• Published 5th Oct 2012
  • 4,573 Views, 127 Comments

My Little Kingdom: The Key to Harmony - Mekapix

The world of Equestria is becoming inhabited by dark creatures, can the keyblade wielder help them?

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Heading out

All seven ponies were shocked. The elements of harmony had disappeared and in their places were six new Keyblades. Twilight just stared at the weapon before her then at the ones her friends had, the only thing they all had in common was their respective element of harmony was hanging off the hilt. Twilight’s Keyblade had a dark purple handle and a sword blade reaching out from the hoof guard. The sword was spiralled by purple streams with a star on the side of the end the resembled the star on Twilight’s cutie mark.

“What’s going on Sora?! What happened to the elements?” She said at him. He looked around at the Keyblade arsenal around him and then back to Twilight, giving her a shrug.

“I-I don’t know, this hasn’t happened before. I didn’t even know it could happen.” He replied. Rainbow had already begun swinging her Keyblade around, mimicking what she had seen Sora do in the battle before. Her Keyblade had a polished white handle and a golden guard that lead from the bottom of the handle to a pair of blue wings the spread from the top of the handle. A pillar like shaft came from the wings and stretched to a white cloud at the top. A rainbow coiled from the bottom of the pillar into the cloud at the shaft’s top, a rainbow coloured lightning bolt was sticking out the other side of the cloud.

“This is so awesome! Discord won’t be able to stop us now!” She gloated. Letting out a squee of excitement as the admired her new weapon.

“Rainbow has a point Twi’, we could beat Discord now.” Applejack exclaimed. Her Keyblade had a horseshoe shaped guard like Twilight’s with a very dark brown handle. The shaft looked like it was a stack of barrels that lead up to a green cloud like shape with apples on it, resembling an apple tree and a small picket fence protruded out of the side of the tree top. Applejack had given the Keyblade a few swings while it was in her mouth.

“Thish doeshn’t work well weally.” She mumbled through the weapon. She placed it on the ground trying to figure out which way to hold it best before settling with using her tail. Rarity looked at the cowpony now swinging the weapon with her tail with holding her own with her magic.

“These weapons seem to be matching us very well.” She said, getting a nod from the orange mare. Rarity’s Keyblade had a white handle and a golden hoof guard that started from the bottom of the handle and reach halfway towards the base of the shaft, the rest of the guard was as white as the handle was. The Keyblade’s shaft went into a rectangular shape, two diamonds surrounded by a purple stream went half way up the blade whereas two diamonds also came down from the top in the same manner, at the top of the shaft were three large diamonds resembling her cutie mark moving from face upwards to facing to the side.

Pinkie had adopted the same attitude as Rainbow, swinging around her Keyblade while giggling. Her Keyblade had a slightly diamond shaped golden hoof guard with a pink and light pink striped Keyblade handle. The shaft was striped like the handle and was shaped like a candle, an orange flame at the top with three balloons sticking out from the side of the candle. Every now and again, Sora thought he saw Pinkie using the Keyblade like a guitar. He wasn’t sure what to be more confused about, the fact that ponies knew what guitars were or that he had never done it himself.

Fluttershy gulped as she kept the Keyblade in her hoof but held it outwards, as if she didn’t want it near her. The bottom of her Keyblade was a blooming pink flower, the gold hoof guard and handle seemed to sprout out of it, vines slightly covering them. At the top of the handle were pink petals with vines sprouting out of them, the vines tangled round each other and sprouted into small pink flowers. One of the vines reached to the top and sprouted into a large flower bulb. Sora walked up next to Fluttershy a little concerned.

“What’s wrong Fluttershy?” He asked.

“W-well it’s just that I…” She began to mumble and trail off.

“You can tell me.” Sora replied, putting his hoof on the mare’s shoulder.

“I-it’s just that this looks pretty b-but it’s still a weapon…I don’t think I could hurt anypony.” Sora smiled at the pegasi’s innocence.

“That’s understandable but you wouldn’t be hurting ponies. The Keyblade is used to defend others, it wouldn’t come to you if it knew you was going hurt innocent ponies.” He told her. She smiled and brought the Keyblade closer to herself.
Sora smiled as all the mares looking over their new weapons and he tapped his Keyblade to the ground, getting their attention.

“Right, I know this is all pretty fun and interesting but we better get going to stop Discord. I’ll teach you the basics along the way.”


They had made their way through the streets of Canterlot and were just arriving back in Ponyville. Everypony there was going about their daily business as usual, no one reacting to the attack on Canterlot.

“Why isn’t everypony more worried?” Rainbow asked to nopony in particular. All seven of them looked round and thought to themselves.

“Maybe they haven’t heard about the attack yet?” Pinkie asked. Twilight shook her head.

“Surely there would have been monsters forming around here too?” She asked. Sora looked up at the dark cloud hanging over a part of the forest and a thought clicked in his head.

“Remember the dark cloud over the castle when we got there? Did anyone see where it went?” He asked. All the mares looked at eachother while heading closer to the Everfree forest.

“Now yah mention it, I don’t know.” Applejack replied. Sora nodded at her then looked at the cloud over the forest.

“I think he’s travelling in that cloud over there, it would explain why it keeps appearing where ever he does.” Sora explained. He barely knew whether he was right or not but weirder things had happened that day. The forest approached quicker than they thought, the idea that heartless and a powered up Discord were inside it made it that much more sinister. Fluttershy cowered in front of the forest’s entrance, her whole body shaking as she fell to her knees.

“D-D-Do we have to go in there…?” She asked the group. They all glanced around at each other and Applejack walked to Fluttershy, placing a hoof on her back.

“Now now sugarcube, we’ve been in the forest plenty of times haven’t we?” The cowpony asked her friend. Fluttershy nodded then gulped.

“B-but the monsters in there could be even stronger now because of Discord.” The mare exclaimed. Applejack gave a look to her friends that asked for help, Sora thought for a moment then trotted beside Fluttershy.

“So you’re pretty scared huh?” He asked, Fluttershy just nodded in response. “I don’t blame you, the darkness is a scary thing, not knowing what’s lurking inside the shadows.” Fluttershy let out a small eep and Applejack rolled her eyes at him.

“Do yah have a point? We are trying to make her feel better.” She moaned at him. He nodded and flicked his hoof in a shushing manner before turning back to the frightened pegasus.

“Fluttershy?” She looked up at him. “Do you know the secret of how a Keyblade chooses the ones who can use it?” She shook her head. “It can only be used by someone with a strong light in their heart meaning that all Keyblade users have enough light to beat the darkness, that you have enough light in your heart to beat the darkness.” Fluttershy looked up at Sora, she stayed on the ground but didn’t realise that her shivering had subsided.

“And if you don’t feel like your light is strong enough then that’s no problem either” he continued. “All the friends you have around you right now will lend you their light and when that time comes, no amount of darkness can beat you.” The pegasus felt her fear wash away from her, it was replaced by a warm feeling, the feeling you get when you know you’ve found a friend that’ll stick by you. She smiled warmly at him and got back onto her hooves, he smiled reassuringly at her before turning towards the forest. Fluttershy felt her cheeks get a little red and then lowered her head in embarrassment as she saw Applejack and Rarity giggling.

“Looks like you might have a rival Rainbow Dash.” Rarity teased. Rainbow frowned a little and just followed behind into the forest, not making clear what part she was upset about. They walked a little way into the forest and the woods around them seemed to get darker. They all darted their eyes around, waiting for something to try and jump out at them.

“It seems that they don’t know we are here yet…” Pinkie whispered as she creeped across the ground.

“Pinkie…why are yah walking like that?” Applejack said quietly. Pinkie just looked back and shushed her.

“I’m trying to be sneaky.” She whispered again before going back to creeping forward. Sora looked around and into the trees as Rainbow stuck close to his side and Fluttershy stayed right behind him, he remained oblivious to how close they were as he frowned.

“Something wrong Sora?” Rainbow asked him. He kept looking round the group while frowning.

“I don’t like this…” He said softly.

“What do you mean? There’s not a heartless around us.” She replied. He just shook his head a little.

“That’s my point, the heartless should have started to try and attack us right now but they haven’t.”

“Doesn’t that just mean they haven’t found us?” Fluttershy asked.

“Maybe…Or maybe they found someone else before us…” He suggested. As if on cue, some screams echoed through the forest and rang in their ears.

“Come on!” Sora yelled as they charged forward into the darkness of the forest. They eventually came to a clearing where the heartless surrounded three little fillies and a small purple and green dragon. Applejack and Rarity grimaced as they saw their sisters being closed in on, Twilight felt the same about her number one assistant and Rainbow Dash about her biggest fan. All seven of the ponies called their Keyblades and charged into battle with the monsters.

The heartless turned to face them, they were as tall as the ponies but were bipedal, they were thin with skinny arms and legs but with sharp looking claws. Antennae came out and flowed down the back of its body.

“They’re called Neoshadows! They aren’t one of the strongest but they are fast so watch out!” He warned. Rainbow quickly swooped down and swiped her Keyblade across one of the monsters faces, sending it flying into a few more and knocking them down. As they regained their footing, they only saw a glimpse of a blond tail and a tree like Keyblade slam into them, causing them to burst into wisps. A heartless made its way towards the children with its claw splayed out, swinging to the little ones but didn’t make it to them as Rarity quickly darted in between the two parties, getting a scratch along her side.

“No pony..hurts…MY SISTER!” She yelled as she aimed the Keyblade at the heartless and fired a blue crystal, causing the creature to explode into wisps in an icy haze.

“What was that?” She asked. Sora came over to her and stood firm with his Keyblade as he batted some of the heartless away.

“That was a blizzard spell.” He stated. “The Keyblade has magical powers like how you saw me use the fire spell before, it has others too.” Fluttershy quickly flew down to Rarity’s side and frowned at the cut.

“Are you hurt Rarity?” She asked. Rarity just shook her head.

“Not at all dear.” She said before wincing a little. “Ok, maybe just a touch.” Sora just hit another heartless over the head and made it burst before looking to Fluttershy.

“If you want to heal it, you can use a cure spell.” He told her. She looked at him a little confused. “It’s a healing spell, Rarity’ll be fine once you use it. Just point the Keyblade at the one you want to heal and concentrate.” Fluttershy followed his command and point the Keyblade at Rarity, concentrating on the idea of healing her friend. A green light shot out of the end of the Keyblade and hits Rarity, the cut faded in a second or two and Rarity felt no pain on where she had been hit.

“Absolutely marvelous.” Rarity said before hugging the yellow pegasus. Sora smiled at the two ponies then turned his head to the dwindling numbers of heartless.

“Let’s finish them off!” Sora said. He pointed his Keyblade at the group of heartless and the tip began to glow a bright yellow as his blue band shimmered. “Thunder!” He yelled as a bolt of lightning appeared out of nowhere and struck the creatures, creating a small explosion of dark wisps.

“Phew, are you all ok?” Twilight asked as she made her way over to the little ones. They were scared for a few moments more before calming down and nodding.

“What in tarnation are ya’ll doing in the forest?” Applejack asked. The children all decided to hide behind Applebloom as if electing her the speaker.

“W-well you see sis… We were sitting in the clubhouse wondering what our cutiemarks might be and though to ourselves that we might be good at taking care of animals and since Spike was with us, he decided to come along and see if we was doing well, he did say he had to read about animals for taking care of Pee-Wee.” She paused to take a deep breath. “So we were watching the animals at Fluttershy’s place and everything was going fine until we thought we saw some of the animals run into the forest. We didn’t know for sure that they were animals but we thought they were little black rabbits so we followed behind. We kept following the rustling noise until we eventually found the rabbits but it was when we found the rabbits that we saw they weren’t rabbits and they started chasing us. Scootaloo and Spike then saw that we were near the edge of the forest but then those big monsters surrounded us. We thought we were gonners until you guys showed up.” Scootaloo was the next to speak up.

“You guys looked really cool, what are those things?” Scootaloo asked, motioning towards one of the Keyblades.

“Oh these?” Twilight responded. “These are Ke-“

“New types of swords! The knights at Canterlot are using them for a little while and we’ve got to clear the area of those monsters using them.” Sora interrupted. All the mares looked at him a little confused but he just gave them a look that asked them to play along.

“Yeah…He’s right, that’s why we were at Canterlot before.” Twilight lied. She didn’t feel comfortable lying to them but Sora’s look told her that she should.

“Ok…Who are you?” Sweetie Belle asked him. He gulped and scratched the back of his head.

“Well I am…One of the knights at Canterlot. I had to come along and help.” He said, hoping that they would buy his lie. “Don’t you think that you should make your way out now? There’re still monsters around and we got to stop them.” The fillies looked up to their elders who nodded in agreement, Spike quickly walked up to Twilight.

“What does he mean?” He whispered to her. Twilight gave a small sigh.

“I’m not sure but he’s right about it being dangerous Spike, can you please get the girls out of the forest? I’ll explain later.” Spike looked at her and nodded before turning toward the three fillies.

“Come on then, those animals won’t take care of themselves.” He said to them, they looked towards each other and nodded. All four of them made their way out of the forest as Sora and the rest of the group turned the opposite way, walking deeper into the dark woods and towards the castle ruins.