• Published 27th Dec 2023
  • 175 Views, 3 Comments

The General's Tapes - NicieLunar

The tape recordings of a General with Ambition

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Tape recordings

Recording tape, day 1.

The day of my military career began with the approach from one of the President's advisors, he was charismatic as all advisors do, though, in all due process, it's just a stunt for them to be elected into higher offices, whether it is the speaker of the house, or in the higher positions like the president's seat.

We chatted a lot, he had an interest I had an interest, and everyone around us had an interest, so after he handed me the Colonel patch it would begin my career as an officer in the American Army.

Recording tape, day 4.

My first assignment came in the form of a telephone document, followed by my commanding officer giving out the briefing, it would seem that my division would be shipped to Afghanistan, under my command, to escort and support the evacuation ongoing in Kabul, apparently the group known as the Taliban had gained ground in masses, sad, it's unfortunate we have such incompetent General's in the seats once sat by legends such as General MacArthur, or General Bradley.

Such a shame.

Recording tape, day 14.

The evacuation of Kabul was a success. As in success, I mean destructive failure, my men were killed in the bombings during the time of the evacuation, and I had to send out letters to their families on the matter of their deaths.

The bastard president who ordered this operation in the first place will someday hear my name, but first I have other things to tend to, like mailing...

Recording tape, day 17.

Once we got back on the base ground I was given a task assignment on managing affairs between the military and state, although the military I work for is federal, it has however come to my attention that manpower is scarce, now I am not the one to blame, but I believe the high command is to be blamed here.

Recording tape, day 120.

It has been a while since the last few days in management while tiring it could be exciting, or at least that's what the know-it-alls think in the process of politics.

But today was somewhat odd, recently news broke out of a military build-up on the border of Ukraine, by Russia...

Now it's all the same saying from the Russians, they deny, deny, deny, that's what they've ever done in the first place, I believe they're gearing up for an invasion, and the media may ensure the public of something that "won't" happen, but when it does...

It will.

Recording tape, day 141.

Today is a new year, with 21 now past us and forgotten we continue forward in the new year 2022.

Of course, Christmas was grim due to Covid, but if I'm correct, the world is about to see devastation.

Recording tape, day 194.

Today would be the weirdest day of all weirdest days, 22.2.22, supposedly this would be the last one until 2030 or something along those lines. Still, there was another matter to tend to, reports came in that the issue with Ukraine was deteriorating, and the Russian Government had been somewhat impatient.

My division is to be shipped to Europe where I would jointly cooperate with European troops in securing the border and showing our strength off to the Russians.

Recording tape, day 196.

Something that I never doubted happened has happened, the Russian president declared war on Ukraine and swept through the country, condolences if a Ukrainian listener listened to this recording.

Recording tape, day 600.

Being a good while with tapes, I have spent an entire year exercising and planning for a war that seemed somewhat distant, yet close, with the Russian army looking like they want to just revolt in anger, I can see why.

I guess you can say the Russians and us Americans aren't so different from each other, and that similarity is the idiocy of the General Staff, but in other news, I have heard rumors that General Milley is supposed to retire soon.

That's one goon down, some hundred to go.

Recording tape, day 681.

So it would seem the Russian General Shoigu and Gerasimov got to live another day after the Wagner group had turned around.

The "March of Justice" was just like what the Russian President called his war in Ukraine "Special Military Operation" I am beginning to question my ethics on humanity, just call it a coup, just call it a war, stop it with the fucking alternatives and call it as it is!

Recording tape, day 684.

With ranting out of the way, I have been promoted to Brigadier General by General Milley, odd that out of everyone who had been ranked locked it was me, of course with actual power I was now my own commander, I was quickly reassigned to the Pacific front where China continued to Posture their operations within the Ocean.

Creating islands and defying everything that the map would say.

I hated them, and I hope that whoever is above us will strike them down for this violation.

Recording tape, day 940.

After being absent for a while I was informed throughout the rest of the year that China had somehow made peace with the United States, as for the news regarding Hamas, they don't exist, not anymore.

However whether I don't support Israel or Palestine is another, I am a neutral, a third player, if it were up to me I'd have both united Jewish or Palestinian or not.

Of course that would just start an ethnic fight, pity.

Now the tape wasn't for the purpose of my views, but rather something interesting happened today...

While I was on leave I've been drinking in my bar dorwing away of my aggravation when a group of... Red hooded figures entered the bar and said some sort of secret password to the bartender.

Of course, I was asleep at this time, and alone so no one witnessed, I will be investigating this... Oddity.

Recording tape, day 686.

Just as I suspected, there is a secret society in California, although not the type that the entire "meme" community suspected, it was not the Illuminati or even a secret society at all but rather... An organization consisting of wanted criminals hunted down by the FBI, and if I haven't been asleep again.

I could've sworn I heard a familiar voice.

Recording tape, day 687.

Several things happened today.

First I was given a 10-day notice to ship to Hawaii for military drills, and also, I had figured out who these people were.

They call themselves the "HEGEMONY" and when I was in the bar again they appeared to have figured out all this time that I may have been spying on them, so I took the opportunity to present myself.

Unfortunately it didn't go as well as I planned it to be and then after I was kidnapped and taken against my will to their meetings.

But to my astonishment when I found that perhaps I wasn't the only person with the same mindset and ambition, some of these people were atheists though but that didn't bother me and my religious standards, but after being cuffed to a chair blindfolded I did hear one of their meetings.

The wars broken out were their responsibility, using the formulas for total destruction, however unlike them, I had an ambition, and by the looks of this group, I think I could give them a little taste of my own version style of the world.

That's if I get out, of course, they were kind enough to give me my tape recorder so currently, I am justing sitting recording in a jail cell, so we'll see how this goes.

Recording tape, day 688.

A day in a cell can make an unintelligible man insane, I wasn't, in fact in my mind I had a hibernation of thoughts that ran through with the amount of planning for my plea, or should I say presentation.

If all goes right I could end up becoming a member of this group, and if this goes according to plan, leader.

Of course, by the voice of their leader it would seem it'll take more than a mere speech to knock him off his feet, no worries, I'm sure I have a plan just for that.

Recording tape, day 689.

After the second day I was brought out of the Jail cell, they confiscated my tape recorder but don't worry, I got it back, otherwise, I wouldn't be speaking here now if I were to say that bloodshed was made.

To explain the situation I was brought into the light being watched by hundreds of eyes staring into my soul, unlike the other poor damn fools who collapsed to the pressure, my soul gave the members a fright of what I was capable of.

I presented myself and provided them with my plan which may take about 5 years to be completed fully if not entirely, the majority looked at my presentation with great anticipation to the point where calls to accept me into the group, their leader however, did not like it.

So after the presentation and being freed from imprisonment, I secretly hired a mercenary off the grid to... Deal with their leader.

Results should be given tomorrow.

Recording tape, day 690.

As all had gone accordingly, their leader is dead.

The assassin took him out silent as the grave, and with it, a 34-year reign was ended.

Now it's my turn, first I need to make sure the people realize who they are up against, I had some competitors within the ranks who hated my guts, but at the same time secretly disapproved of the previous leader.

I did my research on these specific three people and apparently, they've been known to have killed people silently, being war criminals, or even soldiers for that matter.

Given the amount of structure I had secretly planted false evidence into the rooms of their houses, and then after they went home, me and the group of both followers and the meeting guards we stormed all three of their rooms and recovered my evidence.

It was perfect, the image was perfect, and the sight of their execution was beautiful.

Recording tape, day 691.

As my departure to Hawaii drew close I was inaugurated as leader of the Hegemony, now that I was the leader I quickly created groups, militarized them, and even ordered some sparks of civil protest, starting with Ethiopia, the place was riddled with groups with deadly intentions, such as the Tigray and the OLA, we've easily persuaded to carry out their war against the government thanks to the arms dealers, they have made deals that would prove effective for our operations.

And as for the plans I have presented, I am in the process of executing them, now is a matter of some... Contacts...

Recording tape, day 1056.

Tomorrow is the fourth of July in 2024, interesting how long It has been, I always took pride in the country, if in anything the pure ambition of maybe becoming president.

But what was exciting was the elections, so it would seem that a third runner-up had been taking the polls lately beating both Biden and Trump, It's interesting for a third-party president to be winning, they call him Adam Wright, a combination sort, though very tacky and basic with his bland promises.

But you may never know whether he may end up keeping his promise after all, perhaps we'll see.

Recording tape, day 1200.

Election day came. Today was a surprise I never thought had happened.

President Adam Wright won the election, this surprised everyone both Republicans and Democrats, even Wright was surprised by this victory.

And because of this victory he has a lot ahead of him, like fixing the economy, and everything else.

Of course, this comes without intuition towards the partners in the Hegemony, but with the problems ongoing I don't think the president will have time for anything.

Recording tape, day 1250.

So today was either lucky or unlucky.

I was given a five-star medal by President Wright, a promotion to the highest spot in the country, General.

Not brigadier or Lieutenant, the highest rank possible, and then that's when the considerably occurred when I realized that my days in the military would practically be over because of this, no matter though, a remedy would be made with the Hegemony, the plan would be continued to plan out.

But I guess I should give an explanation of my plan.

Recording tape, plan: Oprah stadium.

The plan for 2029 would occur exactly like this, the Hegemony being big with international contacts would continually support anyone in the Chinese Peoples Republic known for their anti-Taiwan mongering and would support them to the office booth.

Now here is where things would be complicated.

While the Hegemony is big it has no military generals other than American Lieutenant officers, or Colonels, because I was the only general in this group I decided to arrange a meeting with one of the Chinese Generals in Hawaii where I was to be stationed at.

The Pearl Harbor Museum is a nice meet-up for both of us so that was where we would meet.

Assuming there were no spies we both conversated on the Taiwan situation and the possibility of the same goals for conquest glory, of course, glory was at the top of my agenda no doubt, while the Hegemony may be a good boost for glory, I did plan on using them as a let us say...

A friendly exchange quite so with the FBI.

The meeting went without flaw strangely, either because no one cared or I picked the perfect date.

So the stage was set however, the Chinese general on my signal would orchestrate a nuclear strike in Hawaii, and I would be the last general to escape with my life. On a plane.

Once 2029 would come, it would be my time to shine, but first, my compatriots will need to set it up in the next 4 years.

Recording tape, day 2000.

Things have been stranger and gets stranger.

The war in Ukraine had turned for the worse with Russia, recently they've just overthrew their president and replaced him with another one, never got his name but he was as ambitious as his previous holder.

Talk about getting rid of one dictator and replacing with another.

Then what happened next last year 2026, Wagner just proclaimed themselves a country, talk about irony, the fact that the son of the previous Wagner owner had actually done what his father couldn't, although they're currently experiencing a counterattack from the Russians from all sides, there is even Pro-Russian militia's, so that's just nice. (I guess...)

Chechnya is also freed, along with Tartarstan, Dagestan, and some random Nothern Caucasus states I didn't know existed before.

On the bright side, however, I got new friends, General Gerasimov, and Shoigu came running from a flooded mousehole and came crawling straight toward the hungry cat.

Except this hungry cat intends to put them to good use.

Recording tape, day 2030.

As if the situation with Russia hadn't gotten worse, Sakhalin Island was sold to Japan, and the provinces of Amur, the Jewish autonomous region, Primorsky, and parts of Khabarovsk were all given back to China at the price of a lot of rubles. It was in my view, as if the Treaty of Nerchinsk never was a thing, it was like China had always owned it. It was saddening for everyone in the world to see how a mighty nation such as Russia collapsed under its own weight, of course, while the West may be happy to supply them with Weapons to quell the Wagner Rebellion, because why not, they've also had just stirred a hornet's nest of anger.

My two compatriot Russian Generals have experience with this stuff, but I had to keep them on a leash because of what the West has done to their country.

Every time they blame me for it, I reassure them that the plan will work.

But then it dawned on me that I haven't bothered to make a post-war plan, but of course, that can wait as we're on the brink of greatness!

Recording tape, day 2200.

Today was a score for us, as Russia continued to suffer more and more catastrophic failures I gained more and more Russian officers, and I was shipped to Washington D.C. Apparently the president had personally spoken with me about the situation with the Pacific and whether he should be concerned about it.

Seeing this as an opportunity to keep heads looking away from the Pacific I assured him that there had been no instances of military incursions within territorial waters.

But I also informed him that although there had been continual and usual skirmishes between the PLAF and the USAF, there had been no casualties other than interception battles that usually race to see who had the better plane, and who does not.

He took the liking of my report to be too positive and had assigned an inspector agent on my tail. I'll have to be careful with my next move if I want to lose all my authority.

Recording tape, day 2210.

I cannot tell what is worse, being watched 24/7 by an agent who can't sleep, or the fact that I am getting reports continually of civil wars breaking out across the African continent.

On the positive there is the Syrian Civil War, only thing is we have long left that chaotic situation and handed it to the Turks. Of course, we won't get that glory. (Unfortunate) but hopefully, if the plan goes right I will not worry about this damn agent that has been tailing me the whole time, and I won't have to give a damn about what happens here in Hawaii.

Recording tape, day 2250.

I have had enough of this damn agent! He had driven the last straw that broke the camel's back.

He asserted his own authority over mine, the amount of audacity he has to undermine a 5-star general's authority all because he is a liaison and thinks he can get away with it?

I'll see to it that he burns in hell.

Recording tape, day 2253.

He is dead.

After all this time I finally killed him, and in private too, I finally got what I wanted and now I will need to find a body bag and an unsuspecting person to frame before NCIS decides they want to put me behind bars.

Luckily I found one, my former commanding officer had been stationed here with us the whole time and lately, he had been acting a bit crazy and looney, a perfect scapegoat for the crime.

Recording tape, day 2260.

As all had gone accordingly, my former Commanding officer had been placed into cuffs by the NCIS and I got away with the crime, and all I had to do was a dash of evidence here and there, and finally a replication of the fingerprints on the gun that I used.

I had gloves on when I killed the agent so this made things even more easy, and with the advancement in AI technology, I replicated and used the false security footage and gave it to the NCIS when they started asking questions.

The sheer amount of surprise on their faces when they saw the footage caught by the security camera.

And all I had to do was a bribe and a dash.

Recording tape, day 2300.

The poor fool President Wright had me summoned today, he scolded me and even accused me of killing the agent he had assigned, this was all done privately though because he didn't want anyone to call him crazy.

Of course in a calmly manner, I replied to him that what I was accused of was a sin, he thought it was a confession at first, but I told him further that the agent he sent was distrust of his officer cabinet, I even warned him that there were rumors that a coup was going to be launched if the agent wasn't removed from my sight.

He told me I was bluffing, so I asked him if he was sure.

No answer.

I then proceeded to destroy my other enemies by framing them for the made-up rumors, so I told him the list of people that were actually my enemies. I hope to see results, tomorrow.

And yes, those rumors are a lie.

Recording tape, day 2330.

He took in my bait, and my lie.

The enemies I listed are now rotting in jail for inciting insurrection, their careers ruined, of course, the only enemy I have left that may pose a problem would be Alex Collins, although he was honorably discharged from the army long ago he still poses a problem, not because of his rank being former Major, but I have a feeling he may be secretly expecting something big from me.

I know he is a civilian, but he is still a criminal in my eyes.

A fugitive to glory.

Recording tape, day 2600.

After returning from the mainland back to Hawaii I decided who I should pick to survive with me, the plan called for only me to survive but I can't help to think that perhaps that one more may fit in.

And that's where I meet Second Lieutenant John Kay.

He is as optimistic as I was when I was a young officer, but he was also curious as to why he was picked to be my personal... Liaison.

Of course, little did he know was he was going to be one out of the million unlucky ones to survive the disaster that was going to be the Chinese making.

Recording tape, day 2670.

So it would seem that Adam Wright had been re-elected, unfortunate.

He would most likely have me jailed if I executed this operation, though then again I wouldn't doubt that if I was the only survivor of this incident.

But as I walked around the beaches of Hawaii I was going to miss its beauty, especially the Pearl Harbor attraction, I was a bit burdened with my choice of targets, it could've been Guam, Midway, or the Virgin Islands, but...

War starts with civilian casualties, not military personnel. And if Hawaii is the only way of restoring American Glory, and proclaiming a spot for myself in the history books.

Then so be it. Sacrifices are to be made.

Recording tape, day 2679.

The final countdown has begun, at the time of January 5th, 2029 I would start the 'incident' as I rearranged conversations, assets, and final planning with the Chinese Generals and the Hegemony High Legion just to be sure that everything was set for the 'incident' it was now the matter of the signal.

Admiral Beiging Hiang would be launching the missile when it came time.

Now it is a matter of waiting.

Recording tape, day 2702.

Tomorrow is the day of reckoning for the world, they will see terror and then hope.

I and my compatriot started packing our things for San Francisco, I've been summoned by the president so this would be good indeed, he sent me a notice that I was being reassigned to another division in California, this all fell perfectly in my plan as I told the Chinese Admiral to make ready with the missile.

No one can stop us now, not even God himself!

Recording tape, day 2703.

I was wrong... My God forgive me I was wrong.

What happened today is something I will never forget...

I'll need some time to think about this.

But to explain what happened, apparently, the world briefly went blank white, I was on a plane heading for Washington DC when the event happened when I left I thought the missile was launched too earlier than expected, I tried to call the Admiral but he did not respond, he was positioned at the north of Hawaii where he was going to fire the Missile.

It was as if a heavenly intervention had seen my sin and sought to prevent it. Dammit!

And at the cost of what? Let me show you.

This map is what was described by my scientific contacts who work with me in Hegemony, the President hasn't gotten word about this yet which made me the first.

And this... This massive landmass... Suddenly, it made me angry like never before, it was as if the first sight of it changed my mental attitude.

Upon arriving at the White House I was called by the president, he told me his condolences and requested that I be a part of the emergency board to discuss the situation.

I humbly accepted in agreement.

Recording tape, day 2704.

Public speech after public speech and yet the only action the president approved of was a military expedition, I sat there in anger, they were using my division for this task, the division that I was reassigned to!

The height of my division is big, it has helicopters, a lot of infantrymen, tanks, and vehicles.

This was good for my liking, it's as if fate was giving me a bigger division in compensation, but I wasn't satisfied.

I wanted Glory and to rise ranks but now... I want blood.

Recording tape, day 2705.

Reports had come in finally, the inhabitants of the continent were indeed not from this world, but from another world.

I questioned the Hegemony scientist where they came from and they provided no answers, so I called one of my men who is an officer in my new division who is stationed in what the aliens called. "Manehatten" and he provided me with enough information.

These creatures are sentient animals from mystic tales of old, ranging from ponies, griffons, minotaurs, and a new race I haven't heard of in any mystical tale.


Unlike everyone else, they've seemed aggressive. And I like aggressive.

But of course, instead of keeping the pests on the continent where they belong, they're bringing their leaders to this capitol. I hope I scare one of them.

Recording tape, day 2706.

They brought them here, and as I was walking out of my guest room after being summoned by the president AGAIN, I found the pony leaders asking questions about where he was.

I pointed towards the office and they thanked me. That is something I will not be pleasant about... Again.

When they reached the president's room they didn't even realize that he was in there, the blue tall pony they called Luna expected a fucking king or queen.

What lunatics told them we were a monarchy?

When she asked the room was filled with laughter. I didn't laugh, I frowned and stared in disgust at what our nation had become.

This whole ordeal was a mockery of the old United States, and I wasn't going to stand it, but if I didn't then I would be terminated. However, I have gotten a phone call so this spared me from this trash conversation I walked into.

The call was from the Hegemony, they had prepared an armed rebellion in Washington D.C. with the purpose of murdering the princesses, and they were now awaiting my signal.

I told them to be ready when they left the White House, and after the phone call, I walked over back to the I left, and to my horror...

The deadass president had to promise the princesses our advanced weapons, the only thing that kept us superior with their staffs and swords and third-world nations. The amount of medevial weaponry they're using, and for what!? Magic? MAGIC!? I never believe this shit! I would never believe in it ever!

I wasn't tolerating this, I confronted the president and we both argued back and forth about the agreement to where the purple pony the diplomats called "Twilight Sparkle" took notice and peeked into the office, but I didn't care. He argued that Russia or China would supply them with the weapons, I argued back that Russia was in a state of collapse and China was useless and their weapons wouldn't last long.

Eventually, right in front of this purple short-wing and horn pony I was demoted to Lieutenant General and was told to pack my things and go to San Fransisco.

Now that was truly the last straw, he has seen himself as mighty, and I have allowed him mercy for far too long. Now he will be facing wrath. This would be the day of war against him. Starting with the Extraterrestrial leaders.

Recording tape, day 2707.

Chaos reigned and ensued just not as the way you would expect.

I gave the Hegemony the go-ahead after it was confirmed they were in the same hotel that I was staying in, however to the ironic cover it was perfect. These idiotic ponies used Twitter, the most hell-bent place where even Satan would clap and they're using it to get in contact with the public.

My response was simple, a riot of the size of January 6, only instead of overthrowing the government, they'll be killing the princesses.

I was given a call from the Hegemony, they told me that the riot was going according to plan.

The best part of it all was that I had front-row seats in it when I was in my apartment packing my things the rioters barged into my room and demanded the location of the group.

I smiled, laughed, and made them confused until I pointed up. And in a chuckling nonsensual voice, I told them to go get them. They shrugged and proceeded to get out of my room.

If only I hadn't laughed though, moments later an eclipse like never before appeared in the sky, and like everyone else, I was horrified unfortunately this killed the riot and this was the responsibility of Princess Luna... Perhaps I was too... Underestimated with these ponies and their magic. I have work to do when I get to San Francisco.

Recording tape, day 2708.

After the incident upon boarding a plane, I was stopped by the FBI and was taken into custody by agents. The President had a recorder on my tail and knew I was the one behind the murders though they couldn't figure out whether I lied about the Coup rumors or not. They had charges against me, they believed I was behind the riots which in all honesty I was.44

Charges of Conspiracy, blackmail, frame, insurrection, plots to overthrow the government, and even treason.

But just as interrogations started men in suits entered the office and conversed with the FBI, I didn't catch their names or how they freed me but I was certain that these men were the CIA.

How do I know? Because they paid me to leave.

Recording tape, day 2982.

Almost the end of the year, and people are now starting to call Equestria in the continent Ekuseru, a funny name, but that wasn't the point of my recording.

Today I saw the purple princess pony presenting yet another speech, this time it was an assurance to make sure the countries didn't have any ideas about blowing them to pieces or to assure intentions, blah, blah blah.

That pony I see on my TV, I can't tell now, but I feel she is a threat to me. Not certain yet but when the time comes I will see to it that just like all threats. She is disposed of.

Recording tape, day 2983.

Today was a lesson for my First Lieutenant John Kay, I killed a fawn and a doe in front of him, had him jailed, and then freed.

I guess you can say he now knows my tactic of noise and death.

However, unlike this, the American government had prepared to reverse engineer the magic they've betrayed the country for and attempt to have it bypass Equestria's.

This sickens me to my core to think they've betrayed us like this. This information is confidential so luckily I had a listening device planted in the room where no one could find it.

I've been busy with this time and away from the Hegemony, it's now time for the next phase of my war plans.


And what better way of doing it, than to do it where Looting had been reported in, in front of the hotel where the royal princesses are staying at.

This will send a message to them and America, General Howard Alexander is back.


Comments ( 3 )

Damn, man! That was a good story! It's a pretty good insight into the mind of a man like Howard, and I can't wait to see what happens next in the main story! Keep up the good work!

FYI In case anyone is wondering why the ratings is not on, it is, but it is broken so keep that in mind

And there yall go, the ratings are fixed

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