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Countdown to Midnight!

“There you go, Metalhead. That should oil your arm nicely.” Carter said as he helped Donnie oil Metalhead’s arm so he could still hold the ball.

“Thank you, Carter.” Metalhead thanked.

As the moment counted down, everyone at Canterlot High was still enjoying themselves at the party as Metalhead announced. “One hour and fifty-one minutes to the new year!”

“Won’t be long now.” Karai smiled as she sat at a table with Flash, April, and Bulk Biceps.

“Yeah.” Bulk nodded.

“Pretty cool how Don’s got Metalhead ready to throw the ball in the air like Time Square.” Flash smiled.

“And Gamer synchronized the time for him.” April added. “That way we know when to shout-!”

Logan popped up. “HAPPY NEW-!”

Karai responded by clamping his mouth shut. “Hold that thought.”

At the snack bar, Tai and Agumon were sharing pretzels with Josh and Keramon as Slammu shared eggrolls with Ace, Melody, and Sweetheart. Slammu set the plate down and grabbed a burger when he heard Kari.

“Likety! Likety Split?” she walked up. “Slammu, have you seen Likety Split?”

“Not since her scam to cancel the party earlier. But I can help you look for her.” Slammu volunteered before quickly eating his burger and joining Kari in her search.

“Likety! Where are you?”

TK walked up. “What’s going on?”

“TK, have you seen Likety Split anywhere?” Kari asked.

“No, I haven’t. What’d she do this time?”

“Nothing, I think. I wanted to see if I could talk some sense into her if she’s still trying to stop the New year.” Kari explained.

“In that case, we’ll help you find her.” TK spoke for himself and his Digimon Patamon.

“Yeah. She’s got to still be here in the school. Let’s look.” Patamon agreed.

As the three went looking for Likety, Leo was at the bar with Twilight, Ripster, Matt, and Gabumon while Casey and Gabby told them about Likety’s failed attempt to cancel New Year’s.

“And then, Steve caught her beard in her briefcase ripping it off her face, revealing it was Likety who ran off!” Casey chuckled.

“And she thought canceling the party would stop the New Year from coming?” Matt raised a brow.

“Likety Split has a habit of believing stuff like that, no matter how absurd it sounds.” Twilight explained.

“Yeah like one time, Snips said he believed the world was made of green cheese and she believed it.” Diamond Tiara confirmed as she and Silver Spoon got their drinks before returning to the party.

“That is absurd yet tasty.” Gabumon shrugged.

“Betcha Someone told her everything would end at midnight on New Years.” Night Shine grumbled drinking another root beer.

“Now who would tell her something like that?” Ripster wondered.

Gabumon looked over to Veemon still sleeping. “I hope Veemon wakes up soon. It’s almost midnight.”

“He’s STILL asleep?” Twilight jawdropped.

“Poor guy.” Leo blinked.

Davis walked up to Veemon and placed a plate of snacks next to him. “Here, Buddy. I saved you some snacks. Man, I wished you were awake, Veemon. You’re really missing out! I wanna celebrate with you.”

Veemon yawned as he spoke in his sleep. “Oh, Davis. I’m having a very interesting dream. I’m dreaming I’m at a party and you’re in it.”

“I wish that would come true, Buddy.” Davis sighed.

Meanwhile, Kari, Gatomon, and Slammu were still searching for Likety Split in the hallways calling for her. Just as they were searching more, Slammu heard a small sneeze. He jestered to Kari and the two walked up to the storage closet as Kari slowly opened the door to find Likety sitting in there.

“Likety Split.” Slammu greeted.

“What are you doing?” Kari politely asked.

“I thought if I hid from the New Year, everyone and everything I know and love wouldn’t come to an end.” Likety muttered.

Kari held out her hand. “Come on.” After she let Likety take her hand and helped her out of the closet, Kari calmly sat Likety on the stars and she and Slammu sat with her as she spoke to her. “Likety, nothing bad is going to happen at midnight.”

“Yeah, right.”

“No really! We’re gonna sing and make a lot of noise at the party.” Slammu assured.

Likety looked up. “You make it sound like… fun.”

“More fun than a catnap.” Gatomon added.

“What made you think everything was gonna end?” Slammu asked.

“Miss Trixie said so.”

“I think she was messing with you.” Kari figured. “You see, Likety, When Sunset said the old year would be over, it’ll be like the next day. We can never go back to yesterday, or in this case, yester-year, but we can try to make this new year better than the last one.”

“How?” Likety asked.

“Well, every New Year’s Eve, people make promises to themselves called revolutions. And as they live their lives, they try to keep their promises to try to make the New Year better than the old one. Like my resolutions are to be a good friend to everyone and keep my hope that human and Digimon can live in harmony.”

“And my revolution is to be there for my brothers and hopefully defeat Piranoid once and for all.” Slammu added.

“And if you want, we’ll stay right with you until midnight.” Kari patted Likety’s hand.

“But… what about the party?” Likety wondered.

“Well, we’d like to go, but only if you come back with us.” Kari said.

“Would you both hold my hand until Metalhead drops the ball?”

“You bet.” Slammu assured.

“Of course!” Kari promised.

Likety got up. “Then here’s my revolution! I promise to never be tricked by lies again! And to never be afraid!”

“That’s the spirit!” cheered Kari.

“Atta, Girl!” clapped Slammu.

“Let’s go to the party!” Likety declared before smiling at Kari and Slammu. “Thanks, guys.”

Kari nodded as she gave Likety a big hug with Gatomon joining in. Slammu rubbed Likety’s back as he wrapped his arms around them too.


Back at the party, everyone heard Shining Armor as he spoke through the microphone as Vinyl turned off her music.


Everyone gathered at the DJ Booth as Gamer projected the timer on the wall screen. At that time, Kari, Slammu, and Likety entered the gym again as TK hurried over to them.

“Oh hey! You found Likety! Perfect timing! There’s only four and a half minutes until midnight!”

“That’s great!” Kari smiled as she held TK’s hand with her other hand.

“This is it!” Shine Boy smiled as he and Serenity held each other as Serenity chuckled.

“This is it.” Yolei told Ken before thinking. Please don’t botch this kiss!

“Yeah.” Ken nodded as he thought. She looks just as nervous as I am.

“This is so exciting! Isn’t it exciting?” Pinkie bounced up and down.

“I know, right?” Mikey grinned as Shini stood next to him.

Just then, the doors opened as Celestia, Dr. Mallow, Luna, Bishop, Cranky, Matilda, Cheerlie, and Fugitoid hurried in to join the group.

“Hey, everybody!” Celestia called. “We just wanted to be with you all for the big moment!”

Everyone smiled to see their teachers joining them. As she stood next to Leo, Twilight saw a certain dog scurry up to her.

“There you are, Spike!” She picked him up. “How was your video chat with the Paw Patrol?”

“It was great! I also called some personal friends of mine. Took longer than I thought, but at least I made it for the big moment!” Spike smiled.

Over to Davis, he heard someone call his name.

“Davis!” He turned to see Veemon jumping onto the table near him eating the snacks he gave him. “Did the ball drop yet?”

“Veemon! You made it!” Davis cheered as he hugged his Digimon.

Tai smiled. “Looks like everyone is here for this.”

“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” Ripster agreed as Agumon nodded.

Cadence then spoke in the microphone. “OKAY EVERYONE! TWENTY SECONDS IN COUNTING!”

Everyone then began counting down the seconds.














“I can’t watch!” Likety closed her eyes.









For a brief moment, everything slowed down as everyone watched Metalhead toss the volleyball to the ceiling. When the ball fell to the floor, everything sped up again as Pinkie pulled a rope releasing balloons and confetti that fell to the floor.

“HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Everyone cheered.

As everyone rejoiced, Shine Boy and Serenity held each other for a long kiss while Twilight kissed Leo, Sweetie Belle pecked Gamer, April pecked Donnie, Gabby pecked Casey, Sunset pecked Fugitoid, and Mikey gave a big kiss to a surprised Shini.

“Uh… my bad?” he sweated.

Shini responded by grabbing Mikey while smirking. “Your bad? My good.” She whispered before kissing Mikey again.

“Whoa.” Mikey awed.

Duke leaned over to Logan who wasn’t cheering. “Now, Logan!”

“NOW!” The Rock N’Beats cried.

Logan snapped out of it. “Oh right! HAPPY NEW YEAR!”

Over to Yolei and Ken, Ken grabbed Yolei and kissed her on the lips. Surprised at first, Yolei accepted and embraced the moment. After breaking, the two looked at each other lovingly.

“Happy New Year, Yolei.” Ken smiled.

“Happy New Year, Ken.” Yolei sighed before thinking to herself. Note to self. Find a way to thank Shine Girl for the advice.

After giving a quick kiss to TK, thankfully Night Shine held a platter up to block Davis who was distracted anyway, Kari leaned towards Likety Split and whispered. “Happy New Year, Likety Split.”

Likety opened her eyes and saw everyone cheering. “It- It’s the new year. I’m here, and you’re here! Slammu’s here! TK’s here! And all of my friends are here! Happy New Year, Kari! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!”

Over at a corner, Wildcard was standing next to Amethyst Majesty, Jebens Sketch, BozzerKazooers, and Nostalgia Heaven as they toasted with soda cans. “Here’s to another year with these guys.”

“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” Nostalgia smiled.

“Hear hear.” Amethyst added.

“I hear that.” Jebens nodded.

“Happy New Year, guys.” BozzerKazooers smiled.

After everyone calmed down, Granny Smith, Big Mac, Applejack, and Applebloom passed champagne glasses with sparkling cider to everyone as Celestia walked up to the microphone.

“Could I have everyone’s attention please?” she said getting everyone’s attention as she raised her glass to the air. “I wish to propose a toast to thank you all for sharing this moment as we say goodbye to the old year and welcome this new year. That we may continue to show how much the bonds we made means to us and the world. Before we drink, Leonardo has his words to add to this.”

She gave the mike to Leo who walked up and held up his glass. “Thank you, Principal Celestia. I also want to add how happy it makes me to see many of our friends came to join our festivities. Even though not all of our friends could make it, they are not forgotten as we toast to them too. Also, may we all continue to honor the memory of our late father, Master Splinter, by remembering the lessons he taught us as we use them to defend our world.”

“To Friendships old and new in the New Year.” Celestia concluded as everyone drank their cider.

When they were done, Slammu pulled out his saxophone and began playing as Leo began singing.

Leo: I see faces that I love, all my friends together with me

Twilight: Skies, moons, stars are above us.

Leo and Twilight: That's the way, it should be

Likety Split: And I will not be afraid, seeing all my friends here with me.

Likety, TK, and Kari: Sharing wishes we all made, wishing for the new year to me.

All: This is my wish, having you near. Day after day, year after year. Holding my hand, keeping me strong. Filling the world with our song.

All: I see faces that I love, all my friends together with me. Sharing wishes we all made, wishes for the new year to me.

Bebop: This is my wish, having you near.

Rocksteady: Day after day, year after year. (Bebop: Beautiful, Rock.)

Flash Sentry and Love Shine: Holding my hand, keeping me strong.

CMCs: Filling the world with our song.

Pinkie: This is my wish, having you near.

Creepie and Carmen: Day after day, year after year.

Team Shine: Holding my hand, keeping me strong. Filling the world with our song.

All: I see faces that I love, all my friends together with me. Sharing wishes we all made, wishes for the new year (3x) to me.

As they sang, Leo and Karai looked to see Master Splinter at a corner, smiling at them and winked at them before vanishing. As they finish their song, everyone gave one more cry.

“Happy New Year!”

“Booyakasha!” Mikey cried.

As everyone happily visited, Trixie was watching at a corner before someone poured a mug of root beer on her head. As she stood dripping, she turned to see it was Night Shine who poured the mug.

“You heard about what I told Likety Split, didn’t you?” she deadpanned.

“You’re lucky I’m in a good mood and we’re on school property.” Night Shine muttered before walking away.

Meanwhile, the word ‘The End’ show as the Street Sharks gathered around it.

“Well, boys.” Ripster smiled. “Looks like this is the end.”

“A Jawsome ending.” Slammu agreed.

“I just love credits, don’t you?” Streex asked.

“Yeah.” Jab nodded. “Dibs on the ‘N’!”

Grabbing the letters, the Street Sharks happily ate them.

The End

Happy New Year!

Author's Note:

Finally! Finished! Even if it's after New Year's, you can still read this for next year.


-Nostalgia Heaven, WildCard, Bozzerkazooers, Amethyst Majesty, and Jebens Sketch are OCs of me, WildCard25 (AKA Darkmagicianmon), AmethystMajesty25, Jebens1, and BozzerKazooers pulling a Stan Lee like cameo.

- the song Faces That I Love is the finale song of Sesame Street Celebrations Around The World or Stays up Late.

- The part the Street Sharks ate the 'THE END' was inspired by Cookie Monster doing that.

Thanks for reading! And Happy New Year!

Comments ( 6 )

“You heard about what I told Likety Split, didn’t you?” she deadpanned.

Serves you right though. One shouldn't go around messing with a kid's head, otherwise they'd end up believing it. Happened to me once long ago.

Excellent work

Comment posted by Kburke20 deleted January 4th

It was in the Spikezilla episode

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