• Published 13th Mar 2024
  • 279 Views, 2 Comments

Everything Begins with an end. - Star Dawn

A human transported to Equestria thousands of years before the main story, Rgre.

  • ...


I was in prison, in another world.

One might ask why? What did I do to deserve this?


I mean nothing...I went to prison for being human.

...Well that's partially not true,.

I did infact fall out of the sky, somehow, I don't know why. I went to bed, and then boom, I was in the sky,I thought it was a dream, but...dreams don't feel pain...
Do they?

I stared at the guard who stared back at me with a look of disgust, it would have affected me if they did not look so...adorable.

"Look the other way!" The guard hissed.

"Why?" I asked tilting my head confused.

"Because Thine looks art disgusting."

The guard's eyebrow twitched at my flat response as she...yes...I continued to-

Why is she w-er...trotting over-?

She punched me in the face. Or is it hoofed?

It was surprisingly strong. I winced as it almost turned my head a full 360 if I hadn't forced myself to stop instinctively.

"So... what's your name?" I asked curiously.

She scoffed and went back to her post.


"The fuck is this..?"

"It's food." Came the blunt reply back, "Eat it.."

"That ain't food, that's grass..." I retorted. "Us humans do not eat Grass we eat meat."

The disgusted look returned, as the mare returned back to her position, fuck! Guess I am going to have to survive off of grass for now on...

I stared at the plate flatly. it just looked like someone just picked up the grass out of my yard and put it on a plate. Whatever, I'll work with what I got.

"Du Du DUDUDUDuh Duh DUh~~" I hummed gently to a song in my mind.

"Quiet Creature!"

"Duh Duh Duh D-D-Dunanana...DUh~~"

Fuck, she taped my mouth, oh so they have tape here.

"Now presenting, her majesty Queen faust of Equestria." I looked at the guards flatly... before I took in upon the majestic looking queen... I can't speak I..quite litterally cannot spe-OW-" The gaurd ripped the tape from my mouth. I am pretty sure I am bleedling slightly.

"Wow your pretty."

"I thank thee." She replied slightly surprised, she probably was expecting something much more vicious or violent. "Does thine know why thou art here?"

"I know not!" I replied amused by the ancient English language, I don't really get that much on my home neighborhood,

"You threatened the peace of thine neighboring town and attacked the residents of my kingdom."

I shook my head.

"Oh? Then please O creature do enlighten me." She asked Neutrally

"I was kidnapped, and I fell ontop of someone." I said calmly, "They did not let me explain, and they reacted dramatically over it, because I was different, Your majesty I mean know offense, I was just a victim of circumstance."

"I see." Faust said thoughtfully, "Well I am well aware of thine predictament, but it would do more if I heard it from your Soul?"

"I have a soul?" I asked blinking.

"Yes." Faust said in a tone that treated me like a child which caused my eyebrow to twitch, "Now then, what do you identify yourself as Creature."

"Please stop calling me a creature." I said calmly, " I am a human male, would you prefer if I called you a horse instead of your majesty?"

Her eyes hardened, "Thou call me that again, I shall castrate thine privates and feed them to the crocodiles."

I winced, not sure how that would have offended her. I decided to close my mouth.

'Horse, is offensive to these aliens, not taken.' I thought

"My apologies, Horse means different things I guess."

Her eyes softened slightly, "I art well aware of thine cultural difference possibilities." she said softly, "in our culture, the term whorse, is an alternative for slut."

"I...oh..." my eyes widened, "Ohh...well I certainly did not mean that, I apologize...." I scratched the back well I wish I did,. My chains restrained me from doing so; causing me to wince again.

She nodded regally, "Now, as for thine punishment, or consequences, there is none, as we are well aware our subject has acted out of fear, and discrimination, but we cannot have you roam our land, we do not know anything about thine kind.""

"We eat meat." I said bluntly causing her to raise an eyebrow, I just figured I wanted to get that out of the way, "We eat meat, but the meat on our planet is not sapient, so don't worry about that."

She narrowed her eyes, "Very well, I appreciate thine honesty, we do have nonsapient species in our lands, so we shall provide you with some...meat for the time being, however, in the meantime, thou will be kept in this castle, and will be watched under surveillance ll day until deemed thee worthy of freedom, do though accept these terms."


"Yes," I said with begrudging acceptance. I do not like it nor do I accept it, but it makes sense in her perspective and she has been fair, so fair.

"Good." she hissed, "Now then, take thee away from thine sight,"

The guard saluted and carried me away, Faust's eyes trailed downwards, and stuck there until I left.

A slow smirk formed on her face, "Thine rear is most certainly impressive nonetheless." she commented to herself under her breath once I was gone.

While I was being led away I thought of the future ahead, the stares, some disgusted others with curious looks.

I gnored the ponies that were disgusted, but...

Wait I actually...

Wasn't paying attention to the ponies who were looking at me with curious looks either.

I was planning in my head, I was in an un-familar land, with no way home. I was not going to allow myself to be a victim of circumstance... but what am I going to do....what should I do...well that is what I need and am starting to figrure out...


My eyes widened slightly,


I'm hungry.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the long wait, life happened, take care.

Comments ( 2 )

An interesting start. Hope to see more soon.

This seems rather intriguing , hope to see more (if this is'nt too old)

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