• Published 23rd Oct 2023
  • 382 Views, 2 Comments

Order of the Black Sun - daOtterGuy

Stygian, Leader of the Order of the Black Sun, will seal the Corrupt Pillars

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Stygian stood before six ponies, each with their heads bowed to him. The rest of the Order was spread out in the temple interior, watching in rapt attention.

These six were the descendents of those whose bloodlines had been blessed by Artemis to serve the Order as its core Knights. They were in the final phases of the ritual to seal the Corrupt Pillars in Limbo, and these six, replacements for the knights who had fallen before them, would hopefully be the last generation needed to serve.

He walked to the first on the far left. A large speckled brown earth pony stallion dressed in heavy green plate mail with his family’s trademark cowpony hat covering his short cropped blonde mane.

From a quiver slung over his side, Stygian levitated out a single arcane arrow with his magic and set the tip upon the right shoulder of the stallion.

“In continued service to the Order, you, Cortland of the Apple family, will be granted this blessing. Rise, Knight of Earth.”

The arrow burst into moonlight then dissipated. Cortland raised his head, his green eyes crackling with his family’s magic.

Stygian moved to the next. A quiet light green mare enshrouded by a massive tangle of green mane that covered most of her face. Her armour was entangled by bouquets of flower buds.

Grabbing another arrow, Stygian repeated the rite.

“In continued service to the Order, you, Erysimum of the Blush family, will be granted this blessing. Rise, Knight of the Wilds.”

She raised her head, the flower buds bursting to life. Stygian gave her a wide berth, well aware of those flowers' potent poisonous properties.

He drew another arrow as he came upon his next knight. A dour beige stallion with half-moon spectacles and a wild mane of blue, red and purple that was at odds with his straight laced appearance.

“In continued service to the Order, you, Lune of the Dancer family, will be granted this blessing. Rise, Knight of the Archive.”

As stars twinkled in Lune’s mane, Stygian moved onto the next. The stallion was a massive golden pegasus with white-blonde mane combed over into a pompadour, dressed in pure white heavy plate mail. Before Stygian could speak, the stallion grabbed Stygian’s hooves with his own.

“I am honoured to be given this opportunity, Sir,” the pegasus said, awe in his voice.

“I am thankful that you accepted the call.” Stygian gingerly lowered the stallion’s hooves. He would never be used to Staunch’s sycophantic devotion. “I can think of no other worthy successor.” He had checked.

Staunch bowed his head… far too low for Stygian’s liking. The Sentries had always been overzealous, but they were loyal, and had proven to be both capable and devoted to the cause. As much as Staunch and his ilk made Stygian uncomfortable, they had more than proven their worth.

“Taking up the mantle of the Skies family who had betrayed us, you, Staunch of the Sentry family, will be granted this blessing. Rise, Knight of the Shield.”

Nothing happened. Concern rippled through the ranks. Stygian felt himself tense, then relaxed as the arrow burst into moonlight and enveloped Staunch in its glow. He could hear the audible relief of the crowd.

Stygian moved onto the next knight. A mare of bright orange that burned like a wildfire dressed in light armour to not hamper her mobility.

“In continued service to the Order, you, Inferno of the Fire family, will be granted this blessing. Rise, Knight of Valour.”

Inferno’s mane burst into flame as she raised her head. She had her signature cocksure expression and looked back at him with nearly overwhelming burning intensity.

He moved onto the final member of his inner circle. A small mare with a curled white mane, and a bright green coat of fur that was brushed against the grain.

“In continued service to the Order, you, Lyre of the Heartstring family, will be granted this blessing. Rise, Knight of Music.”

She raised her head, staring at Stygian in bemusement as musical notes danced around her.

He stepped away from the knights and stood before the raised dais, the throne from all those long years ago still covered by an ugly tarp. Neither he nor Artemis had ever felt a need to use it, and never would. It was better to stand with his people, not above them.

“You have been chosen as the new Knights of the Order, as most of your families before you!” Stygian shouted, his voice amplified by magic. “You will be in service to protecting the people and driving away the monsters that threaten us!”

“We rise!” The knights shouted as one.

“To blot out the Sun!” A chorus of hundreds added.

He looked across the swell of people, finding Artemis buoyed amongst the sea. She nodded to him in unspoken agreement to a decision they had made prior to this gathering. He nodded back.

“Today, we begin anew, but!” Stygian paused for a moment. “This will be the last generation to serve the Order!” An excited murmur. He saw his knights stand taller. “We are close to achieving our ultimate goal: sealing away the Corrupt Pillars!” A resounding cheer. “Let this be the last time we must fight! Let us bring forth peace for future generations!”

“No more will we suffer!” The crowd roared.

“Freedom from the Monster of the Sun!”

“May he never hurt our friends and family again!”

“No more will we hurt!”

“We rise!” Stygian screamed.

“To blot out the Sun!” The crowd answered.

Fervour. Madness. Devotion. Determination. Excitement. A culmination of Stygian's efforts. A conclusion to what he had set out to do all those years ago. The end was in sight. They would succeed.

There was no alternative in Stygian’s mind.