• Published 13th Apr 2024
  • 160 Views, 2 Comments

Trials of the Realms - discordjediknight

In a world full of magic and wonder, ponies rule the six of realms. Twilight sparkle is named heir to the throne, and must defend it, and her world againts threats from the seventh relm.

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Chapter two pony vill

As a cold fog filled the air, a whistle was heard as a maniacal wonder came to a stop. Smoke bellowed out of its top, as hot steam came from its arms. “All aboard,” shouted an earth pony.

A young yellow filly yawned as she followed the other carrying a wagon. “Why, we up so early,” Edge whined.

An Orange earth pony with a straw-like main, and a ten-gallon hat turned back. Because I’m not missing the train. You want to go home now, don’t you? we can take a yawn… a nap on the train. Come on now, we also got a barrel full of apples to sell, let’s try and unload a few before we take off.

“Mmmm, alright.” Yawned the filly as The two got on the iron horse.

Covered up by her dark and fancy velvet black cloak, Twilight walked carefully towards the train gazing up at its beauty.

It was a large black behemoth of a machine. A lamp at its front, a tender in its back. Bolted together by iron ‘ rivets sweat and tears.

“Woah,” whispers Twilight as she eyes it carefully. She tilted her head as she tried to get a look inside the cab of the engine only to be spooked when a puff of steam escaped the train’s undercarriage.

She jumped slitting back from it, both in shock and amazement.

“Haven’t seen a train before have ya?”

“ no, no I haven’t,” said Twilight still gazing at the beast, before her she shook her head and wondered who asked that.

“Hay you're that girl, you know you almost trampled me yesterday!”

Twilight turned to see a Yong filly standing next to her. “Hmm oh oh when I was running, oh sorry.” She told the child before gazing up at the train again.

They fully raised an eyebrow and then snorted a laugh. “Take a picture it would last longer.”

“Hmm a, a picture, oh god it would take forever to paint a picture of this. Twilight shrugged.

“Paint, now why would do that for, just use a camera silly.”

“Ca camera, ra-, right,” friend Twilight. “I read about those.”

“Read??? Wait you never seen a picture device.”

“Twilight shook her head and looked back at the child. “I read books, I’ve seen pictures and paintings, but I never seen a camera, let alone a train.” She shook her head and looked up at the machine again. “ I never thought it be soooo, big.

“You kidding, that’s. Just a little one, I’ve seen trains that make that one look like an ant.

“A, an ant, wow.” She whispers in amazement. “Wait you’re just a filly, how could you have seen a train bigger than this, why are you alone out here?”

“I’m not, my sister and me sell apples ya hear.” She said pulling one out of her bucket. Five bits for one, forty for a dozen, that’s a good deal ya know.

“Five bits for an apple? That’s a terrible deal.”

“Not when these apples come from the best apple farmers in the realm, we genetically articulate the most juicy high esteemed apples we can. Hand deliver them all around the realms. Why I been selling apples since I was in dippers. Act now and I’ll take two bits off. Smirked the filly.

Applebloom! Yelled a voice behind her. She turned nervous at the ornate pony behind her.” How many times that I tell you not to boast about the apples and raise them to crazy prices and fake crazy sells?

“But, but I almost got us a buyer sis,” wined the filly.

“Yeah from lying, we apples, don’t lie, honesty is the best policy, that’s how we do business, ya hear! Now get on that train, I’ll sell the apples from here!” Stomped the older mare.

The filly pouted, a sorry, and walked away leaving her bucket.

Twilight didn’t know what to do and stayed quiet as she watched the sad filly head inside.

“Sorry bout her, she’s still Yong and new,” smiled the mare. “Now apples are three bits a piece, thirty for a dozen.”

“Oh that’s ok, your sister is fine.” Um, do you have any with worms?

“Hmm, you want a worm-filled apple.”

“Not for me, for my pet,” Twilight pulled out Spike.

“Oh, well we try to prevent pests but, we got a few, sighed the mare, and she grabbed an apple from the bottom of her barrel.

Ok I’ll take one of those and a fresh apple for myself,” smiled Twilight.

“The fresh ones are in that bucket,” the Orange mare pointed at the one her sister had left.

Twilight grabbed one about to take a bite when the mare stopped her. “Up bub but, sorry but,” she held her hoof up.

“Oh, oh of course,” Twilight grabbed her waggle of coins, and. Pulled out a gold coin.

“Ga, ga, gold!” Stuturd the Orenge mare in surprise.

“I’m afraid it’s all I have, do you have any change,” Twilight asked.

“Uh yeah, yeah I just hope I have enough. Let’s see,” the mare grabbed her own wallet. Good cones are a thousand bits, hmm, so I need to give you at least, I have nine silver ones, and one two three, I, I don’t have enough bronze, sorry.

“Ok, let’s just make up the difference in apples then.” Smiled Twilight.

“Uh,” said the mare in astonishment. “Yeah ok, ok let’s see the

Ya, she tapped her hoofs counting. All my apples, she grinned wide, in disbelief.

“Alright then,” Twilight replied flipping the coin at the country mayor. “Mind helping me get these on the train then. She smiled.

“Oh, uh, of course,” the earth pony smiled and picked up the barrel. Wow, I never end up selling the entire batch of apples, my grandmother any sure is gonna be thrilled, she said as she approached the train, but paused when she didn’t hear hoof prints and looked back, seeing the mare shiver. “ something wrong?”

Hmm, oh no, no I, this is my first time on a train.

“Oh I see,” smiles the earth mare in understanding. “ well I’ll help you on Board, where you heading anyway.”

Twilight froze as she didn’t think of where she was going. “Umm, she looked around and saw the train's destinations on the board. Newhoofington, manehatten, ponyvill.

“Po, Pony Vill, I’m heading to Pony Vill.”

“Pony vill, that’s my home town, you're on the right train at least, I’ll help you get settled in first class and-“

“Can I just sit with you, you and your sister I mean, I mean I never done this before.”

The mare jumped. “But, but your class, I mean, you want to actually sit with us earth ponies.

“Hmm, yes, I never had a problem with earth ponies, I mean you’re all so hard-working. Look at the devices you built, she said gesturing to the train before them.

The orange mare's jaw dropped.

“Was it something I said,” asked Twilight.

“No, no I,” she shook her head,” my ma and pa, always taught me to treat all equally, and honestly. Everyone’s innocent till proven guilty. I just never met a mare above my class that felt the same.

“Oh, oh I’m afraid I might not be above your class anymore, this satchel of gold is all I have left. And all I want to do is get away from this town, twilight emitted as she looked away.

“Is that why your hooves are touching the ground.”


“Pardon me, I honestly thought you were just tired, most ponies except earth ponies use their magic to hover above the ground, and where the most ridiculous of fancy clothes, uh na no offense.”

Twilight then looked at her own cloak and wardrobe. “None taken, I was just taught at an early age, that hovering above the ground all day was a waste of magic and resources. But if I may ask, aren’t you cold, you know being in bare fur.”

“Hmm oh sure from time to time, but you get into the sun, you sit near the warm ground, it’s not so bad when you get used to it.”

“Twilight smiled at that, before taking a bite out of the apple in her hoof. Mmm, this is really good.

“Thanks, said the earth pony as the two headed on board the train.

Tickets please, tickets, said the conductor, who was another earth pony. Umm excuse me, mam, first class is that way, he pointed at in the opposite direction.

“Thank you, but I’m going to sit with my new friends, smiled Twilight before walking in.

The conductor raised an eyebrow but shrugged off as he clipped her ticket and went on his way.

“Hay sis I-“apple bloom stopped when she saw the mare behind her sister. “What She doing hear? Dosnt she knows this is earth ponies only.”

“Appleblom!” Her sister reprimanded her.

“I’m, heading to Pony vill so figured I’d sit with my new friends.”

Applebloom squinted at the shadow pony. “ and you are,”

Twilights, eyes widen, should she really give them her real name? What if when the queen finds out of her missing her name is on search? “Uh, twinkle, twinkle, her tone high pitched. Star.

“Twinkle star, yeah that doesn't sound made up.” Dead panes the tired filly.

“Applebloom! Sorry twinkle, she isn’t this, conical when she has a good night's rest, I’m afraid both of us are quite tired, actually, yawned the adult mare. Names Jacky, Jacky apple, but I prefer applejack or Aj. Nice to meet cha,” she held out her hoof.

“Twilight took it cautiously, giving it a shake before rummaging through her apples. Aww there we go, a nice big one, she said as she pulled out a tiny apple.

“That’s not big,” said Apple Bloom.

“No not the apple, the worm inside of it, twilight replied sitting on the seat and grabbing her pet from her bag.

The dragon, sniffed, around catching the scent of the worm, and attacked viciously, biting off its head.

“Wow never thought I’d feel bad for a worm,” Applejack mutters as she watches the creature eat its meal, before yawning. Ok well, I’m gonna get some…zzzzzzz. The young pony already blacked out from her exhaustion, gaining a giggle from her tired sister.

“I should probably get some rest two, she laid down. It’s a long trip to Pony vill, perfect time for a nap.”

“A nap, huh, yawned twilight. “That sounds about good.” She replied before lying down herself.

Zzzz snore zzz snore, “wahhh,” Twilight awoke with the thud of the train coming to a halt.

“Rise and shine sunshine, you slept the entire ride here Twinkle, smiled Applejack.

Twinkle yawned, as she looked out the window to get a view of the place. Outside it was a little platform barely big enough to be called a train station. And behind it, sat a little town.

Twinkle marvels at the sight of it. It was a perfect little village-like town, with unpaved roads, and green grass as far as the eye can see. Each building was kept neat and nice, not a speck of paint misplaced, or a patch of brown out of place.

“Come on I’ll show you around, smiled AJ, seeing the sparkle in the shadow ponies eyes.

Twinkle nodded as she gathered her things, and headed out the door.

A crowd of ponies field up the space. “Apple Jack!” Called out a red stallion.

“Apple bloom, go give Big Mac a hug will ya, I’m gonna show the newcomer around, she handed her sister the gold coin Twilight paid her with. “Be careful with that and give it to granny ok,” smiled the mare.

Th fully nodded and ran off to greet the stallion.

Twinkle looked around marveling at the sight of it.

“Good day, Mrs apple nice to see you again, said two voices behind the mares catching Twilight's attention.

“Ugh you again, come on twinkle, Apple Jack mutters giving the two unicorn males her backside, before grabbing Twilight's hoof and pulling her along.

“Woah, woah what was that about? Asked Twinkle.

“Hmm, oh yeah, sorry your knee here. You’ll soon learn that everyone in ponyvill is usually pretty friendly, but be wary of anyone unicorn or above. “ sighed Aj.” Believe me, I hate saying. That, but the facts are the facts. Those two unicorns for example, why they have been trying to buy my apple farm since I was little. They like to swindle fellow ponies, and all and all are not trustworthy. Why I question if they ever had a bit of honesty in their bones sometimes. We apples don’t work with the film Flam Brothers for that very reason.

Twilight nodded in understanding, as she shrunk in her stance.” honesty huh,” she mumbled, knowing full well, she herself wasn’t being very honest.

“Well come on, I’ll show you around the place, it’s a small town so there's not much but you’ll find it’s a nice place. Smiled Aj never picked up on Twinkle's self-concerns.

"Ok, over there is main hall, and uh oooh over there," AJ pointed to a building, that’s a clothes shop, tho most earth ponies don’t go there, for obvious reasons.

Twilight took note of everything The country mare said as she gazed at the occupants of the town.

Most of them were earth ponies, but there were plenty of pegusi and a few unicorns who hovered above the ground using their magic. There were also quite a lot of sea ponies who either stood on their tails or floated using their own magic. Twilight couldn’t help but marvel at the sight of glorious scales shimmering in the Simon light, reminding her of crystal ponies.

Crystal ponies, Twilight expression fell as she thought of cadence, and what she was up to right now.

Cadence knocked on Twilight's door for a third time. “Twilight!” She groaned growing frustrated. “You can’t sit and pout all day, I have something to tell you. Something’s the queen told.” twilight.”

But again no answer as credences scoffed. She then grew an evil smirk as she prepared to pounce. She burst through the door and jumped onto the bed hooves in the air. “Tickle attack!” She called out as she searched for her pray, only to find there was no one in the room. “Huh, twilight?” She questioned as she searched. “Oh no,” the crystal pony panicked and tore open the closet, finding her cloak, some clothes, and book bag missing. She then searched for Twilight's wallet, finding her secret stack of savings gone toe. “Twilight,” she steamed and ran off calling out for shining.

Shining was currently posing in front of a mirror, puffing up his chest and raising his jawline, standing in his armory when he heard cadence calling for him. “In here Jonny,” he called back and turned to his side in the mirror. “Don’t I look dashing,” he asked, as she walked into the bedroom.

“Shining twilights gone.”

“Gone huh, hmm well that’s a first,” Shining smirked.

“ no I mean gone, her book bag, her savings her cloak I fear she ran.”

“She always runs, she’ll be back by the day's end when she’s hungry, you know how my sister is, she’s always twillynnanas.” Smiled shining.

“You didn’t see her face last night shining,” Cadence remarked.

“Ok, look my mom bought us those tickets to the Grand Theater, Twilights Gone Wild, let’s just make a date out of it and relax, ok. “If she isn’t back by noon, I’ll put out a search party for her.

“I have urgent news to discuss with your sister alone,” Cadence told him. “What do I say to the queen who’s expecting me to be by Twilight's side.”

“She probably just needs a little space, look I know my sister, we’re close, Reilly just needed a break is all, I don’t blame her after yesterday's surprises.”

Shining armors words, while didn’t stop her worry, did bring her a bit of ease. “Perhaps you’re right,” perhaps we all just need a break, she said and headed out the door.

“Exactly and-“

“I need a break, things have been moving fast, ever since I moved in, and now this stuff with twilight.”

“What, but, but cadence I didn’t mean-“

“Thanks for understanding Shining," she kissed his cheek, "a lot is happening right now, I’m going to head out today on my own.” She said and walked out leaving a bewildered stallion. As the door closed shining dropped his arms in defeat, as he walked over to his drawers pulling out a little black box, sighing deeply in depression.


Twinkle Star walked along the streets taking in the sights, only stopping when a pink pegusus came flying by.

"Woah, sorry," said the Pegasus flying upside down,” almost hitcha,” she giggled.

Twilight stood amazed by the feet of acrobatics the pink Pegasus was displaying.

The pegusus smile then faded away as she stared at the shadow pony. She gasped in amazement. “ I don’t know who you are, and if I don’t know who you are, that means you're new here because fact is I know everyone here, I know everyone in this town, haha I know so much sometimes it’s even scary to me how much I know. Hmm let’s see,” she closed one eye and eyed Twinkle with the other. “Oh, wow, I’m sorry about that.

“Ummm, about what.”

“Oh about your whole turning into a queen thing and not being ready for it, I can understand twilight, your secrets safe with me.”

“How did you-“

“Twinkle, hay who you talking to.” Asked Aj. Cracking twilights attention.

“Hmm for just,” she looked back finding no one there. She looked in all directions for the pink pegusus finding her to be nowhere. “I could have sworn,”

“Well come on then enough fully dallying, next stops the library.”

“Library,” Twilight cheered up, “I love books.”

“I figured with you book bag and all, come on right this wa- hay!!!”

A flash of blue came crashing into Aja's face.

“Apple Jack your back, ya got some of the good stuff, oh please tell me you got some of the good stuff.” Said a cyan tiny pony on the bridge of Apple Jack's nose.

She squinted at the little figure, and rubbed it off of her, making it fall flat on the ground.

“No dash, I don’t have any apple beer. You know people are starting to say a few things, calling you the town drunk.”


“ aww shucks Jacky,” the little pony flutters its wings into the air. I’m the fastest pony around, hell when I join the Wonder Bolts everyone will change their minds about calling me-“

Crash,” deadpanned apple jack.

“Hey, I don't crash, I’m just too fast to stop is all! Yelled the cyan little pony.

“Umm,” Twinkle twitched, curiously.

“Oh, oh twinkle, this is Dash Rainbow, she’s a-“

“Yeah, yeah, I'm a breeze.”

“ a fairy pony, wow I never met one, tell me how is your realm, I read so much about it.”

“My realm, how should I know I was born in Clouds Dale up north.” Shrugged the little creature.

“Oh, oh sorry, I guess I should have expected that. I’m a shadow pony but never been to the shadow realms myself. I was born I Canaterlot and-,” As Twilight spoke to her new friend, her pet snuck up out of her bag and onto the shoulder as it eyed the fairy pony, licking its lips.

“The shadow realm, or so you're a shadow pony, that explains a lot, I never seen one of your kind before, it’s nice to meet you, umm,”

“Oh I’m Twi- Huh!!!” Twinkle shouted as her pet leaped from her head, and attacked Dash catching her in its teeth.

“Hay, ya big dumb lizard!” Dash yelled as she began kicking it In the tooth.

“Spike drop that right now! Demanded twilight as she pulled the dragon's tail, forcing it to let go. “Sorry about that,”

“Uhhh no problem, wasn’t expecting a dragon to come flying at me like that. Dragons are the natural enemy of us breezes.” Groan Dash, as she whipped away the dragon spit off of her wings.

“Spike here must be hungry,” Twinkle handed him another worm-filled pale, much to the dragon's liking.

Well dash we’re heading to the library, care to join us, I’m showing Twilight around.” Aj told her.

“Sure but why 1 boring place like the library, I know tuna of better places than that around town.”

“Actually I like libraries.” Twinkle remarked.

“Ahh, an egghead,” complained Dash, making Tinkle lower her brow annoyed.

“Well alright, I do t have anything. Better to do so,” shrugged Dash, before heading her way to the library, Twinkle and AJ following.

As they walked into a building that looked like it was carved out of a grand oak tree, Teibkle couldn’t control the grin she had on her face. You have a great oak library, ooh there is only one grand library per realm. I’ve always wanted to come see this place,” she squealed like a filly, catching strange looks at her. “Uh sorry, I didn’t know this town had ours. “Ooo I love this town, she said and took off running to the shelves.”

“Wow, really is this place that famous,” asked Jack who shared the same look of disbelief and boredom with Dash.

“Hmm earth ponies,” snorted a unicorn who slammed a large book closed. “This library is one of the most well-articulated libraries in the realm, I should know being the librarian myself. At least if you have some class.”

“Eh can I point Dexter,” Dash replied with her hooves on her hips.

“Give it a rest dash, sunburst, how your studies.” Aj tried to change the subject.

The unicorn straightened his glasses. He had a reddish-orange mane and beard, along with a star night cloak, tie, and suit. “Fine, I suppose.”

“Oooh, you have the 3rd volume of Realms History major! I have been searching for this for ages!!!” “Twilight shouted in excitement.

“We have all 14 volumes, including volume 7,” boasted the unicorn.”

“Rights jaw dropped, volume seven, but, but that’s been-

“Discontinued for nearly a century, yes.”

“Why was it discontinued.” Asked Apple Jack.

“Just then a pile of books fell to the ground catching all their attention. “Oh, oh dear, said a pony wearing a maid outfit.

“Oh hay it’s you uh, what’s your name?” Asked Apple Jack.

“Oh, uh umm uh” the pony hid behind her rosy pinky main.

“It’s alright Fluttershy, here I got the new volume of Animals 101 you requested,” Sunburst stated, holding up a book.

The Young mare lifted her hair, revealing her real eyes, and quickly grabbed the book fluttering off to who knows where.

“She’s shy,” shrugged apple jack.

Yeah, I’ll say” Dash snorted.

“ no that’s her name, Fluttershy, she’s the only one In town I ever met who, oh never mind.”

“Go ahead,” asked Twinkle.

“Well, I don’t know, she’s a stranger. She works for Madam Shine and then goes straight home, she’s so, sooo.”

“She likes animal books, but frankly other than that yeah nothing is known about her.” Sonbust started.

“Well not that it wasn’t fun seeing you but, I have a job to do, if you're not going to check out a book, then I must ask you to-

“I’d like to check out, volume seven please, oh, and three.” Twinkle sputtered.

“Do you have a library card?”

“Oh yes I, uh… Twinkle froze, knowing full well her library card revealed her true identity. Um on second thought, can I come back and just read them sometime?

“If you don’t have a card I can make you one, I just need you to fill out a-“

“No, no, thank you, I think I’ve seen enough of the town, do you mind if we find somewhere I can rest? She asked AJ.

“Uhhhh sure, we can go back to my place. Smiled the country pony. Twinkle gave a nod, and thanked the librarian for his time.

Once outside, Aj questioned Twinkle.

“Now what in Tarantino was that about?”

“Hmm, oh I left my card at home and I don’t want to go through paperwork to get a new one,” smiled Twilight telling the excuse she already come up with the moment she realized about her card.

“Shame really, because I really do want to read that book, but it will have to wait for another-ahhh!”

A sea pony who wasn’t watching where they were going, bags and bags of stuff in her way, tumbled over Twilight, causing them both to fall flat on the ground. “Ooopse I’m so,- the sea ponies eyes worded with del Get at the sight of twilight. “Oh wow,” she gasped. “My, my a shadow pony, yes, yes yes, oh sorry for bumping into you.” She squealed in excitement as she grabbed “twinkles hoof and staged her to her feet. “Oh dear, oh dear look at that cloak, how fancy, the material is without a doubt shea cotton, oh, oh I’m sorry. She bowed to Twinkle who already hated the looks the two were getting.

“It’s just a cloak, and get up, people are starting to stare.”

The weaponry gasped in horror. “Oh how dare you, you, you ta, she scoffed. Look at you, standing on the ground, with a cloak like that, you’ll tear it apart. One must float in order to keep their clothes from dirtying. Said the sea pony who used her magic to float mid-air.

“Twinkle who already was tired of the current conversation, shook her head and returned to her friends, gaining another gasp from the weapons.”

“Your company, ewww, I mean it’s bad enough to hang with the town drunk like that pesky fairy, but an earthy two, oh my, oh my.” Snorted the sea pony with her nose high in the air. “No, no, no this will simply not due, come I shall take you to a better company, she said as she tried to grab, Twinkle.

“Can it fatittte,” dash yelled as she hacked the Seaponies hand away.

“Yeah, she’s with us,” Applejack, narrows her her brow.

“It’s Rarity, and I’m not fat, it’s the dress, it’s a style, not like you heathens would know about it. Especially you mud-slinging earth pony.

“What, why you little,”

“Enough!” Yelled Twinkle, we’re all ponies here, we should move on from such minor disgrace, now if you excuse me, I and my pet dragon would like to find somewhere to rest thank you. “ the shadow pony claimed and began walking away. Her two friends followed her, leaving the rude Seapony in shock.

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