• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 741 Views, 3 Comments

The Price of a Dream - fic Write Off

Write-off - The Price of a Dream - Minific Contest

  • ...

To Equestria

Chris Jacobson ran his fingers through Fluttershy's mane again, and was rewarded by a little croon of pleasure. "I still can't believe it," he laughed softly, cuddling closer to his pony lover. "All I wanted for so many years was to be able to hold you, Fluttershy, even though I knew it was impossible...”

Fluttershy just giggled, and Chris snuggled closer.

They kissed, warmly, sensuously, as the world faded to black for the very last time.

“... Cutting the simulation now. That's a wrap, folks.” Dr. Watts lifted the oversized helmet off of his head and yawned. “We got him his wish, however creepy it was, just in the nick of time.” He shut off the EKG with a flick of his wrist, and the continuous beep that it had been producing ceased.

Watt's older associate had already removed her own apparatus and was busy comforting the deceased's wife.

"They don't pay you enough for this." Mrs. Jacobson's hands trembled as they closed around Dr. Rosaline's. "There must be something I can do...”

The younger doctor struck a pose from where he sat at the controls. "You know, I've told our boss that exact same thing a thousand times, but somehow he never--"

Dr. Rosaline silenced him with a sharp look. "Fulfilling their dreams is enough," she said with a sympathetic smile. "Wherever Christopher is now, I think he's glad that he got to experience... whatever that was."

"Yeah..." Dr. Watts spoke up again, apparently having not learned his lesson the first time. "We've had some strange patients before, but this one really took the--"

"Oh for spaghetti's sake, Watts," Dr. Rosaline groaned. "So he was an eccentric old guy. What's wrong with wanting to live in a cartoon world? Didn't you ever wish you could live in the world of some book or anime?"

Dr. Watts sighed as he started to pack the equipment in, starting with the simulation monitor and the helmets. “Yeah, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna make that my one wish.”

Dr. Rosaline rolled her eyes. “I bet yours will turn out to be just as childish anyway.” She walked over to the bed, where the IV was still pumping meaninglessly, and helped the medical doctor with the task of packing everything in.

“Before you go, there was something he wanted to give you.” Mrs. Jacobson tottered over to Dr. Rosaline, fishing something out of her pocket as she went.

“Oh, ma'am, we're not supposed to accept--”

Dr. Watts bumped her out of position, craning his neck to see what Mrs. Jacobson was trying to show them. “Shh! I bet this'll be a really interesting one!”

Mrs. Jacobson gave a crooked smile as she opened her hand. She was holding two identical plastic figurines, no more than an inch and a half tall. They depicted a four-legged little winged creature in a rearing position, with a yellow body and a pink mane and tail.