• Published 24th Dec 2023
  • 154 Views, 0 Comments

Chaos "Warn-ming" - Hyper Star

Four Changelings decide that Hearths Warming Eve is the perfect day to exact their revenge on the ponies.

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For Its that Pony: Chaos "Warn-ming"

In the dark and snowy forest, three Changelings huddled together, bickering over their plan.

“We should attack at night, catch them off guard when they least expect it.”

“No! We need to split them up, they’re weaker that way.”

“Shut up! We must focus on infiltrating Canterlot Castle undetected and working together.”

“Since when do you care about unity!

Suddenly, a rustle in the bushes silenced them. They tensed, antennae quivering as a shadowy figure emerged.

Another Changeling, Hive, sneered, “Your stupid squabbling will be our downfall. We should strike them when they think they’re safe — Celestia takes her tea in the afternoon and Luna is mostly unconscious while she's in the dream realm.”

Scuttle hissed, “And how do we get past the guards? There’s too many guards.”

Chitin grinned, “A hidden passage in the catacombs leads directly to the throne room. We snatch our targets, and leave.”

Pincer nodded, "We feed on their love, leaving Equestria in chaos. Our Queen will reign supreme."

“What about the six ponies? They always get in the way! How will we capture them?”

“Easy, the ponies are having a holiday at this time, they'll be busy celebrating and we can easily trick them.”

“But if we want our Queen to reign supreme, why don't you tell me where she is?”


“We'll figure that out later.”

Princess Celestia sat on the terrace of Canterlot Castle in the afternoon sun, holding a delicate cup of chamomile tea in her magic.

Chitin and Pincer waited as she sun lowered the Sun.

Chitin, signalled with a subtle gesture and whispered, "Now, while the guards are distracted."

He and Pincer darted out from thejr hiding spot and slipped past the distracted guards, reaching the unsuspecting Princess.

Twilight's Castle buzzed with festive energy as she and her friends were decorating, the air was filled warmth emanating from crackling fireplaces.

In the main hall, wreaths adorned with ribbons hung on every door, while a towering Everfree Fir tree stood in the center.

“I'd say we've done a great job this y–! Pinkie? Are you okay?”

Pinkie Pie was sitting on top of the tree in Twilights Castle, placing on the star

“Do you... need a ladder?” Twilight said as she hanged up more lights

“Nah, I'm already on the tree!”

“Yes, but can you get down?”

“Uhhhhh... no. A little help?”

The door was flung open, Applejack had entered the Castle.

“Have ya'll seen Rainbow Dash?”

“I thought you were bringing her?”

“Guys?” Pinkie Pie failed to grab their attention.

“Ah was, but Ah can't find her.”

“Perhaps we could ask Fluttershy? She would probably know where she is,” Rarity said from behind.

The door opened again, this time Fluttershy entered the Castle.

“Oh, hi everypony, hope I'm not interrupting anything,”

“Good timing Fluttershy, do you know where Rainbow Dash is?”

“No, I was in my cottage the entire day, Angel was being a little crank–”

“GUYS! Could you help me get down?!”

“Oh, sorry. Hang on, I'm coming.” Twilight flew up to help Pinkie.

While her other friends continued with the festive preparations. Hive and Scuttle, hidden in the shadows, observed the unsuspecting scene below.

Hive whispered to Scuttle, "This is the perfect moment. Let's make our move."

Silently, the Changelings slinked through the castle corridors, avoiding the glow of candles and the colorful decorations.

In the main hall, Hive seized the opportunity. Swiftly, he conjured a magical cocoon around Twilight.

Scuttle moved to trap the others. Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity, startled, found themselves enveloped in their cocoons as well, their calls for help stifled.

“Hey! since when were you all evil again?!”

“Scuttle, you idiot! Don't leave any of them behind!”

“Don't worry, I won't.”

Pinkie Pie was cocooned as well.

Hive, along with Scuttle and the captive ponies, vanished into the shadows, leaving behind a lingering sense of unease in the once joyous castle. The air, once filled with warmth, was now chilling.

The four Changelings hid in the catacombs of Canterlot until nightfall.

In the expanse of the dream realm, Luna laid on her bed, looking as if she was asleep.

With a silent approach, they encircled Luna and wrapped her in a cocoon as well.

“Quick! Before she wakes up from the dream realm.”

In a swift retreat, the Changelings darted out of the Castle, leaving behind no trace of their intrusion. Luna, still in the peaceful grip of unconsciousness, remained unaware of the shadows that had taken her while she was preventing nightmares.

In the heart of a snowy forest, the air thick with falling flakes, the four Changelings gathered again.

Chitin hissed, “What do you mean you’re messing one?!”

“It's not my fault! Pincer messed up the timing.”

“Maybe if Hive's plans were clearer, we wouldn't have this problem.”

“That’s it! We cannot afford mistakes. Rainbow Dash must be captured.”

“Let's plan our next move. The six ponies always won because of their perfect coordination! Not because of their never ending whining!”

Reluctantly, the Changelings dispersed once again.

Rainbow Dash laid, snoring, on a cloud above Town Hall, slowly drifting off. Suddenly, some loud carollers started singing.

Ponies voices fill the night! Hearths Warming Eve is here once again!

Rainbow Dash woke up with a jump, “Yikes, keep it down will ya?!”

Dash yawned and looked up into the sky, it was night, huh, I thought it was day a while ago, oh well, that means I can keep sleep– wait, night, the party!

Rainbow Dash soared through the crisp winter air, arriving at Twilight's Castle with an excited grin. To her surprise it was eerily quiet. Confused, she stepped inside, calling her friends' names, but only echoes answered.

Suddenly, the mischievous sound of Discord's laughter echoed through the empty halls. He materialized in a flash, sporting a Santa hat and beard, a sack full of presents and a grin that bordered on irritating.

“Rainbow Dash! What a pleasant surprise. Or is it? I can never tell with these festive occasions, they're quite overrated,” he said, throwing away the sack, beard and hat, “Where are Fluttershy and the others?”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “Where is everypony, Discord?”

“As if I know! They're probably off spreading holiday cheer or whatever nonsense. Honestly, I find it all dreadfully dull. Trees, decorations, and don't get me started on that fruitcake nonsense.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “You just don't get it, Discord.”

He shrugged, “Perhaps not, but I'm sure you're not here to lecture me on the magic of friendship. What brings you to this haven of holiday absurdity?”

Rainbow's expression turned serious. “Something's wrong. My friends are gone. Have you seen them?”

Discord feigned disinterest, but a flicker of concern crossed his face. “Missing friends? How dreadful.”

Rainbow Dash stared him down. “Cut the act, Discord. Something's up, and I need your help.”

His eyes widened. “Help? Oh yes, without your friends your holiday is ruined, but I couldn't care less about your pointless, pony parties, so how about no.”

“You do realise that my friends being missing means Fluttershy is also missing.”

With a snap of his fingers, Discord was now in a Sherlock Holmes-esque outfit, a pipe that was blowing bubbles in his mouth and a notebook and pencil in his hands, “Well then, we must get to work! What do you think is the most plausible answer to this strange occurrence?”

“Thought so,” Rainbow Dash accidentally stepped in a sticky green substance on the floor, “Ew, what's this stuff?”

“Oh I don't know, must be a decoration, you ponies always have the strangest ideas when it comes to those.”

She'd seen this stuff before, but where? Then, she remembered the attack a few months ago, changelings!

“Oh no, no, no! This is terrible! Who am I gonna call for help now?! Wait, the Princesses! Of course! I could call–”

“Oh what now? Did you forget to bring the cookies or whatever?”

“Cookies– no! This green stuff, it's changeling... magic,

“If I remember correctly it's their stomach juice.”

“I... did not need to know that. Remember when those changelings pony-napped us?”

“Well, you have been doing a lot of "pony-napping" considering how late you are to the supposed party.”

“Would you stop?!”

“You're right, we mustn't waste any time! I have a Fluttershy to save...! Again.”

“Yeah, and what about my other friends?”

“Oh, they're not that important.”


“I was just joking.”

Suddenly, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie entered the Castle.

'Twilight' whispered, “We've done well so far. Now, we capture Rainbow Dash, and we will be unstoppable.”

As they approached the main hall, Rainbow Dash and Discord, unaware of the changelings' presence, were caught off guard by their sudden appearance.

Startled, Rainbow Dash shot into the air. “Whoa! Where did these guys come from?”

Discord, raising an eyebrow, conjured a barrier around them. “Well, mystery solved, hm, wherever did Fluttershy go?”

'Applejack' scowled, realizing their disadvantage. “Discord? This is bad.”

“In her house,” 'Rarity' said, “Perhaps you should leave to see her? Oh, and don't hurry back.”

“You gotta be kidding me,”

“Why don't you come down here, Rainbow Dash? So that we can... celebrate.”

“Do really think we didn't smell this Changeling trick coming from a mile away?”

The ponies hissed and with a flash of green light, turned back into their Changeling forms.

Scuttle lunged towards Rainbow Dash, but she zipped through the air, leaving only a gust of wind in her wake. Pincer, attempting to trap Discord in a cocoon, found himself stopped by his unpredictable teleportation.

“Don't let them escape!”

With a final taunt, Discord chuckled, “Well, this is quite the surprise party, isn't it?”

With a snap of his fingers, Discord and Rainbow Dash disappeared while the Changelings, seething with frustration, watched.

Rainbow Dash and Discord stood behind Twilight's Castle as they thought of what to do next.

“What are we gonna do now? They have my friends and we don't even know where they went! We need to go call somepony to help us, somepony powerful.”

“Ugh, you really don't get how insulting that can be.”

“What about... the Princesses?”

“Oh, I was just there a while ago, but I couldn't find them.”

“Darn. Oh! I know, Starlight! She's faced these guys before, she'll know!”

“Well, so have I, I was there with her, but you never considered asking me for help...”

Discord and Rainbow Dash teleported back into Twilight's Castle, the Changelings had long gone.

As they approached Starlight's study, Rainbow Dash impatiently knocked on the door.

Discord was once again in his Santa outfit, “Hello and Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, Starlight!”

“It's... Hearths Warming.”

“Not important!” Rainbow Dash added with urgency, “We've got a Changeling situation, and we could really use your help.”

“Changelings? Again? What happened this time?”

Rainbow Dash quickly recounted the ambush and the subsequent disappearance of their friends. Discord chimed in, “And of course, my impeccable chaos wasn't enough to fend off the Changeling menace. Can you believe it?”

Starlight, with a nod, said, “Okay, let's focus on finding our friends. After all that time in the Changeling Hive I think I'm familiar enough with their particular energy signature, I'll use a location spell to sense residual Changeling magic and see if we can trace their movements. Brace yourselves; this might take some concentration.”

“Rez-ay-dial what n–?”


With that, Starlight delved into her magical studies. Discord conjured a plate of cucumber sandwiches and ate only the sandwiches' crust while observing with mild interest. Rainbow Dash, though impatient, maintained a hopeful gaze on Starlight.

After a moment of intense focus, Starlight's eyes gleamed with determination. “I've got something.”

“All right, now tell us where they are so we can get done with this!”

Rainbow Dash and Discord watched the changelings from behind a few bushes, they were exactly where Starlight said they would be.

“Okay, here’s the plan, you go after the–”

“Yes, yes, that is a wonderful plan, yet how about we go with my plan?”

Rainbow crossed her hooves, “You didn’t even listen to mine!”

“Well I’m sure mine is better.”

Discord snapped his fingers, causing the four changelings to be put into a white present tied with a red ribbon.

Before the changelings had an opportunity to register anything, the present they were in was eaten up by a giant chihuahua.

Rainbow blinked in confusion, “What just happened?”

Discord snapped his fingers, causing the chihuahua to disappear.

“Discord! We didn’t ask them where our friends are!”


“It seems the holiday isn't over yet.”

Author's Note:

Welp, that's that. You said you wanted one "villian reformed or otherwise," you got two of those (even if Starlight played a very minor role).

Merry Jinglemas!

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