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To Party or Not to Party

As Canterlot High’s New Year’s party continued, Shine Boy and Serenity were standing next to the bleachers just enjoying each other’s company. Serenity put a pizza roll in Shine Boy’s mouth who happily ate it. After he swallowed, he checked his clock.

“Only two hours and fifty minutes until midnight.”

“Then we’ll do our traditional New Years kiss for our third year together.” Serenity leaned closer to Shine Boy’s face flirtingly.

“Hope you don’t mind the smell of pepperoni in my breath.” Shine Boy joked.

“It’ll just add the spice to our kiss later.” Serenity chuckled.

“Of course, that’ll be nothing compared to when I kissed you when you ate a peanut butter cup at the movies.”

Shine Boy and Serenity chuckled before they snuggled with each other. They suddenly snapped out of it hearing an airhorn.

“What was that?” Shine Boy looked.

“That better not be Logan cheering too early again.” Serenity glared.

“Let’s go see. We got time.” Shine Boy said as the two looked around.

It turned out it was Mikey who blasted the airhorn as he was trying to wake Veemon up. Unfortunately, the Digimon was still fast asleep. He along with Slammu, Streex, Shini, Zack, Ivy, TK, Kari, Rainbow, Pinkie, Scootaloo, Patch, and Clover were trying to help Davis wake Veemon up. “Huh. That usually works.”

“What’s going on?” Shine Boy asked as he and Serenity walked up.

“We were trying to wake up Veemon, but he’s still asleep.” Patch pointed to the sleeping Digimon.

“He even naps more than Rainbow Dash.” Shini pointed.

“And that’s saying something.” Rainbow agreed.

“Stand aside.” Everyone made room as Steve walked up with his accordion. “Maybe a polka will wake him up. It worked on my neighbor.”

“Wait!” Pinkie cried before putting earmuffs on Mikey. “Okay. Go.”

As Steve began playing on his accordion, Pinkie whispered to Zack and Ivy. “Mikey can’t stand polka.”

“Ah!” the two nodded.

Steve finished his polka by shouting. “WAKE UP!”

But to everyone’s shock, Veemon was still fast asleep.

“Wow. Even after all that and he’s still asleep.” TK blinked.

“Even Gatomon couldn’t sleep through that.” Kari added.

“Oh man!” Davis worried. “I’m running out of ideas! At this rate, he’ll sleep through the party!”

“Maybe we can douse him with water.” Slammu suggested.

“Or maybe grab an alarm clock.” Streex figured.

Everyone kept thinking about ways to wake Veemon up when they were interrupted by a shout.


Everyone turned to see a small figure wearing a fedrora, sunglasses, a white beard, a trenchcoat, and carried a black suitcase.

“Que paso?” Gabby asked as she and Casey walked up.


“Oh really?” Shine Boy winced.

“No New Year’s Eve party?” Patch took a back.

“Says who?” Pinkie demanded as the group walked up to the figure, joined by Grin, Creepie, and Granny Smith.

As the figure set their suitcase on the snack table, Granny spoke up. “What seems to be the trouble going on here?”

“I am from the department of Parties and Celebrations! I just flew in from Washington, where we know all about parties!”

“The Department of Parties and Celebrations?” Casey raised a brow.

“Sounds serious.” Shine Boy said nonchalantly.

“The things the government never tells ya.” Grin muttered.

The figure opened their briefcase and pulled out some papers. “And I have these very important party laws right here in my very important looking briefcase. Yes, um, here we go! Now, according to the section 43 of the hoopla and merriment law.”

“The Hoopla and merriment law?” The group asked.

“Anyone buying this?” Rainbow asked.

“Shh!” Pinkie shushed her.

The figure continued. “And the bylaws and inlaws…”

“Well, what does that mean?” Slammu asked.

“It means that Canterlot High is in the middle of a ‘No Party!’ zone!” the figure declared holding up a no party sign drawn in crayon.

Pinkie gasped as Creepie looked at the sign closely.

“Uh why is it in crayon?”

“Uh, Budget cuts.” The figure answered. “But more importantly, it means that you cannot have a party in these facilities.”

“B-But we’ve had parties before and had no trouble!” Pinkie protested.

“Oh, well, uh, I’ll… leave you with a warning!” the figure confirmed. “Now! I will be flying back to Washington.”

“Steve?” Shine Boy spoke. “Why don’t you help this gentleman with his briefcase?”

“Okie dokie!” Steve walked up to the briefcase and closed it, unaware he closed it on the figure’s beard. “Now don’t you worry your little head off and everything to old Steve Urkel.”

The figure grabbed the case. “Uh no thank you. I’m good.”

“But I insist.” Steve tried to grab the briefcase from the figure before he snatched it pulling the beard off the figure. As he noticed the beard stuck in the briefcase, Steve grinned sheepishly. “Did I do that?”

The figure was revealed to be Likety Split, who quickly said. “Uh, Pay no attention to the beard stuck in the briefcase!”

“Likety Split!” everyone scolded.

“Likety, what in hoo ha are you trying to pull?” Granny Smith demanded.

Likety sighed as she took off her fedora. “I thought maybe if there was no New Year’s Eve party at Canterlot High, the old year wouldn’t end and the New Year wouldn’t come to Canterlot High. It would skip us.”

“This again?” Streex rolled his eyes.

“Likety..” Kari tried to explain.

“I’m not defeated yet!” Likety declared running off.

After a small pause, TK spoke first. “Well, that was weird.”

“So, does that mean we can still have a party?” Pinkie asked.

“Yes, Pinkie. The party is still on.” Granny smiled as Pinkie brightened up again.

Shine Boy whispered to Mikey. “Hey, Mikey. Is Likety anything like that Cozy Glow you told me about?”

Mikey looked for a bit. “Not feeling anything. I think Likety’s just confused.”

“Still, we should keep an eye on her.” Shine Boy shrugged before walking with Serenity.

As the party went on, Vinyl played some music but not so loud so everyone can talk. Some still danced to it while others talked and ate snacks as Metalhead walked by holding the volleyball announcing. “Two hours and forty two minutes till the New Year!”

Yolei was sitting by herself talking. “Okay. This is my first new year kissing Ken. How do I want to kiss him? Nice and slow? Or maybe quick and dip? Augh! Why do they make it look easy on TV?”

Shine Girl walked by eating cheese and crackers and heard her. “Maybe make it a long lasting one? You know? Savor the moment. Of Course, what would I know?”

Over to another table, Raph looked over cautiously as Love Shine tapped his fingers on the table. Duke looked slyly as Layla tightened her eyes while Mimi held up her cards, showing they were playing poker. After much silence, Duke showed his hand chuckling. “Three of a kind.”

Suddenly, Mimi smiled revealing her hand. “Read’em and weep! Royal Flush!”

Everyone groaned being beaten.

“What?” Love Shine double took.

“Clever girl.” Duke sighed.

“I don’t believe this.” Raph muttered while Layla angrily tossed her hand.

“Now now. No sore losers.” Mimi taunted as her Digimon Palmon roped up the snacks on the table.

“Yeah. It’s not like we were playing for money. Just the snacks.” Palmon smiled.

“I’ll get us some Shirley temples.” Duke got up. “Anyone wanna play Go Fish?”

“I’m in.” Love Shine raised his hand.

“Sure, why not?” Layla mumbled.

“Make that two Shirley temples for me, Duke.” Raph added.

As Metalhead walked by the table, Likety Split crept behind him.

“If I can grab the ball, then the New Year won’t come!” she whispered to herself.

Once Metalhead stopped for a brief moment, Likety took this opportunity to grab the ball. She reached for it and was just about to grab it when a hand grabbed her arm. She gasped to see it was Carmen Sandiego who had just gotten a drink and saw her creeping up behind Metalhead.

“Everything okay, kid?” She raised her brow.

Metalhead turned around. “Oh! Likety Split! Did you needed something?”

Her plan thwarted, Likety screamed as she ran off. She ran past Applejack, who looked confused.

“Was that Likety Split?” she asked Carmen. “What the hoo hay was that about?”

“Beats me.” Carmen shrugged.

As she ran, Likety said to herself. “If I can’t stop the New Year from coming, I’ll just have to hide from the New Year!”

To be concluded

Author's Note:

Hey Guys! Sorry I didn't get this up sooner. Just been busy and down with the weather. But Here's the second chapter!


-I got the idea of Shine Boy kissing Serenity after she's eating a peanut butter cup was inspired by a Butterfinger commercial I saw in High school.

- Likety's Department of Parties and celebrations trick was inspired by Telly's attempt to stop the new year in Sesame Street Celebrations Around the World (or Stays up Late) Only I had Steve expose her instead of the Telly did.

- The card game scene was base on this old special I saw called The Railway Dragon.

Well! On to the last part!