• Published 24th Mar 2024
  • 711 Views, 41 Comments

Can you fix the broken? - Odes

For a thousand years, Princess Celestia has waited for her sister's return. Now that she is back, she can't help but be overprotective of her sister. For one, she wants to fix past mistakes and two, there is something unknown wrong with Luna.

  • ...

4: Cadenza's interesting day

Twilight's P.O.V

Princess Luna was, by all means, the furthest thing from pleased at the moment. Her wings flared open and wide while her aura took over the room, and despite the supposedly small amount of magic restored, she still managed to shake the room as her aura ran wild and infused itself to what it touched in the chaos caused by emotions.

The room took a darker colour tone while the temperature dropped. Luna's body heat rose causing the air around her to almost distort when looked at. It was a scary thing to look at, It was almost as scary as Nightmare Moon…Twilight suddenly felt the air being heavier than it already was as her thoughts went back to the mare.

However, she didn't get the chance to get distracted as the Princess's rage-filled voice filled the room “GET OUT NOW!her command shook her body to its very core thanks to the magic that infused itself to it.

Twilight couldn't object to the order, nor would she have dared to even if she could. Nonetheless Twilight found herself being surrounded by the warm feeling of sunlight and then she was out of the room before she could blink.

She turned around with a confused look on her face as she stared at her mentor. She wasn't confused by the fact that she teleported her out, what confused her was that she teleported both of them outside of the room. Why did she also leave and not try to calm down the raging princess? and what was this look on Celestia’s face?

“Um, Princess?” Twilight started hesitantly, hoping to get her mentor's attention. It apparently worked as the mare turned her head to stare at Twilight with her left eyebrow raised. “Why…why are you also outside and not calming Princess Luna? What if she destroys the room or loses control?”

Twilight saw her smile softly before she shook her head and had that strange look back on her face as she stared at the door. “There will be no point. Things didn't go well the last time I tried to tell Luna how to feel and so… I believe it will be better if we allow her to get rid of her frustrations,” she said with a sombre tone.

The princess and Twilight stayed silent for a while as they both stared at the door. Twilight for her part, just didn't know what to do. Even if she did, she would have to stay close in case the princess called for her when she calmed down

The silence, however, was broken by the Solar princess “Twilight?” She asked. Twilight did what her mentor did and turned so she could stare at the princess before answering. “Yes, Princess Celestia?” She asked with curiosity written all over her features.

However, the Princess was still staring at the door and not at her student. “When I first appeared and yelled out my sister's name, did she…” Was that hesitance and nervousness in Celestia’s tone? “Did she call me Tia?” The princess asked with a hopeful tone at the end

Twilight didn't answer for a while. She unconsciously frowned as she tried to remember what happened after using the elements…back then it felt like this major accomplishment and heroic deed. Now it felt like her greatest sin. Nonetheless, she was also annoyed by her lack of clarity after their use. She remembered rubble and remembered being dumbfounded as she saw Princess Celestia teleport and yell out a name.

It was a mess and she needed to concentrate to remember correctly but she thought she heard the faint impression of a voice calling back, she didn't get what was said but she was sure that it was something that started with a T.

“I- I think so? When you first showed up I was so shocked and dumbfounded by how worried you were and the name that you called that not much registered to me. I do believe that I heard the vague impression of a word starting with T being said,” she knew that her answer was probably not what the princess sought, but she couldn't lie to her mentor and so she told her the truth.

She saw the princess's face brighten a bit while at the same time, her hunches and withers fell. Either out of disappointment or relief, she didn't know. She hoped it was the second option though.

“Thank you, my student. I do apologize for worrying you back then, I was not…thinking rationally and I have to admit, I did panic heavily,” she said the last part almost sheepishly. It didn't take a genius to see that Princess Celestia was embarrassed by her bout of panic. But as Twilight thought about it, she didn't know how she could have had any other reaction. After all, this was her sister in the end. Twilight would have panicked if either Shining or Spike were blasted by the full force of the world's natural energy…wait

“SPIKE!” She suddenly yelled which startled the white mare beside her. It didn't matter to her though. She was worried about her number one assistant, her almost brother but most importantly, her son. How could she have forgotten about him?! He must be worried sick at the moment!

“Twi-” Celestia started before she got interrupted by the panicking unicorn. “Princess! Can you please send a quick message to Spike to tell him that everything is okay? Or better yet, can you teleport him here?”

The sun princess gently shook her head with an apologetic expression on her face. “I'm sorry Twilight but I'm afraid I can't teleport him here if I don't have his location. I will, however, send a message to him to tell him to get here,” She said as she faced the young unicorn and nuzzled her.

“I do have another question, Twilight. I don't know if my eyes deceived me but was Luna’s magic silver in colour?” said the princess before pulling away and began to write the message without even looking at it.

Twilight nodded in response but now the matter caught her attention. She remembered Nightmare Moon's magic being purplish, yet when Luna levitated the element of magic it was surrounded by a silver aura and not the previous purple. Was Nightmare Moon truly a different person? It wouldn't make sense for one person to have two colours for their magic, even if they were an Alicorn…right?

“Wasn't it supposed to be silver? I mean, your magic is golden yellow like the sun, so isn't her magic supposed to be silver like the moon?” Asked the unicorn mare curiously.

The princess's response was that of denial, however. “No, it was a blueish purple ever since Luna started using her horn for magic.” her response only confused Twilight.

“I'm sorry princess but started using her horn for magic? Isn't a horn the only way to project magic in a non-passive way?” the princess's answer intrigued her, how could it not considering what it implies?

The shining princess smiled at her, something that Twilight could easily find comfort in (much-needed comfort at that). She visibly relaxed again as her teacher began to talk.

“Not necessarily, there are ways for all kinds of ponies to use magic. The pegasi and earth ponies of today are mostly ignorant of those forms due to how they integrated the basics of their magic into a passive state of being. They don't need any thoughts to use their magic in the way that they want to use it anymore. Unicorns always took pride in their ability to use magic intricately and so developed it and had its use remain mostly non-passive and requiring conscious thought and knowledge to perform,” Celestia explained with a gentle smile still plastered on her face.

However, it was mostly lost to Twilight whose eyes were as wide as dinner plates at this piece of information. Not only did she learn that there are other ways to cast and use magic consciously, but that the other types of ponies mastered the basics of their magic to the point that it's instinctual without learning. Sure, unicorns have telekinesis and almost every unicorn knows it and it can be self-taught, but it still needs to be taught.

She always thought that it was because the other species don't have horns that their magic can only manifest in a passive state, but the fact that it's instinctual to the point that it became a passive quirk is more impressive than anything she can do!

“So earth ponies and pegasi can cast spells?! What sorts of spells? What was your first type of magic to use? What was Princess Luna's first type of magic to use? What are the pros and cons of earth and pegasi magic?” Had Twilight been left to her own accord, the questions would have never stopped. Thankfully, however, Celestia placed her hoof on Twilight's mouth to silence her while chuckling.

“I'm glad that your thirst for knowledge is still there. Now, yes they can cast spells if they are taught how properly, my first type of magic to use was unicorn magic, Luna's was pegasi magic as it was-” Celestia stopped for a second as if she remembered something. She sighed before speaking again. Weird. “Luna's was pegasi magic. Would you like to guess why?”

Twilight blinked in confusion as she stared at the princess. Was she supposed to know why? She barely talked to the princess and most of the time that she did was under the impression that she was going to die! And even then, Celestia Didn't know about that so she couldn't have been referring to something that happened then. Wait…her mind dialled back to the earlier conversation with the Lunar Princess before she snapped. Specifically to what Princess Celestia said about Cadance. What did the princess mean when she said another pegasus became an Alicorn? Was there a pegasus who has done the same before Cadance? But the only other Alicorns are Celestia and…oh Faust.

As the realization sunk in her eyes widened and threatened to almost pop out. She tried to get words out of her mouth to ask the princess to confirm but no words came out of her mouth. She only stared at the princess with a dumbfounded expression.

Princess Celestia slowly nodded before speaking with a sombre expression “Yes, Luna was originally a Pegasus and not an Alicorn, she ascended into an Alicorn the day she got her cutie mark. I'm afraid that knowing that another Pegasus ascended might have brought her to the idea that she was replaced during her banishment.”

“B-b-but How?!? Isn't she, your sister? Wait! Were you a pegasus before too?! How did she even turn into one? I mean Cadance defeated some evil love witch but you said that Princess Luna did it when she got her cutie mark. What was it? How did you get yours now that I think about it? Is becoming an Alicorn related to having a cutie mark?” Twilight was struggling to deal with this information, it brought so many questions and made her doubt things she thought were facts now.

“Yes, Luna is my sister Twilight. No, I was not a pegasus either. I was born an Alicorn. What Luna did was raise the moon for the first time, and I got mine for raising the sun for the first time. No, it is not related to the cutie mark as Cadance already had hers before becoming one,” The princess answered patiently.

Twilight just sat there as she contemplated the answers she got. Then she remembered the matter at hoof. “But Princess. If Princess Luna thinks that she is being replaced, shouldn't you be there to comfort her? She already lost Nightmare Moon a couple of hours ago and now she thinks that she was replaced” she asked worriedly. She couldn't imagine what Luna was going through with Nightmare Moon gone, and now she thinks she was replaced by her sister.

“Dear Twilight, trust me, if I thought it was the best thing to do I would have teleported only you and helped comfort her. She…I hurt her so much before her banishment. I never allowed her to just express how she feels and not bottle up those emotions. I'll try my best later when she calms down,” said her mentor reassuringly with a soft smile, yet Twilight knows her mentor. She can see the worried and tense expression hidden beneath the smile.

Not knowing what to do, Twilight just silently sighed and waited. After what felt like forever, the angry aura that emanated from the room dissipated. The door opened and the Lunar Princess walked out. Her face and behaviour showed no emotion as she walked almost like a statue. She was so calm that it was off-putting.

Luna's P.O.V

Luna simply looked at her sister and her student who were just sitting next to the door. She simply raised an eyebrow before addressing Celestia. “Sister, would you kindly take us to see this Cadance? I believe that was the name that you called her by.” She made sure to keep her tone cool and collected.

In all honesty, she can't even believe this. She was gone for a mere 1000 years thanks to her sister and now when she's back, she learns that she was basically replaced. Not only was there another Alicorn, but it was also an ascended pegasus! It was too much to be a coincidence!...yet what if it was?

Luna remembers the day she became an Alicorn and remembers how sudden it was. What was it that this Cadance had done that kicked the gears of the world into making her an Alicorn? She was as curious as she was displeased now.

Nonetheless, her train of thought was broken by Celestia finally answering her. “Yes, her name is Cadance. I'll invite her for dinner today as she has duties at the moment. My niece is currently in a diplomatic meeting but should be back soon.” Now that caused a frown to form on her features.

“Niece? So she is family? Is she your niece-in-law?” she saw a smile form on her sister's lips, it seemed that what she said pleased her somehow.

“No, not-in-law, and yes, she is family,” Celestia said with her ever so sweet and calm tone as she stood up and walked closer to Luna.

Luna meanwhile just gave a glance to the sitting Twilight before staring back at her sister. “You do realize what a niece is right? For her to be your niece she has to be my daughter. So pray tell, how is she part of the family? As far as I know, there isn't even a blood Oath ritual to make someone a niece or nephew. And the reasons are obvious.”

Celestia's eyes widened a moment before giving a sheepish smile… she did not think this through, did she? “Well…after I found her I decided to adopt her but not as my daughter as that would have placed way too many expectations and responsibilities on the young one, and…she kinda reminded me of you so I made her my niece by adoption. I will admit, at the time I did not think of the implications that it would have. If you want to, can she also be your niece and call it a day?” She ended with a small hopeful smile.

“It will make no sense for her to be my niece! She will have to be your daughter and also my daughter at the same time! So unless we deal with that can of worms she'll be stuck with a new mother and I'll be stuck with a daughter. A daughter that, to the public, is older than me!” Seriously was Celestia even thinking when she did that? What do you say Moo-...right.

Luna sighed before looking at Twilight. “Get up.” She commanded with a hint of anger. The unicorn mare immediately stood up as she was addressed. “When in the presence of royalty, you stand in respect and bow when they enter the room. You'll need to learn proper etiquette Filly.”

From the look of it, Twilight was about to protest but a simple glare made her shut up. Good, she had some sense at least. She turned back to her sister with annoyance written all over her face “We'll have to talk more about the daughter I unknowingly have. Cancel her meeting and call her, say it's important and concerns the disappearance of the moon the night before.”

Her sister slightly frowned, apparently not glad about the idea of interrupting this Cadance and disrupting her work but it was of no importance for Luna. “Luna, she's dealing with the worries of the night and comforting the other nations. Let her deal with this so we can talk about it. Now if you want to, she doesn't have to be your daughter, when can say that she's your sister instead of me and you become my-” No, she will not allow her to even say it.

SHUT IT. I will not be your lesser. I will be known as your sister as is it meant to be, my rightful place will not be taken from me. If I need to deal with having a daughter then so be it. Got it?Luna might have been too loud and she might have used the RCV (Royal Canterlot Voice) in the beginning but it does not matter. She had to make her point clear.

Apparently, it did the job. Celestia looked hurt (good), she simply nodded and then said something to the guard. “Let's head to the meeting room.” She said softly as she led the way. Leaving Twilight to walk beside Luna.

Twilight, the unicorn who brought the end to the pony that Luna cared about the most. Just seeing her was enough to make Luna tense, yet her logic knew how useful she could be. She won't harm her yet, she still has much use for her and not to forget her status as a bearer of the elements.

She looked at the unicorn and saw her stare at Celestia with a worried expression, she was looking for something on her sister. Perhaps signs of discomfort? She saw how lax her sister was with this unicorn so it's more than likely that those 2 are close.

The 3 of them eventually reached the meeting room. Celestia took her seat which was at the head of the table, Luna begrudgingly sat to her right. Twilight tried to sit but was stopped by Luna's wings and a side glance. Getting the message she simply stood there while looking at the ground nervously.

Now it was a matter of waiting for the new Alicorn to show up. Luna didn't know what to expect from her but she hoped it wouldn't be disappointing, especially considering that she's her daughter now. Ugh, how will she even deal with being a mother? Sure it will barely matter considering her age but it will still complicate matters beyond their already complicated nature.

How would she even react to all of this? Would she ask to be Celestia’s daughter instead? It will make sense since they have been family for a while now…the idea did not sit well with her, it will be yet another thing taken from her by her sister. Sure she didn't even choose this or necessarily want this but the idea of her adoptive daughter choosing Celestia to be her mother was not a pleasant one. Everyone chose her sister over her after all. So what if she and this Cadance had both originally been pegasi? It means little to nothing now. The only person who would choose her willingly is gone now…

Her thoughts then switched and went to Nightmare Moon. Nightmare always wanted to have a child and be a mother, she would have been delighted by this news…or maybe she would have gotten mad because of the nature of how it came to be. What would she think if she was here? What would she expect of Cadance? What will she do if she chooses Celestia instead? So many questions, yet there will be no answers. She cannot converse with the dead nor would she want to disturb the dead and bring her back no matter how much she wanted to…why was she taken from her? Why? Why not allow them to be gone together?!

Cadance's POV

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza otherwise known as Cadance, had an interesting past 24 hours. First, her auntie was attacked by something or someone, then auntie flies out alone saying she has to deal with something, the sun doesn't rise in time and oh, The Flipping Moon disappears from the night sky. Now, after trying to calm the people, she gets called by a guard on orders of her aunt.

Cadance followed the guard who called for her attendance with a confused expression, she was confused about why Auntie Celestia would interrupt a meeting. Not that she was complaining, dealing with panicking nobles and foreign diplomats was not something she enjoyed doing.

She understood their fears but could they not act like children? The sun rose, whatever attacked her auntie and messed with the moon was gone now. Everything was back to normal. Sure, it was also freaky for the night to remain without the moon in the sky but it didn't last that long. Everything was fine now. They were fine and safe…but then why did the princess call for an urgent meeting regarding the disappearance of the moon? Would it still be gone and not shine again? Or what? And what was this sorrow that she was feeling close by?

Whatever the deal may be, her questions will be answered soon after she reaches the room. The guard knocked on the door before slightly bowing and returning to his post.

Cadance used her magic to open the door and froze at what she saw. Her auntie and Twilight were there, which was relatively normal, but what shocked her was the 3rd member. Sitting there was someone she didn't know, sitting there was an Alicorn. By the looks of it, she was young, perhaps a teenager. If she were to guess, she'd say that the new Alicorn was a bit shorter than her.

Of course that is not what made her concerned or what caught her senses. As the princess of love, she can, of course, feel love and all the emotions that relate to it. This Alicorn had a tremendous amount of love, which would have been a sight for sore eyes not in the form of sorrow and heartbreak. It was not like anything she had seen before in her life. She almost wanted to cry as soon as she saw it.

What could have caused such a thing to the young one? She immediately wanted to just rush there and embrace her and tell her that it would all be all right. But she couldn't, not now. She'll meet her later and do her best to help then, now she has work to do.

“Cadance, it's nice to see you, my dear. Please, do take a seat. We have a lot to talk about today. I'm sure you have a lot of questions at the moment. They will all be answered soon, so no need for you to worry.” odd. Auntie Celestia isn't usually this serious or curt. She was fine though, but her emotions further confused the pink Alicorn. She felt a great deal of love towards the new Alicorn. It was family love, sisterly love to be precise, and it held back a lot of regret.

She didn't know what this was about but she was both looking forward to this and dreading it. She made herself smile for her auntie before she went and sat down on the chair to Celestia’s left. “Hello Auntie Celestia, it's nice to see you too. I must thank you for calling me out of the meeting, the nobles and ambassadors were getting slightly out of hoof back there.”

The newcomer simply stared at her with an intrigued (and somewhat smug) expression on her face. The princess of love didn't know why, but she felt as if she was being studied and analyzed by the teenager Alicorn. Not exactly knowing what to do, she simply waved her hoof to her as a way of saying hello.

“Right. Well since you are, we shall discuss the matter at hoof. Now as you are seeing, we have another Alicorn present with us. This is Princess Lunaraina Selena Hurricane. My sister and the former mare on the moon. You can call her Luna for short.” Said her aunt softly and casually as if she was introducing her to another noble, she also looked at the ‘princess’ for approval and she seemed to get it.

Meanwhile, Cadance was left with her jaw on the ground as she stared at the mare with eyes the size of saucers. Did her aunt just say that this teenager of an Alicorn is not only her sister but the mare on the moon?? All those stories and tales about the monstrous mare that hunts and eats children, the one that haunts the dreams and causes nightmares is just a TEENAGER?? BUCK WAITING.

Within an instant, Cadance teleported next to the mare and abandoned all formality as she gave her the tightest hug that she could give. She felt her tense and even attempted to push her away but she stood firm. No wonder she felt all that sorrow and heartbreak. This poor child (okay now she wasn't sure that was the correct term considering the mare on the moon was definitely older than her) was the subject of the hate and fears of countless people for generations!

“Oh, you poor thing! Don't worry, we'll fix that, no one will fear you like that again, no one will hurt you or will say those hideous stories about you anymore. I promise you that Princess Luna.” she softly whispered to the mare who went stiff after hearing her. “What…what are you talking about? What hideous stories?!”

What? Did she not know? “you don't know? The stories about the mare on the moon? Nightmare night? You don't know about them?” she said as she let go of the hug with a confused look on her face

“...well now I want to but it's a matter for another time. Now let go of me and return to your seat child,” Princess Luna said after a moment to realize what she was told.

Sensing that the princess was a bit happier now, Cadence simply nodded as she walked back to her seat now a bit confused. If that's not what caused the emotions to the princess, then what did? “oh um, I'm sorry for the sudden break of formality Auntie.” she said sheepishly before she sat down.

“It's alright Cadence, you don't need to worry about it. Now would you like to introduce yourself to the Princess?” Well, Celestia was also happier so that's an improvement.

“Oh right, My apologies, Princess Luna. My name is Mi Amore Cadenza, The princess and Alicorn of Love but you can call me Cadence.” Cadence couldn't help but chuckle at the confused look on Twilight's face, it was probably the first time she heard her full name after all.

Luna on the other hand just stared at her for a moment before blinking slowly. Did she say something wrong? “Are you sure of the fact that that is your name?”

Now it was Cadance's turn to stare at her for a moment. “Luna, would you please be nicer to dear Cadance and um, not ask her such questions?” Thankfully, Auntie Celestia broke her out of her moment. “Oh no Auntie, it's quite alright really! Um, Yes Princess Luna, my name is indeed Mi Amore Cadenza.”

Luna stared at her for a moment before shrugging to herself. “So the princess of Love's name is My Love Cadenza. I would have commented further but seeing that my name has two instances of the moon in it, I'll just say that Pegasi names hold an intriguing mystery.”

“I admit, it is quite a coinciden- wait what now?” is the princess implying what she thinks she is implying? Now that she thought about it, her name was definitely a pegasus name…and then there is her last name.

The young(est? It's up for debate) princess simply nodded before speaking. “Yes, I was born a pegasus and ascended into Alicornhood just like you. I did not think such a thing could happen again but it seemed I was wrong. Now to explain why you are here. As my sister has just told you, I am the former mare on the Moon, what she did not tell you is that I am the princess of the Moon.” The princess stopped speaking for a moment to allow her to digest the information.

Cadance just sat there for a moment before speaking. “But you're so young? The mare on the moon was there before I was even born, yet you're a teenager! Erm- no disrespect, of course, I'm just…confused to say the least. Also since you're Auntie Celestia’s sister, does that make you also my aunt?”

Luna sighed, apparently she expected such a question. “I am younger due to the elements of harmony, they sapped a considerable amount of my strength and age among other…acts.” she felt the sorrow and heartbreak inside the princess rise as she said that. Also, why were the elements used on her now?

“So, instead of being an adult the size of Celestia, I am now a mere teenager. As for your other question, the answer is an unfortunate no, the moment Celestia made you her niece is also the moment she made you my daughter. By law at least.” Excuse me, what now? She's her what? “Making you the niece of both of us requires us to have a brother or a sister or it will be a confusing legal mess. I'll give you a moment considering this is a lot.”

Saying that it was a lot was not even scratching the surface. So, the teenager in front of her is the living legend of the mare on the Moon and actually an adult who got age regressed into a teenager by the elements of harmony AND thanks to Auntie Celestia, she is also her mother according to the law? All of that is without even mentioning that she is also a pegasus who ascended!

“I…I need more than a moment for this…but you might as well tell me the rest before I begin dealing with this.” Ugh, her throat felt dry and her head hurt a bit. Maybe she should get a drink later on.

The princess (should she call her mother now?) simply nodded before she continued. “The reason I was gone is that I was banished by the elements of harmony for 1000 years after a fight with Celestia.” The solar princess looked at the ground in shame at that. “And now that I am back, my duties to handle the moon, and the night will return to me and so will my duties to the public. Now as far as you and the public know, I did not exist a thousand years ago and it will remain like that. The story that will be told to the public is that after the defeat of Nightmare Moon, the elements saw fit to create an avatar for the Moon and that will be me. Any questions?”

What the buck? Of course, she has questions after such a dump of information!

“Luna, don't you think that you dumped a bit too much at once?” Celestia began. “No, she asked for the rest and she received it. Now, do you have any questions?” Luna ended and returned to her previous question.

Well of course, but among the many questions that plagued her mind was simply why? Why was she banished? Why is she Luna's daughter now? Why are they lying to the public?

“Why?” Before she even noticed. The question slipped out of her mouth. In response, she only got a raised eyebrow. “Why what? I'm afraid you have to be more clear.”

“Why were you banished? Why did you fight Auntie? Why are you lying to the public about who and what you are?” She flinched at the sharp inhale that came from the other 2 Alicorns at the table, looking behind Luna she saw Twilight tense. Did she say something wrong?

“My fight with my sister is a more complicated matter that I'm not sure even she understands. The why for my banishment can be attributed to fear and the same can be said for why we're lying to the public. Me and Nightmare Moon used to be practically one, and so it is us who attempted to bring eternal night. If the public knows that then we will meet riots and mistrust from the general public and the nobles. So, to make sure that we keep the peace and to make the most of a decision out of rage and a coincidence, we will lie. A lie that will keep the peace and does no harm to anyone. Do you understand now?

“I-...yes? Not really? Dealing with the consequences of who and what you are now seems like a better idea than dealing with the consequences of the public finding out the truth later on, no matter how unlikely that situation may be. Also um don't get me wrong and please don't consider me selfish for wanting to address this matter first buuutttt...why are you my mother now exactly? What did Auntie Celestia do exactly to make me your daughter?”

She did not know why, but she felt the Moon Princess tense up as she asked her questions…the last 2 questions to be specific. Instead of her answering though, it was Auntie Celestia who did. “Since it's my mistake I'll explain. You see, I adopted you as my niece, which enlisted you as the daughter of my sibling, and by ancient law and bonds with blood-” with? “That landed you as Luna's daughter. Now I admit, I did not think it through or even consider what your position will be as my niece, and my lack of foresight is what landed us here. If you want to, we can give a compromise to the public, but as far as the truth and law are concerned, I accidentally made you Luna's daughter … on the Brightside now you're a princess Twice! For your status as the princess of love and the daughter of the moon princess!” Okay, the ending was a bit lame but any effort to lighten the mood was appreciated.

Cadance nodded before she stood up “Okay, I think I get it. Having a mother who's younger than me in appearance will be odd but nothing that I won't get used to.” she then smiled as she looked at the Moon Princess (who looked rather anxious) “I know this is a sudden thing, and I can only imagine what you're going through with your return and finding out that you're a mother now but um…I would like to get to know you, Princess. Mother? I'm sorry I just don't know what to call you yet, but perhaps we can both get used to this together?” she ended with a hopeful note at the end.

She didn't know what happened between the 2 sisters or the full events of the past day, but what she knew was that it was a lot for everyone. What she also knew was that she wanted to help the returning princess get rid of all those pains that she was harbouring. Who knows, perhaps this situation will be a blessing in disguise.

As she looked at her new ‘mother’ she couldn't help but smile at the nod she received…or at the fact that her pains were not the focus of her mind, perhaps she was happy at the moment? She'd like to think that she is.

“Now if you all please excuse me, I'm going to get a drink,” she said before teleporting out of the room while giggling at the shocked reactions on the faces of the others.

As she arrived in her room she would lay on her bed and thought back to her day. Deal with terrified people and nobles? Check. Meet a living legend? Check. Have history and princess lore dumped on her? Check. Gain a new mother? Check. Learn she's not the first pegasus to ascend? Check. Be part of a future nation- no, worldwide lie? Check.

While shifting on the bed Cadenza called a bottle of brandy towards her from the closet with her magic. She couldn't help but think about the one way to describe her day. Interesting. Today was an interesting day indeed. Actually, now that the night will be ruled by another Princess, what changes will occur to it? Other than no mare on the moon that is. Perhaps the night will also prove to be interesting.