• Published 25th Nov 2023
  • 340 Views, 3 Comments

Birthday Pony - Serenity Darkmoon Raven

The Mane 6 summon the Birthday pony, an old Ponyville urban legend.

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Chapter 1

One night, in Twilight's treehouse, there were Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. They all were sitting on the floor. The lights weren't on, the windows were closed, a flickering lightbulb was in the middle of the circle, so was a large, orange lantern. Rainbow Dash spoke in a raspy tone, "Apple Jack... truth or dare?"

Apple Jack then replied in a snarky tone, "Ay chose.. dare... what will you dare me to do, Rainbow?" She then raised an eyebrow. There was a short silence.

Rainbow Dash then replied in a daring tone, "I dare you," She then paused for a short time.

Rainbow Dash then continued in a daring tone, "to have a hoof-wrestling challenge with me.... blindfolded.."

Apple Jack then replied in a daring tone, "Bring it!" She then tied a blindfold on, Rainbow Dash then followed suit. They then press their hooves against each other and started to try to pin the other hoof down. After a few minutes, both sides got tired. There was a silence, the other ponies were watching, Twilight, Rarity thought Apple Jack would win while Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie thought Rainbow Dash will win. After, what seemed like forever, Apple Jack then asked in a tired tone, "Truce, Rainbow?"

Rainbow sighed and replied in a tired tone, ".. Y- yes.." They then let go and they go back to sitting where they were. Then, Fluttershy then said in a shy tone, "Uh... um Pinkie Pie... truth or dare?"

Pinkie Pie then thought for a moment before saying, "I choose, truth!"

Fluttershy said in a shy tone, "Uh.. do you really like cupcakes?" Fluttershy leaned forward and raised an eyebrow.

Pinkie Pie then started sweating, after a few seconds of eerie silence she said in a cheerful tone, "Of course I do! I love cupcakes even when I was a filly!" Fluttershy leaned back.

Twilight then realized it was her turn, she is excited because she never played this game before, she is excited. She then said in an excited tone, "Rainbow Dash... truth or dare?"

Rainbow Dash then said in a calm tone, "Truth..."

Twilight then said, "You wished you never joined the Wonderbolts?"

Rainbow Dash then said, "Um.. sometimes.. but being in the Wonderbolts is awesome.. it's a dream come true!" She then nodded her head.

After a few rounds of truth and dare, the mane six got tired. In the previous rounds, Fluttershy dared Pinkie Pie to beat her in a staring contest, Fluttershy lost that contest. Apple Jack dared Rarity to step outside... in the rain. Rarity returned with her mascara dripping from her eyes, her mane is soggy, and many raindrops were racing through her body. Rarity asked Apple Jack if she really likes apples, Apple Jack replied with a yes. Pinkie Pie dared Fluttershy and Twilight to drink a spoonful of hotsauce as soon as they did that, their faces glew red and they ran looking for milk or water.. They were a bit mad at Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash asked Twilight what she would really do if in an alternative timeline she never came to Ponyville. Twilight replied with maybe going to the University of Canterlot, a very selective and prestigious school in Equestria.. She dreamed of going to that school her entire life. After many rounds, which felt like forever... It was Rainbow Dash's turn.

Rainbow Dash remembered an old Ponyville urban legend of a pony named Birthday Pony, a pony with tan coat, yellow mane, blue eyes, and an eye-patch on the left eye. Birthday Pony was killed in a prank by some teenagers.. The teenagers ran and were never found, some say they are hiding in the forest or at their parent's homes, some ponies say that the teens are in prison, one pony said that the teens were found dead years ago. You have to do a ritual to summon the Birthday Pony, Rainbow Dash thought it would be funny to scare the mane six and prank them by daring them to do the ritual. She will do it too. She then looked at the mane six and said, "Truth or Dare all of you... please pick dare"

The other mane six members thought of what to answer, there was a silence for a moment before Twilight responded in an annoyed tone, "Fine Rainbow Dash, dare!"

Rainbow Dash then screeched like a fanpony and said in a daring tone, "I dare you to.... summon Birthday Pony!" The other mane six members were shocked but some ponies like Apple Jack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie had a look that is a mix between confusion and annoyance. There was a eerie silence. Nothing could be heard.

Apple Jack then broke the silence by asking in a confused tone, "What the hay is Birthday Pony?" She raised an eyebrow, Rarity and Pinkie nodded their heads in agreement. Those three ponies don't know who Birthday Pony is, they also think Rainbow Dash is trying to prank them. Fluttershy had a look of fear on her face and hid under Twilight's blanket and pillow.

Rainbow Dash then replied in a confident tone, "Well, the Birthday pony is a Ponyville Urban legend.. the legend states that it was a pony who died on their birthday to some dumb teenagers, the teenagers ran away, no pony knows what happend to them, but they were never seen again. You can summon the Birthday Pony and it is rumored if you do, the pony will come and kill you!"

Apple Jack then took a deep breath she knows there is no such thing as a Birthday Pony who kills you. Apple Jack then replied, "Rainbow, if ya was tryin' to scare us... you failed.. if I was your teacher I would have gave ya a F!"

Rainbow then yelled in an angry tone, "It is not fake... it's real.. don't Granny Smith tell you these stories!" She then looked away and crossed her hooves.

Twilight then said in an aloof tone, "Let's go.. I hope the monster is not real..'' the mane six got up and rainbow told them they had to go to the bathroom. The mane six went to the bathroom, Apple Jack set up and light the candles, in front of them is a mirror, flowers, and a birthday gift that Rarity put together, Rarity refused to say what it is until the ritual is over and Rainbow Dash admit she was trying to scare us.

Then, Rainbow Dash then spoke in a confident tone, "So, according to the legend.. after you light up candles and put a birthday gift. You have to say Birthday Pony three times.."

Rainbow Dash and the others looked at the mirror, some ponies can be heard gulping, they are scared to do this ritual. They hope this Birthday Pony monster is fake. They then can be heard saying in unison, "Birthday Pony, Birthday Pony... Birthday Pony!"

After they all say that, they can be heard gasping, they then see a pony. The pony had a tan coat, blue eyes, yellow mane and the eye-patch. They can be heard laughing and there was a huge grin on their faces, then their head twisted in a 360 degrees, their eyes quickly turned black and some black substance leaked from their eyes. Everypony, even Rainbow Dash started to get a little scared. They stepped back from the mirror. Then, the pony in the mirror opened its mouth, it had razor teeth, there was a red substance dripping from the teeth. Then, after two seconds, it disappeared. But there were two red bots on the mirror, they looked like eyes, then a smile with yellow teeth appeared.

After what seemed like forever, the smile faded away, a long with the eyes.

Fluttershy asked in a scared tone, "W- W- Was that... the Birthday Pony?" As soon as she asked, there was a large thunder strike that could be heard, all the ponies in the bathroom jumped.

Twilight then turned to Rarity and asked, "What was in the box?"

Rarity then was about to speak before she could say something, the bathroom door opened, there was no pony on the other side, then the door closed. Twilight then asked, "Rainbow... can.. can you stop pranking us?"

Rainbow Dash said in a frustrated tone, "I am not pranking you.. I know I have my reputation as a famous pranker throughout Ponyville but I promise I am NOT pranking you... I don't know how to make faces or ponies appear on mirrors.. I don't even have magic!"

Rarity then asked in an aloof tone, "Is it over?" She had a tired look on her face, she wished this was over so she can go get her beauty sleep. She even has bags under her eyes.

Rainbow Dash then said in a disappointing tone, "Yeah.." The other ponies were finally happy it was over and went home and retired to their beds, the moon ran through the night sky, but unbeknownst to them, when you summon the Birthday pony he comes and kills whoever summons them thinking they were the teens who killed them.

It was late at night, Rainbow Dash was in bed, her eyes were closed and she is breathing calmly. She then heard hoofsteps, she rose up and was confused, she lived alone, how is there hoofsteps. She looked around and saw nothing, no pony. She then looked outside and saw no pony is outside, not one pony could be seen outside, Rainbow Dash was very confused. There were sweatdrops running down her head.

Then, she heard breathing from behind her, she turned around and saw nothing. She then groaned and said in an angry tone, "STOP!" she thought the mane six were trying to prank her back for her 'prank' even though she didn't prank them. Just like when they pranked her and made her believe that they were dead and now zombies. Rainbow Dash then felt cold in her hooves. She then asked, "Why am I cold?"

All of a sudden, she heard crying that belonged to a filly, it sounded like a cry from cake twins that Mrs. Cake gave birth no more than a year ago, they were such a handful, they then heard the cry get louder and louder. Then, they saw the door slowly open. There was no pony on the other side. Rainbow Dash was hugging her pillow harder than when she hugged Fluttershy to comfort her when she was being bullied at Flight Camp. Then, she saw two red eyes. Then, she saw a pony jump at her.

Rainbow Dash was kicking and screaming like a foal. Then, the pony drag a knife across her neck. Blood gust out of the cut, Rainbow Dash's eyes slowly close. Then, the pony bit her neck and rip it off, a huge gush of blood jump out, some blood even goes to the windows, some stains on the floor, wall, and bedsheet. Then, the pony walked away and sang above a whisper, "Good Night.. have a nice rest.." He could be heard dragging an axe, across the floor.

Rainbow Dash's head is under the bed and her body is on top of the bed, the red substance from her body stained the bedsheets, pillows, floor, and wall. Rainbow Dash's body fell off the bed and lay right of Rainbow Dash's head. Her eyes were closed, there was a puddle of red, smelly blood. Her mane is still attached to her head. Her head and body smell worst than sardines.

The pony whispered in a raspy tone, "Revenge is sweet!" as they ran out of the house. Laughing, their laughing can be echoed throughout the house and can be heard by awaked ponies.

Comments ( 3 )

Love the cover art. Gonna read this when there's more to it

Can't wait to see more of this, sounds good.

I can't express how much I enjoy reading your writing style. whenever i read your stories I'm always compelled to point out stuff I liked

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