• Published 15th Dec 2023
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The marriages of Anon - ImNew2023

Short stories about the marriages of ponyfied Anon.

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Rarity part 1

In the small town of Ponyville, the Rarity opened her Boutique opened up for another day of business.

The day was fairly hectic, but that was nothing unusual to the mare.

Something else unusual for her was arguing with her younger sister Sweetie Bell during the lunch break.

This particular argument was about Rarity’s husband, Anon.

A peculiar pegasus, the green stallion had shown up in Ponyville a year back, since then the two had formed a relationship and married.

Called the stallion of a thousand faces, Anon served as model for many of Rarity’s non feminine creations. Ranging from suits to nightwear, with her genius and his famous “Blue Steel” they helped spread Rarity’s business across Equestria.

But as it would appear, not everyone was as enamoured with Anon’s work as his husband.

“But sis!” Sweetie protested.

“Sweetie Bell I’ve had enough of this, I don’t want you saying a thing against Anon. He’s a part of our family so go to your room until you’re ready to apologise” the older unicorn ordered her younger sister.

Stomping her hooves against the floor in a small tantrum, Sweetie puffed out her cheeks in a pout.

“But I’m right! He only has one look! Blue Steel? Ferrari? El Tigre? It’s the same face! Why hasn’t anypony else noticed!” Sweetie yelled, her face going red with anger.

“Room. Now!” Rarity ordered.

Letting out a yell of anger, Sweetie stomped upstairs, slamming her door shut hard enough to knock down several framed photos.

What Rarity didn’t seem to understand was Sweetie was absolutely right.

Anon, through sheer bullshit, had convinced the world that every face he made was different. Despite the fact they were all the exact same face.

Responding to the noise, Anon emerged out of his and Rarity’s room, groggy and tired.

“Is an army of Nibbily Pibblies attacking?” He asked, his eyes only half open as he stumbled downstairs.

“I’m afraid not darling, Sweetie and I just had a small argument that’s all” Rarity explained as she levitated a cup of coffee to her husband.

“About what? She doesn’t want to bring colts home does she?” Anon asked before taking a sip of his drink.

Giggling slightly at the idea, Rarity shook her head at him.

“Oh no nothing like that. But if it’s alright I’d rather not talk about it. I’m sure Sweetie will explain when she’s ready to apologise” Rarity replied.

Taking a seat on the sofa, Anon continued chugging coffee from his “world’s sexiest husband” coffee mug he got as a birthday gift.

Snuggling next to him, Rarity subconsciously started messing with the tangled mess that was Anon’s natural mane.

The one thing she didn’t love about her husband was his natural hair. Without any conditioner or combing, Anon's natural hair was a tangled mess that only Pinkie Pie’s semi-sentient shrub of a hairdo could rival.

“So how was Las Pegasus? You went straight to bed last night so we didn’t get to talk about it” Rarity asked.

While he mainly worked with the Carousel Boutique and some smaller branches of Rarity’s fashion empire, Anon occasionally did runway work for larger fashion brands.

His most recent work was done in Las Pegasus for Dier, a Deer fashion company that was trying to branch into Equestria.

“Eh same old same old, they put me in whatever and I gave the old Blue Steel some work. I think we sold a few thousand piano key neckties that night. I think a mare threw her panties at me” Anon explained, the life of a supermodel having become a nine to five job for him at this point.

“But enough about what I’ve been doing, how’s my genius, beauty goddess of a wife been while I was away?” Anon asked, running his muzzle against Rarity’s cheek as he did.

“Oh you charmer. I’m starting to remember why I married you now~” Rarity laughed, returning his affection.

“I thought it was the thousands of pieces of clothing I sold for you” Anon said.

“That too,” Rarity replied.

“And the fact I helped you get your business expenses under control” Anon continued.

“That too,” Rarity replied again.

“And my massive-“ Anon began before stopping himself. Looking around, Anon checked that Sweetie and her innocent ears weren’t listening.

“Tracks of land” he continued, just to be on the safe side.

Busting out into a louder laugh, Rarity had to suppress an unladylike snort.

“Yes, I definitely love that. But no, I married you because you’ve proved time and time again there’s nopony else who I would chase the heights of the fashion world with than you” she explained.

“What about your friends?” Anon asked.

“They don’t have a “massive track of land” do they?” Rarity chuckled.

“I don’t know, I’ve still got a fifty bit bet with Spitfire that Rainbow Dash is a guy” Anon half joked.

Letting out another hysterical laugh, Rarity went from leaning on to falling into Anon’s lap as she tried to hold her sides in.

The work day continued as usual until closing. Making dinner Anon sat down at the table waiting for his wife and sister in-law.

A few minutes passed but no one came.

Searching through the house he found Rarity in her workroom, sat by a sewing machine.

“Hun? Dinner’s done” he said.

Turning around Rarity gave a half hearted smile.

“Sorry Darling, I’ll have to have it in here, I just got a huge order from Canterlot and I need to get it done. I need to make a thousand dresses by next week or I’ll miss the deadline” she explained.

“A thousand in a week!? What kind of moron thinks that’s possible!?” Anon asked in shock at such an unreasonable request.

“The kind that’s paying two hundred and fifty bits per dress” Rarity replied, leaving out the fact she got this order a month back but had to leave it due to her and the Elements having to fight off a hoard of Karens harassing the Cakes.

So many managers died to save the town that day.

“It’s alright Darling. I’ve done the maths, and if I pull an all nighter four nights in a row and I’ll get it done. Just in time for our day off as well” Rarity said, sounding like that wasn’t a terrible idea.

Anon knew perfectly well he couldn’t convince her otherwise. Once something to do with clothes was involved even Princess Celestia herself couldn’t change her mind.

Leaving the place on the side, Anon went back to the kitchen.

Thinking the whole time on how to help his wife.

A thousand dresses were a lot, even for Rarity.

Even with her shop in Manehattan helping she couldn’t make that many and deal with her regular customers at the same time.

Sitting down to eat his own meal, he noticed Sweetie still hadn’t come down for dinner.

That’s when he hit mental gold.

Taking his sister in-law’s food up to her door.

Knocking on it Anon didn’t get any response.

Deciding he had respected her privacy by knocking, Anon chose to assert his authority as the joint mortgage payer by going in anyway.

Seeing the filly under her sheets, her horn poking out from under it, Anon approached.

“Sweetie? You ok?” He asked.

Pulling her sheet furthur over her head, Sweetie didn’t respond.

“I made Zebrican curry, your favourite” Anon said as he placed the food on the bedside drawers.

Slowly, Sweetie pulled the plate under her sheets.

“Sweetie I don’t know what you and Rarity were arguing about but I need your help. Your sister is going to run herself ragged trying to get all those dresses done but I’ve got an idea” Anon said.

He didn’t get any response. All he could hear was the sound of the filly eating her meal.

“It might get you your cutie mark~” Anon suggested, playing into the filly’s desire to get a butt picture to act as a placeholder for personality.

Slowly, Sweetie peaked out from under her sheets, a sceptical look in her eyes.

“Fifty bits” she tried to haggle.

“Twenty bits” Anon countered.

“Thirty bits and a guarantee on getting a GameColt for my birthday” Sweetie haggled harder.

“Deal” Anon agreed, seeing there was very little point in arguing.

Two days later, Rarity found she was almost done with the dresses. It was all far ahead of schedule but somehow the storeroom was filled with hundreds of pristine dresses.

She didn’t understand how, but her only conclusion was that she zoned out during all her work over the last two nights.

The one other thing she seemed to notice was out of place was that Sweetie and Anon seemed to be spending a lot more time together.

It was normal for them to play a few games together, Anon seemed to have gotten the hang of spending time with foals due to his exposure to Sweetie on a daily basis.

But they seemed to be almost sneaking off together whenever she saw them.

Deciding to find out what was going on, Rarity followed them into the basement. Usually Rarity stored all her spare fabrics down there, although Anon had an extension built for their anniversary.

It was a smaller sealed off room they used for “activities” they didn’t want Sweetie discovering.

Watching Anon use the key only he and herself had, Rarity watched in horror as Anon led Sweetie into their private basement.

Fearing the worst, Rarity stormed after them, hoping to save her sister from being scarred for life.

“Get your hooves off my sister you vile bea-“ Rarity demanded before her speech was suddenly frozen.

Instead of the adult “toys” she had filled the room with, Rarity found nothing of the sort.

No whips, no gags, no dog collars with her name on the tag.

All she found were a dozen chairs. Each of them with a foal she recognized sat in them, working on a sewing machine making dresses in various stages of completion.

“Uh oh” the worried voice of Sweetie Bell called out.

Turning around, Rarity saw Anon and Sweetie standing with Applebloom and Scootaloo.

“Who. Who are these foals?” Rarity stuttered.

“Erm… Mama’s little helpers?” Anon said.

“Anon, what’s going on here or else” Rarity stated.

“Well, you see I wanted to help you so you didn’t burn yourself out on these dresses so I chose to help you by harnessing the oldest industry known to my people” Anon began to explain.

“And that is?” Rarity asked.

“Chi- I mean foal labour” Anon said.

“And we’re helping” Sweetie added.

“Helping!?” Rarity gasped.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders Sweatshop Managers… yay?” They said in unison.

Turning her attention back to Anon, Rarity’s eyes were now twitching from tension.

“Now two more questions. What were you thinking and where did you put all the… spare supplies we were keeping in this room?” Rarity asked, choosing her words carefully when around so many foals.

“Well I thought it would help and I was right. Put a few cups of triple espresso and they’ll work at lightspe-“ Anon began.

“I’m sorry you’ve been giving them what!?” Rarity interrupted.

Looking at one of the foals, Rarity saw the dilated pupils as he smiled widely as he focused on his work. The little propeller on his hat spinning constantly.

“This coffee stuff is way better than video games” he giggled as he kept working.

“As for the “spare supplies” in our room” Anon explained.

Reaching in he put his muzzle against Rarity’s ear.

“And don’t worry I scrubbed this place with industrial strength apple scented bleach before I let them in” he whispered.

“Anon, send these foals home now or I’ll leave a hoof print on your flank so hard it’ll look like you’ve got two cutie marks, and don’t say anything because nothing will make me-“ Rarity ordered before being interrupted.

“We’ve only got fifty dresses left” Anon explained.

Stopping to let that info sink in, Rarity’s eyes widened further than they ever had.

“Well, if they’re already working on dresses there’s no point stopping them” Rarity caved.

And so Rarity got that order done and with the profits the three ponies went on a well earned holiday.

Although when they returned, Sweetie found a dog collar with her sister’s name on it hidden behind a sink.

Now she thinks she’s getting a dog.