• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 858 Views, 3 Comments

Theta's Lax - Theta

The life of an ex-PLL(Pony Lacrosse League) player, trying to expand the game.

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(Yo, this is overdue for so many reasons)

"Shit, that Rainbow Dash has a nice ass, wish you could see all these women Slim.", I murmurred to myself.
Today started off normally, with the exception of an invitation to a party, with me rolling out of bed, skipping breakfast, and opening up shop. One normal day ahead, nothing out of the ordinary; just me in an empty shop, regretting ever opening up this place. God damn, the game still hadn't spread to this area yet, and honestly I don't think it will anytime soon. DING DING DING. I looked up to find two fillies, no older than 10, looking at me with anticipation,"Ummm hi, we saw you the other day and were wondering what game were you playing?", one of them asked.

"Well it's called lacrosse, little dude. It's real big from where I grew up. So you two want to see the crosse?", I asked in a hopeful voice.

"Yes please!", the two exclaimed at the same time.

"Alright", I said grabbing a maple stick from the wall,"well this is what the game is played with. It's called a stick or crosse, and it becomes an extra limb to you, should you decide to play. This netting is used to throw, catch, and control the ball. The stick itself is made from a maple tree, and has been carefully carved and bent to form the outline for the stick. Now given the game is played while running, so controlling the ball is essential; that's why it has a pocket. Now you rock it up and down in a similiar motion as one would rock a cradle back and forth. In fact it's called cradling, this allows one to be checked and still have the ball. It will take a week or two to get this down, and even then you'll still have much to learn, but it's a start.", I finished, taking a large inhale.

The two looked at me dumbfounded, at a loss for words asked,"Mister, can you show us? We have no idea what you just said.", the one on the left replied.

"It'd be my pleasure, dude.", I said, delighted to actually have kids interested in this sport,"So like I said, you have to cradle in the game; like this."

Cradling the ball gave them a better image, but they still had a confused look on their faces,"The trick to it is to keep a strong grip with your bottom hand, and flicking your top wrist up and down. It'll take a day or two to get it down, but it's simple enough." I said, reclaiming my seat at the counter.

"This is awesome! I'd love to have a stick, but I dont have any money and these look expensive.", The one on the right said, coming to the realisation that the sticks cost over 40 bits.

"I tell you what, you two show these off and spread the word about the game, I'll give you the sticks and a few balls for free. But you have to promise to tell all your friends, and spread the word at school!", I exclaimed, feeling both pity and excitement. This was my chance to get my business going, and this was the age group I had to target if I wanted to get things going.

"No way! Thank you sooo much Mister! We're going to go show these off right now! Oh man, our friends will be sooo jealous!", the one on the left shouted in glee.

"Remember guys, don't throw inside or near windows. Throwing will take some getting used to, so dont chuck the balls as hard as you can. These things DO hurt. Take time to just practice throwing with each other. The target zone you both want to hold your stick at and want to throw is up by your head, basically just above your shoulder. Oh and I should probably give you two helmets and gloves, dont want you guys busting your nogins with the ball. That wouldn't be good for business.", I said taking out two old helmets, while not the newest, would do. They were basic white helmets, with flat face masks. These were the ones I wore back in highschool, and am amazed they still made them. For gloves, I gave them lower end gloves, ones that lacked plastic plates that gave extra padding, but hey they arent going to check each other. At least not until I get a team going.

"Be careful and have fun guys! I'm expecting more customers in here!", I yelled as they left my store.

Man this is finally going to take off! I can't wait to get a rec league going here. Finally something I can do in my free time, instead of just sitting on my ass.

The next 3 hours were spent talking to children and adults alike about lax. This is definatley the busiest day I have had since I opened shop. Within the first hour I had sold enough to compensate for the free gear I had initially given out. Finally it's time to take my lunch break, and mannn am I hungry. Hmm I think I'll go to that cafe down the street, been itching to try it out. In a few minutes I stood in front of the Mane Street cafe, a small building with a 90's feel to it. The first step inside was a blast from the past. You get what you give by the New Radicals was playing over the lunch crowd, and everything you could think of from the 90's lined the wall. Postersof NSYNC and the BackStreet Boys, waiters dressed in baggy pants, green and black striped polos, and upside down visors were walking around, and the thing that takes me back most was the way the male employees had soul patches and the way they gelled their manes. A spikey maned waiter walked up to me,"This way, sir.", he said mechanically. He led me to a table with two seats, laying down a menu to look at.

"What will you have to drink dude?", the teenager asked.

"Hmm, I'll take a glass of ginger ale.", I said enthusiastically.

"Right, I'll be right back with that in a sec, bro."

Looking through the menu, everything was over priced. I mean everything, hell a burger alone was 9 bits. Better be damn worth the price, I mean it better be pretty damn good.

"Here ya go, now can I take your order?" He said, a little upbeat.

"Yeah, I'll have the haybacon cheeseburger and a side of fries. Thanks.", I replied, stomach now about to eat itself.

"Comin' right up, dude!', he said walking away.

I wonder what Rainbow Dash is up to... hopefully I'll see her tonight.