• Published 5th Oct 2023
  • 5,242 Views, 284 Comments

When A Scientist Becomes A Pony - SamParks10

Dr. Nikolai Volkov, one of the world's most renowned scientist experiments on time travel but ends up dying in an accident. He wakes up as an equinous creature in a strange forest. Embracing his newfound existence, he ventures the unknown.

  • ...


"Hold on to your seats, esteemed Mares and Gentlecoats! Because the night has just begaaan!" The host's voice echoed as the auction hall was enveloped in darkness once more.

This could be interesting.
I brought the bowl of grapes out of my void box, to snack on as I watched.

Moon Shine refused the grapes when I offered her some, but Love Talk happily exchanged some of the popcorns she had snuck in here, for my grapes.

The light shone on a table and we blinked in confusion at the object.

"For our next object we have....." The host began as soft murmurs of confusion filled the room.

"A half-eaten cake, once enjoyed by Princess Celestia herself, preserved with magic to maintain its condition," A blue-colored pony with a pink swirly mane and tail resembling ice cream beamed with pride as she adjusted her pink mask.

"That's right! The princess of the Sun, known for her love for confectionaries had to leave in a hurry....leaving behind this delicious half eaten treasure!"

I was bewildered to notice how a large number of the audience marvelled and bidded excitedly over a half eaten cake.

I found it hard to comprehend how the bids were even higher then the night princess's personal diary.

I glanced at Moon who was slightly shaking before me in what I assume must be excitement.

She seemed to be trying not to laugh for some reason.

I was surprised, she didn't bid for this item considering the fact that it belonged to the Sun Princess but I suppose she found the Night Princess more favourable.

I thought this world was a Monarchy at first but perhaps it was a Diarchy instead.

"SOLD for Fifty!" The host announced with the striking of a hammer.

The hall was filled with hushed whispers of disbelief as the item was sold.

This is ridiculous. I would rather use fifty bits to buy five baskets of apples.
What a waste of bits.

I shook my head in disbelief as I grabbed a few more popcorns with my hoof.

Moon Shine, while hesitant at first also enjoyed the popcorns that Love Talk shared with us.

The next few items were various paintings, which I had absolutely no interest in.

A pony resemblant version of 'Mona Lisa' made the wealthier ponies go wild as they tried to outbid the other ponies, shouting over each other.

A black haired pegasus, wearing a hat put up a goblet for auction that caught the attention of several ponies.

Her wing seemed to be wrapped in bandages as she told the story of how she managed to get her hooves on it.

While her tales of adventurous exploits were entertaining, it all seemed rather far fetched.

The pony who won the auction promptly fainted after being handed the item, saying how she was a huge fan of the seller.

My thoughts strayed as I didn't find anything particularly interesting.

I wonder if Fluffy is alright....I really hope he isn't stealing more apples.

It would be a shame if I was blacklisted as a buyer from the Apple Acres Corporation.
Their apples were really delicious.

"For our next item we have....." I glanced at the stage with a bored expression, trying to stiffle my yawn.

If it was another painting.....I might as well take a nap.

"The Book on Monsters and Necromancy... "
A pale sickly looking pony with red eyes muttered as they looked back fearfully at the book behind them.

The title sounded strange but I suppose it was a fantasy genre novel, that involved monsters and necromancy.

The spotlight brought the object in clear view.

I felt my jaw drop as my eyes fell upon that beauty.

The book, appeared strangely alive. Its pages seemed to breathe, and its cover, made of a material that was either leather or fur, was adorned with sharp teeth and spider-like eyes.

I sat there, captivated, unable to take my eyes off this marvellously bizzare creature.

I gaped in astonishment as I saw it trembling violently in the cage that held it, it's pages rustling as if attempting to break free from the leather binds that restrained it's mouth.

"It....uh bites." was all that was offered in explaination as the book growled deeply.

The seller gulped, their voice shaky as they squeaked out nervously,
"Any bidders?.....please..."

It was perfect! A pet book that is likely sentient just sounds to good to be true!
I love it!

The hall was filled with a hushed uncomfortable silence before I leapt at the opportunity.

"ME! I BID!" I leapt out of my chair in excitement.

"How much, Sir?" A suited pony approached me as he handed me the book that sat in a cage.

I didn't remember how much I had won from the gambling, so I just gave him the unopened bag of bits that I had exchanged earlier for chips.

"This much." I said as I gazed happily into the book's beady spider like eyes.

I didn't pay much attention as I was distracted by my new pet but luckily no one out bidded me.

The seller looked really grateful for some reason as they thanked me for saving their life.

I assume they must have been in severe debt, leading them to be forced to sell their beloved pet.

I felt a bit pity for the seller but promised to take good care of Toothy in their place.

I glanced at the painting being auctioned next and noticed a large number of ponies bidding.
If they preferred rustic paintings over books, all the more better for me.

I noticed the book smacking its teeth against the cage bars rattling the cage as it moved about.

I smiled at it warmly.
It seemed really excited to see me.

"Don't worry, I will let you out later. You will just get lost in here if you escape." I said as I slipped a hoof inside the cage and rubbed it's leathery fur cover gently, that felt strangely warm and lifelike.

It's deep growls soon turned to contented purrs as it fell asleep making low snoring sounds.

I noticed everypony sitting close to me stare at me with wide eyes.

"Ah sorry about that." I said in embarrassment as I put a noise cancelling barrier around the cage.

I suppose it was considered rude to have a snoring pet in a quiet auction room.

I glanced at the sleeping book, it looked content as it's pages shook gently with every breath it took.

Fluttershy would love 'The Book On Monsters And Necromancy' seeing as how she loved animals.

I smiled to myself as I thought about giving it as a present to the first sentient friend I had made in this world.

I had a feeling she would get along really well with Toothy.

"The Alicorn Amulet is immensely powerful.....However, the more the bearer uses the amulet, the more it corrupts them...." A mysterious pony wearing a dark hood warned in a low cautious voice.

Why would anyone want to buy something with strong side effects.
I wondered to myself, trying to figure out if the hooded pony was the one who led me in here or was it another pony wearing a hood.

"An in built magical lock prevents anypony other than the bearer from taking it off. However, the amulet has its limits, as it cannot perform spells that are considered simply impossible, such as duplicating a target, making a pony play ten instruments at once, or changing a pony's gender." They explained.

I raised an eyebrow doubtfully.

Duplicating basic objects can be done by anypony if they understand its basic structure. (It doesn't work with apples or other food items though, I tried.)

Just get ten ponies instead of having one play ten instruments.

Wearing a wig and makeup could change the pony's appearance to that of another gender....or surgery if they are desperate enough.

A grey bespectacled stallion with a purple braid and cap, kept on out bidding everypony as he kept his eyes affixed on the red crystal like amulet.

I wonder if I should have made my gems into amulets or some other kind of decorative pins to increase its value.
Oh well...too late now.

I noticed my hoofcuff emit a slight glow, which meant my turn was coming up soon.

"What are you going to sell?" Love Talk asked curiously, as I got up from my seat.

"Just some rare gems. You will see soon." I smiled at her, hoping she would be interested in bidding for my item.

"Good luck!" She whispered as I headed towards the back stage.

"Ready?" The pony in a suit whispered, nodding slightly, upon noticing me.

"I was born ready." I smirked feigning confidence as my hooves shook slightly.

"Your turn next. Go immediately when the pony selling the relics is done." He informed me as I waited my turn.

I took in deep breaths, trying to fight back my stage fright.

I have always hated talking in front of a large audience.

Well, I just need to introduce the items I am selling, making up some story about how rare it is. There is no way I would end up embarrassing myself.

The relic selling pony took his leave, giving me a slight nod as the curtains closed.

I nervously went towards the stage and got the black void box ready.

"And the last item for tonight.....This one will make your jaws drop! Get ready for something truly shocking and unexpected..." The host introduced as the lights went off.

I better come up with a really good story for these cheap gems.

The lights turned on and there was an awkward silence as the spotlight landed on the empty table.

I realized I was supposed to talk after a few more seconds, that felt like minutes.

"Oh! Right...um for the last item...." I began as I opened the bag and let the gems fall on the table one by one, clinking against each other.

"The Elements of Harmony." I said remembering the name that was mentioned.

"They uh are very rare...one of a kind...you won't find anything as powerful as these."
I gulped as the bright lights fell on my eyes.

The large crowd of ponies were gaping at me in hushed silence with looks of disbelief.

I needed to do better if I wanted to convince everypony to bid for these cheap gems.

"That's right....taken right from a very powerful tree, you can use this energy to obtain whatever your heart desires." I felt more confident as I looked straight ahead, avoiding their eyes.

I noticed the ponies were still silent, not one of them bidding for the gems and I felt my confidence waver slightly.

I took a deep breath before I continued.
"Starting price: TWENTY BITS!" I said in my loudest voice.

"WHAT DIDST THOU JUST SAY? ART THOU JESTING?" Moon Shine's incredulous tone cut through the air, booming and resonating very loudly as she suddenly stood up.

"That voice....no it can't be...." The host stuttered weakly before galloping away in a hurry.

I suppose she used to be his ex marefriend seeing how he retreated hastily upon recognizing her voice.

I noticed a large number of ponies leaving suddenly as well.

I sighed, I don't blame them.
They didn't want to waste their precious time on the useless last item and would rather go home.

"EXPLAIN THYSELF AT ONCE, I COMMAND THEE!" Her voice echoed amongst the walls as her sharp glowing eyes bore into mine.

I felt myself hold my breath.
She was really good at bargaining, seeing how she demanded an explaination after I mentioned the absurd price.

"Fine....if twenty bits is too much for you to afford, how about ten bits for the gems instead."

I concealed a smirk as I noticed her eye twitch slightly as I injured her pride.

There is no way a noblepony would keep on bargaining after that.

"I really can't go any lower then that miss. I had to go through a lot to get it from the pony who sold it to me." I lied confidently through my teeth, just like the nonsense I used to concoct, in order to get more funds for my research back at Earth.

I noticed all the other ponies left other then Moon, Love Talk and the mysterious stallion at the back who was possibly a guard.

I looked confidently into her glaringly sharp eyes.

I couldn't loose this buyer.
Seeing how everyone left in a hurry, not interested in my gems, she was the best buyer I could possibly get.

"You can get a basket of apples for ten bits. I am sure these gems are worth that much at least." I insisted firmly.

"Ten bits...." Her voice lowered as she gaped at me.

I tried not to smile as I realized this meant she was considering my offer.

The other two ponies also looked at me disbelievingly, probably much more aware of the low market value of gems in the market.

I remembered a trick the older ladies on Earth used when they wanted to haggle prices for groceries.

"If you are not buying, I can simply look for another pony who would be willing to pay ten bits." I sighed loudly as I turned to leave, grabbing the gems and the caged book with my magic.

Anytime now...

"CEASE THY MOMENT, I COMMAND THEE TO HALT AT ONCE!" The loud unicorn's voice thundered, echoing through the room.

I couldn't help but smile.
I found it hard to believe that this little trick actually works!

I turned towards her immediately, concealing my smile as I shook the bag filled with gems slightly.

"Well? Interested in buying?" I asked with my best business smile.

She seized the gems away from me with her magic, but gave me no bits.

I frowned slightly as I noticed Love Talk leave the hall upon her indication.
The guard stallion, promptly blocked the exit after Love was gone.

Was I about to get robbed?

I held the caged book firmly with my magic.

They robbed me of my gems but I would not let them steal my pet too.
This was a gift for Fluttershy.

I gaped in surprise as I saw Moon drop her disguise, her silver blue mane faded, revealing an ethereal night sky.

Her coat transformed into a deep shade of midnight blue, and her gown vanished into air, revealing a moon tattooed, pony with wings and horn.

Atop her mane rested a majestic dark regalia, accentuating her regal presence.

I just stood there gaping as I couldn't take my eyes off her shimmering mane.

"Princess Luna," the guard acknowledged her with a respectful nod.

She reciprocated the gesture, and in an instant, the guard shed his dark cloak, revealing a batlike pony clad in an ominous dark armor, holding a spear that was pointed in my direction.

I realized to my horror that the guard was among those who searched the forest after the apple theft incident.

But why would the crown be so concerned about a mere theft of apples?

I found it hard to believe that stealing apples could be such a serious offense here, unless the crown had some sort of contractual agreement with the influencial Apple Acres Corporation.

Corporate influence, bureaucratic entanglements, lobbying, red tape and all those convoluted affairs...

Yeah, it sounds a bit far fetched even for this dystopian world of sentient equines.

"BY MY POWER AND AUTHORITY AS THE PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT, UNDER THE WATCHFUL GAZE OF THE MOON," She decreed with a voice that resonated throughout the now empty hall with an undeniable force, "THOU ART HEREBY UNDER ARREST!"

I bowed slightly, making sure that my voice was steady as I asked, "Your Majesty, might I inquire as to the reason for my arrest?"

I really don't understand what I did wrong that would lead to the ruler arresting me herself.

"You are under arrest for attempting to sell the elements of harmony illegally, without having the authorization or right to do so.", The guard explained, with a neutral expression as he approached me.

The princess nodded slightly in affirmation.

I blinked in surprise.
This wasn't what I was expecting.

Why would the crown......

"Oh!....I see." I sighed dejectedly as I finally understood the real reason for my arrest.

I wasn't being arrested for stealing some apples.

I neither obtained a proper permit to sell the gems not did I pay the required sales tax.

Of course, it made much more sense that the crown would interfere for such a case. I had failed to abide by the laws of commerce within the state.

This place probably had a sales tax.
Since I avoided it, I was being arrested for tax evasion.

I gulped nervously, trying to recall what I knew about tax evasion.
Wasn't it punishable by at least seven years imprisonment.....

The guard took a step closer, a pair of hoofcuffs clutched in his mouth. "Please cooperate and extend your hooves forward," he ordered firmly.

"Um....I plead the fifth....Do I get a lawyer?" I stuttered, my voice quivering slightly.

I looked around nervously, taking a cautious step back, away from the princess and her guard.

I really wished I had read a bit more on basic law, instead of confining my reading to scientific journals and books related to my field of interests.

My knowledge was very much lacking in this unfamiliar territory of legalese.

"Fifth? Lawyer? What's that?" The guard tilted his head in confusion, his lack of understanding adding to my slowly rising anxiety.

I felt my face go pale, as I realized there were no lawyers here, I would have to defend myself in court for tax evasion, a subject that was not within my field of expertise.

Author's Note:

Poor guy can't get a break :<

Barely a week in here and already under arrest for 'tax evasion'. :rainbowlaugh:

And yes he did try to sell the Elements of Harmony for just ten bits.