• Published 6th Nov 2023
  • 275 Views, 1 Comments

Equestria plays Minecraft - ImNew2023

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Finding a home

Booting up their computers, the Main 6 and Spike began exploring their Minecraft world.

“Ok let’s all spread out and start chopping down some trees, once we’ve got some tools and at least ten blocks each we can start building a house” Twilight said.

With each member of the group going off to do their own thing, getting as much wood as possible.

On their way back the group realised it was getting late. Soon mobs would start spawning and they had nowhere near enough gear to survive.

Digging a three square deep, two square wide, four square long hole and barricaded themselves in.

“So what now?” Rainbow asked.

“Well, once the Sun’s come up we’ll split into groups. Rarity and Pinkie can take the wood and start building a house. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy go collect more wood and start mining cobblestone. Pinkie, Applejack and I will start exploring caves for coal” Twilight explained.

They waited for a while, once the Sun came up they went about their missions.

Rarity and Spike began building a basic house, using the wood they had to give each member of the group their own home.

Rainbow and Fluttershy collected wood and cobblestone, using them to upgrade their tools.

And Twilight, Applejack and Pinkie Pie went off to find a cave.

Travelling through the plains, they didn’t find a cave, but they did find a village a thousand blocks south of where they were building their house.

“Um, girls? This is awkward but I found a village” Twilight chuckled.

The chat group was silent for a moment before the sound of Rarity taking a deep breath filled everyone’s headsets.

“Shall we just build next to them?” Rarity asked calmly.

Taking down the half built house Rarity and Spike met up in the village. Starting to build again nearby the carrot farms.

Rainbow and Fluttershy arrived soon as well. Each carrying stacks of cobblestone.

“This place is pretty cool” Rainbow said.

“Hey, why don’t we just stay here? They’ve already got wool” Pinkie suggested.

The shepherd's house had plenty of wool spawning, along with sheep to get more from.

“But we don’t have any emeralds” Fluttershy pointed out.

“Well, we can build defences for them. Illagers are a menace” Applejack suggested.

“That’s a plan, we take the wool that spawns to make beds and they get walls to protect them” Twilight said.

With the group staying at the village overnight (using the village’s beds to skip nighttime) they began working on the wall.

It wasn’t pretty, just a massive slab of cobblestone, they mined countless cobblestone blocks to make it seven blocks tall and five thick.

Forming a perfect square (minus any terrain difficulties) it enclosed everything 266 blocks from the centre of the village.

“Hey, what should we call this place? We’re probably going to encounter a lot more. So we should give it a name” Pinkie suggested.

“What about… Villagerville?” Rainbow suggested, having no originality whatsoever ever.

With the chat flooded with snickering, they chose to move on to other topics.

“So what do we do now?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well I’ll see if I can start expanding the farms, this place could use more apple trees” Applejack said.

“I think we should start looking for iron” Rainbow suggested.

“Spikey-Wikey and I need to finish building the house. Although I suppose we could get to work on one for each of us now we have so much room” Rarity stated.

“I reckon we could all build houses of our own now” Applejack suggested.

“Yeah, what’s the worst that could happen?” Twilight said.

Three days passed and the girls + Spike had finished their houses.

“Pinkie yours looks like a dick” Applejack informed her.

“No it doesn’t, it’s a pair of cupcakes and an arctic roll standing on its end. Look it’s even got some ice cream leaking out the top” Pinkie explained.

While to the pink mare she did just see some baked goods used to make a tower like structure, everyone else only saw a colourful fifty foot phalas pointing towards the sky.

Despite their minds telling them not to, they entered the dong tower.

The ground floor was an open living room connecting the tower to the “cupcakes”

It was a little bare but the next room was a little more full, the first floor of the tower contained the crafting table and several furnaces.

Finally there was the bedroom, admittedly it had a nice view, Pinkie used glass to give herself 360 view in every direction.

“I must say darling this is quite the view” Rarity commented.

“Thanks, I’m like the eye of Sauron up here” Pinkie giggled.

“Anyhow Applejack, you’ve got an… interesting design” Twilight said as the group moved on to Applejack’s house.

Taking the shape of a giant apple, it surprised no one.

“Thanks y’all, first want to see the back guarded?” Applejack asked.

Going around back there were three neat rows of trees with rows of water between them.

On the left side were fifteen ploughed squares with water between them growing carrots.

On the right were fifteen more ploughed squares growing watermelons.

“Nice orchid” Rainbow commented.

“Thanks Dash, now who wants to see the inside?” Applejack asked.

The apple-house was split into two floors, a lower one filled with labelled chests and a crafting table.

The upper floor had her bedroom along with a four by four iron block square filled with water.

“You have a pool?” Pinkie gasped.

“Farm life is hard life” Applejack said.

Rarity was next, while many of her friends expected a replica of her shop or maybe something ornate and fabulous.

But instead it was a fairly simple suburban home, being led through the house they found detailed wooden replicas of a kitchen, front room, a greenhouse attached to the back and a large luxury bedroom and on suite bathroom.

“Wow, I’d want to live here for reals” Pinkie said, looking around.

Fluttershy’s was more on point for her.

The structure was buried underground, the entrance looking like a mound of dirt with flowers and a tree built on top of it.

Underneath were underground gardens with Fluttershy’s living quarters taking up minimal space.

Rainbow Dash was a floating cloud made from wool, the only access point being a trio of waterfalls that make it look like it’s raining.

“Darling everything is all over the place” Rarity pointed out.

Chests, crafting tables and chests were randomly planted everywhere. It looked like some were even being used as substitutes for building materials.

Also there was a loom over her bed.

“Hey, I know where everything is” Rainbow said.

“Oh really? Find where your food is stored” Applejack asked.

Dash looked at them blankly for a few seconds before responding.

“Hey Twilight, what's your house like?” She asked.

Twilight’s house was a mediaeval castle built on top of a tree, inside the sole room was filled with bookshelves with hers and Spike’s beds built next to each other in the middle.

“I got stuck helping Twilight so I didn’t have time for mine” Spike explained.

Meanwhile on the other side of the server, Trixie was happily building a house shaped like her head when she heard a slight hissing noise.

“Oh for buck sak-“ she began before getting blown up.

AN: Let’s be honest, we’ve all made a dick house before.

Comments ( 1 )

As a Minecraft player, I can confirm that I have not built a penis. I was too busy building the Obama Prism whilst I was interested in playing that game.

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