• Published 26th Dec 2023
  • 105 Views, 4 Comments

Shadow's First Hearths Warming Eve - Shadow Hound

After being invited to Twilights Hearths Warming Eve party Shadow has one big problem. What does he buy Applejack?

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Shadow's First Hearths Warming Eve

Author's Note:

This chapter contains spoilers for the next few chapters of my main story. However it is written in a way so that you don't need to read my main story to get the idea of the story.

Happy Hearths Warming Eve.

“Shadow Hound, the son of Luna, used to be an Alicorn. However, he was now an Earth Lycan due to some unfortunate misunderstandings. Shadow was part Wolf and Part Pony. And because of what he considered a misunderstanding, he also had to speak once a week with the good-mannered Dr. Wolf. He sat impatiently in a plastic chair with two guards on each side.”

“Quiet Shadow.” The guard to his left ordered.

“Your narration stinks,” the guard to his right said.

Both guards jumped when Shadow yawned.

Shadow spoke up. “You don’t have to worry that much. Without my magic, there is not much that I can do.”

One of the guards stroked his hoof through his mane.

Dr. Wolf walked out of a room and down a long hallway. He walked toward Shadow and said, “Shadow, I am ready for your appointment.”

Shadow jumped out of the chair. His back legs kicked it into a wall. The guards started following behind Shadow.

Shadow looked back and snapped. “Can I have some space?”

One of the guards looked at Shadow. “My orders are to keep an eye on you.”

Shadow replied, “Not literally. A little personal space would be great.”

Dr. Wolf turned to the guards. “I am more than equipped to deal with Shadow if any problems arise. Why don’t you two take a break.”

Shadow looked at Dr. Wolf. “Thanks, Lapdog.”

Dr. Wolf looked at the guards, “Why don’t you help yourself to some coffee or tea while you wait out here.”

One of the guards trotted over and started pouring himself a drink. The other guard got behind him and made a line.

Quietly, Shadow followed the grey bipedal white wolf through the hallway. Pictures and artifacts lined the walls. One of them was a PHD Awarded to a Mr Doctor Wolf. Shadow glanced at a picture of Dr. Wolf and Luna. Shadow thought to himself. What do you call it if one creature has paws and the other has hooves?

Shadow walked into a small room with two armchairs beside a fireplace. To the far right was a couch.

Dr. Wolf walked over, sat in one of the armchairs, and gently gestured for Shadow to sit in the other chair.

Shadow shrugged it off and laid across the sofa on his back.

Dr. wolf adjusted his glasses and replied, “Make yourself comfortable.”

Shadow replied, “I will make myself comfortable. All this walking makes my back hurt. When do you think aunt Tia will give me back my wings?”

Dr. Wolf reminded him, “After you have earned them.”

Shadow grumbled, “This is taking too long.”

A few minutes later, Dr. Wolf asked. “How have you been doing? I am sorry I haven't seen you for the past week. My appointments are filling up fast, but I do want to make time to see you.”

Shadow looked down. “I am doing fine.”

Dr. Wolf smiled. “Well, I guess fine is better than horrible.”

Shadow replied. “Sure.”

Dr. Wolf asked, “How have your friendship lessons with Twilight been doing?”

Shadow Hound said, “Fine.”

Dr. Wolf stated, “These meetings of ours might be more helpful if you can think and give me more detailed answers. Then I have more information to help you with.”

Shadow rolled over onto his side facing Dr Wolf and replied, “Ok.”

Dr. Wolf grimaced, “If something is bothering you, we can talk about it.”

Shadow couldn’t help himself with a grin. He stated, “Ok, lap dog.”

Dr. Wolf suggested, “I have an idea. Let’s talk about your plans for Hearths Warming Eve.”

Shadow adjusted himself and turned his back toward the grey wolf.

Dr. Wolf said, “Are you feeling ok? I want to help you.”

Shadow replied, “Twilight and her friends invited me to their gift exchange.”

Dr. Wolf said, “That sounds exciting. They did one last year.”

Dr. Wolf adjusted himself in his chair. “Who’s name did you get?”

Shadow replied, “Well, I got Fluttershy, but now I have Applejack’s name.”

Dr. Wolf said while chewing on the tip of his pencil, “How did you get both names? Or did Twilight let you pick again?”

Shadow said, “Rainbow Dash traded names with me, which works because I have no idea what to get Fluttershy. At least with Applejack, I have a few gift ideas.”

Dr. Wolf smiled, “I am glad you could trade. Is that all you want to talk about?”

Shadow sighed, “My big problem is that the party is in a few hours, and I don’t know what to get Applejack. I have a few ideas, but I don’t know which one she likes.”

Dr. Wolf asked, “I could help you decide. What are you thinking?”

Shadow bit his lip. “You don’t want to know. I shouldn’t tell you.”

Dr. Wolf replied, “Don’t worry. Anything you say is confidential. Nobody else will know. It will be our secret. By law, I can not tell anyone what you say in this room.”

Shadow replied, “I have lots of money. I could easily buy her a second farm or a new apple cart.”

Dr. Wolf said, “Those sound like perfect gifts but also very expensive.”

Shadow replied, “But I want it to be special from the heart.”

Dr. Wolf nodded, “That sounds like a great gift for your special somepony.”

Shadow’s ears went up. “I was thinking about destroying Flim and Flam for her. I know how much they have hurt her in the past, but I don’t think aunt Tia would like that.”

Dr. Wolf’s eye twitched. Dr. Wolf said weakly, “I will agree with you. Princess Celestia would not like that gift.”

Shadow Hound said, “So I am not sure what to get her.”

Dr. Wolf replied, “What do Lycans normally do for Hearths Warming Eve?”

Shadow replied, “All the citizens would give gifts to me and my dad, and we would open them. Santa Claws punished lycans who failed to give gifts. The king rewarded lycans who gave great gifts.”

Dr. Wolf looked semi-interested, “How would Santa Claws punish bad Lycans?”

Shadow answered, “He would shove them in a potato sack and hit them with a birch rod.”

Dr. Wolf bit his lip before he said, “And what kind of rewards did they get?”

Shadow said casually, “They got to eat.”

Dr. Wolf replied, “I am starting to see how this is different between our cultures.”

Shadow said, puzzled, “Yeah.”

Dr. Wolf rubbed his eyes, “Don’t Lycans give each other gifts?”

Shadow responded, “Sometimes.”

Dr. Wolf asked, “What do other Lycans give each other?”

Shadow tilted his head, “Are you saying I should give Applejack a dead field mouse for Hearths Warming Eve?”

Dr. Wolf jumped! “No, I don’t think Applejack would like a gift like that.”

Shadow responded, “That makes sense. She is a pony.”

Dr. Wolf said, “Let’s try something different. What do you hope to get from Hearths Warming Eve this year?”

Shadow replied, “There are only two things that I want.”

Dr. Wolf chewed on his pencil and replied, “What would that be? Maybe Applejack would like the same thing.”

Shadow said, “Do you think aunt Tia will give me my alicorn powers back?”

Dr. Wolf slapped his forehead, “I don’t know.”

Shadow replied, “I hope so. I miss my magic.”

Dr. Wolf said, “I hear you are doing just fine without it.”

Shadow replied, “But it is hard to grab things without my magic.”

Dr. Wolf proposed, “Have you thought about making anything?”

Shadow lifted his head, “What?”

Dr. Wolf suggested, “Like a drawing or an art project.”

Shadow asked, “What could she do with a drawing?”

Dr. Wolf said, “It would be a gift from the heart that she could keep. I have glitter and colored pencils. We can make it right now before you go.”

Shadow said, “No. That stuff is for babies.”

Dr. Wolf said, “Give it a try. I can help you.”

Shadow said, “This is ridiculous. I am not going to play with glitter like a little foal.”

Dr. Wolf reminded him. “This could be considered a part of your therapy.”

Shadow said, “I don’t know. Can’t we talk instead?”

Dr. Wolf informed Shadow, “We could if you want, but we still have 90 minutes left in today’s session. Time will go by a lot faster with us doing something fun.”

Shadow replied, “It doesn’t sound fun. It sounds humiliating, you lap dog.”

Dr. Wolf grinned, “Shadow, I understand if you are afraid of doing the art project. It is normal to be afraid that she is not going to like a paw crafted gift.”

Shadow said, “I am not afraid of anything.”

Dr. Wolf said. “Ok so prove it by doing the art project.”

Shadow breathed out. “I guess I can do it.”

Dr. Wolf smiled, “That is the spirit.”

The bipedal wolf stood up, walked to a closet, and looked through several containers. Shadow got off the chair and asked. “Do you need help with that?”

Dr. Wolf held a bottle of gold glitter up to the light and replied. “The same thing I do every session. Try to do something creative.”

After a few hours of crafting and getting glued to the floor, Shadow held up a wrapped box with a bow around it.

Shadow asked. “Do you think it needs the bow?”

Dr. Wolf smiled, “You tied it with your own paws. I think it looks wonderful.”

Shadow rolled his eyes, “Are you sure she will like it?”

Dr. Wolf’s eyes darted at Shadow. “Do I sense fear?”

Shadow showed his teeth, “I said I fear nothing.”

Dr. Wolf grinned, “I believe we are ready to go to the party.”

Shadows raised his eyebrow, “What do you mean by we?”

Dr. Wolf said, “I can walk to Twilight’s Castle with you.”

Shadow responded, “I didn’t know that Twilight invited you.”

Dr. Wolf laughed then said, “She didn’t.”

Shadow grinned, “So the lap dog is a party crasher.”

Dr. Wolf walked up to his cupboard. “Would it hurt you to give me a little respect and call me Dr. Wolf?”

Shadow rolled his eyes, “Yes. Yes, it would because you will always be Celestia’s Lapdog.”

Dr. Wolf shuffled through his closet. “I just need to get a few things and then I will be ready to go with you.”

Shadow looked at Dr. Wolf, “I don’t need anyone to go with me. I am one thousand years old. I am sure I can handle going to a party without you.”

Dr. Wolf gave Shadow a warm smile. “Would you rather have me go? Or the guards.”

Shadow grinned, “So, how much longer will it take for you to get ready?”

Dr. Wolf put on a second jacked, “No, very long at all.”

Later that day, Shadow and Dr. Wolf walked to Twilight’s Castle. Dr. Wolf looked bigger because he was wearing several coats. Shadow wore nothing but his saddlebag. Dr. wolf struggled to walk in the fresh snow but determined, the grey wolf pushed forward.
Dr. Wolf stopped walking briefly, “Do you want to get sick? Where is your coat?”

Shadow laughed, “In the Lycan Kingdom, it gets colder. I am fine.”

Dr. Wolf adjusted his glasses. “Most interesting. I would think even the Lycans would get cold in this weather.”

Shadow said, “It takes more than this for me to feel cold.”

Shadow and Dr. Wolf both climbed the steps. Shadow checked his saddlebag to ensure his gift for Applejack was safe. He then put it away.

Shadow knocked his paw against the door with a thud. He turned to Dr. Wolf. “Oh well. I guess they are not home. Let’s go.”

Dr. Wolf sighed, “It is only proper that we wait a few minutes for them to answer the door.”

Shadow groaned, “How boring. Can’t they leave the door open?”

Dr. Wolf raised an eyebrow. “You want the princess to leave her door open so anypony can walk in?”

Shadow Hound said, “Fair Enough.”

After a few minutes, Shadow knocked again. This time, they heard Spike yelling, “Coming.”
Shortly after, Spike opened the door and walked through the door. "Welcome to Twilight’s Castle." he said with lots of enthusiasm while waving his arms in the air..

Shadow looked at Spike’s thick green sweater with a red tree. Shadow looked at the fact that he was wearing nothing.

Shadow looked at the doctor, “Oh well. I guess we are going to have to come back later. I feel a little underdressed.”

Dr. Wolf said, “Shadow, it is fine. Normally you don’t wear clothes.”

Shadow sighed, “I know, but neither does Spike, and he is wearing a sweater.”

Dr. Wolf reassured him, “I am sure it will be fine.”

Shadow replied, “Are you sure? I could buy a jacket or something.”

Spike waved them in and asked, “Should I take off the sweater?”

Dr. Wolf walked into the castle and said, “Everything is fine. No need to do that, Spike.”

Shadow followed Dr. Wolf into the castle and the main room. The Main 6 were already there and making themselves at home. Twilight stopped adjusting some ribbon at the top of the room and flew down to greet Shadow.

Shadow thought to himself. It must be great to fly.

Twilight greeted Shadow with a smile. “Welcome to my Hearths Warming Day Party.” She stuck a hoof out to Shadow. He blinked at her and tilted his head.

Shadow then responded, “Nice to be here.”

Dr. Wolf cleared his throat. Shadow looked down and said, “Oh Yeah.” He then shook Twilight’s Hoof.”

Twilight trotted over to a table. “Here are some appetizers if you are hungry.”

Twilight pointed at the appetizers. “I wanted to include a wide selection of foods while catering to the high protein needs of a Lycan.” Twilight gasped, “So I researched food with protein.”

Shadow looked at his choices, “Makes sense.”

Twilight pointed a hoof at a bowl full of almonds and peanuts on the table. “I have nuts that you can eat. However, I forgot if you were allergic to peanuts.”

Twilight pointed to a plate of crackers. “I also have cheese and crackers.”

Twilight also hovered a plate in front of Shadow and pulled a napkin off it. “I also have cheese sticks.”

The cheese sticks looked warm and cooked to perfection. One cheese stick was broken open with gooey cheese flowing out of it.

Shadow said, “Cool. Thanks Twilight.”

Twilight said, “I wanted to cater to your protein needs, but having fish or other meat on the table didn’t feel right because it would scare Fluttershy.”

Shadow nodded, “It is fine, Twilight. I understand.”

Fluttershy turned around and whispered, “I feed fish to my animals.”

Everypony turned to Fluttershy. Fluttershy blushed, “What else do you expect seals and bears to eat?”

Shadow shrugged, “Nature is Naturing.”

Shadow carried the box over and placed it under the tree. Dr. Wolf pat Shadow on the back, “Good work.”

Later in the evening, after some talking and singing that Shadow did not participate in, all the ponies sat near the tree.

Pinkie opened her present, which was a jar of Pudding. “Oh, thanks, Twilight.”

Twilight responded, “And the best part is we didn’t have to fight it this time.”

Shadow looked at Applejack, “What are they talking about?”

Applejack snickered, “Long story. I'll tell ya later.”

Fluttershy opened a present. She giggled as she held her present up, “Oh, thank you, Rainbow Dash, For the bunny sweater. You even got Angel and me a matching pair.”

Next, Shadow opened his present. Shadow held a blue scarf with a moon picture on the edge. Shadow blushed. “Thank you, AJ. The scarf is perfect.”

Applejack gently wrapped it around his neck. Applejack touched noses with Shadow. “I knew you would look perfect in it.”

Applejack looked at her present. “How did that happen, Sugar Cube? How in Betsy did Shadow pull my name from the hat? I mean, what are the chances?”

Twilight said, “That would be a 12.5% chance.”

Dr. Wolf snickered, but he didn’t say anything.

Applejack opened her present to find an Apple-themed tree ornament. The ornament was of a familiar cowpony’s face on an apple framed with red and green popsicle sticks. The apple and background were cut out of construction paper. Applejack’s face was made out of glitter, and glitter decorated the edges of the ornament.

Applejack blushed, “Oh, shadow, this is wonderful.” She leaned into him and hugged him.

Shadow stood in shock. “Really?”

Applejack responded, “I love it.”
Shadow replied, “I don’t understand. It is a piece of wood with metal glued onto it.”

Spike picked up a guitar that was in the corner of the room.

Spike replied, “Shadow, can I explain something to you?”

Shadow sighed, “Please don’t start singing again.”

Spike pat Shadow on the back and strummed the guitar.

Twilight started to sing.

"The most magical gift
That I can recall.
It could have been big or small.
Or even nothing at all.

It doesn’t matter, you see
If it’s from my friends
For who I depend.
No Matter what you spend
It will be perfect to me."

Shadow winced.
Applejack started to sing.

"The true gift of gifting
Is what it means inside
We can show we care
Spreading love far and wide.

The true gift of gifting
is totally free
And you’re the best there is at givin’ it
With the friendship that you give to me."

Applejack asked Shadow, “Do you understand?”

Shadow blushed, “Yeah, I guess Doctor Wolf was right.”

Dr. Wolf stood from across the room with a cheese stick in his paw. Dr. Wolf’s ears perked up. He cried from across the room. “Did you just use my name?”

Shadow rolled his eyes. “Don’t overthink it, Lapdog.”

Dr. Wolf said, “It is ok. I understand.”

Fluttershy replied, “Baby steps.”

Shadow responded, “So it doesn’t matter what I give you because we are friends.”

Everypony cheered, “Yes!!

Shadow said, “And friendship is…… Teamwork?”

Twilight grinned, “No, my little Lycan. Friendship is Magic!”

The Main 6 all giggled and hugged Shadow.

Shadow tried to get away but found it impossible. “Could you girls stop? You are embarrassing me.”

Pinkie Pie said, “Get used to it.”

Applejack just replied, “Yup.”

Dr. Wolf watched the group as he whipped away a tear. “I consider that a successful first Hearths Warming Eve.”

Comments ( 4 )

Shadow no longer being an Alicorn was the last thing I didn't see coming.


Yeah, he has alot to learn.

Congratulations on the post.

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