• Published 23rd Oct 2023
  • 380 Views, 2 Comments

Order of the Black Sun - daOtterGuy

Stygian, Leader of the Order of the Black Sun, will seal the Corrupt Pillars

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The battle was a travesty. A field of strewn-about corpses across a rocky plain. They had been members of his Order. Ponies who had placed their faith in him. It devastated Stygian to see how many dead there were, but he knew the casualties would be high when dealing with this Corrupt Pillar. Despite the horror, he was resolute in seeing this mission through to the end. Their sacrifices would not be in vain.

Stygian conjured a javelin with his magic into his hoof and chucked it. It flew through the air and embedded itself between the rock plates of Rockhoof’s body. The colossus roared. He reared up on his legs. A call rang out to run. Rockhoof came crashing down, crushing those too slow to get away underneath his hooves and sent those closest sailing through the air.

Many said Rockhoof was the size of a mountain, but Stygian thought of him more similar to the size of a big hill. A muscle-bound, monstrous hill with a hide thicker and tougher than any mountain could ever hope to achieve, but still just a hill. Made him feel less intimidated.

A small speck flitted about Rockhoof’s ear. Stygian scowled at it. Nike presumably urging Rockhoof on and offering more of her accursed blessings. Rockhoof was one of the few Stygian had some knowledge of in terms of their life prior to becoming a Corrupt Pillar, and he was the only one Stygian had any measure of pity for.

“He has weakened,” Artemis remarked from beside him.

“I thought I had asked you not to appear out of nowhere like that,” Stygian replied.

“It may be time for one final push,” Artemis continued, ignoring Stygian. “We’ve never had a better opportunity.”

Stygian observed the giant. Rockhoof was covered in wounds from their continuous assault. He could see that he had slowed down considerably, and raggedly drew in breaths with the rise and fall of his massive chest.

“Alright. Let’s send out the knights for an all-out attack. It’s time to get Nike’s symbol.” Stygian fired a burst of pink light into the sky.

He charged forward, galloping toward Rockhoof, his horn glowing with magic as he prepared several spells in advance. Rockhoof noticed his approach and swung his shovel toward him.

Staunch flew in from his left and then flapped his wings hard in the direction of the shovel. Streams of golden light shot forward and halted the advance of the weapon. Vines burst forth from the arid dirt and bars of arcane musical notes encircled Rockhoof. Both ensnared the giant, binding him in place.

The call of a war horn rang out, enshrouding the Order in a greenish glow.

Stygian cast the first set of his spells, a pair of wings appearing on his back and a sword in his mouth. He launched himself into the air, flying toward Rockhoof as the colossus struggled against his chains.

A streak of fire descended from the sky. At the last moment, a pegasus, Inferno, pulled back, releasing a barrage of flames at Rockhoof’s face.

He howled in pain, blinded temporarily by the flames.

Stygian beat his fake wings as hard as he could. He cast two more spells in quick succession. Growth for his sword, and empowerment for himself, amplifying the greenish glow around him provided by Cortland.

Pulling back his sword, he plunged the tip into Rockhoof’s right eye socket as it opened.

Roars of pain. Splashes of blood. The sickly sound of metal through flesh.

He whispered an apology as he carved out the giant’s eyeball. It tumbled down to the dirt below and into the hooves of several waiting members of the Order. They galloped off, the eye balanced on their backs.

Stygian shot a burst of white light from his horn to the sky. The signal for a full retreat.

The Order of the Black Sun had gotten what they’d come for. No reason to stay around to see what Rockhoof would do in retaliation when his eye healed.