• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 3,847 Views, 157 Comments

The Sorceress - MrTyreste

When Twilight discovers a new form of magic, she becomes obsessed with her changing morals.

  • ...

Rarity's Remorse

Twilight Sparkle had lost track of time after she ran as fast as she could into the Everfree Forest. Her mind raced with questions and fears as she bolted through the trees. How could she have just killed somepony? Twilight didn't know what to do as she kept repeating those words in her head. When Dust had called her an evil witch. What if the Princess found out? Would she stand trial for murder? There was no way anyone would believe that a spirit had made her do this. Her mind rested only on the prospect of getting way from all of this as she ran and ran through the forest, the armor falling from her body and vaporizing into the air. Twilight's run came to a halt as her hoof twisted on a low root, knocking her off balance and tumbling into a muddy pond. Her coat and mane were drenched and filthy as she climbed back to her feet, the muddy water cascading off her body.

"Dammit. Dammit, dammit dammit!" Twilight screamed as she stomped her hooves in the mud, dirtying her coat even farther. Twilight couldn't take it, her mind reeling and heart racing. She could feel the tears building up in her eyes as she tried to fight it, but no longer.

Twilight screamed in agony as the tears flowed down her face.

If there were any ponies around, they would think somepony were dying in those trees. Twilight's face was completely drenched in mud and tears as she fell to the ground, her nose barely touching the mud as her crying continued.

It must have been hours before she stopped.


"You do realize that you've been smiling practically all day, darling?" Rarity joked with Rainbow Dash at her boutique. The outfits for Twilight Sparkle were nearly done, beautiful shades of lavender and silver colored the room as she spun around. Saddles, shoes, belts, and even a few dresses for formal occasions flew across the room. "Something on your mind?" Rainbow Dash, still grinning, snapped back to reality.

"Oh, just something about me and my coltfriend, Sharpy." Rainbow giggled. She couldn't stop smiling as she stood in the middle of Rarity's store, helping with whatever she needed. Rarity wanted nothing more than to make amends with Twilight, even if it meant practically shutting down her business for the day to treat her once close friend to something beautiful. She had even taken it upon herself to try to dispel a majority of the rumors she had started. It meant a little loss from her business, but she considered it worth the effort. Her business would bounce back, rumors and hearsay faded, new ponies would hear of her in time and all would be well again. But if Twilight had died because of her petty pride, she would have never forgiven herself.

"Oh, and what did you both do?" Rarity asked, eyebrow raised.

"Well.." Rainbow blushed like crazy as she tried to hide her face. "You know how, besides AJ and Twi, I'm the only virgin in our little group of friends?" She tried hard not to look embarrassed.

"You didn't!" Rarity squealed.

"Yep, we did." Rainbow giggled. "I'm not a virgin as of last night." She smiled. "Gotta hand it to ya, it didn't hurt nearly as bad as I thought it would."

"It was awful my first time, but after a while-"

"Ok, no discussing sex lives right now!" Rainbow continued to blush madly. "Though I gotta admit, I'm glad it was him. I always thought I'd lose it to some horndog just for the sake of a quick rut. Instead, I got a handsome stallion who actually wants to be with me. I'm really happy, I-" Rainbow stopped as she saw Rarity tilt her head down, dropping the needle from her aura of magic over the cloth.

"That's something she and I deserved." Rarity sighed. "Rainbow, may I tell you something personal? And please don't tell any of the girls." She pleaded as Rainbow sat down.

"Sure Rarity, go ahead." Rainbow said as she edged closer to Rarity.

Rarity took a big sigh as she sat down on as well. "When I was younger, before I met any of you, I was seeing this handsome colt from Manehatten. Big, brown eyes, flowing blue mane, he was everything I could have dreamed of." She told her story. "One night, he and I were alone together. My parents were away with Sweetie Belle, and we had the house to ourselves. Naturally we fooled around a little, a few kisses, a few feels, but after a while things began to get...uncomfortable." Rarity swallowed hard before she continued. "Before I knew it, he had climbed on top of me and spread my legs apart, kissing down my neck. I tried to writhe my way out from under him, but he just caught me again and tossed me onto the bed. He," She said, her voice cracking. "he demanded that I have sex with him that night or he would tell people awful rumors about me, and that he would hurt me. Not wanting to face the humiliation, I agreed to do it. I lay down on the bed, spread my haunches apart, and then he..." Rarity choked out the words. "He..." Rarity cried softly as Rainbow Dash placed a hoof around her shoulders. "Oh Twilight, why didn't I comfort you?" Rainbow wiped a tear away from Rarity's face as her head fell to Rainbow's chest.

"Why did you call Twilight those awful things, then? And the rumors?"

"I honestly don't know, Rainbow Dash. I don't know if I was just angry with her for falling into the same situation as me, or if it was like telling myself how foolish I was. Not a day goes by that I don't wish I could have just endured the humiliating rumors and possible beating instead of letting that wretched colt take away my only innocence." Rarity cried. "I wish I could go back in time and just stop myself from saying all those hurtful things."


Rarity stopped crying for a moment and looked at Rainbow Dash. "Well, that's enough about me. We have an order to fill. Twilight is going to love these, I think." She managed a soft smile towards her friend before going back to work. "I really hope Sharp Shooter treats you well, Rainbow Dash."

"I really hope you find somepony special, you know?" Rainbow tried to comfort her friend. "Somepony who will treat you like the princess you deserve." She smiled at her, and Rarity smiled back.

"Thank you, Rainbow Dash." Rarity dried her eyes and placed her glasses back onto her face. "Well then, let's get back to business."

And with that, the two began to work again.


How is she, Pain?

"She shows promise, master. But it's not going to work. She's too high strung, too unstable." The grey stallion moaned. A small, blue pegasis with a silver mane and hooves covered in jewels and gold stepped out of the shadows and into view.

"Shall I have a go, then? I bet you I can break her." She said with a devious smirk.

"Get out of here, Greed." An extremely fat earth pony stallion waddled into the center of the library, his mane ripe with the smell of rotten food. "Gluttony wishes to participate."

"Oh, what are you going to do? Make her fat and crap all over the place? There's no place for such vulgarity in this situation." The blue mare made a vomiting noise before turning her attention to a large, caged door behind the farthest bookshelf.

"One thing is for sure, that chick goes last."