• Published 7th Oct 2012
  • 10,521 Views, 626 Comments

May the Best Friends Win - Trinary

Dashverse: Rainbow Dash's old friend is coming to Ponyville and it doesn't go well with her new on

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Chapter 9

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Twilight took a deep breath. She had on her most serious expression as she trotted after Trixie. “Trixie! Wait!”

The blue showmare stopped and languidly turned her head to see who was calling her. “Oh. It’s you. What do you want?” Her tone was indifferent, bored.

Taking another breath, Twilight decided to be as direct as possible. “I saw what you did back there.”

“Really…and what did Trixie do?” She asked innocently.

“You know what you did…you egged Rarity and Applejack on. You were trying to get them mad with you so they’d make Rainbow Dash get upset at them instead of you.”

Trixie yawned, slowly clapping her hooves together. “Oooh, well done Twilight Sparkle. You’ve succeeded in pointing out the incredibly obvious. What is your next incredible trick going to be, adding two and two? Spelling your name?” She smirked. “Keeping your sheets dry?”

Twilight colored but refused to budge. “Y-you won’t get away with this.” She shouted. “Rainbow Dash is our friend—she won’t abandon us just because you’ve gotten her worked up.”

The powder blue unicorn snorted. “Oh please, Twilight Sparkle. Do you really think your pathetic little town and your pathetic little friends with your silly little ‘friendship’ can have any hold on a pony like Rainbow Dash? She is like Trixie—bound for greatness. Together, we can become rich and famous as the most talented unicorn and pegasus in all of Equestria!” She reared up, spreading her hooves in the air as if trying to grasp the future she imagined for herself. “I know that Trixie is destined for greatness and Rainbow Dash will help me achieve that greatness!”

“So that’s all she is to you? A performance partner? I thought she was your friend—shouldn’t you care what she wants?” Twilight pressed. Trixie just sniffed in response as Twilight pushed ahead. “And you’re wrong—Rainbow Dash is not like you. She’s brave, steadfast, loyal and true!”

Trixie tittered. It was one of the most insufferable noises Twilight had ever heard. “Oh please…I knew Rainbow Dash from her time in Canterlot, we spent most of a year together. You’ve known her, what? Perhaps a month? What do you know?”

“You may have known her when you were both in Canterlot.” Twilight admitted. “But it’s quality, not quantity, that counts. I’ve seen her pushed to her limits and under pressures you can’t even begin to imagine. At every step of the way, she was resilient and loyal—something you know nothing about.”

There was something in Twilight’s eyes that made Trixie lose whatever it was she was about to say next. She shrugged. “Then I suppose we’ll see who Rainbow Dash wants to be loyal to: the Great and Powerful Trixie?” She let her cape flap dramatically in the wind. “Or the weak and wet Twilight Sparkle?”

Twilight took a shuddering breath and closed her eyes. She could feel the blood pooling in her reddened cheeks as she blushed at having her foalhood shame so breezily trotted out and rubbed in her face. She opened them and met Trixie’s smug gaze, her face red but her voice even. “You’re not going to provoke me or make me run away because you bring up something that happened to me when I was a foal.” Trixie mouthed something at her tauntingly. It was ‘bed-wetter.’ Twilight saw red, only this time it was with anger. “I may have wet the bed until I was eight.” Twilight snapped, feeling uncharacteristically fierce. “But at least I’m not the one who is totally full of horseapples!

With that, she turned and walked away at the same moment as Trixie. Somehow, she counted that as a minor victory—despite Trixie having succeeded in getting under her skin. The thought must have shown on her face because she had only taken a few steps before somepony addressed her.

“Don’t let her get to you. Trust me on this.” Twilight turned around and looked around just in time to see Cloud Kicker settle on the ground, folding her wings against her sides.

Twilight’s cheeks burned. “Y-you heard all that?”

The lavender pegasus nodded, trotting over and draping her foreleg across Twilight’s back. “Hey, it’s no big thing. Trust me, you won major points in my book for standing up to that nag.”

The studious unicorn gave a small grateful smile but then looked away and sighed. “I…I don’t know what to do. How do I make Rainbow Dash see just how manipulative and selfish and—and cruel!—Trixie is?”

“If I knew I’d be telling you.” Kicker sighed. “That pony has one seriously messed up outlook on life.”

Two thoughts crossed Twilight’s mind at once. The first was ‘look who’s talking.’ The second was more relevant and useful. “You…know Trixie? I mean, it makes sense considering you and Rainbow Dash were in Canterlot together but were you…” She shook her hoof.

“Friends? Friends with benefits?” Cloud Kicker sniggered at Twilight’s expression. “No to the second and I don’t know to the first.” She tossed her head. “Follow me and I’ll explain everything.”

Twilight agreed, the two of them walking through town together. “O-okay. Um, where are we going?”

“My place.” Cloud Kicker said simply. Twilight froze. The pegasus noticed and gave Twilight her most supportive I’m-not-going-to-jump-your-bones-unless-you-really-want-me-to smile. “C’mon it’s not like that! It’s a bit of a long story and I want to be comfortable while I tell it. I promise, there’ll be no funny business.” She winked. “Unless you want there to be some.”

A vague nod coupled with a choked-off cough was the best answer Twilight could give under the circumstances. Still, she followed Cloud Kicker to her house. To her surprise it wasn’t the seedy den of inequities and carnal delights Rainbow Dash made it out to be (Twilight supposed it was her own fault for listening to Rainbow’s outlandish stories without checking for herself), but was instead a rather nice, homey typical Ponyville house.

Cloud Kicker opened the door for Twilight, a gesture of kindness the purple unicorn appreciated…she was less touched when she realized that Cloud Kicker was taking the opportunity to stare at her plot.

Not even slightly abashed at being caught the pegasus proceeded to walk in and sweep a pile of odds and ends off the couch with her wing. She patted the spot next to her invitingly and, against her better judgment, Twilight sat down.

“So…” she began, hoping to ward off any awkward advances from her host. “What can you tell me about Trixie?”

“…” Cloud Kicker sighed, stretching her hooves behind her head. “Okay, well a little background is needed first. You know how Rainbow Dash pulled off her Sonic Rainboom, got Princess Celestia’s attention and became her student—but before all that she and I used to be part of this little circle of friends at Summer Flight Camp, ya know, just like the anthem goes. Ditzy Doo and Fluttershy were in it too. Anyway, she wows everypony with her Rainboom and the Princess makes Dash her personal student. Good for her, she earned it.” She added, making sure Twilight understood. “But it was a bit of a bummer when she left to move to Canterlot.” She sighed. “She occasionally wrote letters to Eepysqueak, er, Fluttershy, but it just wasn’t the same. After flight camp ended my parents enrolled me in West Hoof, in Canterlot.”

“I guess Rainbow Dash was happy to see you.” Twilight said encouragingly.

“Eventually yeah, but it’s not like we hooked up as soon as I arrived and—that is not what I meant when I said hooking up!” Kicker stuck out her tongue at the suddenly red-faced Twilight who was imagining the prospect of one of her best friends ‘hooking up’ with the mare sitting next to her.

“Oh. Sorry.” Twilight said meekly.

CK snorted. “I swear, you have a one track mind…perv.” She chuckled at the indignant look on Twilight’s face. “Okay, so anyways, I did manage to catch up with her…sometimes I had to sneak out of West Hoof to do it. Heh, the trouble we got into…” Her smile was wistful. “Do you know DJ-P0N3?”

“Uh…no?” Twilight said hesitantly.

“You don’t know what you’re missing: best disc jockey in all Equestria! Hosted some real jammin’ parties…me and Dash used to sneak in and party until we got thrown out. We actually got to meet Vinyl—that’s her real name, Vinyl Scratch—she was really cool. We were like best buds—three ponyteers.”

Twilight nodded to indicate she was following. She didn’t really see the point yet. “So…how’d you meet Trixie?”

Cloud Kicker sat back, her eyes focusing at nothing. “Okay, here’s how it went…”

“Come on CK, we’ll be late for the show!” Rainbow Dash urged, dragging me through the crowd. I rolled my eyes. I wasn’t nearly as excited as she was—I mean, sure it was cool of Vinyl to get us these tickets but…a magic show? Really?

Scratch had heard about this supposedly ‘wicked performer’ who had a real flair for pyrotechnics. She wanted us to see if we thought it’d be worth trying to incorporate it into Vinyl’s DJ-ing. She couldn’t go herself but she arranged to get us both tickets. I was a bit surprised by how excited Dash was getting, but then again, she always did like free stuff. Though really, who doesn’t?

A unicorn usher took our tickets. “Balcony 4, seats 1a and 1b.” She drawled in a bored tone. “Thank you and please enjoy the show.”

“I’m sure we will…” I said smoothly. Hey, don’t give me that, this unicorn was cute! But don’t feel jealous, she wasn’t as cute as you Twilight. “In fact I’d like to show you my real appreciation for you right now…backstage. If you catch my—OW! Rainbow Dash!”

Dash might not be the biggest pony around but when she sinks her teeth into your ear, you aren’t going anywhere she doesn’t want you to go. So after I was totally blocked by my best friend, she dragged my rump to our seats.

Rainbow Dash glared at me…don’t tell her I said this, but when she’s trying to be all menacing and dangerous and those rosey-pink-magenta-whatever eyes of her narrow? It’s totally cute. No, I’m not interested in her like that! It’s just…well, I think it’s cute. That is, when it doesn’t scare the crap out of me when she’s really, REALLY serious about something. But she was used to me hitting on random ponies so she wasn’t that annoyed. Relatively speaking.

“Can you ever just…turn yourself off for five minutes?” She pouted at me. Again, adorable. “We might have missed the start of the show!”

“Aww, c’mon Dash! It’s just a little old magic show. Why don’t I go get that cute usher’s name? On the way back I’ll even pick us up some refreshments from concessions before it starts?” I wheedled, to no success.

“This isn’t a movie theater.” She reminded me. “…I already checked.” She added with a grumble. “Totally lame.”

Couldn’t argue with that. She did think to bring some bottled water and she already helped herself to about half a bottle before the show started. It was kinda muggy inside.

The curtain lights dimmed and the curtain rose a minute later. There was a single spotlight on an empty spot on the stage.

“Look at the nothing, look at the nothing.” I said to Rainbow in a stage whisper. She snorted. All of a sudden there was a burst of smoke and some magic flashes and there she appeared, hat and cloak and everything.

“A purple cape and pointed hat? Ew.” I made a face as I whispered to Dash. “I’m a naked pony and even *I* know that's a Fashion Don't.” She chuckled.

On stage Trixie was introducing herself…so we had a good while before the show properly started. “Welcome fillies and gentlecolts! I am the Great and Powerful Trixie!” She raised her hooves and sparklers and fireworks went off, accompanied by a musical burst which I soon realized was played every time she announced her name. Every. Single. Time. I grew to truly HATE that theme over the next hour or so.

Trixie meanwhile was still going on. “By the time you leave, you will all have witnessed the amazing, the incredible, and the unbelievable! You all have never seen magic like this before! You might think that the Great and Powerful Trixie,” cue theme. “is just another performer. But to judge Trixie by any previous standard is to make a serious mistake! You haven’t seen TRUE magic yet!”

“Can’t really argue with that.” Rainbow Dash grumbled to me, her enthusiasm waning as Trixie went on.

“This is an example of a time when parents should have crushed their foal's dream of becoming a performer.” I sighed.

Rainbow nodded. “This introduction gives you time to finish your drinks, talk a little, and decide to see another show.”

Trixie meanwhile conjured up a bouquet of flowers which she proceeded to sniff before tossing out into the audience…and she was STILL monologing about herself! “The Great and Powerful Trixie—” cue music and me clenching my teeth, “intends to ensure that everypony here has the most thrilling and inspiring time of your lives! This show will stop at nothing…”

“And stay there.” I said, making Rainbow giggle.

Trixie cast a quick look upwards. I guess she might have heard her. And then she continued. “When I was starting out, I remember what Hoofdini said to me. The first thing Hoofdini drilled into me…”

“Was Hoofdini.” I said, making Rainbow Dash bite her hoof to prevent from exploding with laughter.

Finally Trixie decided to get on with the show. “Now, in order to keep this short…”

“Oh why start now?” Rainbow asked. I groaned and held my stomach. “What is it?”

“It’s either the show or indigestion…I hope it’s indigestion.”

“Why?” She asked.

“Because it’ll get better in a little while.” We hi-hooved.

Then the show began in earnest. Trixie performed some fairly typical magic. “Huh, she’s speeding up the pace of this thing, finally.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Yeah,” I replied. “I guess she figured that a moving target is harder to hit.”

Trixie started pulling stuff out of her hat, some flashy lights, making herself vanish. I cheered...until she came back. “Should’ve known it was too good to last.” I grumbled.

Rainbow chuckled. “You know, there’s somepony else I’d rather see vanish from the theater.”


“Us!” She answered as we snickered.

Trixie actually used her best magic in promoting herself and punctuating her own name. I kept myself amused by making witty retorts and seeing Dash squirm as she tried not to burst out laughing. “If I run out of yawns, can I borrow some of yours?” I whispered to her at one point.

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Cut it out!” She punched me in the shoulder, smirking.

“Clinical boredom did not exist before this show.” I intoned solemnly, making her squirm.

“Q-quit it!” She giggled, making some of the ponies in the audience below look up at us and frown. I winked at them. They just turned up their noses and harrumphed in typical Canterlot fashion.

The show—and Trixie—went on…and on…and ON. “If you hear a door open and close.” I whispered to Dash. “That’ll be the sound of the theatre director giving up and leaving.”

She squirmed in her seat, trying not to laugh out loud and get in trouble. The last time she disrupted a performance—I think it was at the Canterlot Ballet—Celestia made her apologize by going to one of the rehearsals and taking part—in a tutu and everything.

Trixie used her magic to conjure up these…I don’t know how to describe them. They looked like foal-drawn doodles of Trixie fighting and beating a horde of mythical monsters…I can only assume by boring them to death.

I said as much to Dash and that made her snort really loudly. It was hilarious. “K-kicker stop!” Rainbow asked, holding her stomach as its contents sloshed around. She really shouldn’t have drunk that much water. “C-c’mon! You’re gonna make me pee!”

I just smirked as Trixie continued her narration. “And the plot thinnens.” I said solemnly as Rainbow smacked me in the shoulder, her face going all red and tears starting to well up in her face as she suppressed the urge to laugh. So of course I couldn’t help pushing her just a little bit more.

“It feels as though Trixie has been performing for years…” Trixie droned.

“Yeah, tell us about it!” I murmured into Rainbow’s ear. She was squirming, right about ready to break.

“..and there’s always been one thing Trixie has always wanted.”

“To decide who lives and who dies?” I guessed. Rainbow was just about dying herself trying to hold it in.

Trixie looked at the crowd. “The Great and Powerful Trixie…” Damn that theme! “has wanted something ever since her career began.”

“For it to end?” I whispered to Dash. That was the straw that broke the pony’s back. She exploded, laughing so hard she fell out of her seat. But that didn’t stop her…she was literally rolling in the isles, hugging herself and laughing until she cried! I felt no small amount of pride at that.

Trixie however was royally P.O.ed. “Trixie demands to know what is so funny!” She stomped her hoof.

Rainbow somehow managed to crawl over and drag herself up over the balcony railing. She was still sputtering as she answered. “Y-you…you never shut up!” Rainbow burst out laughing again. “Dur, I’m the Loud and Boring Trixie! I keep talking so nopony will realize that my magic’s about as good as an elementary school talent show performance!” Then she was off again. What’s worse, for Trixie anyway, a couple of other ponies started laughing too.

Trixie got even more steamed. “It is clear that an uncultured lout like you knows you cannot match the style and majesty of the Great and Powerful Trixie and are reduced to sniping and heckling out of pure petty jealousy!”

Well, that got Rainbow Dash to stop laughing. She leaped out of the balcony and flew up to Trixie, getting right in her face. “Jealous? Pff, you wish! I’m the greatest flyer to ever come out of Cloudsdale! I can fly rings around whatever silly little magic tricks you pull out of your hat! Just watch!” Rainbow zoomed up as high as she could go inside the theatre and started performing swift dives right into the panicked crowd only to pull up just in time. She performed loop de loops, barrel rolls, and this really wicked maneuver where she flew so fast that she made this rainbow contrail as she went and used it to sketch images in the air. Her cutie mark, some funny faces, even one of the Princess! Needless to say, it was really cool and the audience liked it.

Trixie wasn’t about to stand for that. So she flashed her horn and grabbed hold of one of Rainbow Dash’s, well, rainbows and spun it around her. She turned it into a rainbow colored tornado that just swept Dash up and spun her around until she impacted down on the stage. Even from the balcony, I could see Rainbow’s eyes doing their best impression of Ditzy’s. Trixie took a bow and everypony applauded and laughed.

That stung Rainbow Dash right in her sore spot…no, not her rump. Her pride. She got back up, stumbled a little, but as soon as her eyes and stomach settled into their proper place Rainbow was up and flying again.

As Trixie was celebrating herself with fireworks and sparkly things, Rainbow Dash flew right through them like one big obstacle course. She is a really great flyer, both in terms of speed and agility. Tell her I said that though and I’ll deny it.

After that, it was a whole back and forth to win the approval of the crowd—you saw the show they did here in Ponyville? That gives you a pretty good idea. Only difference was that this one wasn’t scripted or planned. And Trixie did NOT enjoy sharing the spotlight. Finally she couldn’t take it anymore and tied Rainbow Dash with some rope and hung her from the rafters. She smirked as if she’d won and continued her show. Thing is, the rest of the show just wasn’t as good as when she and RD were competing. After a few minutes of tepid applause, Trixie realized it too. I’m sure it just killed her, but she let Rainbow Dash down and they finished the show trying to outdo one another. If it wasn’t for the theatre owner insisting that they wrap it up so they could close down, they might never have stopped.

The curtain came down, everypony applauded for like a solid five minutes. Afterwards I flew down behind the curtain to make sure Rainbow Dash and Trixie weren’t trying to murder each other or anything. Instead, I found the two of them sharing a table and downing cups of water. You should’ve seen it. They were slapping each other on the back, toasting each other and praising them to the skies.

“Cloud Kicker!” Rainbow Dash shot me this manic grin. “Aha, this is Trixie—but you knew that, right?” She grinned. “Weren’t we just AWESOME out there? The most amazing pegasus in Cloudsdale and the most awesome unicorn in Canterlot—ha ha, it’s like it was meant to be!” She slipped a hoof around Trixie and gave a sideways hug. “I can just tell we are going to be best buds forever!”

Celestia save us all.

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