• Published 28th Dec 2023
  • 511 Views, 2 Comments

Blows up cake with mind, Mah funkin cake - milk rain

Luna gains the ability to blow up any type of food with her mind. So she proceeds to blow up food in peoples faces

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Celestia was admiring a cake made to resemble her. She thought it was cute and adorable. Sadly for the cake, it was going to be eaten very soon. Celestia picked up a fork in her magic, licking her lips. As she was about to dig in, Luna appeared in a burst of magic with a big grin on her face.

"Oh. Hello Luna, how are you today?" Luna did not respond; she was just staring at the cake.

"I see you have taken an interest in my cake," Celestia said with a big smile on her face. Using her telekinesis, she brought the cake to her head, saying, "Look at what they did. They made the cake to look like me. Isn't it cute?"

Luna finally responded, saying, "It looks great, Tia. If you don't mind, I want to show you something new I learned."

"Sure, Luna, show me."

"OK then." Luna took a deep breath before staring at the cake with wide-open eyes and saying, "BLOWS UP CAKE WITH MIND." Celestia stared at her dumbfounded, asking what she was doing, but Celestia's attention was drawn to her cake, violently shaking.

"Um...Luna, what did you—" Celestia's comment was cut off as her cake exploded, sending cake splattering everywhere. Celestia could only hear Luna's laughter as she looked at where her cake once stood. Small sobs could be heard from Celestia as she spoke.

"My cake." Celestia turned to Luna, tears now coming down her cheeks. "Luna...y-you killed Cake Celestia. Why would you do that?" but Celestia's words would fall on deaf ears as Luna teleported to who knows where. Celestia was left there by herself; her head and ear dropped as she mourned the loss of Cake Celestia.

Luna was currently invisible, flying around Ponyville looking for her next target. It would not take long, though. Looking through a window, she saw Celestia's student about to eat a meal. She teleported inside right next to Twilight, startling her.

"Oh my god, Princess Luna, you almost gave me a heart attack."

"Hello, Element of Magic. What are we eating here today?" Luna said, the grin plastered on her face again.

"Ummm...A hamburger with a side of fries and a milkshake."

"Hmm looks yummy. Say, Twilight, want to see something new that I learned."

"Ok, sure, why not."

"Ok, here I go then." Luna stared intently at the burger before saying, "BLOWS UP BURGER WITH MIND."

Twilight looked at her burger for a few seconds, confused. But before she knew it, the burger started to shake violently before blowing up in her face. "Luna, what in Celestia's name was that?" but Twilight would get no response as Luna continued.

"Want a side of fries with that Bearer of Magic?" As Luna finished her sentence, the fries also blew up in Twilight's face.

"Princess Luna, with all due respect, this is not funny; it's getting annoying now," Twilight said in an annoyed tone.

"Don't forget your drink, Twilight Sprinkle." The milkshake would also blow up in Twilight's face. Quickly standing up, she would say, "Great, now I have to take another shower." As she said this, she would teleport away to presumably a shower. Luna was still in the room, cackling, but she would quickly teleport away to her next target.

Applejack was finishing up her daily bucking, putting the last of the apples she harvested today in a barrel almost filled to the brim with apples. She took her hat off, wiping the sweat off her head, looking over a bunch of barrels that amounted to 2 months of apple bucking. She smiled, proud of the work they had accomplished. She started to head back inside when she heard a pony teleport behind her. She looked back to see Princess Luna was now in her barn.

"Hello, Princess. Can I help you?"

"Hello, Element of Honesty. I have come to show you a cool trick."

"Ok...guess I could entertain this. By all means, go ahead, Princess."

Luna stared at a barrel of apples before her and said, "Blows up Apples with mind." Applejack raised an eyebrow at what Luna just said. But she then noticed the barrel of apples starting to shake violently before blowing up in front of them. Applejack frowned, telling the Princess that she could have just blown up a singular apple and not a whole barrel. But once again, it fell on deaf ears as Luna quickly teleported away, continuing her rampage of food destruction somewhere else. Applejack walked up to the barrel of exploded apples, sighing and saying.

"Well, I can always replace these apples tomorrow." Applejack started to make her way back inside again, but she stopped once more as she heard violent shaking and a lot more of it. She whipped her head around, seeing all the other barrels in the barn shaking about to be blown up. She stared in horror at what it meant, but she was powerless to do nothing. All she could do was scream out "NO!" as all the hard work the Apple family had done up to that point was gone in the blink of an eye. All Applejack could say was "shit."

Luna continued her food destruction rampage all into the night, only taking a break to lower the moon. She would continue to be a nuisance all the way into the morning. Eventually, she would have one last target on her mind: a human in the Everfree forest named Anon. She giggled as she teleported to his house.

Anon and Pinkie Pie looked at a stack of pancakes on the table. But it was no ordinary stack of pancakes. This stack of pancakes took them 2 months to get their hands on, and now they were going to enjoy it.

"3 damn months, Pinkie Pie, and it was all worth it for this moment," Anon said.

"I know this stack of pancakes we are about to consume will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience," Pinkie Pie said, picking up a fork and handing it to Anon. "You should have the first bite, partner."

Anon gave the fork back to Pinkie Pie, saying, "No, no, by all means, mares first."

"Aw, you are too kind, Anon." Pinkie was about to stab into the pancakes with the fork when all of a sudden a light of blue magic flashed into the room. Pinkie Pie and Anon looked in horror at who they saw.

"Hello, human Anon," Luna said. Anon looked at Luna with horror on his face, but it quickly turned into a more determined look as he slammed his hands down on the table to make sure she would understand the point he was about to make.

"Luna, Pinkie Pie and I know what you have been doing recently, and listen to me when I tell you this: DO NOT BLOW UP OUR PANCAKES."

Luna looked over at Anon before asking him, "And why should I not blow them up?"

"Because if you do, we won't get a chance like this for another 100 years."

"100 years? Anon, that pancake would not happen to be made out of a special type of ingredient that only grows every 100 years, and is red?"

"You have been around for a 1000 years. I bet you have had some of it before." Luna stared down Anon before grinning and saying.

"Ah yes, crimson wheat. I remember when one of the royal chefs used it in a dessert a couple of hundred years ago; it was very good. But how did you two get your hands on it? Most of the time it's only the rich that have access to it."

"Let's just say, if you knew the lengths we went to get our hands on it, we would both be locked up in a cell right now."

"Did you kill anyone to get your hands on it?" Luna questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"WHAT! NO!" Anon screamed. "You think we would stoop that low for a damn ingredient."

Luna shrugged, responding. "I don't know. As long as you did not kill anyone, I don't care."

"You are something else, Luna," Anon said. Pinkie Pie, who had been listening the whole time, would speak up, staring at Luna, stating.

"Alright Princess, enough chit-chat. You got your reason on why you should not blow up our perfect pancakes. so scram!" Pinkie said with authority. Luna pondered for a moment on whether she should or should not blow up a once-in-a-lifetime experience for these two. But she would realize that she's a princess; she could just pull some strings and get them another one.

"Ok, then I'll take my leave." Luna said, her horn glowing.

Anon sighed, saying, "Thank you, Luna."

A devilish smirk would come across her face as she turned around and said. "Sike! BLOWS UP PANCAKES WITH MIND!"

"MY F**KING PANCAKES!" Pinkie Pie screamed, reaching out to her stack of pancakes. But before she could get to it, it would explode in front of her face, her mane immediately deflating. She would begin to ramble about nonsense, picking up tiny pieces of the once pancake, trying hopelessly to shove it all back together to form a pancake, but all she could form was a blob of goop that kind of looked like playdough.

Anon stared at the now destroyed pancakes. All the hard work they had done for 3 months was now gone in a couple of words. Unlike Pinkie Pie, who was now sad and trying hopelessly to piece back together the pancake, Anon would only feel anger boiling through him. He clenched his hand into a fist so hard; he swore he was on the verge of popping a vein. He looked at Luna, who was only laughing her a** off. He pondered on how she could laugh at such a thing. He wanted to know what the joke was because he certainly did not see it. Does she not know he won't be able to enjoy such a delicacy as those pancakes ever again because he will be in a grave by the time they come back? Anon grits his teeth as he storms over to Luna.

"You two should have seen the look on your—" But Luna was interrupted by a fist ramming into the side of her face, knocking her back. She would steady herself, looking at Anon in shock. "Anon—" But Luna would be interrupted again; Anon pointed a finger into her face, saying.

"NO! Don't act all shocked with me; you know you had that coming to you!"

"Anon, I am a princess, I can just get you another one."

Anon's rage would only increase as he spoke. "I don't want you to just give me those pancakes on a silver platter. Who do you take me for?" Anon would continue his rant. "All I wanted to do today was to eat the fruits of my labor, but I guess I can't do that now with blow-up pancakes," he said, pointing at the now-empty plate.

Anon would sigh, calming himself down before telling Luna to get out of his house. Taking the hint, she would teleport away. Anon looked back at Pinkie Pie; he would walk over to her, prying her away from the table, scooping her up in his arms, stroking her deflated mane.

"Anon, put me down; we can still save it. We were so close." Pinkie Pie said with sadness in her voice.

"I know Pinkie Pie. I know, but not much we can do now. Let's just get our minds off it for now."

Luna would teleport back to her chambers, annoyance on her face. She would walk over to her balcony, wondering why Anon had to go off on her. He could have had that stack of pancakes back in less than 40 minutes, and then there would be no problem. As she looked over the horizon, she would be engulfed in golden magic; she would quickly panic as she looked back to see Celestia stepping out of the shadows.

"That's my thing, Tia! You can't just take my trope."

"Let's cut to the chase, Luna," Celestia said with a firm tone. "Ever since you blew up Cake Celestia, I have been watching you pull off these rookie pranks—" But Celestia would be cut off as Luna spoke up.

"Rookie pranks!? In my opinion, this is some of my best work." Luna countered.

Celestia would roll her eyes. "You have only scratched the surface, in the ways of trolling my dear sister. But none the less, I think it's time to put you in your place, Luna." Luna kept staring at her sister as she began to pace around her.

"You know after you blew up Cake Celestia, an ancient evil had awoken in me that I had not felt in a long time. And as I kept watching you throughout the day, that evil only kept growing, and the tipping point was after you blew up poor Anon and Pinkie Pie's pancakes. You know that was not nice, right?"

"Oh, come on, Tia, we both know we have a surplus of the damn wheat. I could have just asked one of the royal chefs to make another one." Luna argued.

"You could have. But don't you realize that they worked hard to get what they wanted? And then you just blew it all away; like come on Luna if it were me, I would have stopped right then and there."

Luna would only roll her eyes at her sister's comments, but would quickly lock eyes with Celestia again.

"Now. Enough chit-chat Luna; I think it's time for some payback, for killing cake Celestia."

Luna only chuckled to herself in response. "What are you going to do? Send me back to the moon?"

A devilish grin would be plastered on Celestia's face as she responded. "No. But what I have in store for you is much worse than the moon." Luna would study her sister closely before gasping in shock, seemingly knowing what she was in for.

"No! Tia would wouldn't dare do that to me!"

"Oh, but I would. Come on, Lulu, you can't deny that you look adorable in that form."

Luna would begin to thrash around in the magic field, in protest, but to no avail. Celestia, on the other hand, did not care and began to hum a tune as she casted a spell on her sister. Luna would begin to spin in the magical field, each time going faster and faster as her body stretched and scrunched in all directions. As the spell was about to finish, Luna would try to plead one more time to her sister.


"Sorry, Lulu I can't hear you~" Celestia said with a playful tone. and With that. One final no would come from Luna as the spell would be completed. Silence falls upon Celestia. But the silence would soon break, as she began to giggle at something that had grabbed her attention. Celestia was currently looking down at the floor at a now-changed Luna. Changed how? Well, Luna had now become a small plushie.

"Tia! Change me back, please!" Luna shouted, but no words were spoken from the plushie. Celestia picked up the plushie as she spoke to it.

"See, you look much better as a plushie, Lulu." Celestia would teleport herself and plush Luna to her chambers where she would put Luna on a small shelf.

"NO, NOT THE SHELF TIA!" Luna shouted.

"There you go, nice and snug," Celestia said with a smile on her face. "I think I'll leave you like this for 2 weeks this time." Celestia looked at her sister one last time before patting her on the head and walking out of the room.

"Tia? Tia, where are you going? Don't leave me here; come back. Please?" Luna said in a defeated tone.

Pinkie Pie looks over a cliff to the sea below, admiring the night sky that bounced off it. As she was admiring it, she would hear a noise coming from behind her. Sighing, the pink pony would turn back before saying.

"Come on, Anon; we don't have all day. Let's get this over with." Pinkie Pie said in a deadpan tone.

"I know, I know, It's just that this chest is heavy as hell," Anon replied. Anon would make his way to Pinkie Pie. He stopped next to her as he caught his breath.

Turning to Anon, Pinkie Pie would speak up.

"After we get rid of this guy, there won't be anything leading us back to the crime," Pinkie stated. Anon would chuckle at that as he moved the chest closer to the edge of the cliff, putting a foot on top of it.

"Yep. And the crazy thing is, this poor bastard died for nothing." As he said this, he would push the chest with all his strength off the cliff, sending it careening down to the water. Pinkie Pie stood at Anon's side as they both watched the chest hit the side of the mountain a few times before finally dropping into the ocean and sinking to the depths of the unknown.

Anon would dust his hands off before turning around and following the pink pony to who knows where.

Author's Note:

I saw a video of a cat, blowing up another cats stack of pancakes. 😼💥🥞😿

Comments ( 2 )

this is so crazy imagine luna made a comeback instead of blowing up food she would blow up food. With missles.


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