• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 1,600 Views, 7 Comments

Speak Now - Sarah1993

Will Fluttershy be able to say anything when the preacher says speak now or forever hold your peace?

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Chapter 1

It started a few years ago. My best friend brother, Big Macintosh, started going out with this girl. And it so happens that I had a crush on Big Mac ever since I was a filly. I mean there was nothing wrong with that right? Oh I guess I should mention who I am, I am Fluttershy, a yellow pegasus who is a little scared of flying to high off the ground. Don't judge me, I mean if that is ok with you. Anyway so he starts going out with this girl and I am really happy for him, well at least happy that he is happy.

It was fine at first I mean she seemed like a really nice mare. That is until she came up to me and started yelling. She said some things that really hurt my feelings. Like "He would never love a scaredy filly like you" and "Your just weak". I mean I am scared of some things and I'm not the strongest pony ever, but it wasn't nice to say. So that day I went to go tell Applejack.

"Well howdy Fluttershy. What can I do for you today?" Asked Applejack.

"It's just well ummm...." I stuttered. How could I say that her brother's girlfriend was a big meanie? Maybe I'm being to hard on her. Maybe it is just me and has nothing to do with her.

"Fluttershy? You ok?" Applejack Questioned, interrupting my train of thought.

"Oh, yes. I mean no, I... Can I talk to you in private?" I squeaked.

"Uh sure Shy. Lets go upstairs to my room." I nodded and followed, praying to Celestia that her brother wasn't inside. He was the very last pony I wanted to see. Ok, maybe not the last but still. Thankfully we managed to get to her room without anyone spotting us. "So what's up Fluttershy?"

Oh boy, here it goes "I umm just wanted to ask you your opinions on Cherry Blossom" I whispered the last words.

"Sorry Sugarcube I didn't catch that last part"

"I just wanted your opinion on Cherry Blossom, I mean, If that is ok with you" I knew Applejack could never lie to me so if she said she was ok then I knew I just overreacted.

"Well do you want the truth?" I nodded my head unable to speak. This was it. She was going to tell me that she was fantastic and amazing and so happy to see her brother with him. "I don't like her. Sure she is nice to me when my brother is around but when he ain't nearby she is really rude. The other day I was just talkin' to her and she told me that Big Mac wasn't gonna be around here much longer. He was gonna leave and go to her farm. Now I can't tell my brother what to do but just the way she was acting it seemed like she didn't really love him at all. And last week she told Apple Bloom to buzz off and... And... She told me it was just crusading and I would of believed it if I wasn't standing right behind the tree." Applejacks eyes started to swell up and she gave me the most worried look I've ever seen. "I just don't want my family to be broken apart." At that moment she was done with her rant and melted down.

"I'm sorry. Did she, hit her?" I had to know, even though it was pretty obvious that it was the truth. Applejack nodded and burst into tears. So I, on the verge of tears myself, brought her into a big hug. "Shhhh... It's ok. Shhh. Everything will be ok."

"I'm so sorry Fluttershy" She brought down her hat to cover her tear stained face. "You shouldn't have to see me like this. Cryin' like a baby"

"It's ok you love your family and only want what is best for them." I said trying to comfort my friend.

"I really do. I would of told Big Mac, honest. I just don't want him to think I'm lying and have him leave. As much as I would like to I just can't handle the farm on my own." She explained sadly. "And I talked to my sister and thought if we told him together he may believe us, but I just can't get her to say it. She keeps sayin' the bruises are just from her trying zip lining again. I just don't know what to do."

"Shhh. It's going to be ok" I whispered. I wasn't sure if it was a lie or not but my friend need to hear it.

"What kind of sister am I? I can't even protect my own sister." She cried. "I can't even tell my brother what is going on, for my own selfish reasons. I don't want him to leave. What kind of sister does that? I'm the element of honesty for Celestia's sake! And I can't even tell my own brother that she is a big mistake!"

"Maybe it will pass." I said and put on a big of a smile as I could.

"I hope so Sugarcube. I don't know if I can stand it much longer." She sighed. "Oh yah silly me. Not that I'm not glad I got somepony to talk to about this but, what brought it up?"

I shrunk down "Oh well umm you see it's just that..." I started to blush at the question.

Applejack got that look in her eye, "You like my brother don't yah?" I nodded meekly at the comment "I knew it! Aw you guys would be perfect for each other!"

"So your not mad?" I said a little more confidently.

"Now why would I be mad? I think it is sweet! You guys are like two peas in a pod. Now if only we could get you together before it's to late" She was determined to make it happen almost as much as I was.

Even with determination that was not enough to do anything. Applejack did stand up to Cherry Blossom and she stopped harassing her sister. Not that she was nice to her or anything but they just ignored each other.

Eventually Big Macintosh did ask for her hoof in marriage. It was a horrible day. Applejack came over crying and there was nothing either one of us could do about it.
'The day before the wedding'

"I just can't stand it!" Applejack screamed. Both her and Rainbow Dash were at my house. They, of course, were both invited to the wedding and my invitation never came.

"I know! Mac doesn't deserve to marry a mare like her." Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "But I do have a plan"

"I know that look Rainbow. And whatever it is I'm all for it" Applejack was desperate and things were getting down to the wire.

"Ok come here," They all gathered in a small circle as Dash explained her plan.

"Oh, I don't know. I mean I don't think I can do that. What happens if it doesn't work? He'll hate me forever. And I don't think I am brave enough" I sighed.

"Come on Fluttershy! Do you want this stallion to marry that witch of a mare?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well no..." I whisper.

"What was that, I can't hear you?" Rainbow egged on.

"NO! I won't let it happen!" I screamed.

"Now that is what I'm talking about! So what do you think, Applejack?" Rainbow turned to her, knowing that this could only be done with her help.

"I don't know. It sounds like a good idea I just don't want my brother to hate me." She contemplated all the outcomes.

"Oh come on. It's better than never seeing him again or only with Cherry." Rainbow said.

"Your right. Lets do it!"

And with that they perfected their plan and went to bed. They had a long day tomorrow.
The wedding day

The day has finally arrived. The day I'm going to ruin the wedding. Rainbow Dash made sure that there was not a patch of blue in the sky. I go over to Rarity's house for a makeover.

"Hello Darling, how are you feeling today?" Rarity asks. Of course we had to tell Rarity about our plan. She was excited about it. It was just like in one of her romance novels. And she already knew about my long time crush. She even tried to get the two of us together on multiple occasions but we were both to shy to make any real progress on our relationship.

"Um. Nervous. I don't know if I can do it," I sighed in defeat.

"Now don't have that attitude. You'll do fine. Now lets you into the dress," She said. I ended up wearing a light pink dress with yellow and blue flowers for the trim around the bottom, which dragged gracefully on the ground behind me. My hair had a blue butterfly clip in it. "You look simply gorgeous." Rarity cooed.

"Thank you Rarity," I responded. "Well I better get going"

"Good luck. You will do brilliantly." She gave me a big hug and I went to go meet up with Rainbow Dash.

"You ready Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash asked. Rainbow was wearing her the same dress she wore to the Gala.

"I think so," I say with the most confidence I can muster.

"Good step one, get inside" She whispered so only we could hear it.

"Invitation?" The guard asked, as they were about to step inside.

"Here's mine and my poor friend Fluttershy lost hers. But that will be fine right? I mean a strong handsome stallion like yourself would never leave a beautiful mare outside in the rain, right?" She asked fluttering her eyes at the guard. Now Rainbow was never the one for charm, that was more of a Rarity thing, but when it came down to it she knew that she could.

"Uh well.." He cleared his throat "That should be fine"

"Aww thanks. Your to kind," She said as she glided inside, the guard still in a daze. "Step two, relax and act like you belong here" She whispered to me. "Oh look it’s Caramel, The Doctor, and Braeburn!" She said galloping up to them. "Hey guys what's up?"

"Oh hey Rainbow, Fluttershy!" Said Caramel.

"Fluttershy? I thought you couldn't come? That’s what Cherry said to Big Mac, he was really upset." Braeburn explained.

He was upset? That I couldn't come? Eeep! "Umm I made time in my schedule today. Just don't tell him I'm here, I mean if that’s ok with you, I want it to be a surprise." I smiled.

"I cross my hearts and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. I won't tell him. Well guys I think we should go check on Big Mac. We are the groomsmen and wouldn't want to keep him waiting. Good to see you." The Doctor tipped his hat at the girls and the three of them walk away.

As the moment draws closer I feel like I'm going to be sick. "Rainbow?" I tug on her shoulder and she looks back at me "I don't feel so well."

"Lets get you to the bathroom" She notices my face has a slight green tint to it.

I nod and we head over. On the way we hear a yelling coming from the brides room. "You bumbling idiot! Look what you did to my make up! I can't believe I was forced to have you as my bridesmaid. And as soon as we say I do I am taking Big Mac to my farm and we will never have to see you again!" She screams at only whom I can assume is Applejack.

As if on queue a very angry Applejack comes storming out of the room. "That little. Uh! I really hope Fluttershy comes through or I don't know what I'm gonna do," At that moment she spots us. "Oh Fluttershy! Just the pony I wanted to talk to." She comes over and gives me a big hug.

"Uh, I'm not sure that is such a good idea." Rainbow says. Looking at the still very green Fluttershy.

"What? Oh." She notices it too. "Come on girl lets get you to the bathroom"

As they reach the room I brace myself against the counter for support. "You can do this Fluttershy. You can! Just remember what you are going to say. You'll be fine" giving myself a pep talk. "Ok girls I'm ready."

"Lets go!" Rainbow Dash says.

"Good luck Fluttershy. I gotta get back to the bride. You'll do great" She smiles at me and runs off.

"Lets go take a seat." Rainbow sits in the middle on the end while I hide in the curtains. "You can do it Fluttershy. I believe in you". The groom walks down the aisle looking as handsome as I have ever seen. He is wearing a black tuxedo and has his hair groomed back.

Next come the bridesmaids and groomsmen. First Applejack and Caramel and then the Doctor and Ditzy. Finally the beststallion, Braeburn, and Maid of Honor, Lilac, make there way down the aisle. Then the organ starts to play a song that sounds like a death march. Cherry comes out and everyone gasps. She floats down the aisle like a pageant queen. I look at Big Macintoshes face and see certain sadness. As if he doesn't want her he wants someone else. Then all of the pieces fall into place, the reason why he was upset that I wasn't here. I know he wishes it was me!

The preacher says, "Speak now or forever hold your peace," There is a silence here is my last chance. I step out of the curtain with shaky hooves. All eyes on me, horrified looks from everywhere in the room but I'm only looking at you.

"I am not the type of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion, but you are not the type of boy who should be marring the wrong girl." I say, "So don't say yes, lets run away now. I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door. Don't wait or say a single vow you need to hear me out."

And Mac shockingly responded, "Lets run away now, I'll meet you when I'm out of my tux at the back door. Baby I didn't say my vows so glad you where around when they said speak now"

Comments ( 7 )

Fave before read :scootangel:

Very interesting, but I would like to point out something. If Big Mac gave Cherry his hoof in marriage, then surely he wouldn't be so willing to run off?

Also, you should separate the paragraphs a bit more, they look a bit text-wall-y, but I am on mobile.

I will follow for now, I'd like to see where this goes honestly.

Please tell me you've seen the "Speak Now FlutterMac" video on youtube. Because that's just awesome. :eeyup::heart::yay: forever

Check these:
to -> too
your -> you're

Interesting set-up for the story anyway. :)

the story is good

Taylor Swift and FlutterMac, :eeyup::moustache:. I liked this so much. I love the concept and the way you translated the lyrics. I loved how you also discussed Applejack's uneasiness of deciding whether she'll honor her brother's freedom or her desire to save him. I loved how Rainbow and Rarity helped Fluttershy get in and seeing it all from her perspective was really cool. But I do feel that the ending of this chapter was very rushed. I'm also not sure if using he whole quote from the song worked in terms of tense. "Baby I didn't say my vows so glad you where around when they said speak now" I feel that this could've been said after they left the wedding and were together. But as it is I loved. Huge Taylor Swift fan, read my fic Enchanted to understand, and FlutterMac is one of my favorite ships and you merged them perfectly. Can't wait for the next installment. See you in Brighter Days. :heart:

AHAHHAHHAHAHA! :rainbowlaugh: You copied every single scene from THE SONG! H..A...HAHAHAHAHAHAHH! You made me laugh my CUTIE MARK OFF! :rainbowlaugh:

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