• Published 15th Oct 2012
  • 8,097 Views, 547 Comments

Apple of Twi's Eye - Willow Arqueiro

Twilight Sparkle and Big Macintosh have managed to keep their reflation ship secret for over a year. Now, trouble brews, not only for them, but for all.

  • ...

Two Days to Remember part Two

Day One, Continued

Macintosh sat under a tree on a hill that allowed him to keep an eye on Twilight and Applejack. He munched on an apple as he waited for them to finish lunch so he could go surprise Twilight.

"Thou art a creeper," said a voice behind him.

Macintosh jumped to his feet as a voice behind him spooked him for the second time that day.

He whirled around to look into the eyes of Princess Luna.

"Uh, hello, your highness," he stammered out.

"And a hello to you Big Macintosh. Now what is a handsome stallion like you doing alone on a day like this?" she asked suggestively.

"Ah, I see. Spying are we? Now who are you watching? She let out a 'dramatic' gasp. "Your sister and Twilight?"

Macintosh opened his mouth to explain but Luna beat him to it.

"Not to worry, Big Mac. I'm here to help and I already know all there is about you and Twilight Sparkle," she said while he turned a couple shades redder.

"I'm just here to see if you are worthy of her affections," she said.

"Since Princess Cadence is out on royal business, fortunately for you Shining Armor is with her, I cannot have her just peer in your feelings," she studied his face.

He looked back stubbornly, daring her to question his loyalty. "Well?" he asked.

She gazed for a few more seconds, "Give me your saddle bags."

He wordlessly handed them to her and belatedly remembered what was in one of the bags. Luna levitated a few of his apples out and placed them aside. She pulled out his canteen and opened it, giving it a whiff.

"Mm, apple cider," she placed it aside and opened the other bag. The goddess pulled out Twilight present and peeped inside.

"Awwww!" the Princess cried, "Sooo Cute!!!" Macintosh's pelt turned several shades darker. She turned serious and pulled out the box he feared.

"Oh, well, well, well. You certainly are a adventures stallion," she said while waggling your eyebrows. Turning crimson, he snatched all his possessions away from her and stuffed them back in his bags.

"Well, I guess you are what Twilight deserves and more," she started to walk away.

She looked back, "I hope you just stay that way for your sake."

He involuntarily shuddered from being threatened, even if subtly, by a goddess. Shit, he thought, anything she does will be backed up by Celestia.

A burst of activity at the café attracted him back and his gaze came across just in time to see his mare streak off as a lavender blur back to her treehouse. Well, Twilight's obviously done with her lunch date, time to initiate my surprise. He began making his way to Twilight's library.


Twilight burst through her front door, That could have gone better. One side of her splitting mind said.

Yeah, like not appearing like a mare in heat? her other said retorted.

At least we didn't blow it.

Good point, a knock on the door broke off her inner ramblings.

She slowly made her way to her door, wondering who sat on the other side this time. Applejack? Twilight sure hoped not, she doubted she could even attempt to hold it together a second time.

Well, here goes, and opened the door and stuck her head out...

And jammed her head into Macintosh's massive chest.

He took a startled step back as he took in her appearance.

Twilight's hair just settled down, her brain settled back into one piece, and her smile grew wider and not lopsided. Just because she saw him.

Seeing her visibly calm down he spoke, "Ah take it the lunch date didn't go as hoped?"

Twilight's cheek reddened, "Let's just say that we're lucky Applejack isn't tanning your hide as we speak. What are the saddle bags for?" she gestured to his laden saddle bags.

"Oh, nothin'. Just your surprise. Did you get the rest of the day off?" he asked.

"Yes!" she shouted excitedly.

"Well, Ah have a little somethin' for you," he handed her the larger box.

"You shouldn't have," she grabbed the offered present.

"Eeyup, I should've a while ago," he said.

"Ohh! What is it!" she asked excitedly.

"You gotta open it, Smartypants."

"Oh, right," she said sheepishly. Twilight placed the present in front of her on the table. He held his breath as she carefully raised the lid.

She drew in a breath of air rapidly, Ah snap he thought.

Twilight stared at the box quietly; with a sudden burst of movement she tackled him. "Thatnkyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!!!!" she yelled in his face.

"Ah take it you like it?" he asked as she kept yelling.

"Are you kidding me!? I love it! Where did you get her?" she held up her Smarty Pants doll in her magic as she nuzzled it affectionately.

"Ah've, uh, had her for a while now," he blushed as he went on. "Ah just figured you'd want it back."

"And you fixed her up! Her mane is brand new, her pelt has been repatched and you changed her stuffing!!" she gently placed Smarty Pants on the table. Twilight managed to calmly walk over to Macintosh and hugged him tightly.

"I love you, Macintosh," she said against his chest.

"And Ah love you too," he said.

He held her tight before releasing her and he asked, "Now, do you want to get the rest of your first surprise?"

Twilight cocked her head at just the right angle that made her look so damn cute! "There's more?" she asked.

He resisted the urge to roll his eyes," Yes," he said exasperatedly; "If you'd actually check the rest of the box..." he left the rest of the sentence unsaid.

Twilight levitated the box back over to her and sat down on the ground. Macintosh sat across from her. She carefully peered inside the box again.

"Huh? Train tickets?" she asked as she levitated two slips of paper out of the box.

"Yes, should say, 'departing at 1:30, today'" he said.

"Where are we going?" she asked, eager for information.

"Your home town, or should I say city? Of Canterlot," Twilight grabbed him in another bone crushing hug.

"What are we waiting for then, let's get going!" she said excitedly.


The rather colorful train pulled into the Canterlot station to unload the eager passengers.

"Come on, Macky! There's so much I have to show you!" she bounced out of the train car.

"Well, sorry, but there's only one place I want to go," said the workpony.

"Where's that?" said the unicorn, pouting.

"The royal Canterlot library," he said, much to the unicorn’s shock which nearly instantly turned into excitement.

"Really? You'd go there?" he nodded his confirmation.
"Alright then, this way," she said and headed off into the busy streets of Canterlot.


The loving pair walked side by side through the crowd to arrive in front of a massive building, the doors alone seemed to be bigger than his barn, Macintosh pondered wonderfully.

Twilight walked confidently forward and gently pushed one of the doors open with her magic. Macintosh hurried after her as to not get stuck outside.

The doors led onto a massive circular room, bookshelves lined the walls but only the highlights and 'latest reads' were there. In between each set on bookcases, led into another room. Each one presumably for different genres. In the center sat a circular desk that the librarian sat inside of.

At the sound of the door closing, the librarian looked up and her face alighted with joy as her eyes fell on Twilight.

Ah, good ole Twilight, long time no see," she said friendly.

"Sorry, been out of town. Say, have any of the new volume to Apple Care Supreme?" asked Twilight. The librarian caught sight of Macintosh's cutie mark and didn't bother to ask about who it was for.

"Yes there is, it's in the 'All things Green' section, although you probably already knew that seeing you were the number one person to check those out, constantly," she said teasingly.

Twilight blushed and said her thanks to the librarian before heading of to the presumable 'All things Green' section.

Butterflies started gnawing on the inside of his stomach.

Twilight grabbed a table in the empty room and soon levitated massive books over to it.

Macintosh deliberately ran his hoof down her horn, causing her to lose her focus and old tomes hit the floor.

"Macintosh! What do you think you're doing?" she whispered.

"Remember how Ah said you had multiple surprises coming today?" she nodded in confirmation.
"Well, here's the second one, and brace yourself. It's a doozy," his stomach churned at what she might say. His throat closed of its own accord, making it hard to speak.

"Sure, I doubt it can be that bad. I mean, come on, I've saved Ponyville how many times?" she brushed off his warning.

Macintosh grabbed her shoulders and gently lowered her into a chair. "Trust me," he said.

She sighed in resignation and sat still.

Macintosh dug through his thinning saddle bags and produced to small box.

The massive farm stallion had never felt fear or trepidation before today, and he never wanted to experience them again. He stood in front of Twilight.

In one smooth movement, he lowered his rump down to rest on the stone floor and opened the box slowly. Inside was a beautiful silver ring designed with spectacular flows and designs around a six pointed star burst. And it was intended to fit around onepony's wrist.

"Twilight Sparkle, love of my life and mare of my dreams..." he paused and gathered his quickly fading courage.

"Will you marry me?"

A/N Hey guys, sorry it took me so long to update, and also sorry for the relitively short chapter. This was the first ime i was able to get some alone with my computer (My parents don't know i write, let alone know I'm a Brony).
Kinda serious when i say this but my muse is starting to sing a different tune. Four different tunes to be exact.
So, if you have any ideas, please leave a comment to help jumpstart my brain.

Also, to TheWanderingPikaPony, i have a job offer for you.

For now, i bid you goodbye until the net installment or me and Luar-tic have another write off, which may happen tomorrow.

~Knight Wing out.