• Published 5th Oct 2012
  • 4,575 Views, 127 Comments

My Little Kingdom: The Key to Harmony - Mekapix

The world of Equestria is becoming inhabited by dark creatures, can the keyblade wielder help them?

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Sora's dark form charged at the ponies, his claws splayed open as he threw them towards Applejack. The cowpony quickly moved back and swung her Keyblade in front of her, allowing him to collide with the Keyblade. Even though he didn't have his Keyblade, Sora was still strong and he clearly wasn’t holding back. He pressed down on the mares Keyblade hard and tried to creep his claw over the blade to strike but it was to no avail. Pinkie Pie quickly came at his side and head butted the dark colt away from her friend, he stumbled back a little while clutching at his side that was hit.

“We can’t hold back our attacks or he’ll kill us!” Applejack said as she regained her footing. “We have to actually fight him or we don’t have a chance.” Sora jumped towards Twilight but was easily fended off as she released a reflect spell from her weapon to block his attack.

“I know but what if we really hurt him or worse?” Twilight said as she kept the barrier up.

“We can’t just let him go wild Twi’!” The cowpony yelled. The unicorn grimaced and gulped as she lowered the transparent barrier and took aim of the Keyblade right towards her friend.

“Aero!” The purple unicorn cried out as the air around the tip of her Keyblade became distorted then burst outwards towards Sora. He flew off of his hooves and tumbled across the streets of the town. He dug his claws into the ground, creating grooves in the dirt as he slowed his pace and returned to standing upright on his back hooves.

Fluttershy felt more fear in her life as she stared at the creature that was her new friend only moments ago and saw nothing. No joy, no anger, no sorrow, just nothing. She was quickly snapped back to reality as Rainbow Dash called out her name.

“Fluttershy! Wake up!” The pegasus yelled to her friend, finally grabbing her attention. “Hurry up and fly, he won’t be able to get you if you’re in the air and we’ll have the advantage!” The butter yellow pony nodded and flew up next to her friend.

“What are we going to do…?” She asked.

“We got to find a way to bring him back, I know we can do it!” Rainbow said as she glared at Sora’s new form. Fluttershy could see the determination and a slight hint of understandable anger as the colt glared back, tilting his head before turning his attention to Rarity and charging again. The marshmallow unicorn quickly jumped back and threw her Keyblade forward, barring the colt from getting and closer.

“There must be some way he can return to normal!” Rarity said as she tried to keep him away. Twilight looked at her hooves for a moment before turning her attention to Applejack and Pinkie.
“Can you girls help keep him distracted while I think? I might be able to figure out a way to get him back if we’re lucky.” Her friends nodded and ran towards Sora to fend him off. He had pushed Rarity’s Keyblade out of the way and was about to run his claw into her but another pink head butt struck him in the side and sent him stumbling just as Rarity’s Keyblade took aim and blasted him with an Aero spell point blank. Sora flew back again and barrelled across the floor, eventually slamming into wall and letting out a horrible hissing sound as he collided with it.

He got back up onto his hooves and stared towards the mares, another hissing sound came from him and he charged forward again, he raised his claw high and jumped leapt over the three mares before bringing his claw down on them. No blood was drawn as his claw didn’t make contact with their bodies but purple hair was strewn across the street floor as Sora just cut off the end of Rarity’s mane. The unicorn began shaking as she watched the strands of her mane fall to the floor and she felt a rage she had never known before.

“You may be our friend Sora…” She whispered as she brought her Keyblade to her side. “But nopony…and I mean NOPONY. TOUCHES. MY. MANE!” She cried. Rarity launched herself at Sora and brought an onslaught of attacks down onto Sora. He was barely avoiding her strikes as the blade was thrown around. Rarity thought she heard a slight eep coming from her opponent but cared little for the mane killer.

“Twi! You thought of anything yet so we can stop Sora before Rarity kills him!?” Applejack asked as Sora just about fended off his attacker. Twilight strained her brain to recall some sort of information to help.

“Hang on!” She yelled back before she began muttering to herself. “Let’s see, Sora can’t use his Keyblade but ours are still here, Sora’s fighting but it’s like he still isn’t going as hard as he could, it’s as if he’s holding himself back but if that’s true then why? Unless… when Discord grabbed him earlier and turned him this way… he was turned into the opposite of his usual self like we were!” Twilight quickly looked over at Sora and narrowed her eyes before a thought came to her.

“Girls, he’s like we were back when Discord changed us. I think we need to make him realise that he can fight it!” They all nodded in response. Rarity was the first to try as she pushed Sora down.

“Sora, this isn’t you and you know it. You can beat this just like you’ve beat all the heartless before.” She said to him but her reassurance fell on deaf ears as he took the opportunity of Rarity letting her guard down and pushed her away. He managed to push her weapon to one side and threw his claw forward, nearly cutting her mane as she moved her head to one side, following up with ramming his shoulder into her and forcing her off. Rarity stumbled back and Applejack took charge next, throwing her Keyblade down on him. He just managed to catch it and held his ground as the cowpony took her turn to bring him back.

“We know you can fight this Sora! We still need to go beat Discord and the rest of the heartless!” She said while grunting from his resistance. He took little notice of her plea and kicked her in the side, sending her rolling away. Fluttershy quickly ran to her friends side as she struggled to get back up while the dark colt took the opportunity to go towards Twilight. She pointed her Keyblade towards him and created a reflect spell, holding steady as he batted away at the transparent shell.

“Sora we don’t have time for this, Discord is heading towards the Keyhole now and we need to stop him before he destroys Equestria.” His attacks began to slow a little but not completely stop. He scratched more and more at the shielding until he was hit in the side by a blast of air fired from a pink Keyblade.

“You got to stop this Sora, please! I still need to throw you a welcome to Ponyville party but I can’t do that if we keep hurting you!” She cried with a slight strain in her voice. Sora hesitated for a few moments before slowly taking off at Pinkie Pie with his claw balled up into a fist, he wasn’t as fast as he was before however and Pinkie managed to dodge the attack easier than before.

“I think it’s working!” Twilight said as she brought up a barrier around her and the pink pony, leaving a still attacking Sora on the other side. He didn’t get much time to hit the shield however before Rainbow Dash flew into his side and knocked him over. He rolled across the ground but quickly hopped back onto his back hooves before looking at his assailant.

“We know you’re still in there Sora. You turned into a pegasus and a unicorn, nopony has ever done that. If you can change your body like that then I’m sure you’re strong enough to turn back into your old self.” Rainbow called out softly, feeling herself welling up a little but in the moment where she closed her eyes to calm herself, Sora took the moment to charge at her.

“Watch out!” Fluttershy yelled as she pushed the cyan pegasus out of the way and took the full brunt of the attack. Sora grabbed hold of her and rolled with her as the momentum of the attack took its toll. When she opened her eyes, she saw the dark colt sitting on her with his claw held up high, as if ready to strike. He stayed like it for a few moments as he seemed to hesitate a little, Fluttershy saw him holding himself back and felt she knew what to tell him.

“Sora, remember what you told me before? The Keyblade chooses its wielder based on the light in their heart.” She placed her hoof on his dark chest, feeling how cold his body was in his present state. “You helped us even though we never asked for it, protected ponies you didn’t even know and beat dark monsters and left without even asking for thanks. You have enough light in your heart to beat this. So please…” A small tear streamed down her cheek. “Please come back to us…” The others could only watch as she pleaded with Sora. After a few moments of silence, Sora jumped off of Fluttershy and grabbed his head as he began hissing.

He started flailing his head around wildly as a small light shot out of his chest, white cracks forming from the light and covered his entire body. The claws that protruded from his arms shrank back into him, regular hoof shapes taking their place again. His knees cracked as they reset to their rightful position and the colt returned to all fours, he looked up at the concerned faces of his friends as they watched the black, cracking earth pony continue to flail his head slightly. A familiar light shone in front of Sora’s form and the Keyblade appeared from it, he slowly inched his face towards his weapon and grabbed it in his mouth. The light cracks shone brightly and emitted a high pitched sound before the dark form shattered in a burst of white light, causing the mares to all shield their eyes.

When they opened their eyes again, smiles grew all round as Sora’s chocolate brown coat had replaced the black one he had before and the yellow circle eyes had been replaced by his usual sky blue eyes. He gave a cheeky grin.

“Miss me?” The only smiled in return. He nodded and span on his hooves to view the dark cloud float over the Canterlot castle once more. “Come on, we have a world to save.”


Celestia’s guards pulled out their weapons and started cutting away at all the heartless that began slipping through the enormous front doors, they tried to concentrate more on pushing the door closed as the number of heartless steadily increased. The two Princesses were in the main chamber, anxiously waiting for good news.

“Dearest sister, do you think that the elements failed in their task to stop Discord?” Luna asked sadly. Celestia looked at her with a sombre look then back to the door.

“I still hold hope, I feel that the task is not so much failed as it is incomplete.” She said as she kept her head held high but on the inside, Celestia felt so much grief. The monsters were close to them now and whatever it is that they wanted, they would flood the entire castle with their darkness to find it. Her worried thoughts were quickly interrupted by a guard bursting into the room only to add one more concern.

“Your Highnesses, the rest of the guards are doing their best to hold the door but we fear it will not be long until they break through. We must get you both to safety immediately.” He explained as he bowed to the royal sisters. They looked at each other for a moment before nodding, already knowing what the other was thinking.

“No, we shall wait here and stop the monsters ourselves if they come through.” Princess Celestia stated. The guard gulped and raised his head to view the two alicorns.

“B-but Princess! We cannot allow you two to put yourselves in danger!” Princess Luna shook her head and walked forward.

“And we cannot abandon our subjects just to save ourselves. We will not give Discord the satisfaction.” The guard looked at the determined looks on their faces and knew that he wasn’t going to be able to persuade them.

“V-very well your highnesses. What shall we do for now then?” He asked.

“First.” Celestia began. “Put up a barrier around the door way, divide the unicorns in the guard into two groups. One group will hold the barrier and when they get tired, the other group shall take their place and swap back when they begin tiring out as well. Any other guards are to watch carefully for any of the monsters that make it through and stop them on the spot.” The guard nodded and ran down the corridor to the door, already barking the orders.

“They will not be able to keep that up for too long.” Luna stated as she watched the guard disappear down the hall way.

“I’m aware but we must try to gain some more time, at least until Twilight and her friends get here.”


It seemed like a warzone when the seven ponies arrived back at the castle, the gates that had just been repaired were completely demolished and flattened. The ground leading from the gate to the main doors was over turned and kicked up, as if a stampede had just barrelled its way through.

“Come on, we have to hurry!” Twilight said as she began running towards the main door way. The doors had been smashed open and pieces of wood were strewn across the floor on the castle. As they made their way inside there was fighting all around. The guards were going hoof and sword to claw with the heartless that had invaded their sanctuary. It wasn’t long before Sora ran in with his Keyblade in his mouth and attacked the heartless, slamming his weapon into their chests and sending them bursting into wisps.

“T-Thanks.” One of the guards said. The colt smiled happily at him and took off to help another. All seven of them were quickly able to take down the heartless that was plaguing the main hall, Sora walked over to one of the guards and helped them up.

“Thanks for all your help.” The guard said. Sora just smiled again and nodded.

“No problem, are there any more of them?” The guard sighed and hung his head.

“Yes.” He pointed his hoof down a corridor. “They went that way to the Princess’ main chamber. Both the Princesses are there with a few guards but I can’t help worrying. I’d love to go help myself but I feel that me and my men here are too injured or fatigued to move.” Sora looked at the guard admirably and placed a hoof on his shoulder.

“No problem. You’ve done enough, we’ll take care of the rest.” Sora said cheerfully. “Applejack! Rarity! Pinkie!” He called, they quickly appeared in front of him. “Can you three guard the front door and help round up the injured guards. Fluttershy!” The pegasus nodded and hovered in front of him, next to the other three. “You help take care of healing the guards, they’ve deserved it.” She smiled and nodded before all four of them went off to help.

“Twilight! Rainbow Dash!” They came up next to him and waited for his instruction. “We’re going to go help the Princesses and their guards. I have a feeling that’s where Discord is.” They smirked and gave a nod before making their way down the hall to the Princess’ throne room. Sora gave one more glance to the guard. “What’s your name?”

“Wingbeat, my name is Wingbeat.” He replied.

“Well don’t worry Wingbeat, we got this covered.” He said before he ran off, following behind the mares.