• Published 5th Oct 2023
  • 5,198 Views, 284 Comments

When A Scientist Becomes A Pony - SamParks10

Dr. Nikolai Volkov, one of the world's most renowned scientist experiments on time travel but ends up dying in an accident. He wakes up as an equinous creature in a strange forest. Embracing his newfound existence, he ventures the unknown.

  • ...


"Slept well Barky?" I asked feeling much better after the two hours rest.

It whined as it nuzzled me and laid back down trying to stay awake but kept dozing off.

I suppose the timber like wolf creatures need more then two hours of sleep unlike myself.

"It's alright, just rest for now. I wont stray too far from shelter." I said softly as I petted it's leaves which were surprisingly soft and felt nice to touch.

It made yipping sounds of joy and fell asleep quickly, the wind it exhaled reminded me of the refreshing scent of autumn leaves.

I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of birds chirping and water flowing from a nearby river.
It felt relaxing, well apart from the occasional growls and hisses of predators fighting each other for territory.

"I wonder what food your kind consumes?" I wondered as I stroked its bark textured head with my hooves like one would do to a cat or dog.

I hadn't seen it consume anything so far other then water.
I had assumed at first that it would have a plant based diet like myself but I supposed that would be similar to cannibalism for some creature made of tree.

Although that would be a reasonable hypothesis, I believe it would be more accurate to say it is more plant like then animal.
Which leads me to conclude that it survives like a plant and performs photosynthesis.
Just like a plant, all it needs to consume physically is water.

A sudden wind blew past us and Barky whined as some of it's leaves shook and fell off due to the cold.
I created an artificial warmth using my magic and it nuzzled me in its sleep making sounds of content.

"I suppose you require a perfect temperature as well to survive just like a plant." I couldn't help but smile at the discovery.

"Never thought I would find a plant this cute."

"Alright! Time to do some research! I will be back Barky." I got up.

Walking on hooves instead of legs felt natural to me now.

I left an ugly looking flower I experimented with earlier beside Barky.
I suppose it could just sniff it and find where I was since it was similar to a dog.

My objective today was to find out other non poisonous edible food that wasn't grass.
While grass itself wasn't problematic to eat, I can't have it all the time,

Imagine having to eat mint flavored gum for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
While there is nothing wrong with mint flavored gum on its own, it's not something you can have all the time.

Although my eating habits were quite terrible as a human, even I would rather starve then have nothing but mint gums.
To put it simply, plain grass was getting old and I needed more variety in my diet.

I will perform what I like to call the five minutes test to test out if something is poisonous or safe to eat.

1) Observe: Stay 5 minutes at a close proximity to test sample.
2) Touch: Gently touch with hoof for 5 minutes.
3)Hold: Hold it for 5 minutes firmly. (I cannot explain how but it feels natural to hold things with hooves.)
4) Magic: Use magic to feel for any unusual traces of energy lingering around sample.
5) Taste: Lick and wait to see if any adverse reaction or burning sensation on tongue within 5 minutes.
6) Chew: Chew and then wait for 5 minutes.
7) Consume: If there is no adverse reaction and the sample tastes edible, should be suitable to consume.

Magic played a significant role in my experiment and it was easy to distinguish the flora of the poisonous variety.
Other then a slight rash on my hooves, I was perfectly fine by the end.

My conclusions are to put it in simple terms as such:

1) Stay away from anything colorful including most flowers other then the yellow ones which are safe to eat but tastes terrible.
2) Anything green is safe.
3) The ugly looking brown twine filled with holes, despite its appearance is the most delicious having a taste similar to that of coconuts but sweeter

I carried the good samples back with magic which makes transporting items very convenient.

"Sorry it took a while. I am back Barky!" I called out as I arranged the newly procured food.
I was met with silence.

"Barky?" I called out again but grew worried as it didn't come running circles around me like it usually did to greet me.

I let go of my supplies and used my magic to create markings of it's vacuoles from traces left behind on fallen twigs.

I followed the trace for a while but then met a dead end.
The trees looked more colorful and flowers much more vibrant then were I had my shelter at.

I heard the sound of falling twigs and excited howls and turned to look.

I gaped in surprise at what I saw.
Barky brought back a friend!

He and another timber wolf rushed towards me with glowing green eyes and carried something in their mouths.
I embraced them both in a hug as they pounced excitedly on me.

"I thought a predator attacked you. Glad you are alright." I sighed in relief.
"Having an assistant is vital for a researcher after all."

I glanced curiously at the basket they brought to me.
"Sweet Apple Acres? Where did you get this from?" I asked confused as I read the markings on the side of the basket.

Barky's friend who I promptly named Leafy considering the larger number of leaves on their head, nudged the basket closer to me as if telling me to open it.

I blinked in surprise as I saw a warm freshly baked apple pie inside.
The other basket was filled with delicious looking red apples.

"For me? Thanks! Really appreciate the present!" I tickled the underside of both of their bark jaws.

I took a slice of pie and an apple, tasting them both.

It was the most delicious bucking thing I had ever had.
The crisp red apples were fresh, sweet and juicy and the apple pie reminded me of the warm food that mom used to make for me when she was alive.

It reminded me of home and I felt tears fall for the first time in years as I ate like I had never eaten before.

"Thank you...." I sniffed as they nuzzled me offering me comfort.

After eating that, I realized that the things I had consumed so far were practically garbage.
Whoever made this was truly skilled.

I blinked as realization dawned onto me and I felt myself go pale.
"Wait...who made this?" I wondered if humans or some other sentient form of aliens could cook in this universe.

Sweet Apple Acres didn't sound like someone's name, so it must be the name of the corporation that dealt with apple and apple products based consumables.

Some kind employee must have given it as a present to my lovely pet.
Cute animals are irresistible after all.

However, I assume that they must not have known much about the diet of Barky's species since Timberwolves just need air, sunlight and water.
Well, I would happily partake in these delicacies in their place instead.

I glanced at Barky and Leafy, and saw them happily chasing each other and it took me a while to realize his friend was a female timber wolf.

I also noticed Barky made contended sounds of purring when she brushed past him.
"Oh ho ho! So that's how it is eh? Not bad Barky!" I smirked as I playfully smacked its wooden back.

Barky gave an embarrassed whine AND pushed me away.
"Hmmm....how about we go on a picnic by the riverside with that "friend" of yours?" I asked him giving special emphasis on the word friend as I nudged him playfully with my hooves.

Barky gave an annoyed growl but followed me anyways with Leafy tagging along.

I noticed how he would purposely try to slow down his pace so that she could catch up or how he would discretely kick away the rocks near her path to give her a clear way and felt my grin grow wider.

I laid down the basket by the riverside and sat down with them beside me, all of us enjoying the sight of the water that shimmered under the gentle sun rays.

The trees swayed with the gentle breeze and Barky and Leafy nuzzled each other contently while I munched on the apple.

It was such a relaxing and peaceful sight, other then the many headed snake that kept trying to snap its jaws in an attempt to bite our heads off.

I had already set up a reinforced glass barrier that shielded us from whatever was outside it.
Since the tree wolves produced oxygen and I produced carbon when I exhaled, it was a mutually beneficial personal greenhouse.

We enjoyed watching the hyra, amused by how it kept on smacking itself on the glass and its failed attempts to bite the glass off.

Well, it was mostly just me who was entertained by the sight as the timber wolves had eyes on just each other and nothing else.

The hydra gave up in frustration and made anguished weeping sounds as I cheered it on when it jumped up from the water and every single one of its head started smacking itself again on the glass before it fell back down.

It felt like watching a shark in an aquarium trying to rush past the glass barrier but not being worried since the reinforced glass ensured safety.

I finished my last apple and was surprised to find a note.

"Apples to be delivered: Sugarcube Corner, Total Price: 10 Bits." I read out aloud in horror.
"The Apples Acres seller didn't give it to you.....It was meant for someone else? Did you steal it? I thought I raised you better then that!"

They both looked away in shame and I turned pale.
"Theft is a serious offense Barky! If the Sweet Apple Acres Corporation decides to sue us, we have no" bits" to compensate then with. We likely being at the bottom of the food chain, wouldn't be able to survive in prison."

They both made sad whining sounds and I sighed.
"Don't worry about it. If caught, I will take full responsibility. Let's just get rid of the evidence for now and hope we don't get caught." I threw the basket towards the offended looking hyra who chomped at it furiously.

"Thanks Mr. Snake creature! Appreciate the help fellow accomplice!" He hissed and snarled furiously showing his enthusiastic appreciation and resolve to stick by our side no matter how it turns out in the end.

I noticed the timberwolves still looked sad.
"Don't worry about it. The food was great. Besides on the offside it goes to court, I have been to jail once so I can handle it."

They both looked at me in surprise tilting their head curiously.

"Well let's just say an experiment of mine went wrong....so I uh had to spend a night in a cell once. I explained it was a honest mistake and got out much faster though."

I said remembering the time I got arrested for arson and had to explain my hypothesis and the external factors that wasn't considered along with possible alternatives to the guard who begged me in tears to just keep quiet.

He also mentioned having a headache, poor guy.
It must be due to his stressful job so I offered him alternative solutions to a different field of employment giving detailed statistical analysis of each factor.

Seeing how he threw me out of the station in just a few hours without even having to spend the whole night in there leads me to believe he was looking forward to the results of my experiment and didn't want anything to ruin it or that he took my advice seriously and really wanted to look for a better job.

Their eyes glowed brighter in excitement as they heard my story.
"Be good now. There is no sunlight in prison." I warned and they looked horrified.

I glanced up at the orange skies enjoying the sunset.
The Hyra kept on glaring at me with all its heads as it chewed the basket to shreds.
I smiled appreciating the sincerity it showed as it helped us to dispose of the evidence really well.

"Well it's getting a bit late. See you maybe next time Snakey!" I said getting up to leave, proud of the name I came up with for the hydra.
The hydra hissed it's goodbye as we left.

I noticed Leafy happily following us as her leaves shook in happiness.

Children grow up so fast. I could already imagine having little sapling puppies running everywhere as they yipped around us and Barky and Leafy visiting me with the critters every other weekend.

"So how long till I become a grandfather?" I asked them unable to hide my grin.

They radiated heat as I felt some steam come from some of the branches.
"Oh how amusing! Is that feelings of embarrassment I detect?"

I laughed as they both growled and shoved me on the ground playfully.

Author's Note:

I know I said it would be weekly updates but "accidentally" ended up clicking on the publish button instead! ;)

(btw I do editing myself so there might be some errors)