• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 3,847 Views, 157 Comments

The Sorceress - MrTyreste

When Twilight discovers a new form of magic, she becomes obsessed with her changing morals.

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The Only Reason

"Order! There will be order in this court!" The judge said sternly as he banged the gavel onto the stand.

The court room bustled with angry ponies as the jury walked in. Shining Armor took his place as the guard while Twilight Sparkle sat at the witness box. Her parents were also there, her mother crying as her father fumed with anger. Twilight could do nothing but turn her head away, ashamed.

"Dust Storm the unicorn, you stand accused of the use of illegal narcotics and the sexual assault of one Twilight Sparkle. If you are found guilty, you will spend at the very least ten years in Canterlot's highest security prison. How do you plead?

"I'm innocent! She was coming on to me." He said.

"You dirty liar!" One of the ponies from the benches pleaded. A young mare, unicorn, stood up on her hind legs and yelled over the railing. "I was there! I saw you put that pill in her drink! I know a date rape drug when I see one!" She yelled as the other ponies tried to restrain her as the judge called for order.

"Your honor, surely we don't need the testamony of some drunken party mare in this courtroom." The defence attorney smirked to the unicorn's rage as she tried to barrel over the rail towards him. "May we please continue?" The judge nodded and motioned for the prosecution to begin. The one representing Twilight Sparkle was none other than the Princess herself.

"Fillies and gentlecolts of the jury, my student has always been one to avoid such activities like sex or drugs or anything that could harm her morally as well as physically. While it wasn't her best course of judgement to go to this party, I will say that what happened after was beyond her control. Furthermore-"

"Objection, your honor, but this doesn't add up. How could a unicorn like Twilight Sparkle, the pony who represents the very element of Magic, possibly be lured into a situation such as rape? Now, I have heard of your exploits, Miss Sparkle, and I am very impressed with literally everything you have done for this great nation of ours, but that is irrelevant to the point that somepony of your powers could be taken advantage of. There is simply no possible way that you could have been raped." The defense attorney smirked as Celestia fumed with anger.

"Objection overruled. Let the Princess speak." The judge said meekly, he clearly didn't want to get on Celestia's bad side. Bad at being a lawyer, great at being a goddess.

"I think my student can speak for herself." She motioned to Twilight.

"Twilight Sparkle, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" The Princess stood before her.

"Yes..." Twilight said, embarrassed.

"In your own words, tell the court exactly what happened to you. How did you come to the conclusion that this colt sexually assaulted you?"

"Well, he brought me a drink. Nothing horrible, just a small glass of dandelion wine. Granted I have never drank alcoholic drinks before, so I expected to be a little tipsy. Before the party was over, I began to feel strange. My whole body became numb and I didn't even know what I was saying. The next thing I knew I was on the floor, blacking out. When I awoke..." She sighed.

"Yes, Miss Twilight?" The judge coerced her into continuing.

"When I finally woke up, I was naked, and HE was between my legs passed out with his dick still inside me!" She blurted out. The entire courtroom fell silent as several ponies looked on dumbfounded.

"Objection your honor, this mare is clearly lying."

"How dare you accuse my sister of lying! I know for a fact that she was raped, I saw the medical record myself! Nurse Redheart in Ponyville said it looked like somepony had actually tried to do permanent damage to-"

"Mister Shining Armor, you will not reveal private medical information or show bias in this courtroom!" The judge bellowed as Twilight looked down, ashamed beyond belief and almost in tears.

"Now, Twilight Sparkle, you may return to your seat. This court will resume shortly...


"I'm evil..." Twilight cried as she lay in the muddy ground, tears still cascading from her eyes. The Everfree Forest seemed to go silent as her whole world felt like it was changing. The Lust spirit left her body and materialized before her, a somber look on his face.

"No Twilight." He said. "You're not evil. I'm evil. We are evil, but not you." He sighed as he looked around at the forest before him. The trees growing so high that you couldn't see the sky. The ground, soft and muddy from the pouring rain. It felt so nice for him to see the living world once again, but that was all he could do anymore.

"Lust, Envy, Anger, Greed, Fraud, and Wrath." He said. "We are all doomed to follow the same path. There's no happy end for us, Twilight, save for you. Do you know why we do this?" He asked her as she picked herself up off the ground.

"Truth is, we are all doomed to wander endlessly. My fellow spirits and I, we have done things to cause ourselves to be trapped by the ancient one and now we look for a way to end our final wishes and find rest. An escape, Twilight. That is the only reason for us to use you." He sighed. "When I was alive, I was adored by every mare I came across. They lined up to share my bed, it's true. One day I fell in love with a princess in another kingdom, for the first time I was truly in love. However, her father did not take kindly to me, and had me executed when he found me with her one night. That was only the beginning of my long, horrible nightmare." He said with remorse. "For when SHE took me, I knew nothing but eternal servitude and nothingness, but now..." He said. "Now we have an escape."

"I don't want this." Twilight Sparkle replied.

"It gets easier, I promise." Lust smiled softly.

"Can you promise I won't kill again?"

"I can promise none of the others except for one will demand it. I used my favor for Suffering, to kill a rapist." He said. "She's the saddest of us, you know." Twilight wondered what Lust would have really wanted her to do.

"Enough chit-chat, I want my turn!" A blue pegasus decorated in golden jewelery appeared out of nowhere before the two. "I desire to be put to rest just like you, jerk."

"Oh Greed, what a lovely visit." He sighed. "Twilight, I'm so sorry for what we're doing, but try to hold on. Greed will give you an interesting power as well." He said as he faded away into nothingness.

"No." Twilight said.

"I don't think you're in the position to tell me what you're going to do, filly. You forget your contract." She smirked. "Or need I remind you?" Greed nudged Twilight in the nose, knocking her backwards a little.

"Back to business..." Greed tapped her chin with her hoof. "Ever want to know how to fly?