• Published 12th Oct 2012
  • 15,402 Views, 366 Comments

Helios - Mandroid

  • ...

Bonus Chapter: Seasonal Orbit.

"Alright! We're less than ten minutes out! Everypony put your backs into it!" the deck officer calls out.

You stand on the bridge with your captain as the Delphinus sails through the morning fog. The Crystal Kingdom's were a ways away, you had pushed the crew hard to try and make it home today instead of tomorrow.

You'd have to reward them somehow.

You look around the retrofitted bridge, modified specifically for this mission. It may have been two years since the attempted coup, but you were still busy and the Delphinus was the best ship in the Equestrian Navy. You were glad Mister Fancypants was willing to part with it.

The box containing your prize still rests under your arm, the enchantments on it keeping the power from radiating out and taking hold of you.

"Excited to be home, Your Highness?"

You turn around and face your executive officer for this mission, a bright young colt named Star Shine.

"Star, I told you, while we're on duty you can call me "Anonymous"."

"I'll try to remember that, Your Highness Anonymous."

You roll your eyes and turn back to the windows on the bow of the ship, Star joining you at your side.

"It was touch and go for a while there, sir."

"You held together well, Star Shine. I'm proud of you."

The boy nods. "Thank you, sir."

The Delphinus breaks through the fog and lets in your favorite sight. Canterlot silhouetted by the rising sun on the horizon.

"Prepare to dock at the naval yards. Bring us in, helmsman.

"Yes sir."

You let out a deep sigh. It was good to be back.

The ship lands at the still under construction naval yards on the city's south side. As the crew disembark and start unloading supplies, you make your way back to the palace.

Important mission and all that.

Once you get to the barracks next to the castle, the familiar sound of somep0ny striking a training dummy catch your ear. You look inside to see a familiar blonde mane dressed in familiar armor.

"Well met, Knight Lieutenant Blueblood."

Blueblood turns his head around a smiles. "Uncle! Welcome back!"

He sheathes his sword and delivers a curt bow. Blueblood had been released from the asylum shortly after the incident on Luna's island. He had enlisted in the guard after he had decided that it was the best way to atone for what he did. The structure and simplicity of it did him wonders and he took to his new station like white on rice in a blizzard.

"Was the Crystal Kingdom everything you expected it to be?" he asks.

"It was...unique. But Twilight and her friends took care of most of the hard work."

Blueblood gestures to the box under your arm. "Is that it?"

You look down at it. "It is."

"Was it difficult to obtain?"

"As I said, the girls did all the hard work. We had to pry this out of a tree a good mile away."

Blue now gestures to the arm you're holding the box with. "How is it feeling?"

Your newly regrown arm.

"The magic did a good job repairing the damage, but it's still a bit stiff."

Blueblood smiles. "It doesn't show on you."

You'll take that as a compliment.

"Thank you, Blueblood. Would you like to come with me while I file my report?"

Blueblood nods. "Lead the way, uncle."

You and Blueblood walk through the palace to the area that houses the command center for the Royal Guard. Standing around a map of Equestria were General's Stormwing and Rocketeer and Grand Magister Tinker.

"-hink we should expand our search into the forests surrounding the Graveyard of the Forgotten." you hear Rocketeer say.

Tinker rubs her face and sighs. "You mean the graveyard at the other end of the forest where his city was located? Give him SOME credit."

"Are we...interrupting something?" you ask as you and Blue come up to the table.

"Ah, Anonymous, welcome back." Stormwing starts. "We were ju-

"We're all brainstorming as to where Grogar could have hidden himself away." a voice full of authority says.

The others bow as the sound of golden horseshoes clinks from behind you. It's fortunate they do or they'd have caught the tiny nuzzle you got from the alabaster white alicorn as she came up on your opposite side.

"Anonymous." she says.

"Princess Celestia."

You -were- still on duty.

"Report." Celestia says to all gathered.

"We have eliminated Noveria, Shimmerwood, and Abadon's Fury as places he could be hiding. We are currently considering the idea that we have overlooked some hideaway in a place we have already combed and are as such looking into areas closer to home." Tinker says.

Stormwing snorts. "I still suggest that Gallopfrey would be the ideal spot for him to hide, a dead city for a dead ram."

Celestia shakes her head. "Grogar is not on Gallopfrey, I have it on authority."

The generals take that as fact and shut up, going back to their map.

One of these days you were going to get Celestia to tell you what she meant by that...

After you delivered your report on the situation in the Crystal Kingdom, you, Celestia, and Magister Tinker made your way down to the catacombs underneath the city. After Grogar escaped, these catacombs were converted into a high security vault for various magical artifacts that were deemed too dangerous to be in the public.

You pass by the Alicorn Amulet, the Spear of Tirek, the last drop of Smooze and many more as you walk down the halls of vaults and find an empty one. The guards on duty open the great metal door and usher you inside.

You approach the pedestal and open the chest you had been carrying this entire time. Inside sat a discolored unicorn horn, still smoking a bit from the magic that had come into contact with it.

"This is all you were able to find of Sombra, Anonymous?" Celestia asks.

"We scoured the countryside for three days and this was the only physical remains we found. The rest of King Sombra seems to have gone up in smoke, as it were."

Celestia levitates the horn onto its resting place and lowers a glass dome over it. The three of you step out and shut the thick steel door behind you, spinning the handle and locking it into place.

Tinker seems to eye the horn through the door. "I'll begin an investigation into the Crystal Kingdom's leylines, if Sombra escaped, I want to know."

Celestia nods. "I wish you luck, Grand Magister."

Tinker nods back. "Your Highnesses."

She leaves and the two of you are more or less alone for the first time since you got back.

You let out a deep sigh and stretch a bit. "I'm exhausted..."

Celestia walks up next to you. "I'm not busy today...would you like to rest?"

That sounded like heaven...

"Lead the way, dear."

Celestia leads you groggy through the halls back to your room. You walk over to your armor stand and casually remove your arms and armor before donning a set of wool clothing. You crawl onto the bed just as your limbs give out and you collapse face first onto the mattress.

Celestia chuckles on the other side of the room before climb in and resting her head on your back. "I trust your trip was eventful." she says.

"We watched the girls defeat Sombra from above, they did a fairly good job."

Celestia nods. "Yes...Twilight and her friends passed the test, I'll congratulate her when she arrives tomorrow."

Airship travel had the advantage in speed over a train every time.

You turn your head to the side. "Think they'll tell you about how they threw Cadence?"

Celestia turns her head to the side. "Threw?"

"Mhmm...They defeated Sombra by hurling Cadence through the air to catch the Crystal Heart before her got it."

Her eyes widen. "My word..."

"It was...unorthodox."

You sigh and lower your eyelids. "Missed you while I was gone."

Celestia chuckles. "I missed you while you were gone."


Celestia re-arranges herself on the bed and lays her head next to yours. "I'll be glad to have my bodyguard back."

"Feeling that unsafe in your own city, Your Highness?"

You feel her lips peck you on the cheek. "I missed the company."

You smile and stretch out on the bed a bit more.

Celestia drapes a large wing over you and shuts out the morning light, letting you drift off to a much deserved sleep.

It was good to be home...

Comments ( 70 )

A nice little bonus chapter.

Helios encore!!:rainbowkiss:

Didn't occur to me that you needed to explain how they resolved the season 3 open-
The Crystal Empire was back for a long time without Sombra trying to immediately reclaim it?:rainbowhuh:
I remember in your previous chapters that the Crystal Empire was there

Misspellings sprinkled around btw.

Such as:

Mhmm...They defeated Sombra by hurling Cadence through the air to catch the Crystal Heart before her got it."

"her" should be "he"

I still have a lot of the music that you put in Helios on my phone.

Well this was a pleasant surprise :pinkiehappy: cool chapter!

Sometimes a guy just gets ideas.

Thanks, Kinda miss this story actually, Good to have some extras!

Loved this! :twilightsmile:

W....wait, over already?
But I started only a few hours ago! THIS CANT BE!

Alas, it is. When I started this story I was still reeling from Bros in Equestria taking 80+ chapters to finish so I was rather intent on making this one considerably shorter.

And now I can rest in piece....Fuck it

Those that means that a Sequel of Helios may come up? I still want to see his battle with Grogar, also I was wondering if the elements give him with some side effects and the stiffness is only his body adjusting to them.

Then again, having a galaxy for right arm sounds a little ridicules…it could happen…it could happen thou.

I've considered a Helios sequel and brainstormed a few ideas, I may or may not tackle that when more info on Twilicorn either gets made official or has interesting fanon sprout up from it.

a galaxy for right arm

We Spiral nao.

Oh so you are considering (if you make the sequel)giving him a rainbow punch? Also It would be great (only if you are interesting) that something in that dangerous bout can bring back Shining Armor, it could correct the final sin of Nightmare Moon.

That and explore that shadow bolt that clearly has the hot for the prince (did he keep is job? Or he is like the prince/bodyguard? Because the only different that that will make is now he don't receive money instead of give the money as the boss of the royal guard and have more authority)
Oh and also, in those 2 years, did Canterlot arrange a royal wedding for Celestia and Anonymous? Because so far in that bonus I can't stop imagine him wearing a crown and a cape

All of those questions may or may not be answered if I do the fic, but I can answer the wedding question. In my head, there was no royal wedding and Anonymous is a very behind the scenes prince who doesn't want or warrant a lot of attention from the populace. And he's more or less graduated to Celestia's right hand man now, while he does do bodyguarding when he's in Canterlot, but he's also the first one sent out whenever Celestia needs something checked up on.

Makes sense, oh well as long as the people know he is the prince because of Luna, and that he can take the roll if (god forbid) something happen to Celestia that make her incapable of taking the roll of princess then everything is fine I suppose.

I...may have sorta kinda forgotten about her when I wrote that chapter.

Nope, I just remembered that Fancypants had an airship in the show and thought "Why not?"

Comment posted by Spectradude deleted Jun 29th, 2013
Comment posted by Spectradude deleted Jun 29th, 2013
Comment posted by Spectradude deleted Jun 29th, 2013

Hello! I'm really new to fimfiction on this site, and I wanted to let you know that your story gave me a warm welcome. I read many anon in equestria story, but none were as great as Helios! Your story is so good that I had to draw some pictures of what anon look like in my mind. This is my first sketch of anon that I made
This second image is where anon battle sunshine
fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/9055_391359517643050_602000558_n.jpg . I do not know what your OC look like so I didn't draw him, sorry The last sketch I made shows different theme of anon sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/1011712_391359067643095_223764104_n.jpg . The first is his current look, second is when anon was the sheriff, and the last 2 look show his what he could look like in the bonus chapter. I hope you like it! :twilightsmile: Also, I am in love with this story, I really hope you make a second story. Since Grogar escape, perhaps there could be a squeal. Or, Princess Luna could have a lover of her own! but that's up to you
P.S. Please forgive my grammar, I'm not the best writer.

Oh wow. Thank you!
You may not consider yourself the best writer, but you're a wonderful artist.

I'll save these and use them for my mental image of Anonymous when I eventually write the small sequel story I've been planning.

Thank you very much! And wow! I'm really honor that you're going to use my martial! I'm looking forward for the sequel! Also, if you need me to draw you anything for your story, feel free to ask! I'll try my best if I have the time! I'm still new to drawing ponies, but I sure can draw almost anything else lol.

I've had this story on my 'read later' list for a few months now and I only just got around to reading it today.

I'm seriously kicking myself for not reading it sooner. I have a bit of a soft spot for humanxcelestia stories and yours pulled it off magnificently. :twilightsmile:

Yeah. Like butts.

Finally, someone who understands.

buena historia lo malo es que armadura brillante murio :fluttercry:

(eso creo ya que apenas leo ingles pero con un buen fic puedo ponerlo en prctica)

This IS by far the best story I've ever read.
Thank you so much for writing and sharing it.
I'll hope you write a sequel! That would be so awesome! :rainbowkiss:

I have a short sequel in mind, about 10-ish chapters once I get around to it.

I watch it, yeah.

Gahhhh Gallopfrey really just call the Doctor already.

Where's the fun in that?

It's actually a somewhat natural response for people to want to fuck after a terrible tragedy, especially one they feel guilty over.

I quite literally forgot.

I reply to most comments. I think an important part of being an entertainer is having a good relation relationship with your fans.

And thank you.

I don't know why this sat in my read later list for so long but I finally got around to reading it and I can say I thoroughly enjoyed it the entire time. :moustache:

Rose Tyler will never ever ever be a factor in anything I write.

well after finishing this i'm curious, now that anon and celestias souls are bound together, is anon immortal as well? you never elaborate past that their souls are linked and they can feel what the other feels

I haven't really touched on it because I hadn't really decided or seen it as important.
Truth be told, I'd just gotten off BiE's immortality angle when I wrote this and I wasn't interested in doing another one so soon, so I glossed over that aspect.

I've got a sequel fic lined up in the pipe though, so maybe I'll do something with it there.

It was after a cataclysmic invasion of the city, how is that rushed?

3: Mandroid just forgot about Twilight when he wrote this.

I'd just come off writing BiE and this was back when I pumped out a chapter every day, they all sorta ran together...
Let's just say the gryphons attacked the train lines and it'd be hard to get Twilight in.

Well i liked the story, but there were few thibgs that i must point
For starters the enemies were predictable, by the way you were portrayibg them it was like a five away.
The gaps that you left with shining armor, i belive that was the bigest problem here

Character from my first story I wrote before this.

Oooo story ive never seen. Time to read :pinkiehappy:


No living creature with emotions, would have sex after losing their 'best' friend.

Have you met people? Sex for comfort or as a way of dealing with trauma is a very common phenomenon.

who could hold his own against an ENTIRE fricking army for not just one day, but SEVERAL days. And he was also being weakened by Chrysalis which just makes it more impressive.

I think you're grossly overestimating Shining Armor's abilities. The shield he kept up for those few days wasn't being attacked at all, that was the point, that the entire city was paranoid about Changelings but hadn't actually had to deal with any yet, and holding something up is a much different animal than holding something up while said something is getting beat on.

And where the fuck was Twilight and the elements, I know Celestia didn't want them to see war.

Ah, now that's a bit of a meta answer. The in-universe justification is that Ponyville and the girls are 3-4 hours away by train and they just couldn't make it in time.
The out-of-universe justification is that I wrote this a week after I finished Bros in Equestria and I didn't want to write the Mane Six for a little while.

And on that topic, what happened to the griffins still fighting. It's not like it's a computer game, where the leader dies and every person or etc, can't be hit no matter what.

That's right, why did that happen? Maybe you'd have found out if you kept reading. :^)

And where the fuck was Luna? She's even worse than Celestia. At least Celestia is there to be a troll and not really help. Luna doesn't even show her face at all.


Why didn't she, oh I don't know, evacuate the city, before the griffins attacked?

You seem to not understand the logistics and reasoning behind a sneak attack.
The point is that people don't know it's coming.

Canterlot isn't her old home.

But...it's not. She lives in the Crystal Empire.

I recommend if you want this story to be better. Do it over again, but this time. Take your time. Spread it out, make the characters do something within their own characters. Plan ahead, brain storm, what ever helps. And have fun while you do it. If you can't do that, then don't bother. So yeah, tough love as they say.

I recommend that if you want to enjoy stories in the future you don't judge an entire narrative based on the one third you wanted to read before you got personally offended because of the death of one character. Perhaps the death was meant to signify something? Perhaps there's more going on here than the characters and thus you are aware of? Perhaps power levels are fucking stupid and only detract from the story.
I'll save you time; as the author, all of these are true.
If the death of one character set you off so bad as to abandon the entire thing then that's that, I can't make you like something if you're dead set against it. What I can do is call out nitpicking (especially if you didn't read the rest of the story) as not being constructive criticism which is what this is. If the power levels of these characters is truly so important to you that you can't look at a story as a whole if people don't use their magic deus-ex-machina solve-all powers, then this story, and probably all my other ones, aren't the place for you.
There's nothing wrong with that, I write for an incredibly particular demographic, but it is what it is.

About as much as Luna does in the show.

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