count. I've bombed them so many times I don't even feel anything anymore, the only time I ever feel anything is when Emerald comes to visit.

-21st August, 1010-

I did it. I finally worked up the courage and asked Emerald Gold to be my marefriend. After some careful consideration, she said yes! I've never been so happy before! We spent all night together, curled up under the stars as we talked about the future we had together.

-1st September, 1010-

The whole squadron ran out of bombs. We had to abandon Wateroats, they keep hitting it faster than we can reload, and now we have no reason to fly really. Commander said we're gonna start doing recon missions since we can't shoot the enemy now, I hope I get sent somewhere nice and quiet.

-9th September, 1010-

I was shot down 3 days ago. Out of ammo and low on fuel, I began heading back to base. Turns out I was being followed, before I could get away both of my wings were shot off and I nose-dived straight into a river. Luckily I got out before my cockpit flooded, but I had to walk for 3 days to get home.

Of course, when I did there was a celebration party, hard crackers and stale meat for everypony! Luckily the doctors from Verdant were kind enough to look me over. Guess those language lessons really paid off this time, or else I'd never have known which roads got me here.

-11th October, 1010-

I've been in the local hospital for a month. Turns out I broke my hind legs in the crash and was just too high on adrenaline to feel it. Doctors did what they could but said I'd never be completely okay. I'm being sent home next week, which means I've only got a week left with Emerald.

Speaking of her, she's been visiting me every day, doing her own little checkups when the doctors aren't listening, feeding me soups and drinks when we're alone. I love all the attention, but I hate that I can't do anything to return the favor.

Maybe I can get her out with me since her home was lost to the war?

-16th October, 1010-

I did it, I survived the war. I'm on the boat home now. Unfortunately, Emerald couldn't make it with me, but I gave her my address so we can keep in touch, turns out there was a post-office in town the whole time!

Oh well, time to put on the heroic face and act like I can walk straight again, because home is awaiting!

Author's Note:

It isn't my best work, but I've wanted to write again for really long while, and with the new EaW update I couldn't help myself but to write more!

Let me know if you wanna see me write more about Glacier Breeze and Emerald Gold, I've got plans to already.

Comments ( 3 )

Oh no! Somebody used the EAW title... I really hope you mind me using "Equestria At War" as a title of a fanfic in the very distant future, I swear I am not trying to copy you.

great story mate keep it up cant wait for the next story you're writing:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

He just survived the training

The real war is about to start far closer then he could think of.

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