• Published 7th Oct 2023
  • 718 Views, 25 Comments

Ori And The Dragon In The Will Of The Wisps - Dragonfan101

Months after Spike met Ori and helped her save the forest and Kuro, they are separated from they're little sister Ku in a strange land

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5: Kwolok's Hollow

Spike and Ori went through the mouth of the stone statue, when they entered they found themselves in a huge open area..

"Whoa.. this is unlike anything in Equestria..." Spike said amazed as they looked around, there crystal caverns leading to other areas, and more of those orbs from before.
"At least we can keep going." Ori told him.
"Yeah, let's see what there in here." Spike told her which she agreed to, and they headed through the cave.

It wasn't long after they entered where they found themselves in front of another figure.
"Ooh, the glowing strangers my customers speak of which in such awe." He told them.
"You've heard of us?" Spike asked.
"Yes i have little one, tell me is it usual for you kind to fall from the sky? I have met many curiosity's in my travels after all. Oh yes, some fall, some fly, some prowl, some.. slither." He said the last part with hesitation.

"No, we got caught in the storm, we're trying to make our way through here." Ori explained.
"Do you know how we can get through here?" Spike asked.
"Yes, it is pretty tricky though, you will have to keep your eyes on the environment to move forward." Twilen answered.
"That doesn't sound to different from what we're used to, thank you sir." Spike said grateful.
"Thank you." Ori said as well.
"Your welcome spirt ones, if you need anything, i have items that could be of use to you, i have acquired them on my travels." Twilen offered.

"Well, a couple extra ability's couldn't hurt i guess." Spike told her.
"Yeah, what do you have?" Ori asked.

The two bought a couple extra spirit shards, some that could help theme in battle or for traversing around.
"Man, hard to think we didn't have these before." Spike said as he attached one to himself, it allowed him to have a 10% increase in damage, Ori attached hers and it allowed her to stick to walls without slipping.
"These will definitely help with our journey, ready to get going?" Ori asked.
"Of course, let's go!" Spike said with a smile as he and Ori headed off again.

They started things off by avoiding a rock falling on them, they found a secret area right above it and found another life cell fragment, giving them some extra defense to take more hits. They saw a large path ahead and saw a frog looking statue with another blue orb in it. They both got the same idea and used they're spirit arrows and shot a bow to it, it's tounge opened forward and they jumped on it and made they're way up a small ledge.

There was a locked gate preventing them from going further, so they had to go backwards up another ledge to find another way, they found another Moki on a bridge.

"You both are spirits yes? I have seen your ghosts!" He told them
"What?" Ori asked in disbelief.
'That's impossible, we just got here." Spike said not believing it.
"No it's true! There is a place where ghost spirits run and play! I tried to race them once, but i am not so fast." He told them, they both looked confused at that.
"How can that be possible?" Ori asked.
"is there something you saw them coming from?" Spike asked.

"There is a strange looking shrine around here somewhere, i feel like if you beat them in a race, you'll get a good reward if you do so!" He told them and they looked interested.
"It's like the combat shrine back in the Marshes." Spike said recalling the last one they found.
"Sounds like it could help us, we'll keep an eye out for it." Ori told him.
"Let me know if you find it please! I'd like to know more myself!" The moki asked.
"Sure thing, we'll keep an eye out, see you later." Spike said as he and Ori ran off again.

The two went up the walls and jumped over some platforms, they took down another enemy with they're arrows and used them to hit another orb, they found a lever and pulled it, and it drained the water down leaving them to have more room to explore. The two headed down the ledge again and went through the new path. The two used they're skills and shot more orbs that had them jump on another stone tongue and they jumped off a pole to have them keep going.

They saw a large rock above a high ledge.
"That could be used for something." Ori suggested.
"These statues could help, let's try using them." Spike said as they got on a high area, they shot the orb in the highest spot and it went under the rock, it moved the rock above the ledge and once it closed it fell down on the ground, they used their strength and pulled the rock on another tongue to keep it in the air, they shot another orb and shot the last to have them switch places. with that they were able to find a pressure plate and used the rock to open another door.

"That was simple." Spike said with a smile.
"Pretty clean to, let's keep going." Ori said as they headed through it.

They shot more orbs with they're arrows in order to jump onto higher ledges again, they shot two more that let them climb up a wall and they found another lever again. Like before, they pulled it and it drained the water even more.
"Man, how was this all designed?" Spike asked.
"And where does the water go?" Ori asked as well.
"I don't know, hopefully we can find more things down there." Spike suggested as they jumped down once again.

They used the orb again to reach another lever and open the way back, they took down some more enemy's with they're powers and made they're way back to where they did that rock puzzle, they headed down the logs again and kept going down deeper, they found a spirit container which they can use later, they headed further back to the entrance of the room and went down even more. They found an energy cell fragment giving them more energy for they're moves.

They kept on moving down deep again, they jumped over more logs and poles, they avoided spiked walls and floors to not get hurt, but eventually they made they're way to the bottom.
"Man, that felt like it went on forever." Spike said relieved.
"Let's see if there's anything here for us." Ori said as they looked around.

They felt the ground shake again and they looked on with surprise as a horned monster smashed through a wall.
"Well isn't this familiar?" Spike asked as he dodged it.
"Deja vu huh?" Ori asked as they fought it, it's front shell was to tough for them, so they had to trick it into running into a wall in order to hit a large glowing spot on it's back, Spike threw a ninja star at it and Ori smashed the thing with the spirit hammer, it took a few hits but it eventually came down.
"We've really gotten the hang of these." Spike said as he dispelled his weapon away.
"We really have." Ori said as they moved on again.

They climbed up the wall it burst through and found another door above them. before they could continue, Spike noticed a shrine not to far from them.
"Hold up, you see that over there Ori?" Spike asked as he pointed at it, they walked up to it and observed it.
"This may be what that Moki was talking about." Ori suggested.
"Race against our own ghosts huh? Let's see who's faster then." Spike said as he and Ori activated it, the shrine glowed and they felt the presence of another shrine somewhere.
"We can find that later hopefully, i'm sensing something just up ahead." Spike said as they looked back at the open door.
"Let's see what it is." Ori said as they went through the place again.

The two went just a little deeper taking down a couple enemy's, they dropped down another ledge and found another spirit tree much to they're surprise.
"You know Ori, it's hard to believe these things were what turned me into this.. and now.. i don't feel any side affects at all from them." Spike said as they looked at it.
"I know, seeing you become more and more consumed.. it makes me still regret not being able to save you.." Ori said sadly.
"I know.. i still am not over this too.. i just hope that whatever we face, we can put the sprits to rest peacefully." Spike told her.
"Me too Spike." Ori said as they walked up to it. They absorbed the light from it again and landed back on the ground.

The dash ability, feels nice to get it back way sooner then last time." Spike said as he and Ori used it a few times.
"This will help us avoid those traps. Let's keep going, Ku's probably really scarred." Ori said worried for him.
"I know, let's go now, we're not gonna waste any time standing here." Spike said as they kept on moving again. Spike knew things were different then before, but the fear of Spike losing himself still haunts him, Spike just hopes that they are able to save Ku before anything like that happens...

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this one once again! Sorry for my absence yesterday i had important stuff that day, but i'm back again and am still going to keep updating this story until it's done i promise! Quick question for you guys, would you like to see me have Spike go through Hollow Knight in a future story? Let me know in the comments, have a great day to all of you!