• Published 7th Oct 2023
  • 722 Views, 26 Comments

Ori And The Dragon In The Will Of The Wisps - Dragonfan101

Months after Spike met Ori and helped her save the forest and Kuro, they are separated from they're little sister Ku in a strange land

  • ...

3: Some Extra Exploring

Spike and Ori proceeded to head through this new place, they started off by going down a small ledge that was just below them, they fought through more enemy's with they're new power as they continued forwar.

"Man, no offense to Sein, but i think she's been replaced." Spike said as he slashed down another monster.
"Yeah, this is way more affective then the last time we had to fight" Ori replied as they got going again.

They kept going until they saw a log tied to ropes, they saw a large rock right next to it and got the same idea, they pulled it over to the log and used it's height to get to the higher ledge.

"just like old times huh?" Spike asked.
"Yeah.. real sense of deja vu here." Ori replied as they went down. They continued to go forward some more until they came upon a open room, the ground shook as the door closed behind them, more monsters then came out to them and roared.

"This again?" Spike asked.
"Things never change i guess" Ori said as they pulled out they're swords and charged at them.

The two proceeded to fight through the enemy's again taking out each one until none were left, they both looked up and saw the door ahead had opened again.

"Guess we should expect more things like this soon huh?" Spike asked.
"Guess, we should, let's keep going." Ori said as they kept on moving. They kept on going down more and more until they came upon a familiar light yet again.

"Another one?" Ori asked as they see another Ancestral tree.
"Just how many more spirits were there?" Spike asked as they walked up to it.
"Don't know, but i have a strange feeling about this place." Ori said as they came up to it.

They both proceeded to absorb the light again as they landed back on the ground, they both felt the new power in them and jumped in the air, they then jumped a second time and landed back on the ground.

"Huh, the double jump, good to have this back." Spike said as he tried it again.
"Why did we lose our old ability's again?" Ori asked.
"I think they faded away after some time, hopefully these will last though." Spike said hopefully, they both decided to get going again back to the top.

This new ability was able to help them jump to higher areas much easier then before, they jumped over a few more platforms and thorns before ended up back at the top again. they kept on going to the right using they're double jump to cross large gaps again until they came upon something familar.

"A spirit well? Here?" Spike asked as they walked up to it, the Moki then came out of the bushes and came up to them.

" The light from the wells run all through Niwen." It explained." It joins, it heals!" Another one said as they walked away.

"well guess it can't hurt to recover for a few" Spike said.
"Looks in good condition, let's just make it quick" Ori said as they walked up to it. They entered the well and floated around for a few seconds before landing on the ground.

"Wow, i forgot how great that feels" Spike says relieved.
"Yeah, me too. it's great to relax every now and then." Ori says relieved as they walk out.

They proceeded to move down some more and find a lever, they then pull it as they hear something move down.
"That might have been the log from earlier." Spike suggested.
"wonder where it leads?" Ori asked curious, they both decide to go find out and make they're way back.

They make they're way back to the place and jump down to the bottom of it, they see a purple energy beam firing near them and get an idea to use the boulder, they push it till it's completely blocked and jump up to the ledge, they find a door fragment.

"Great.." Spike says as he puts it away.
"There must be more around here then, let's look for it." Ori suggests as they head back.

They climb all the way back up to the top before and went back the way they came, they head back into the Howl's den and be careful as they move around, they jump up a ledge and another rock that led to a higher area and find the next fragment, they head back down and use it to open the door.

"Glad that was easier then most things here" Spike said thankfully.
"I think things are gonna get tougher as we go, let's be careful" Ori told him, they both then proceeded to head into the place.

They jumped over some poisonous water and head up the walls, they found an extra room nearby and find a life cell fragment for later, they went back more and headed up the walls more until they came out of the den, after crushing a few walls made of bones, they climbed up higher and higher until they finally got out of the den.

"Finally, glad we got out of that mess" Spike said as they found themselves at the top again.
"I'm just glad we didn't run into that monster again." Ori said thankfully as they continued.

They continued once again to the top, after helping a Moki get a fang from the monster, he gave them an ore that could be used for later. they headed back up again using they're new power, they headed down another path they found which led to another ancestral tree yet again.

"Wow, not even 30 minutes from the last one and here we are finding another!" Spike said looking at the thing.
"I wonder just how many perished here.. and how long they've been like this.." Ori asked sadly.
"Me too Ori, let's just hope we can put them all to rest peacefully" Spike prayed as they walk up to it.

They absorb the light yet again as they get a new power, this time they could regenerate they're health at the cost of some spirit energy.

"This will definitely come in handy." Spike said as he tested it out and reformed a little health.
" It definitely will, let's keep on going, i think we're near the exit" Ori suggested as they made they're way back.

They kept moving more and more, fighting off more enemy's with they're swords, they soon found themselves in a large open area and saw the sun rising with a water mill in sight.

"Whoa..." Spike said amazed.
"This is.. beautiful" Ori said in awe, they then noticed a monkey like creature and walked up to him.

"Um excuse me sir? Do you know where we are?" Spike asked.

"Come to see the view too huh? Magnificent isn't it? The wellspring in all her glory!" The guy explained.
"Wellspring?" Spike and Ori both asked.

"A whole generation has Moki has come and gone since the old mills wheels last turned" He said sadly.
"And they say an impressive library sits within.." He was then interrupted when a loud shriek could be hear scarring all of them.

They then saw a large bird monster like Kuro flying around the area.
"What is that?!" Ori asked.
"It looks like Kuro a bit.." Spike said looking at it.

"What's Shriek doing all the way out here?!" He asked shocked.
"Shriek?" They both asked.

" Something must have stirred her from her roost. some threat perhaps?" He questioned.
"Not you two surely, you look harmless, let's fix that" He told them.

"What do you mean by that?" Spike asked with Ori confused as well.

" I am a weapon master, with my skills you two can learn ways in combat to fend off such creatures! i can offer a deal for you two since it's your first time, what would you like to learn?" He asked, They both looked slightly interested at what he offered and decided to learn some new moves.

They had enough spirit points to learn 2 new moves, one was to summon a large hammer of light for heavy attacks, and the other was to throw a ninja star.

"Wow, this feels awesome to use!" Spike said as he swung the hammer around.
"These will definitely be useful!" Ori said as she threw a ninja star.

"If you two care to put your new skills to a test, there's a shrine nearby, it should help you get better use of your new moves, our paths will cross again, keep your blades at ready and keep an eye on the sky!" He told them and they nodded in understanding.

"Thank you for this sir! We won't lose a battle easy!" Ori said determined.
"No we won't, thank you again and stay safe!" Spike said as they waved goodbye, he waved goodbye as well as they left to find this Guardian they were told about, they just hoped they could find Ku before it's too late..

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this new chapter! Sorry if it took a bit to post this, i had some extra things to do today, i'm sure you guys know how things properly flow from here, let me know when you think Garble and Smolder should meet up with Spike, i plan to have them split up to search for him in future chapters, so tell me when you think it's a good time for them to meet again! Again thank you all for reading this, hope you liked it and i'll see you next time!