• Published 13th Apr 2024
  • 168 Views, 2 Comments

Trials of the Realms - discordjediknight

In a world full of magic and wonder, ponies rule the six of realms. Twilight sparkle is named heir to the throne, and must defend it, and her world againts threats from the seventh relm.

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Chapter I Twilight Sparkle

Author's Note:

Ok here we go again, another fan fic idea, I needed a break from my big story and wanted to work on this one, hope you all like it, please let me know if any criticism as always 😅🤚.

As the sun sat high over looking a busy bustling city, the sound of hoof prints could be heard from the occupants. Ponies, ponies, ponies of all difrent shapes and sizes, could be seen and heard.

There were ponies with wings, known as unicorns, ponies with wings know as pegusi, earth pony’s, too. But most of the town was filled to the brim with alicorn pony’s.

The ponies lived in houses along the cobble street roads, along with street lamps and new technology advancements like old rusty cars. A train brought the pony’s where ever they wanted to go mostly though. But despite these advancements, the city looked old and ancient as if it were plucked right out of a fairytale. Some of the pony’s wore dressed and clothes others wore wrags and some didn’t where any at all.

The ponies went through thire day to day life with little interruption or thought at all, never even noticing the dark figure that lurked in the shadows, was a creature unlike any other. As a pony passed by it leaped out of the shadows attacking said ponies nocking them over to the ground.

“Ahhhhhh,” the pony screamed as it jumped back, only to raise a hoof and stop the creature attacking it mid air.

The creature stood mid air hovering off the ground in anger as it tried to break loose from a dark purple oarah that surrounded it. It was grape In color with emerald spines.

“Awww it a little dragon, are you lost little fella,” asked the pony it attacked.

The little one barred its sharp fangs, despite being small it was mighty in attitude.

The pony giggled as it stared at the little creature.

“Hear, she said as she pulled out an apple and tossed it over.

The dragon snatched it, waisting no time eating, causing another title from the pony.

“You lost little fella, got a home.” She asked as if it were a puppy. “ hmm most dragons eat bugs, but you must be pretty hungry if you’re eating an apple like that.” She said handing it another fruit. “Hmm ya know, I think I’ll keep you, I use to have a pet dragon growing up, it was my brothers. Now what to call you, hmmm,” the pony thought as it removed its cloak revealing just what kind of pony it was.

She had violet fur, deep purple eyes that seems to sparkle like the night, straight dark blue main, that seemed wave like dark flames, and stood on two legs. “Oh I know, spike, you like that name,” she asked handing the lizard another snack.

“well spike, I’m Twilight Sparkle welcome to the family boy, she laughed using her magic to bring it to her arms, giving it a few rubs on the back of the head.

Now fed, the little dragon, yawned, growing sleepy, causing its new owner to coo at how cute it was. She then looked up and saw the time on the clock tower.

She gasped in horror, oh no I’m late, I’m late, I’m late, she yelled running off giving, the dragon an accidental squeeze, causing its purple face to turn blue. “Oh, sorry, come on spike, we have to get to the castle and quickly,” grinned Twilight as she took off, ducking around other ponies in the streets and jumping over obstacles and There heads.

“Hay!” Whined an earth filly, with a cherry main and a yellow coat.

“Sorry can’t stop!” Twilight called back. “ I only have five minutes, I can make it, I can make it,” she huffed as she began tuning up the streets climbing the hills. Siting at the very top stood a large closed golden gate, bridge.

“ oh, no, oh, no, what do I do,” she mumbled as she saw that the the gates were closed. She then saw a truck with a large hay wagon siting by it. Quickly growing an idea, she called out “hang on!” To spike a Shaw increased her speed. Reaching the wagon she used it as a ramp to climb up and onto the truck before jumping over the bridge. Seeing this a guard look up in shock and worry.

“Hay!!!” he then froze at the sight of her.

“Sorry flash, tell my brother I’m in a hurry.

Flash enlarged his nostrils, muttering back, “why that pony, her brothers gonna kill me, for that.”

Twilight waisted no time running into the castle, by passing the grand hall ways and storming up the tower, until she met with a large golden door, even so she didn’t take a second to marvel and the size of it, and smashed through with little problem.

“Im hear, sorry I’m late,” she said catching her breath, “ I was studding transfiguration, not looking at the clock all when I noticed it was nearly time to meet up, and then I ran into this dragon, and, and I-“

She paused when she noticed the looks ahe was getting from the room.

“ that’s quiet alright, please line up with the others,” said a wise elderly voice.

“Ya yes, yes of course, I uh, I mean, yes my queen.” She replied taking her stance with the others and giving a respectful bow.

Above them standing in the window was a tall white pony with fiery hair of a rainbow of colors. A white alicorn who fur looked as bright as the light that came from the sun. Despite her young appearance, she also had a look of age and wisdom in her eye, revealing her true nature. She was also dressed in gold and white gowns, and a crown sat above her head. She stood majestic and beautiful. Around her neck a golden plated key, sat just over her chest.

“Now with our finale friend’s arrival , we can now begin this important meeting. “

“Yes your majesty,” bowed the four ponies.

Prince Franklin Blue blood, hailing from our own lands your might has no rival among our realms.

Prince Blue Blood , a dashing good looking strong alicorn colt, who’s golden hair looked like bright flames, from a roaring fire smiled at the complement as he inhaled puffing up his chest full of pride.

Our own Sunset Shimmer, my longest and most trustworthy student, whose brains have no equal.

“Thank you queen Celestia,”bowed another alicorn with fiery red hair.

“And ,Mi Amore Cadenza whose beauty is only outmatched by her own power. “

Mi Amore gave a respectful nod. She was unlike the other ponies. She was a normal pony it semester other then the fact that she looked like she was made of pure glass, along with an icy cold and serious stare.

“Brons, brains and magic, you three are the top best in my academy. I am so proud of all my students but you three excel far beyond what I could have ever have imagined. My father king Arther pendragon, would have been amazed to see the bright future this kingdom has turned into and will remain thanks to the grand like you.” Smiled the queen .

“thank you mam but if I may ask what is it you called us here for,” asked Sunset in a cheerful voice.

“ yes always right to the point with you isn’t it dear Shimmer.” The queen exhaled. “Truth is the reason I have gatherd you all here today is unfortunately, not to praise your achievements, tho praise they deserve. I have gather you all here today beacuse all four of you I consider candidates for my throne.”

The room gasped at the sound of this.

“But but your majesty-“ called out blue blood.

“Calm your selves,” she orders them. She waited till the room stood quiet again before speaking. “I know it seems sudden but I ashore you it is not. She said as she began taking steps to her throne. “ despite my youthful apparence, done by a fun little spell, I am not as young as I once was. I am old enough to be your grandmother, I have lived a long life, and will only live so many more years. I’m must look into a successor, but who when I hold no heir of my own.” She said as she took a seat. “ I queen of canterlot and chosen ruler of the six relms, knew that one day I wouldn’t be able to do this forever. So I started teaching when I could, in hopes to find a successor, and now I believe I have found such a pony worthy of that title. We stand before them now, in there very presence as we speak.”

The three looked at each other a bit bewildered of the news but all straightened, preparing for thire queens judgment.

Twilight stood with a look of shock and amazement. She was happy for who ever was going to be ruler, and took out her own pen and paper to write down for the history books.

Wait, you said… four of us,” remarked sunset. “Thire are only three.”

Celestia smiled at that. As twilight froze in fear.

“No, no there has to be a mistake,” spluttered Blue Blood. “Twilight here is a book worm, only here to record history isn’t that right. Na, no offense Mrs sparkle.”

“None taken, I, I’m not …” she spluttered in shock.

“Twilight Sparkel, step forward if you please.” Commanded the queen.

“ Twilight stood unsure what to do.”


“Twilight shook her head, a look of fear spread across her face.

“Twilight Sparkle step forward, and claim your title.” The queen speeded in a motherly voice.

But Twilight stood in aw and horror.

Sunset and Blue Blood stood disgusted by the idea, while Mi Amore smiled friendly, placing a hoof on twilights shoulder giving her a nudge.

It was just enough for Twilight to take one step, and she cautiously looked back to see the others.

“Go on,” smiled the crystal pony, giving twilight the courage she needed to take another step slowly walking up a few steps until she was in-front of her majesty.

Twilight bowed before her as Celestia placed a hood on her shoulder. I shall let the realms know and have your coronation by the end of the third day of next week.

“Next week,” she panicked with in her mind, only for the little dragon to crawl out of twilight bag and onto her shoulder.

“All hail queen Twilight,” shouted Celestia, and the room bowed before her repeating the phrase, all hail queen twilight, as twilight turned around facing the room.

Despite there own grudges even the best of the best bowed before her.

“All hail queen Twilight.”

“All hail queen Twilight .”

“All hail queen Twilight.”

“WHY ME?!” yelled out Twilight who was country passing back and forth in the library.

Rolling her eyes, and flipping to the next page of her book, Mi Amore Cadenza laughed. “Come on your great.”

“ seriously, I’m not the best at anything, I’m not the most powerful at magic that be you, I’m not the smartest that’s, shimmer or the strongest that’s blue blood I’m, I’m, I’m ME!”

“Yeah, your you, that’s probably why you were chosen over us. You hold all traits evenly, quite an interesting choice I must admit but I’m happy for you, princess.”

“DONT CALL ME THAT. I can’t do this cadence, I only joined because I wanted to learn. My best talent is books, not ruling a kingdom.”

“Yeah and who knows more about the relms and history then you.”

“Ok you got me thire,” admitted twilight. “ but just knowing stuff dosnt mean I can actually do those things.” She huffed as she grabed some fruit flies and began feeding her new pet.

“You are with out a doubt the best choice for the job, better then meet head and evil brains,” cadence shrugged.


Cadence shrugged, “I don’t know, thires not a lot of my kin left. In all honesty crystal pony’s don’t have a good history when we hold such power.” I think that’s why the queen didn’t choose me,” she sighed deeply.

“ even so anyone is a better choice then me, hell Spikes a better choice then me!” Twilight panicked as the baby dragon burped after its meal.

“I beg to differ on that,” chuckled Cadence .

A knock on the door interrupted thire conversation. “ hay how’s my little princess,” smiled an alicorn walking in.

“Ugh, I’m gonna get you for that,” growled twilight, causing the male to laugh. “Sorry sis, but i think you’ll make a great leader.”

“Yeah maybe one day, long long down the line, not next week, besides I’m not an alicorn,” she said pulling her wings out. I’m a shadow pony, who just likes to learn, “I’m not ready for this! I just wanted to learn all that I can, which is why I entered the queens academy for the relms, I never thought I’d ever be the one to take the throne.

“That I can agree with you on, I never thought we were posible canofates either, but all you need is a little self confidence and experience, and how are you going to get that if you cower all the time? Cadence remarked.

“Cadence is right Twily, now I have to work late tonight on guard duty,”shining armor placed a kiss on cadences cheek m, and turned around to head out the door, “good luck sis, see ya in the morning.” He said as he headed out.

Twilight rolled her eyes at the sight of them.

“Come on, your brother and I have been dating for how long now?”

“Not why I rolled my eyes, he showed up for two seconds and leaves! “

“Your brother has an important job,”shrugged the crystal pony.

“And I never get to see him any more! We use to be so close and now- she groaned in frustration. What’s going to happen if I do take the throne! Twilight mumbled as she collapsed on her bed. To many things are changing, to many so quickly, I just want things to go back to normal. She whined like a little kid.

Yeash, act your age, cadence thought but would never say out loud, instead she walked over and placed a comforting hoof on twilights back.

“Thanks, I know, I sound like a spoiled brat right now, but-“

“It’s ok, we all get a little round up from time to time,( you especially)” cadence added under her breath, “but change despite how scary it can be is a good thing, I promise, the worlds not gonna end because of a little change dear. She chuckled. “You know this reminded me of when I was babysitting you on that Tuesday.

The sound of that, made twilight jump up, “no no no I done want to think about that please,” she said as she stuck a pillow over her head.

“Oh but you were so cute, with your little crush on,”

“I don’t have a crush on star swirl the bearded!” She shouted with a face full of embarrassment, making cadence erupt in laughter, when a nock on the door caught both of there atention.

“Come in,” Twilight called, and the door open revealing a messenger.

“Mi Amore Cadenza, your presence is requested by the queen.” Said the royal guard.

Cadence rolled her eyes at his use of her full name and turned to twilight, with a sorry expression.

“It’s alright, thank you cadence I’m fine go see what the queen wants.” She said before she slumped further in her bed.

Cadence was anted to say something,opening her mouth to do so, but soon decided it was best not to, and closed her mouth leaving the room, with guard. As the guard closed the door however cadences liked back, worried for her friend.

Cadence was lead to the queens chambers, where she found her on her larger bed. With a bow, cadence greeted her. You wanted to see me your majesty.

The queen looked at her, her beauty spell begging to fade and her sparkling Maine begging to grey. Cadence, yes, I wanted to know how twilight was.

She’s taking the new position, not as well as you hoped I believe. But I’m all fairness this was quite sudden, even for me. I knew of your position, yes but I never suspected you to make such a quick move like that, if I may, your highness, why now?.. Why so quickly to.

Celestia smiled wearily. Before looking away. “Long ago, I had such an heir…long ago you had a family, a lover a sister and friends… now…”

Cadence stood quiet as she observed her royalty carefully.

“ my magic is fading cadence,” she said as the last strand of her beautiful colorful hair, a pink strand faded to grey.

Twilight tried to sleep. She tossed and turned clenching her eyes, wishing she could just scone to her her tiredness, yet despite it, her mind refused it as she sat worried for the future.

Finally she gave up and rolled on her back, opening her eyes. As she did the moon light from the window slid up her face. She started looking at the stars above, twinkling in the vast distance.

Despite how tranquil it looked, even with the sound of a snoring dragon in the corner, her mind was the complete opposite, as she wonders why her? Why was she chosen. Could she do this, could she really protect the kingdom. Rule it. Do what was right. Choose its path, its future. What if she messed up? What if she made a mistake? Could she truly, and honestly, say she was the best choice for this?…

“No,” she whispers and got to her hooves. She tore open her closet, and grabed a bag. She grabed a bag of coins, and a satchel full of her favorite books. The sound of her packing woke the dragon in the corner.

Come on Spike, she said and held her arm out. The baby lizard yawned and fell back to sleep, far two comfortable to care on the soft royal pillow.

“Wow you made your home fast,” Twilight deadpanned before picking up the pillow and stuffing it and her pet in her bag with her books. She grabbed a warm cloak and set on her way, out the door, out the castle and soon out of town.