• Published 7th Dec 2023
  • 331 Views, 2 Comments

The Keys To Victory - RevvEmUp

This winter is going to be Legendary!

  • ...

Chapter 5

As the giant Human World stomps around Zephyr Heights his mere existence transforms pony imagery into human versions; Amplify ads become Spotify, Ponysonic becomes Panasonic, and Wishentine indents on billboards depict humans enjoying the winter; all of which are quickly bulldozed when the robot slaps them away. “Like kicking sandcastles, man!”

“How are we gonna fight something that big?!” Pipp panicked before the sky ship hovers above them, firing lasers from its retro-thrusters at the giant.

“Everypony, to the ship!” Sunny commanded the Pony Rangers to shoot grappling hooks from their swords towards their ship.

Inside the ship’s common room, The Bird meets the Pony Rangers with Sparky following below him. “A Kudaitest?! How’d he sneak one here?!” The Bird squawked at the sight of the giant.

“A Kudaitest?” Sunny repeated.

“When a World soldier is destroyed, the world they held is passed onto a Kudaitest as a backup, transforming it into a Great World and amplifying its powers tenfold!” The Bird explained.

“No kidding! It’s turning every pony picture into humans just by being here!” Hitch pointed to an ad of a human chilling with headphones.

“That’s not the worst thing. Look!” Pipp directed everypony’s attention to Great Human World’s path towards the Royal Palace.

“We can’t fight it with pulse cannons and lasers. You have to transform the ship.” The Bird declared.

“This thing’s a giant robot, too?! Is there anything you pirates don’t have?!” Izzy exclaimed, overwhelmed by the surprises she’s been through today.

The Bird guides them into a control room containing a single helm and a monitor displaying the bow-end view of the ship. “Seriously, is this it? One ship wheel?” Pipp furrowed her brows at the sparse cockpit.

“I expected something like in cartoons where they had a chair, joysticks, and a hundred buttons.” Hitch looks at the Jolly Roger insignia mounted on a mast column behind the helm.

“How do we activate robot mode? Do we turn the wheel in a specific pattern like a safe?” Izzy wondered.

Sunny looks at the helm to find an keyhole in the axle. She takes her Ranger Key and inserts it into the helm, triggering four other helms to pop out beside the main helm, each coloured like every other member of her team. “Huh, pretty straightforward.”

“We get wheels, too? Alright!” Hitch hops into his helm with Sparky in his lap.

Izzy, Zipp, and Pipp hop onto their helms and grab the handles, spinning them to give them a try. “Let’s take this thing for a ride!” Zipp inserts her key into her helm, pulling her into the floor.

“Where’d Zipp go?” Pipp wondered.

“Beats me, but I’m following her!” Izzy inserts her key into the helm before Pipp does, too.

“Here goes nothing…” Hitch pulls his key from his sash. “See you on the flipside, Sunny.” He saluted to his friend before taking himself and Sparky down into the floor.

“Where’d they go?” Sunny asked The Bird.

“You’ll see…” The Bird chuckled in anticipation.

As Great Human World wrestles against the sky ship’s bow-mounted blade, the deck opens like a treasure chest, emanating a golden glow within. He looks inside and is decked in the chin by a huge yellow treasure-chest-shaped semi-truck emerging from it. “Yeee haaaw!” Hitch and Sparky whooped as the truck lands on a street corner, dwarfing the surrounding apartments. “Now this is a rig!” Hitch spins his helm to the right, opening the truck’s trailer to deploy a flying pink submarine that flies towards Great Human World.

“A flying submarine? This is as weird as everything I’ve seen today, but just as hy~y~ype!” Pipp circles around Great Human World’s head, baiting him to catch her before deploying a green race car to jump out and knock its golden front wings into Great Human World’s face before falling on his foot.

“Ow, man! Stop throwing your toys at me, man!” Great Human World growled as he grips his throbbing foot.

“Woo! These vehicles are mega-sized!” Izzy cheered as she spins donuts in front of Great Human World before driving down an corner.

“I ain’t finished with you, man!” Great Human World pursues Izzy’s car through the city, crashing into the many walkways connecting the skyscrapers without a single scratch.

Izzy’s car opens a hatch to deploy a massive blue jet with a black bicorne-shaped turret that shoots Great Human World’s face before he tries shielding himself with his arms. “More like super-mega-sized! Woohoo!” Zipp cackled.

While the giant was blinded, Izzy and Hitch back up their vehicles into Great Human World’s feet, carrying the giant through the streets while he thrashes out of control. “Watch your step!” Sunny boosts the sky ship into Great Human World, pushing him off the mountain the city sat on, throwing him hundreds of miles down.

On the pleasant meadow below, Great Human World’s impact causes a shockwave for miles, narrowly missing a lonely, but beautiful pink tree far beyond the mountain. As he gets up, the sky ship and the machines float down from the clouds to face him “Everypony, let’s combine!” Sunny commanded.

“Oh no you don’t, man!” Human World charges them before Izzy fires a missile from the front end of her race car, pinning him against the mountainside.

“Right!” the five ponies and Sparky turn the keys in their helms, triggering a great transformation.

The sky ship’s aft wings and solar sails flatten and fold away towards the back to form a tail, and the machines transform into mechanisms that are unmistakably equine legs joining the main body. The bow-end splits and swivels over the front legs to form bladed shoulder-mounted cannons, revealing a silver pony head depicting a green-eyed, stoic-faced stallion wearing a red bandana. The mecha-pony takes the turret on its jet leg and puts it on its head like a hat before it rears upright; kicking its front legs as a show of aggression.

Inside the cockpit, everypony pops out of the floor and join Sunny’s sides. “Combination Complete!

“Wait a minute!” The Bird suddenly interjected. “Why is it pony-shaped?!”

“It must be getting used to its new pilots.” Sunny giggled.

“We need to name it! Let’s call it Ponicus Maximus!” Izzy raises her hoof.

“How does Mega Ponybot sound?” Pipp added.

“What about Captain King?” Hitch suggested.

“What say you, Sunny?” Zipp asked Sunny.

The cockpit rattles and shakes as Great Human World curls its arm around the mecha-pony’s neck while they were discussing. “Get ready for a legendary noogie, man!” Great Human World digs his fist into the mecha’s forehead, rubbing with the speed of a drill.

“Save naming for later. Fire hat cannons!” Sunny rolls the helm to the right, triggering the turret cannons on the mecha-pony’s hat to blast Great Human World’s fist before swinging its head downwards to flip him on his back. The mecha-pony repeatedly stomps on Great Human World’s body; each hit accompanied by a blast from the weapons stuck on the hooves.

After enduring a few hits, Great Human World throws off the mecha-pony away onto its side. “Now, hold still, man…” he produces a massive bow to shoot triple arrows at the mecha-pony.

“Chaaarge!” Sunny commanded the vessel to gallop towards Great Human World, deflecting the arrows with massive swords on its flexible shoulder-launchers before winding back to slash Great Human World, only him to take a huge leap and land on the mecha-pony’s back.

“Giddyup, man!” Great Human World chokes the mecha-pony with his bowstring around its neck, wrangling it like a cowboy.

“Ugh! As if we need more problems on our back!” Pipp wildly spins her helm left and right, controlling the mecha-pony to thrash around. Seeing this isn’t working, she turns the key in her helm, causing the mecha-pony’s back to open and deploy a massive cannon that pushes Great Human World off.

“A mega cannon?! Now we’re talking!” Izzy cheered.

“More like a super mega cannon!” Zipp spins her helm, controlling the mecha-pony to gallop circles around Great Human World, shooting cannonballs into his chest so fast he can barely react.

“Let’s make this scallywag walk the plank, mateys!” Sunny commanded as she turns her key in the helm again.

Pony Rangers! Final Strike!” The Pony Rangers shouted as the mecha-pony’s legs open up to reveal cannonballs feeding into the cannon on its back, charging with their different colours. “Fire!

The cannon shoots a single, huge cannonball at Great Human World just as he stands up, blowing a hole right through its chest. “So… not… cool…” as his green eyes dim, his legs give in and he collapses. “…Man…” as soon as his head hits the ground, his body bursts into a great fiery explosion as the mecha-pony dramatically turns away.

“Now that was a win! A super mega win!” Sunny cheered as everypony celebrates their victory.

“Let’s go back and show off our new mech to everypony! It can be our new hero thing!” Pipp suggested with an excited squeak. “Mom is so gonna freak!”

As they celebrate, Hitch and Sparky spot a red shape approaching the crater that was Great Human World. “Everypony, look…” he zooms on the target, finding The Pirate sliding down the crater wall.

“No…” The Bird shuddered in fear and disbelief. “All this makes sense now… Human World, Compliance Collars, the Kudaitest… it was all him.”

“Who is he?” Sunny asked.

“The worst pirate in the cosmos, a blood-red ravager who leaves death in his wake, a con from the stars…” The Bird responded as The Pirate picks up a black gear-shaped device, turning to the Pony Rangers to simply wave. “…Silas Racha.”

Silas flicks the gear from his thumb like a coin, shooting it miles into the air where it stops and revolves at unimaginable speeds, generating a blue wireframe model of a Kudaitest, sucking in the remains of Great Human World to create a massive Kudaitest nearly twice as big, armed with an unrendered polygon blade on its right arm and a wireframe head with comparably simpler geometry than the original, bearing a slitted eye. “Yeaaah, man! Third time’s the charm, man!”

“A New Kudaitest?!” Sunny shouted in exasperation.

“Juuust when we thought it was over.” Hitch sighed.

“We can take it easy!” Izzy confidently declared. “We’ll use our can—” before she could finish her sentence, the ground shakes as a tall office building bursts under them, carrying them to higher ground.

More buildings burst from the ground; skyscrapers, a distant suburb surrounding a single school, a single mall behind the New Kudaitest, even roads weaving between these new landmarks. As these buildings materialize, New Kudaitest’s wireframe head renders orange-yellow fur, shiny green eyes, twitching pony ears, and a smiling muzzle to resemble a pony, finishing off when green ribbons burst from the back of its head, curling like dreadlocks. “Round three, man!”

“It… it made an entire city?!” Pipp exclaimed in surprise as she looks at a toothpaste billboard depicting a smiling human man.

“Without anything to transform into a human for miles, it made an entire human city!” Zipp realized.

New Human World thrusts its blade forward, rendering a rocky spike powered by seven crystals; purple, pink, orange, blue, white, and yellow, orbiting a central red crystal. “Why don’t you ponies get a taste of your own medicine, man?” New Human World slaps the pink crystal, launching a gingerbread man that blows up the building the mecha-pony stood upon, levelling it and the mecha-pony to the ground.

“Was that a cookie?!” Hitch wondered as he picks himself off the floor.

“It exploded on us!” Izzy panicked.

“Reload the cannon!” Sunny commanded as the mecha-pony stands and charges its back-mounted cannon.

New Human World’s blue crystal shines before the cannon rapid-fires, but misses as he becomes but a blur weaving up and down the streets. “Gotta go fast, man!”

“How’s he this fast?! We can’t keep up!” Pipp whined before New Human World dashes to their side and punches them clean through four skyscrapers, passing an apartment that Silas silently sat atop, before tripping onto a mall.

“Oh… so that’s what it feels like…” Izzy groaned dizzily.

As Sunny picks herself up with her friends, the systems detect six objects hovering above, looking up to see six skyscrapers covered in purple sparkles. “…Magic…?”

The skyscrapers are released from their magical grasp, falling down towards the prone mecha-pony. “Pulse cannons! Fire!” Zipp activates the shoulder-cannons to destroy the incoming buildings before they could impale the mecha-pony, showering it with shattered glass and rebar.

“He magic’d six skyscrapers! Six!” Izzy exclaimed. “We could barely magic the ship with Sunny and me!”

“Again! Fire cannons!” Sunny shouted before the shoulder and back cannons fire on New Human World.

The white crystal on New Human World’s blade shines, producing a wall of diamond-shaped prisms protecting him from the blasts. “Don’t you know, man? Diamonds are unbreakable, man!” New Human World taunted before the wall’s facets invert horizontally and slide towards the mecha-pony.

“Evasive manoeuvres!” Zipp shouted for everypony to throw their wheels to the right, dodging the diamond shields that slice clean through office buildings behind them.

As they touch down, Hitch spots a flock of birds diving towards them. “Hey, get outta here! It’s not safe!” Hitch shouted.

“Get them, man! They got crackers in the kitchen, man!” New Human World commanded the flock as the yellow crystal shines. The birds seep into every crevice on the mecha-pony; pigeons infest the kitchen, woodpeckers peck the floorboards, and seagulls cram themselves into the cockpit, pecking the Pony Rangers.

“Yow! He- Ow! -Can communicate with animals, too?! Ow!” Sunny groans while being pecked.

“Kenneth?! How could you do this to me?!” Hitch cried to a can-hatted seagull as he curls up around Sparky to protect him.

Suddenly, they feel a great shift as New Human World lifts the mecha-pony on one hand; its orange crystal glowing. “Wow, you’re lighter than I thought, man!” New Human World laughs before throttling them at the tallest skyscraper topped with a golden knight piece. The mecha-pony smashes into the upper floors as the flock evacuate en-masse before hitting the ground, pinned by the falling knight piece from the collapsing roof.

“Reboot! Reboot!” Sunny groaned as she tries to get the mecha to stand up, but couldn’t budge under the knight piece. The Pony Rangers also try to pull the mecha-pony out, but struggle against their own helms jamming as New Human World stand before them, brandishing his blade.

“They say history repeats itself, man. Just like I defeated the Rangers before you, I do to you, man.” New Human World raises his blade high in the air.

“Everypony…” Sunny whimpers as she looks at her friends’ hopeless faces and The Bird’s depressed state. “I love you… I love you all…” she cried before New Human World plunges his blade into the mecha-pony’s head as everypony closes their eyes as they brace for impact.

As the blade plunges, the central red crystal embedded within shines bright.

When Sunny opens her eyes, she finds herself in a white void, removing her helmet to find the air still, but pleasant.

“Don’t worry, you’re safe.”

Sunny turns around, finding an older yellow woman with red-yellow wavy hair, wearing a leather jacket over an orange shirt and a pair of jeans.

“Who are you? Am I…? W-where’s my friends?” Sunny asked the human.

“They’re safe. I just needed a minute to talk to you.” The woman told her.

“About… what?” Sunny asked the woman.

“It looks bad out there, doesn’t it?” the woman said.

“It… it does.” Sunny lowered her head with a tired sigh. “It was… sudden. It was one thing to unite all of ponykind together, but something else to fight an entire robot army.”

“Hey, think about how far you’ve gotten! You fought killer robots, freed a pony from his control, and destroyed a mega robot in one day!” the woman hyped Sunny up, gaining a smile from the little pony. “I know what it’s like to handle such great challenges… but I wasn’t alone. I didn’t know it at the time, but I had more friends than I knew to helped me. It just got easier the more of them I find.”

These words somehow made sense to Sunny, but was at the same time, confusing. “More friends than I knew…?” she repeated. “What’s your name?”

“Sunset Shimmer. Pleased to meet you.”

“I’m Sunny Starscout.” Sunny smiled. “Hey, we share the same initials.”

“Didn’t anyone tell you ‘hey’ is for horses?” Sunset giggled.

“You’re trapped here, aren’t you? I can save you from—" she Sunny interrupted when Sunset pets her.

“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of things in here. Now… it’s time for you to meet some new friends…” Sunset answered before everything goes dark.

Gosei Great Megazord!

Sunny opens her eyes again and finds the monitor displaying a giant pony-shaped silhouette backing away from the mecha-pony as it throws off what is unmistakably New Human World with draconic wings.

“We’re alive! Aliiive!” Izzy squealed in relief.

“Is that another ponybot?” Hitch wondered as the lighting readjusts, revealing before them a mecha-pony with a red winged helmet, metal dragon wings, and hooves resembling different animals; shark, bird, snake, and tiger.

New Human World was knocked back a couple streets away, shielded by a diamond shield absorbing the blow. “No, man! You’re supposed to be dead, man! There was a fire and everything, man!”

“As if a little fire ever stopped us!” responded a young mare’s voice from the new mecha-pony.

“We’ve fought aliens, mutants, mutant aliens…” counted a mellow stallion’s voice.

“Usurped several evil space empires… and for nearly ten years!” continued a brash mare’s voice.

“And you think making us small horses and setting our ship on fire will stop us?” scoffed a boastful stallion.

“We’ve been through worse, and then some!” declared a rather neutral-sounding stallion.

“That be our power as heroes!” shouted a familiar-sounding pirate.

“That voice…” Zipp widens her eyes in realization.

“That be tha power… of Super Ultra Megaforce!” a collection of voices declared as the monitor switches to feed from a different cockpit; white walls, heavenly décor, and five futuristic controls operated by five pony heroes with ornate crests on their chests; red, blue, black, yellow, and pink, with an additional green member holding onto the red hero’s back.

“Troy, you’re alive! It’s a Christmas miracle!” The Bird cheered.

“We’re glad you’re alive too, Tensou.” Said the pink hero.

“We… we thought you were dead! How’d you survive?!” Izzy told the heroes.

“It be a tale too long ta tell now.” the red hero shrugged.

“It takes a lot to beat us Power Rangers.” Pink hero said.

“Power Rangers?” Hitch repeated. “Huh, we weren’t too far off.”

“I see the Legendary Megazord took a liking to Equestria already like Gosei Great.” The blue hero noted.

“Legendary Megazord…? Got a nice ring to it.” Zipp noted.

“Why don’t we retire that ol’ steamer together?” Troy suggested as their mecha-pony bucks the knight piece off the other.

“Let’s.” Sunny nodded before galloping towards New Human World. The Megazords gallop side-by-side down the street, nodding to each other before Gosei Great Megazord flies high, and Legendary Megazord unfolds its blades.

New Human World projects a diamond prism around him, protecting him from Legendary Megazord’s slashes. “Ha, try getting through this, man!”

Gosei Great Megazord descends from the sky with a red blade bigger than itself, connecting its tip with the diamond shield’s pointed roof and spinning like a drill. “Don’t you know? The culet is the weakest part of the diamond!” The blue hero sassed before shattering the shield and lopping off New Human World’s right ear.

“Ow, man! You’ll regret that, ma—!" New Human World raises its blade when Legendary Megazord runs between his legs from behind and slashes his knees.

“What’s the use of super-speed if you couldn’t see that coming?” Pipp taunted.

Immobilized, New Human World spins his waist, shooting explosive candy canes and gingerbread cookies, trying to hit at least one mecha in this radius.

“Big mistake! You’re dealing with a Friday Night Food Fight champ!” Izzy controls Legendary Megazord to catch a candy cane around its hoof before swinging it back towards New Human World, impacting a fruitcake that sets off a chain reaction, covering him in sugary soot.

“Yeah, now that’s the Super Ultra Mega way to fight!” the pink hero cheered.

“Anyone tell you Super Ultra Megaforce is a lame name, man?” New Human World huffed burnt caramel from his systems.

“All the time.” Troy nodded. “But bein’ a hero ain’t about what ya call yerselves…”

“It’s about the fight you fight, and how well you do it!” the green hero continued.

“And Pony Rangers by any other name is just as sweet!” Sunny concluded.

New Human World growls and extends his hands, but jitters and short-circuiting as otherworldly auras phase from his body, matching the colours of his crystals. “Get back in there, man! Everything you are and have is mine, man!”

Sunny barely recognizes these shapes, but felt something familiar as the red aura reaches to give a thumbs-up. “This is our moment! Let’s finish this!”

“I’d like to see how you do your Starburst!” the black hero cheered for the Pony Rangers.

“Starburst? Now that’s a finisher name if I ever heard one!” Izzy agreed.

Victory Charge Activate!” Super Ultra Megaforce pulls out card depicting Gosei Great Megazord wielding a flaming sword to slide into golden tiki-shaped scanners in their consoles.

The Pony Rangers once more turn their keys, deploying the cannons. “Final Strike! Super Mega Starburst!

While New Human World’s mind is wracked with conflicting magic auras, a line of massive spectral cards snake into his body before Legendary Megazord fires a charged cannonball into New Human World following this path, embedding an armed cannonball into his body before Gosei Great Megazord slashes through.

“And that is what we call in this line o’ work…” Troy dusts off his white hooves as New Human World’s upper body slides off his legs.

“A Super Ultra Mega Win!” the heroes shouted simultaneously atop the backdrop of New Human World bursting into flames.

The heroes meet on the ground, powering down from their suits. Among Super Ultra Megaforce’s number was a grey earth Pegasus with a combed back blonde mane wearing a shiny silver jacket, a green Pegasus with a black perm brandishing a velvety-green blazer, a pink unicorn with flowing brown hair dressed in a pink fluffy parka, a yellow earth mare with shorter blonde mane garbing a short-cut reefer jacket, a bespectacled blue unicorn with curly brown mane clothed in a jacket with too many zippers, and last is Troy: a red earth stallion showing off a red frock coat, a black tricorne with his Jolly Roger, and a fierce look complimented by a moustache and goatee. “So, this be tha team that took up our reins. Not bad fer yer first day.” Troy greeted them before The Bird perches on his back.

“You wouldn’t believe what I had to go through to whip them into shape!”

“Oh, but they came through, didn’t they, Tensou?”

“Tensou, is that your name?” Izzy asked.

“Tensou Four, ta be formal.” Troy answered before turning to Tensou 4. “Didn’t I tell ya tha first thing ya do when ye meet people is ta introduce yerself?”

“Speaking of introductions, I’m Sunny Starscout. It’s an honour to meet awesome superheroes like you.”

“Captain Troy Burrows, at yer service.” Troy tips his hat.

“I’m Hitch Trailblazer, sheriff of Maretime Bay.” Hitch introduces himself to the yellow Pegasus with Sparky. “This is my deputy-in-training Sparky Sparkeroni.”

“Gia Holling, co-owner of Dynamic Charge Gym.”

“With me: Jake Holling; default toughest guy around.” The green stallion squeezed in, flexing his front leg.

“Isabella of the Moonbows, or Izzy for short! Charmed.” Izzy curtsied.

“You must be this master strategist I heard about.” Zipp approaches the blue unicorn. “Princess Zephyrina Storm, or Zipp if we wanna cut formalities.”

“Professor Noah Carver, but you can call me Noah.” The unicorn shook her hoof.

“I’m Pipp Petals.” Pipp introduces herself to the pink unicorn. “I’m a part-time stylist, part-time influencer, and all-time princess!”

“Wow, a real princess! I rarely get to meet real princesses!” the pink hero jumped for joy. “I’m Emma, and I’m a nature photographer.”

“No way! We can totally follow each other! How’s about an inter-dimensional collab?”

“Hey, any of you seen a cellphone with a big gold anchor on it?” the grey stallion stepped up.

“You must be Silver. Here, we got it off a brainwashed pony Human World turned against us.” Sunny extended the phone to him.

“Oh, thanks! Gosei Morphers are great, but they don’t have the same kick from Legendary Morphers.” The grey pony pockets the phone, relieved. “Name’s Orion, just Orion: a normal everyday freeter.”

“Here’s the rest of your phones. I bet you need them more than us.” Sunny and her friends hoof over their Legendary Morphers to the Power Rangers.

“We have enough on our plate. Superhero biz is too much.” Pipp said.

“But I’m not opposed to doing this again!” Hitch interjected.

“Again, I can’t thank ye ponies enough fer holdin’ tha line fer us.” Troy thanked them.

“And I can’t thank you enough for stepping in. If you didn’t, magic in Equestria would’ve disappeared again.” Sunny responded in kind. “What’s gonna happen with Earth now that Human World is destroyed?”

The black gear from Human World shoots from under the snow high into the air, spinning in place to absorb the city created by New Human World before cracking and bursting into a cloud of blue and green aura, beaming into the sky as column of light, parting a hole in the winter clouds. Everypony was in awe at this spectacle, taking in the boreal wonder before them. After the light dims, nothing was left but the humble snowy field they stood upon.

“It goes home.” Troy answered Sunny as he joins her side.

“Bye, Sunset Shimmer. Hope to see you again.” Sunny waved to the hole in the clouds.

As they take in this blissful atmosphere, they’re interrupted by a slow clap coming up behind them. “Aw, what a touching scene.”

They all turn around to see Silas and Sally hanging off his back, standing tall before them. “Silas! I shoulda know it be ye behind this plot.” Troy growled.

“Hi, Sally! Are you eating well?” Emma waved to the monkey.

“Well, it was worth a shot ta try ta get yer Morphers.” Silas casually shrugged. “Better luck next time.” He waves before disappearing in a red flash.

“You’re gonna pay for making me cute and cuddly!” Gia roared.

“But Gia, you already are cute and cuddly.” Jake flirted before she playfully shoves him.

“Let’s hurry! We can catch him if we rev the Transportal Drive now!” Noah hurried his team before grappling into the ship, as do his friends.

Troy was last to leave as he received the eyepatch from Tensou 4 as the former Pony Rangers approach him. “Will we see you again?” Sunny asked them.

Troy turns around, showing off his eyepatch on his left eye. “As an old friend told me: The world is round, and the Multiverse loops just the same. We’ll run into each other eventually.” Troy smiled before reeling himself and Tensou 4 into the ship.

“Later, ponies. May the power protect you!” Tensou 4 shouted back to them.

The ship and Gosei Great Megazord, shoot into the sky, disappearing into the horizon as starry glints. “It’s really over?” Hitch sighed in relief before everypony falls on the snow to relax after an entire day of fighting, laughing it out together.

“Look at the snow.” Pipp stares up at the snowfall. “We fought so much today; we forgot how beautiful it was.”

“This is incredible.” Zipp muttered. “I still can’t believe we took down that robot twice.”

“I didn’t think we were coming back.” Izzy told Sunny.

“I knew we would.” Sunny replied.

“What happens now?” Hitch wondered, turning to Sunny.

Sunny stands up and looks to the sky with hope. “We go home.”

At Opaline’s Dark Castle, Misty barges into the throne room tired and reverted to a unicorn. “Misty!” Opaline shrieked. “Get off the floor! What took you so long?!”

“I’m sorry, Opaline. They… Sunny and Hitch beat me and took the phone Mister Pirate gave me.” Misty panted. “While I was running away, I turned back into a unicorn for a few seconds, and then—"

“Ugh, I knew I shouldn’t’ve trusted that pirate. I knew his promises were lofty, yet I fell for his forked tongue.” Opaline growled.

“Are we gonna do something about him? He offered…” Misty took a deep breath. “He offered an army and left us with nothing.”

“No.” Opaline simply barked back. “That oaf barely lifted a finger, yet I could still sense great power from within him. It’s best not to pursue him, for both our sakes.”

“So… what now?” Misty asked as she pours herself a warm glass of water.

Opaline approaches a drawer where she sorts through unsorted sheets of paper, pulling out several that cover information on dragons, matching the same font and writing style as the book Sunny and Zipp were reading this morning. “We pick up where we left off.”

Meanwhile somewhere dark and dank, whirs and clicks prattle as a machine comes to life. A screen lights itself, displaying an insignia of a winged blue shield decorated with a lightning bolt, accompanied by the hums of the fans cooling its drives. “Earth energy detected. Sentry booting up…” announced a deep, robotic voice from the computer. “Connecting to local wireless…” on its massive screen, images of recent events from magic’s return to Human World’s attacks spring up, from news stills to photographs. “Resuming parameters: Infiltrate the populace, Investigate the restoration of magic, Instigate… my return.” the computer boomed its commands.


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