• Published 26th Nov 2023
  • 979 Views, 33 Comments

Restoring a wasteland. - Aiwhisper

When Sunset returned to Equestria she got her old wish, but at what cost.

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Ch7. Goodbyes and unexpected travelers.

‘Dear Family,

If you’re reading this it means I left. It’s not because I don’t love you all but because I finally found a place where I can be who I really want to be. I will be living with wonderful friends in a wonderful home so no need to worry about me. Sadly where I am going cellphones don’t work and I may be unable to communicate for a few years.

With all my love,

‘Mom, Dad,

Peace out and good luck with your jobs. You’re always spending more time on your careers than me so I’m out.

Rainbow Dash’

Fluttershy and Rainbow looked at each other and double checked their packed bags. “Are we really doing this?” Rainbow spoke first.

“Yes. My family will understand and yours…” Fluttershy trailed off.

“Won’t care, I know.” Rainbow sighed. “But will Sunset and Dusk let us stay?”

“They have to. Not like we could go through a closed portal.” Fluttershy was showing her friend more convection than ever before. “And she already offered us to go.”

“Wasn’t that when she thought we could go back and fourth any time?” Rainbow’s eyebrow rose.

“I’m going.” Fluttershy affirmed as Rainbow sighed.

“I’m with you Flutters.”

“Pinkie how did you do all this?” Sunset was spinning around and checking out the decked out warehouse. Pinkie Pie had decorated it for a going away party after she had finished her classes. There was now only about two hours left now before the portal closed.

“Well I couldn’t let you two just leave without a proper goodbye.” She giggled.

“It’s lovely Pinkie thank you.” I gave the girl a hug and she swatted at my chest.

“Oh stop it you.” She blushed and skipped off to finish her preparations.

I just shook my head and began packing up the last of the supplies we were bringing.

“So this is it huh?” Sunset looked towards the door of the portal room.

“Yep, we got quiet a lot done in just a few days thanks to Silver’s help. Supplies for a few months, seeds to farm, electronics… heck she got us this awesome place to hide the portal.”

“Yeah. Looks like the others are here now too.” The other four showed up and greeted us then we all began partying. It wasn’t anything too wild, mostly just snacking, sharing stories, and planning for the future to get back in touch or watch over the place.

“Not enjoying the party?” Pinkie asked. I was currently standing off to the side watching as the others talked and planned.

“It’s great Pinkie.” I gave her a pat on the head for some reason. “I just don’t know the girls well enough to really join in.”

“But you’re Sunset’s prince right?” She wiggled her eyebrows.

That got me to laugh. “We aren’t exactly like that, yet.”

“Ohh~ so you want to be.” She practically sang teasingly.

“Who wouldn’t.” I shrugged. I wasn’t embarrassed about finding her attractive as a human and an alicorn.

“No fun. Dashie always gets embarrassed by love talk.” She crossed her arms. “You two are going to be okay right?” She turned more serious. “I cant help make her smile from a world away.”

“It’s going to be a lot of work but yeah, I think we’ll be fine.” I took a swig of the punch Pinkie brought me.

“Twilight what are we doing out here again?” Shining Armor asked his younger sister. They were walking through the warehouse district and his sister was on a mission.

“I told you. I tracked a strange energy signal to a warehouse around here and I want to investigate. This energy could lead to all kinds of scientific breakthroughs.” Twilight checked the gps on her phone. “We’re here.”

“Where I don’t see anything but an old parking lot.” Shining crossed his arms before his sister suddenly disappeared.

“Come on.” Twilight grabbed his arm and pulled him towards a building he hadn’t seen a moment ago with cars parked out front.

“Is this really goodbye?” Pinkie was hugging Sunset and crying. Dusk had already gone through the portal to give her the last few minutes alone with her friends.

“Not forever Pinkie. We will be back remember.”Sunset hugged her back, she and her friends were standing around in the portal room.

“What’s going on here?” Twilight and Shining were hiding behind the cracked door.

“Alright girls time for me to go.” Sunset gave them each one last hug then stepped through the mirror.

“So that’s it then huh. We won’t see her for the next few years.” Applejack held her hat over her heart. “Come on girls let’s get this place cleaned up then locked up.” Applejack led everyone except Rainbow and Fluttershy out. Twilight and her brother quickly hid, shocked at what they just witnessed.

After the others had left they began watching the last two unknown girls standing in front of the mirror.

“Together?” Rainbow asked after grabbing her bag she had hidden in the room during the party.

“Yep.” Fluttershy nodded, grabbing her own.

The two then stepped through the mirror leaving Earth behind.

“What’s going on here.” Twilight rushed into the now empty portal room and circled the mirror. “Where did they go?”

“Twilight I don’t think you should stand so close to that thing.” Shining warned. He wished he had brought his security guard gear.

“But I must know how this works. Maybe I can ask the other girls that were here.” As Twilight spoke she looked closely at the ordinary looking mirror. Unfortunately for her, she looked too closely and tumbled right into it.

“Twilight!” Shining rushed over but ran into a solid barrier just before the mirror. Banging on the invisible shield he continued to yell her name until the door behind him opened.

“What in tarnation?” A country accent rang out.

“Oh my, I don’t think he is supposed to be here.” Shining heard a posh accent. He finally turned around looking at the other three girls.

“What did you do to my sister Twilight?!?” Shining yelled. He ran over to Applejack intent on grabbing her but found himself on his back. “Where does that mirror lead?”

“Calm down darling I’ll go retrieve your sister.” Rarity spoke up. She walked over to the mirror, easily passing through the barrier but ran into the mirror’s solid surface.

“Oh my, oh dear.” Rarity rubbed her nose. “The portal already closed…”

“Where’s my sister?” Shining growled and the three girls shared a look.

“What were you two thinking?” Twilight heard Dusk yelling. She was currently in a dark room unable to see anything. “You’re both now trapped here with us for who knows how long.”

“We know okay, but it’s what we wanted.” A girls voice rang out.

“I still can’t believe you two secretly followed behind us.” I huffed then calmed down. “It was a smart plan. Waiting a bit after Sunset came through or she would have sent you back. But now we can’t, so welcome new citizens of Equestria. You two are the first.” I finished my ranting at Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

“So when do we learn to fly?” Rainbow flared her wings. “My prince.” She stuck out her tongue.

I chuckled, “As soon as the weather…” We suddenly heard another voice.

“Hello? It’s quite dark and I’m having trouble standing up. Can someone help me?” Twilight Sparkle’s voice rang out from the castle’s portal room.

“I thought you two came alone?!” I panicked.

“We did.” Fluttershy and Rainbow said at the same time looking at the door.

I slowly opened it with my magic and found just what I feared. A lavender unicorn with similar coloration as my own. One that panicked as soon as she saw three ponies looking at her.

“Ahh.” She tried to run back but crashed into the, now solid, mirror knocking herself out. Thank Harmony Sunset reinforced both ends or it would have shattered.

Rainbow covered her muzzle with a hoof trying not to laugh while Fluttershy ran over to help her.

“Oh, Sunset is going to have a panic attack. First you two and now this.” I shook my head. “Let’s get her to the hospital wing for now.”

“What the buck!” All of our ears splayed back as Sunset yelled. I had tracked her down and brought her to the medical wing.

“I know.” I replied as Fluttershy tended to our first, and hopefully last, patient.

“Why didn’t you send them back?” She threw up her forelegs and a few sparks flew off her horn.

“Portal was already closed when I found them. They’re here now for the foreseeable future.” I calmly gave her the facts.

“Please don’t be mad with Dusk. It was our choice to come along.” Fluttershy trotted over and gave Sunset a hug, causing her to relax.

“Yeah… you know what my home life was like Shimmer so giving that up to fly was a no brainer.” Rainbow gave her a cocky grin.

“Fine, you two I can accept but what about her.” She pointed a wing at the sleeping unicorn. “How did she get here?”

I shrugged along with the other two. “I honestly have no idea. You fixed the wards right?”

“Honestly, I didn’t have time to start over on them just to keep her out. I didn’t think it would be an issue, with us gone and the portal closed so it wouldn’t be giving off a magic signature.” She sheepishly answered.

“Well looks like we have one more thing to worry about.” I put a hoof on my nose. “Not it.”

Sunset gave me glare. “What, I have to get these two settled in. Come on girls.”

I walked out with Fluttershy and Rainbow following behind me.

For the second time recently Twilight found herself waking up in a strange place this one looked like a hospital though which was relieving. “Oh thank goodness, it was all just a dream.”

“I wouldn’t count on it.” Sunset joked.

“Ah, talking horse.” Twilight panicked and got tangled in her bedding before suddenly being enveloped in an orange glow unable to move.

“Hey! I am a pony alicorn princess, not a horse!” Sunset untangle the girl freshly turned unicorn.

“Sorry.” Twilight squeaked.

“Well then Twilight it looks like you really got yourself into trouble again.” Sunset chided.

“How do you know my name? And why did you turn me into a pony too?” She held out her fore hooves.

“First off, You turned yourself into a pony when you sneaked into our warehouse and passed through our mirror portal. Second, it’s because we have met before.” Sunset flipped her mane with a hoof.

“Sunset? But. What?” Twilight might be a genius but even her mind was unable to process all this new stimuli.

“Yeah we have a lot to talk about considering you’re now stuck here as our third citizen.” Sunset chuckled.

“Alright so you want me to believe that my sister traveled through a magical portal into a world ruled by two magical ponies. Ponies that are currently rebuilding their world with help from our world and your friendship?” Shining summed up. “You girls are insane.”

“Look darling you don’t have to believe us but you saw your sister fall through the portal first hand.” Rarity huffed. She was getting tired of trying to explain things even she didn’t fully understand.

“Then get her back!” Shining threw up his arms.

“We can’t partner. The dang portal only opens every few years according to Princess Sunset and she hasn’t yet found a way to do it when she wants.” Applejack shared in Rarity’s frustration. Pinkie had been no help so they had sent her off to finish cleaning up the place. It didn’t help that they just found out Rainbow and Fluttershy had also gone through the portal via a delayed email sent to all of them.

“Fine, then I’m going to the police.” Shining started walking away towards the exit.

“And tell them what sugar? ‘Hey my sister fell through a magical mirror and these girls won’t bring her back.’ Real believable story.” Applejack smugly yelled after him.

Shining froze. “Then what am I supposed to do?”

“Well dear. We plan to keep this place safe until the portal can be opened again… you could start there.” Rarity put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Shining nodded then left without looking back.

“Think he’ll keep quiet about all this?” Applejack asked.

“Darling he would have to be crazy not to.” Rarity flashed a grin and went to go help Pinkie.

Twilight was starting out the window of her new room. She had been given her own guest bedroom near the ones the others were already using. “It looks so bleak outside.” Apparently the entire castle was not in use and only a few areas had been properly reclaimed while the outside was a disaster zone.

She was watching the storm that she was told started days ago when Sunset and Dusk ascended. “I’m in a world of magic as a unicorn with magic of my own.” She lightly tapped her horn. “Ruled by a Prince and Princess in charge of the celestial bodies.” She walked to the bed and flopped down on it.

“And I am stuck for years as their citizen.” Twilight sighed and cried into her pillow. “Why couldn’t I leave well enough alone.”

“You doing alright Sunset?” I got into bed next to her. I had offered to take another room yet she didn’t want to be alone saying ‘ponies often snuggled with their friends’. Heck we could both use the company.

“No, our plans are already being messed up.” She sighed and hid her head under my wing.

“True.” I laid my head on her back. “We’re going to have to focus on farming more than I expected versus getting the portal in working order or other activities as we have more mouths to feed. Granted we now have three helpers even if they know even less about being a pony than I do.” I chuckled.

“You at least got the basics of everything from Harmony.” Her voice was muffled. “And while I haven’t flown before I was born a unicorn who remembers all her magic lessons.”

“True. At least I honestly never expected our plans to work out perfectly in the first place. This is just our first challenge but it also gave a fairly big opportunity.” I raised my wing and gave her a nuzzle causing her to blush.

“Yeah…” we didn’t speak any longer. Instead we lit our horns and transitioned Equestria from Day into night. Hopefully this storm breaks soon and we’ll be able to actually watch a sunset together.