• Published 25th Feb 2013
  • 4,148 Views, 32 Comments

My Little Innuendos: Sex Jokes are Hilarious - electreXcessive

What happens when ponies come together for the celebration of friendship? Well, sex jokes of course, and lots of 'em! Join us as ponies both young and old get into questionable sounding situations. You know you want to.

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The Special Treatment

Fluttershy exited her cottage slowly, looking around at the serene environment around her. Looking at her home and all of the creatures frolicking about always calmed her nerves whenever she was feeling particularly nervous. Today was one such day, and with good reason. She was getting ready to do something that she had never done before, which in itself always terrified her. The prospect of delving into the unknown filled her with a sense of unease at what might happen, even though she knew that everything would probably be alright.

She'd also hurt that it could be particularly painful for first-timers, and the various after effects that she'd heard about did nothing to entice her. Still, all of her friends were doing this, Rarity even doing so every other weekend if she could. They'd told her that it could really be a pleasant experience, and that she had to experience it for herself at least once before she made a concrete decision. They'd told her how good it could feel, and how much she would probably enjoy it. Fluttershy, however, still had doubts about the whole thing.

Slowly, she laid down on her belly in the grass, shivering a bit in nervous apprehension. She turned to look at the white bunny behind her, giving her a tiny smirk. It was about time that she had finally tried this out for herself! Angel couldn't believe that she had ever gone so long without ever knowing the joy that such activities could bring her. Now it was time for her to experience the pleasure first hand, and he would get to do the honor of treating her to her first time.

In all reality, he had been the only one available to do this for her, her friends telling her that it was really a personal experience that should do with someone she trusted. Who after all did she trust more than her loyal pet and friend, Angel Bunny? Angel came around behind her, eyeing her body for the perfect places to strike. Bracing for impact, Fluttershy closed her eyes and tried to prepare herself for the initial pain.

What would it feel like? Would it feel good and enjoyable, or would it hurt and sting like nothing she'd ever felt before? She had no idea, all she knew was that she was in Angel Bunny's paws now. She just hoped that he knew what he was doing, and that he would be able to keep it from hurting too bad. Maybe she should have hired a professional, or something rather than having her pet do it for her? She shook her head, trying to clear her mind of such negative thoughts, after all, with all of the animals around her house, he'd have to have seen it happening at least once or so. Right?

Angel bunny smirked at the shy Pegasus as she trembled in anticipation. He pushed forward with a sharp thrust, eliciting a large gasp from the quiet pegasus. A strange mix of pleasure and pain coursed through the mare as he went to work. Mangled squeaks erupted from her mouth as she squirmed under him, feeling the pressure of his body on top of hers. His expert thrust sent shock waves throughout her body and down her spine, filling her with a sensation that she had never experienced before.

It was almost as if he was a professional at this; how many times had he done this before she'd had her turn? It didn't matter right now to her, all that mattered was that he was doing this for her now, and that he was working his magical touch on her body. How many times had she felt the need to do this, but never acted on it because she was afraid of what could happen? She'd helped plenty of other mares and stallions with this problem before, but she'd never indulged on the feeling herself! The feel of his firm, yet gentle caress of her body was simply intoxicating, and almost too much for her to bear.

Angel continued pounding Fluttershy, the sound of his firm thrusts echoing across the clearing along with the sound of Fluttershy's soft moans. As he continued to go harder and faster, Fluttershy's moans became louder, and more guttural, signifying that he had just found the sweet spot. Pausing for a moment, he signaled for her flip over onto her back and allow him access. Hesitantly, she agreed, still eyeing him with a nervous glance.

"Please... Be gentle..." Fluttershy muttered as he eyed her tender belly.

Angel Bunny just smirked, eyeing the perfect angle of attack to give Fluttershy the most pleasurable experience possible. His perfect thrusts and strikes immediately continued, the rhythmic slapping sounds echoing throughout the clearing. Fluttershy grunted in pain and ecstasy as his gentle caress of her body but it felt so good! She sidled closer to him to give him easier access to her body.

It felt so close to coming out now, all she needed was that extra push to bring her over the edge. She could feel herself ready to explode from all of the much needed attention that he was giving to her aching body. His gentle caress, his soft fur on hers, and his expert skill combined to give her the best experience possible. If this had to be her first time, she was glad that she could have it with him. A particularly effect strike sent her into a quivering state, only able to produce low moans from her mouth as her hooves pounded the ground begging for more.

He smirked, gripping onto her with a paw to hold her still and make sure that his pounding stuck home. He continued to hammer her sweet spot, bringing her closer and closer to just exploding. Her body seemed to melt as he thrusted harder and harder, trying different techniques and angles until he found the one that was most effect. He wanted her to be comfortable after all didn't he? He didn't want any weird feelings between him and his home owner after this was all over and done with. Beside, this was just a one time thing wasn't it?

“A-angel! P-please, just a little harder! It’s so close to coming out! Please, just listen to mama! Harder! Harder please!” Fluttershy yelled at her loudest, which was still a soft whisper.

Angel headed her request, pouring as much raw bunny power into his thrust as possible, hoping to push her over the edge finally. His final thrust sent a wave of pleasure through Fluttershy as she finally felt the pesky thing come out. His last thrust was a quick strike of pure power that pushed them over the edge, causing a massive pleasurable sensation to erupt throughout Fluttershy’s entire body. She gave a soft sigh as her body relaxed onto the grass; she just gazed up at the sky with a glazed look and a dumb smile plastered over her face.

Angel just smirked, now that he had shown her how good it could feel, she would finally get enough courage to go out and seek it for herself. Maybe she would even do it more often; she certainly seemed to enjoy the whole experience. He knew that he did. Being able to pleasure his friend in owner in such a way filled him with a sense of pride and accomplishment that made him smile with delight. Besides, it had been fun to see her squirming and moaning as his gentle touch sent shock waves through every single nerve in her body.

Overall, he was just glad to help his caretaker with her most simple of needs, something that any talented stallion or mare could give her after all. She just had to find her preference: whether she liked it hard or soft, deep or shallow, from the back or the front. It was really all about preference after all, she would just have to experiment with different ponies to find which one she liked best. They even had establishment for the activity, places where she could go to get the satisfaction she so desperately needed with various partners who were more than willing to serve.

Fluttershy finally stood up after a brief rest, pausing to catch her breath. She was glad that she had finally gotten to experience the joy and feeling of it all. Another creature caressing her body and catering to her most basic of needs; it was simply delightful. She wondered why ponies didn't do this sort of thing all of the time. Not only was it fun, but it helped her get rid of all of the stress and tension that she had stored deep within her body. It made her forget all about the world around her and every single problem she had, and nothing negative seemed to be coming out of it.

There were ponies all over town that were willing to do this at many hours of the day as long as they weren't busy or doing it with their partners. She would have to suggest it to everypony who'd never had the pleasure of experiencing it before. She couldn't believe how she had gone so long before and never even thought about or considered it! Slowly, she turned towards Angel Bunny with a happy look in her eyes.

"Ah... That felt so good! Thank you Angel Bunny, I can't believe that I never thought of getting a full body massage before... It's so relaxing and liberating!"

Angel Bunny gave her a little smirk and a thumbs up, chuckling a bit. Fluttershy smiled gently at him and gave him a pat on the head; she would have to give him a carrot or some other treat later for being such a good boy. After all, it had been a great treat for her, and he deserved repayment for his work.

"You're right Angel Bunny, I really should do this more often! I'll have to give you a carrot later for doing such a great job. Boy... That really felt good, I think I've had that knot in my back for over a week! Maybe I'll give you a massage later for being such a good boy..."

Fluttershy stretched herself out a bit, feeling her loose muscles and smiled a huge smile. It felt so relieving to finally have all of her tense muscles freed from their sore imprisonment. She walked back into her cottage, signifying for Angel Bunny to follow, and she giggled a little. Today had been a great day, and she was glad at the way that everything had turned out, though now she was a little sleepy. She would go take a nap and then continue on with her day, she decided with a smile.

As she laid down her bed and closed her eyes for a rest, the animals that had gone into hiding throughout the whole ordeal came out of the various hiding place. They all looked around, quite confused, and focused their gazes on Angel who had not yet followed his owner into their home. Their eyes seemed to ask him what the heck had happened while he and Fluttershy were out there. Their cries and moans had echoed all across the clearing, carrying down into the homes of nearly ever woodland creature in the area. With a small sigh, Angel turned around, looked at the group of confused animals, and shrugged.

He walked back into the cottage, lying down on the little bed that Fluttershy had made for him long ago. He'd done a good day's work, and her deserved a break after all of that. With a small smirk, he tried to close his eyes and go to sleep. As he reached over to pull his blanket over him, he felt a twinge in his paw. He rolled along the floor as he felt his paw cramp up, eyes tearing up in pain.

Now I'm gonna need a massage...

Comments ( 23 )

So blatant.

BBBBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: THAT IS GOLD :twilightsheepish: but not as gold as this

or this

At first I was like:
Then I was all:

A personal experience that she should do with someone she trusted, huh?

Well, can't say much except: Quite true:raritywink:. You really do have to be able to trust someone in order to put your body in their hands/hooves/paws/whatever like that.

I don't even...

I don't even lift

this is now officially a "you have must read this to be even able to call you self some day an author..." ... GREAT WORK GOD DEMNIT!!! :pinkiehappy:

All that "raw bunny power" gave Angel carpal tunnel :trollestia:

Must... not... read... story... have... date...

Ah, screw it. Reading time, baby!

Both chapters, not even 1/4 the way through, I knew what was happening.

Congratulations. I hope that you liked them! :twilightsmile:



HEY! Lady Palma and her Five Handmaidens of Digita are some fine women!

Seriously, though, no, it was a blonde Norwegian 19-year old au pair. There are... benefits... of being a finale contender in a national championship.

Saw the picture. Already like it.

I was RIGHT! A massage. I was right. :yay: Although I began to doubt myself near the end.

Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! Bravo! Bravo! :yay::pinkiehappy::ajsmug::raritystarry::twilightsmile::rainbowdetermined2::scootangel::moustache::derpytongue2::eeyup::duck::twistnerd::coolphoto::trollestia:

Heh. Thank you very much!


Excellent job using my perverted mind to make me imagine such naughty things. :trollestia:

I was just writing about something and I close my eyes and pick a random story, funny shit right here, love the photo

Oh my god I totally got the wrong image reading this story!:rainbowlaugh:

lol on the weird side of fimfiction

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