• Published 20th Oct 2012
  • 3,878 Views, 118 Comments

Daring Do and her number one fan - truekry

Rainbow was bored to death and then, out of thin air, Daring Do shows up.

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Chapter 1

Daring Do
and her number one fan
by tio aka truekry

“Well, I’m bored!” With that statement said, Rainbow Dash threw her exhausted self into the small cloud she was sitting on. “My weather duty is done, AJ is up in Manehatten to visit her uncle and aunt and Twilight is re shelving the entire library, again!” That also meant she couldn’t read any of her favorite Daring Do books. She played with the thought to visit Pinkie Pie and play some pranks on one of her friends, but they already did that yesterday so there guards were up to maximum at the moment.

“Excuse me,” a voice called from the street below her. First, Rainbow considered pretend to be asleep. She didn’t know the voice, so it was none of her friends and every other pony who looked for her so early in the morning meant work. She was no friend of work, at least too much work. “Hello, Miss?” This mare was persistent, so she needs a new plan to get rid of her.

“Sorry, but I’m at my lunch break right now, come back later, ok?” She called back without the need to look down who was talking to her.

“I just wanted to ask if you by any possibility know the way to the,” Rainbow could hear that she was flipping some pages in some kind of book or journal. “The ancient castle of the royal pony sisters,” the book was shut. “Yes, that was the name.” Dash was a little surprised. Who was crazy enough to go in the Everfree Forest to visit these old caverns, which hold no longer anything worth a bit? Curiosity got the better of her and so she shifted her position on her belly and looked down to the pony down there. First she thought she was dreaming and rubbed her eyes, but still there she was. A pegasus with a sandy brown coat, wearing a light blue jacket and glasses on her nose. The lenses, of the glasses, were quite thick and let her look a bit nerdy. On her head was the grayscale mane, but it was combed and bound in a bun. She had to get sure.

“You are Daring Do?!” She exclaimed and pointed with a hoof to her. A smile was forming on the pegasus face, on both of them.

“So, you read my books?” Rainbow couldn’t believe it. It was Daring Do, the Daring Do! The Daring Do who Twilight said only exists in the books. In less than ten seconds flat she shook her mane in order, flew down the street and was next to her personal hero, after the Wonderbolts of course. The famous hero and author drew back a bit as Rainbow Dash approached her further. “I take that as a yes,” she murmured between her lips. Rainbow was now looking up and down on her. Her mane, her coat and her cutie mark, everything was exactly like on the cover of each book. But something was strange about her. Why the glasses and this jacket? She could imagine Twilight wearing something like that but not the adventures Daring Do. But all that aside, it was still Daring Do!

“Oh my gosh! It’s such an honor to meet you! I love your books, really!” She reconsidered the sentence in her head and spoke again. “I mean, I’m not an egghead or something, but I really, really love them!” Daring was still smiling, just seemed to be a bit overwhelmed.

“Well, thanks… I guess.” She took a step back from Rainbow and looked around, for what purpose whatsoever. “Now back to my question. You do not know by chance where I can find this castle?” The cyan pegasus squeed in glee.

“Know? I was there when we defeated Nightmare Moon!” She took off the ground, slammed a hoof on her chest and took on a serious face. “I’m Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in all of Equestria, future Wonderbolt and the element of loyalty. I’m quite famous myself, you know? I also have a small fan club of my own.” She practically radiated with pride still hanging in the air.

“So… could you show me on my map where…,” Daring Do whirled around to get something from here saddlebags. They looked pretty stuffed and ready to burst any time now.

“No need for that Daring Do! I, the famous Rainbow Dash, will escort you through the Everfree Forest to the castle,” she announced while landing again and beaming at her idol. Daring stopped, opened her bags and looked again at her fan in front of her. The cyan mare was still beaming at her and when she really was the element of loyalty…

“Well, why not. I mean, you were already there once.” Rainbow had to gather all her strength to not break out in a fangirlish scream of excitement. She would go on an adventure with her idol. That was better than anything she could have hoped for today. And on top of it, Twilight would be so jealous! She could already see how she was standing in the library and tell her all about it. Yes, her friend would be so jelly. “So, you said something about the Everfree Forest. Isn’t it that forest that is famous for housing the most dangerous creatures in all of Equestria?” Was that concern on the face of this adventures mare?

“Don't sweat it! There is only this manticore around, but since Fluttershy saved it… sort of, it’s harmless. And the sea serpent, who lives in the river, is a really nice guy actually,” Rainbow finished her little motivation speech, not that Daring Do would need it anyway. The sandy colored mare gulped and looked to her guide.

“So, it's not that dangerous?” The stuntmare shook her head slightly and grinned again.

“Well… There is also a hydra, but it lives in the swamp. Also we have to look for this poison joke stuff. It’s nasty,” She finished her explanation on the oncoming danger. “But we will manage. I’m Rainbow Dash and you’re Daring Do!” She said confidential. Daring put a hoof to her chin and thought about it for a moment then nodded.

“I guess you’re right. So lead the way Rainbow Dash,” said the adventurer and tucked her journal away, which she was holding the entire time in her left wing. This was her day and nopony would ruin that for her. Not even Discord or this evil changeling queen. She took off again and flew with her regular speed in the direction of the dark forest in which the castle was located. She was the happiest mare right now.

After a few minutes of flying down the road she looked back, but Daring was missing. Bewildered she flew straight back and found here idol trotting down the way much like her pet turtle Tank. Slow but step by step. “Are you alright?” Daring only nodded. “Then come on! The adventure doesn’t wait for us, you know.” Rainbow knew that this was lightly untrue, because without them there was no adventure but she couldn’t care less. “So come up here and hurry!”

“I can’t,” was the only thing Daring said and pasted through under Dash. She took chase and flew now next to the trotting mare.

“What do you mean? Are your bags to heavy?” She looked at mentioned luggage and put a hoof under it. They weren’t heavy at all!

“No. Didn’t you notice that I never flew in one of my books? That’s because I can’t fly or at least not any more. Since this nasty crash in the jungle my doctors only allow me to fly one hour max a day. My wing will never be what it was.” Rainbow flinched.

“Sorry! I didn’t know that… I would have never…,” but she never came to end her sentence.

“It’s OK. I live quite a while with that and I’m fine. So can we take it slow please?” With that Rainbow landed next to her and matched up her speed, but said nothing. “Is that the famous Ponyville?” Daring asked after a few minutes of walking in silence. Her hoof pointed in the direction of the small town in some distance.

“Famous? For what could Ponyville be famous?” Rainbow answered a little perplexed. She never heard anypony say that this small town was famous for anything. Cloudsdale was famous for actually just being what it is. A city in the skies. Canterlot was famous because it was the capital and Las Pegasus for his casinos and so on. But Ponyville was just, well, Ponyville.

“That it is mostly destroyed once a week.” Rainbow instantly stood still and thought about that sentence. Then she began to count the days between some of the adventures she had with her friends.

“Actually it’s every two weeks,” she said after finish counting. Math was never her strong side, but she was better than AJ at least. “So… What are we looking for? And old treasure, some mystic hocus-pocus or something like that?” They began again trotting down the road which leads direct to the forest.

“I don’t know.” Daring shrugged and kept walking without even looking at Dash.

“What do you mean you don’t know? Then why are you going there in the first place?” Who would risk his life don’t knowing what for?

“I never know but there is always something.” Rainbow Dash sighted. That wasn’t the mare she thought she would be.

Just silly me trying to write some English stuff. Don't sweat to point out mistakes and to tell me your opinion.

Greetings from Germany,