• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 740 Views, 3 Comments

The Price of a Dream - fic Write Off

Write-off - The Price of a Dream - Minific Contest

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The Flight

Wind crashed against Scootaloo’s face as she sped downhill. Faster and faster she went, hooves smacking the ground in a staccato that kicked wisps of dust into the early autumn air. If only Rainbow Dash could see her now, about to do the most awesome stunt ever. At least Applebloom and Sweetie Belle would be there in her moment of glory. After today, nobody would dare call her a “dodo” anymore. Tiny legs propelling her to supersonic speeds, crisp crimson leaves at her sides lost in the speed blur, Scootaloo knew it was do or die time.

The drop was only a few yards away now. Minuscule wings flapped with a buzzing excitement, ready for take-off. Scootaloo braced herself for incoming awesomeness; she’d be the talk of the town after this stunt. Mayor Mare would probably even give her a medal with
“Too Awesome” written on it.

“Go Scootaloo!” Applebloom cheered from along the edge of the drop.

Scootaloo’s wings beat furiously, slowly lifting her body off the ground. Tiny beads of sweat dripped from Scootaloo’s face, all her effort set on moving those wings as quick as possible. The world went dim, sounds muted, the wings her only priority. She rose another inch off the ground.

“You’re doing great, keep it up!” Sweetie Belle yelled, barely heard by Scootaloo.

For an instant, a feeling of unmistakable dread hit Scootaloo as she careened off the drop. Her eyes shut for the briefest of seconds, not wanting to look at the ground that lay an innumerable measure below. A few seconds passed before she finally opened her eyes. She was doing it. Scootaloo the dodo could fly! That snob Diamond Tiara and her lackey Silver Spoon couldn’t call her that anymore, could they? No, they’d have to call her Scootaloo the Super Awesome Flier or something like that.

It was all so perfect, just like she had imagined it since she was a filly. The brisk air brushed the heavy drops of sweat off her body, coursing through her feathers with an almost ecstatic pleasure. No wonder why Rainbow loved flying so much.

She stuck her wings out to glide and, within a second, began to fall like a stone. Frantic wings thrashed in a frenzy, desperately trying to gain altitude.

“Scootaloo!” a voice called out from far away, almost an afterthought. It echoed throughout the barren reaches of the drop.

The flight lasted three minutes.