• Published 3rd Oct 2012
  • 2,290 Views, 8 Comments

The Queen and her King - donceluzza

Twilight is forced to confront a changeling invasion, being led by the former love of her life.

  • ...

End of an Age (New Chapter 1)

Twilight Sparkle wandered solemnly through the Everfree forest, the cold of winter having long since fallen. The lavender unicorn was bundled in two cloaks wrapped tightly around her frame, uncomfortable, but useful. She wasn’t out here on a leisurely stroll, a fact that she was reminded of with each cackle of laughter that pierced the otherwise still forest.

I’m the only one, the only one...” Twilight thought to herself, “I can kill her, just me, and her.”

The sounds of the changeling queen, Chrysalis, laughing in the distance, pushed the lavender unicorn forward. Each time her hoof broke through another layer of compacted snow it made a crunching sound, which caused her hair to stand on edge. The wind picked up speed, screeching in Twilight’s ears.

Another crunching sound echoing through the forest, caused Twilight to halt her advance. Hiding behind a nearby tree, the lavender unicorn realized that the sound of diabolical laughter had ceased, and now the only other noise, aside from the whistling wind, was the sound of someone, or something, approaching. Twilight slowed her breathing, running through a list of relatively stealthy killing spells. The crunching sound ceased, as did the unicorn’s breathing. She pressed herself against the tree bark, waiting for her opponent to make their move.

“I suppose that from your point of view, killing me is the best option,” called a familiar voice, “but if I can appeal to the Twilight I once knew, though I know that I don’t deserve to see her again, I’d like to suggest a momentary truce, at least to hear one another out.”

The voice wasn’t extremely masculine or feminine, but it was one that Celestia’s protege knew quite well. “Why?” Twilight called to the voice, “why should I trust you, you’re the King of the Changeling race, aren’t you?

The voice let out an irritated sigh, “I’m offering a diplomatic solution, the Twilight I knew wouldn’t let that opportunity pass.”

“Emphasis on the past tense there,” Twilight shot back, “‘you knew’, I’m not that same Twilight, war changes ponies, Cale.” Cale stepped forward, and Twilight shot out a magic blast near to the tree she was hiding behind. “Step back,” Twilight said hurriedly, “I came out here to kill one creature, but I will kill two, if the need arises.”

“Alright,” Cale responded, “then kill me.” Twilight’s body tensed up, she fed magic through her horn. “As you said, my official title is the King of the Changelings, you are here to kill my wife, no?” Twilight gritted her teeth, and swallowed her fear. “I don’t believe that the smartest mare in Equestria, could possibly have thought that she would end a war by killing only half of the Changeling royal family, so allow me to make it easier for you.” Cale Rider stepped into Twilight’s line of sight. “So end me, Sparkles.”

The human was of average height, for his species, and he was clothed in a long simple black cloak, tied at the waist with a cloth belt of the same color. His hair was a bright brown, but with a long grey streak forming down the middle. He stood, arms outstretched, with a grin across his face. “Go on Sparkles,” he spoke, “serve your great Diarch.”

“You lost the right to call me that a long time ago,” Twilight shot back, her horn still primed for a spell. “And for the record, if you start to go on with some lecture about how this war is justified,” Twilight noted grimly, “I will blast you.”

Cale started laughing, clearly not intimidated by Twilight’s proclamation. “If this were merely a few months prior you would have loved to engage me, in a more... educated way.”

Twilight growled, “are you acting more annoying to make me shoot you?”

Cale shrugged, “perhaps, or maybe I’m the same as always, and you’re just more... primitive.”

The lavender mare narrowed her eyes, and cracked a smile, “or maybe you’re pushing my buttons to buy time.”

Cale clapped his hands together dramatically, “good call Sparkles, I remember now why I dated you... god, how long ago was it?”

Without missing a beat Twilight responded, “One year and six days since you left Ponyville, six months since the start of the war.”

“Six months and two days,” Cale shot back, “since the start of the war.”

“Sorry,” Twilight muttered, “time gets kind of funny, out here.”

“Never said you were completely wrong.”

“Anyway,” Twilight fired back, “you said that you wanted to suggest a momentary truce.” Cale nodded, “what would this truce entail?” Twilight questioned.

“I figured that you would know what a truce entailed,” Cale remarked sarcastically, “you agree not to attack me, or my wife, or our soldiers, and we negotiate a peace treaty.” Twilight broke out laughing, all while keeping her charged horn pointing at her former lover. “Something amusing, Sparkles?”

“The fact that you think we’ll be negotiating peace is pretty funny,” Twilight responded, “I mean the Changelings have invaded twice, you really think that I’m going to negotiate with them?”

A smile stretched across Cale’s face, “so you aren’t here on Celestia’s orders then?” Twilight stopped laughing, her face growing darker. “So, is that a yes?”

The lavender unicorn unleashed a blast of magic, incinerating the tree closest to Cale, causing him to flinch. “I don’t have time for your damn games, what does it matter if Celestia didn’t send me?”

“All the difference in the world!” Cale proclaimed. “Without direct orders from your leader you should be easier to reason with.”

“Or maybe,” Twilight responded, “because I’m out here on my own, I’ll be more likely to take the hero’s approach.”

Cale shrugged, “a chance I’ll have to take.”

Suddenly the sound of buzzing joined the soft stillness of the hissing wind. Soft at first, but quickly it grew louder. Twilight knew all too well what that sound entailed, it meant that Changeling drones were nearby. For just a moment Twilight thought about what action to take. On the one hand she could retreat, after all she was soon to be outnumbered. But the lavender unicorn knew that she would never get this chance again. She had heard from numerous sources that the Queen was out here, in the middle of a forest, not protected by a fortress or by an army, only her personal guard. The other option was to fight her way out, an option she quickly dismissed. Twilight knew all too well the capabilities of the personal guard that Chrysalis employed. She wouldn’t be able to sneak away either, since Cale had seen her.

“Please Sparkles,” Cale pleaded, “let’s talk about this rationally, please.”

Twilight Sparkle was at a crossroads. A decision point that she hadn’t anticipated. If she left, she would shame herself, if she fought she would die, and risk her friends, who would try and avenge her. Suddenly she wished that she had consulted Celestia before going out here. The solar Diarch would’ve tried to talk her out of it, and probably succeeded, but if she had gone to the forest, she would’ve had a plan.

“Alright,” the lavender unicorn conceded, “I’ll listen to you.”

Cale smiled, not a sarcastic smile like he’d worn earlier, not a cocky smile like when he’d deduced that she wasn’t here on Celestia’s orders. This was a genuine smile, one that Twilight hadn’t seen in quite a while. He mouthed the words “thank you” and turned towards the direction of the buzzing sounds.

Sure enough the royal guard of the Changelings charged into the clearing, and Cale began to converse with them. The royal guard of the Changelings were larger than the drones who had invaded Canterlot. They were a tad taller than the average Changeling, but still under Chrysalis’ height. The other defining characteristic that they possessed was a sharper horn, perfect for skewering ponies.

“Twilight!” Cale called, “come on, we’re needed back at base.”

The lavender unicorn scoffed, “base? Out here?”

“Temporary,” Cale responded, “but a base nonetheless.” The two guards screeched at Cale, “she isn’t a prisoner, she’s an envoy of peace.” The guards continued their screeching, “I will talk with her about whatever I want to, she’s here to try and broker peace between us, that means showing respect, and showing a certain amount of trust.” The guards snorted and began to lead the way further into the forest. Cale walked alongside Twilight, far enough away from the guards not to be heard. “Everyone is a little on edge here.”

“I noticed.” Twilight responded curtly. The lavender unicorn continued walking, the cold of the snow slowing her down somewhat. “So,” she whispered, “why is there a base out here in the middle of nowhere?”

Cale’s relatively cheerful demeanor faded, “well... you’ll see once we get there.” His gaze fell to the ground, avoiding eye contact with Twilight.

The purple unicorn walked alongside her former lover, trying to figure out what he meant by that. Looking ahead she saw that the guard Changelings were shooting looks her way. She shot back a similar look of killing intent in their direction, causing the guards to stop and take up a charging position.

“That’s enough!” Cale shouted, “you are both supposed to be the highest level of Changeling. And you Twilight!” the purple unicorn staggered back, “if you have no interest in attempting to broker peace between our two nations, then leave.” Cale’s speech caused the two guards to back off, continuing forward towards the central camp. Twilight huffed and continued to follow the guards, not very intimidated by the human.

The group finally found their way to a large clearing that was serving as a Changeling base camp. Changelings of all sizes and types filled the clearing, with pitched tents filling the clearing. In the center was a larger tent, whereas the other tents were all seemingly normal camping tents, the one in the center was about half the size of a big top circus tent. The guards started to lead Twilight and Cale towards the center tent.

“Twilight,” Cale said softly, “I want you to know, that I didn’t do this out of some hate for you, or for your friends or...”

“Cale,” Twilight quickly responded, “I don’t want to hear it.”

“Why not?” Cale asked.

“Because I hate you.”

Cale sighed, “you don’t understand Twilight, I was being threatened with exile from Equestria.”

“You’re an alien Cale,” Twilight curtly remarked, “you can’t stay in Equestria.”

“Why?” Cale asked angrily, “I’m not hurting anypony, I just wanted to make a life here, and the second that we have a falling out your Diarch tries to exile me.”

“Because you aren’t supposed to be here, just because you came to Equestria on accident doesn’t mean you should be able to stay.”

“Funny how you didn’t think that when you and I were an item.”

Twilight scoffed, “everypony is allowed a little selfishness now and again.”

Cale frowned and stopped in front of the large tent. “I’m sorry, but after seeing this world, after meeting with all of you, I couldn’t go back to my world.” Twilight looked away from Cale, “Call me selfish...”

“Okay, you’re selfish,” Twilight responded sarcastically.

“I can’t go back to the normal boring lifestyle I lived before, I discovered a world of magic, of things beyond the scope of my race’s understanding,” Cale said, a pleading look in his eyes, “could you honestly say that you could just go back to normality after that.”

Twilight brought her head back up, and looked Cale in the eyes. “No, no I couldn’t, but then again I’m not you.” The lavender unicorn continued to stare into Cale’s eyes, but she didn’t expect what she saw. She expected to see sadness, or resignation, what she didn’t expect was to see a certain amount of smugness to his eyes.

“I really am sorry, at least I’m sorry when it comes to you. I’m sorry for all that you’ve gone through, and all that you’re about to go through...”

“Cale!” Twilight shouted, “enough with the buildup just let me in the bloody tent.” The lavender unicorn pushed her way into the tent.

“Twilight Sparkle,” a familiar, yet pained voice called out, “what a strange time to meet you again.” Twilight just stared forward, the prone form of Queen Chrysalis staring back.

“What’s going on?” Twilight yelled.

The Queen laughed, only to stop as pain shot through her bulging stomach. “My husband has convinced me that, as we have a child on the way, we should stop and consider peace with your people.”

Twilight stumbled backwards, bumping back into Cale. “This is what I was trying to warn you about.”

Cale’s words faded away, as Twilight fell faint.

Comments ( 8 )

*claps* I like it (all it realy needed was the (prologue explaining who Cale was.) thanks for working! :pinkiehappy:

It feels like I'm jumping into a sequel to a story I haven't read yet... :applejackconfused::applejackconfused::derpyderp1::derpyderp2::derpytongue2:

2405663 Don't worry it isn't a sequel, it just had a timejump to get to the big stuff first.

4123448 Technically I haven't updated anything in a long while. I have been dealing with work/school/life. I need to figure out which of my stories i am updating first.


this will be continued ?

By now I think that this story is dead.

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