• Published 26th Nov 2023
  • 979 Views, 33 Comments

Restoring a wasteland. - Aiwhisper

When Sunset returned to Equestria she got her old wish, but at what cost.

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Ch10. Day three.

“Mmm, Shy not there.” I heard Rainbow dash moan causing Sunset and I to pause before knocking on their door. We were about to collect them for breakfast.

“Oh but Dashie I just can’t stop, you’re so cute.” Fluttershy giggled.

“Should, should we knock?” Sunset blushed a bit while looking my way.

I shrugged with a smirk. “I’d rather not intrude on their fun but we also don’t want them missing breakfast and messing up the rationing schedule.”

“Have you gotten Rainbow and Fluttershy yet?” Twilight walked up behind us and we shook our heads. “Fine I’ll get them.”

Twilight used her limited magic to open the door just as Rainbow moaned again. Out of curiosity we all peaked inside while Twilight blushed furiously. Fluttershy had Rainbow Dash pinned the the floor and was massaging her back and wing muscles.

“Oh Hello everyone. Rainbow had some really sore flight muscles so I’m giving her a massage.” Fluttershy smiled and said after spotting us. “Um, would either of you like one next?”

Rainbow, with her slowly wagging tail and dopey look, was so invested in Fluttershy’s ministrations she hadn’t noticed us yet.

We all went “oh,” after realizing what was going on and Sunset replied. “Maybe later Shy, we were just coming to get you both for breakfast.”

“Breakfast?” Rainbow finally cracked an eye at that point and jumped up looking embarrassed. “This isn’t what it looks like.”

We all just laughed and left Dash and Shy to get ready.

“Bah, I’m telling you guys I don’t think of Flutters that way.” She tried defending herself at breakfast again.

“Mhm.” Sunset nodded. “Sure~.”

“wait, you don’t like me?” Fluttershy fake sniffled getting in on the teasing. Human Fluttershy was more bold than her pony counterpart.

“Wha? No, of course I like you Shy!” Rainbow held up her hooves.

“Oh, that’s good.” Fluttershy gave her a friendly nuzzle. “I like you too.”

We all giggled again as Rainbow blushed and grumbled.

“So wait are you two dating?” Twilight asked seriously with a tilt of her head causing Fluttershy to blush while Sunset and I laughed harder. “What?”

“No Twilight we’re not dating.” Rainbow eventually answered then she and Shy slowly started eating as did Sunset and I after our laughing fit.

“Oh, okay.” Twilight nodded then finished eating her portion.

“So, what’s on the agenda today.” I asked, trying to get us on task.

“Well, Twilight and I planned to head into the city and scavenge the library.” Sunset levitated away all our dishes and followed them into the kitchen.

“Oh I want to go.” Rainbow spoke loud enough for Sunset to hear. “Sounds like our first actual adventure.”

“You mean aside from jumping into a magical portal?” Fluttershy mumbled.

“Actually that’s not a bad idea. We should all go for safety reasons.” I chipped in. “Who knows how the rest of the city is really holding up.”

All of us sat at the castle’s front gate wearing saddle bags containing a packed lunch and other supplies we might need for the day trip out. We looked around the deserted city, none of us really wanting to step out first, granted only Sunset really knew the way.

“Alright let’s get moving I guess.” Sunset sighed. I could tell from how she looked the whole scene was really rough on her.

Following behind her we all kept our ears on a swivel.

“It’s like a zombie movie.” Dash commented as we moved through Canterlot. “A whole abandoned city with only a few survivors.”

“Zombies?” Fluttershy pushed up close against my side to hide under my wing. I gave her a comforting side hug before she walked on her own again.

“While I doubt there are zombies it is a bit eerie to think we’re the only ones alive in such a massive city.” Twilight adjusted her bag.

“Just a few years ago this place would have been filled with ponies going about their day.” Sunset sighed. “Now it’s practically a relic.”

“Did you live here as well Dusk?” Twilight asked.

“No. I was brought here when Sunset returned, remember? Oh wait I only explained that to the others… anyway, I used to be human as well but from yet another version of earth.” I explained the rest to her as we walked.

When we finally arrived at the library Twilight was all caught up and begged to study the elements later on, a request I denied adamantly.

The library itself was in much better condition than the surrounding area thanks to its wards. Sunset took it upon herself to renew said wards while the rest of us looked around.

“I’m glad this place survived.” I almost jumped out of my fur when Sunset spoke from behind me.

When I caught my breath. “Yeah, did you find the books you need to keep working on the portal?”

“A few.” She patted her saddle bag. “The rest are probably in the restricted section which won’t be easy to get in too. Can you lend a horn?”

“Sure.” I tapped my horn on hers as if actually helping that way.

She had been right it wasn’t easy getting what we needed. While the girls had been gathering useful or interesting books to bring back to the castle Sunset and I spent all day undoing security wards or just breaking them with raw power that would need to be replaced later. It was draining work and by the time we finished we were both sweating.

“Oh my, you both look awful.” Fluttershy grabbed some rags to help wipe off our sweat.

“Thanks Flutters. That was a pain.” I slumped down on the cool floor.

“At least we got in finally.” Sunset slumped down as well.

“Was it really that difficult?” Twilight closely examined the now open gate. “It looks like an ordinary old gate.”

“Yeah now it is. That thing had enough security wards to kill an average unicorn if they tried what we did. Considering it could weaken two alicorns, even if we are young ones, it was no joke.” Sunset stretched out as Twilight stepped back from the gate. “Ug, lowering the sun will be a pain tonight.”

“It’s safe now Twilight.” I soothingly pat her withers after standing back up. “As long as Sunset or are are close enough for the remaining wards to recognize our presence at least.”

She relaxed a bit as Sunset stepped forward. “Well let’s get what we came for. To bad this was the easy part.”

“Wait, why was breaking into a super secure restricted section of the library the easy part?” I hadn’t noticed Rainbow had joined us until she asked her question.

“It will probably take weeks of research before I can open the portal at will instead of relying on its natural cycle.” She replied while hunting for the needed research material. “Weeks I won’t be able to assist with other tasks if that’s what we focus on.” She pulled out a few books.

We returned to the castle heavily laden with books in the late evening. Luckily, well not luck as Sunset and I had decided to put off exchanging the celestial bodies, the sun had remained up our entire trip. We had decided to put off moving them until we returned once we realized there was no one around to complain about a half hour extra of daylight.

Oh how wrong we were. “Ug, is the moon complaining to you as well Dusk? The sun won’t shut up about him not being moved on time.” Sunset rubbed her temples after we finally unpacked our bags.

“She’s being patient but worried. Let’s move them and apologize for not keeping on schedule before it gets worse.” I lit my horn at the same time she did and night descend over the city.

“Never missing the scheduled again.” Sunset huffed and plopped down on the bed.

“Agreed.” I plopped down next to her. It had become comfortable without either of us noticing or wanting to acknowledge our cuddling out loud.

Twilight watched from her room as the sun went down and the moon rose. She still couldn’t believe she was in a magical land of ponies helping restore a land that was on the verge of becoming extinct.

“I miss you Mom and Dad. Shiny not as much.” She laughed to herself as she got into bed.

Fluttershy and Rainbow both got into bed and began cuddling. Contrary to Fluttershy’s teasing she knew Rainbow could never be romantically involved. Yes they loved each other but it was more as close sisters who had been there for each other over the years. Dash as the protector and Shy as a shoulder to lean on.

“Night dash.” Fluttershy gave her sister a nuzzle.

“Night Shy.” Rainbow blushed, not quite sure of those facts herself anymore.