• Published 20th Oct 2012
  • 3,878 Views, 118 Comments

Daring Do and her number one fan - truekry

Rainbow was bored to death and then, out of thin air, Daring Do shows up.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Daring Do
and her number one fan
by tio aka truekry

“Well, that’s it,” Rainbow pointed out. “The one and only Everfree Forest.” They stood right in front of the entrance to the dark forest.

“OK, wait a second.” Daring threw her bags off her back. They landed on the dirt road, raising some dust. Curiously, she approached her idol and saw her dragging out a journal, which looked like the one she had in her wing when they met.

“What are you doing,” she asked after Daring also took a quill out and began to write something down.

“Writing, of course. I’m an author after all.” With that said Rainbow stepped next to her and began to read what was written down only seconds ago.

The sun was shining down on my back, mocking me further. After days without a good sleep and only small rations of hay to eat I was rather weak.

Rainbow looked at the sentence again and then at Daring Do. It was only spring, just about 68 degrees Fahrenheit and lightly clouded. There was no mocking sun. Also she looked well feed and not in the slightest exhausted. Was she lying? She had to read further.

But after what felt like an eternity on this dull road, which seemed to be leading me nowhere, I found a small village. I got some supplies and ate for the first time in days until I was stuffed. After that a friendly villager was kind enough to show me the way to my destined location I was back on the right track.

Small town? Was she writing about Ponyville? But what Rainbow really struck was the fact that Daring Do was referring her. This friendly inhabitant was definitely her. Again she had to restrain herself to not break out in glee in front of her. Daring Do was using her for one of her books. Best day ever! Just as Rainbow finished her victory dance in her mind, the adventurer put her bags back on.

“All right, now I’m ready,” she exclaimed and closed her bags. Rainbow needed a few seconds to recognize what was said. As soon as she was back in the real world she shook her head.

“OK then… Let’s go,” she answered and could slam her hoof in her face instantly. She could have said a cool and awesome sentence, but no. Her brain was busy imagining her dancing in front of Twilight’s nose. Now it was too late, because they were already trotting past the first few trees. The forest looked like always: dark, some unknown flowers here and there and eventually clouds passing above them. Even if this was not her first time in these woods; it still gave her the creeps.

“So, how far in the forest is the castle?” Daring asked, also slightly nervous. Again she was checking her surrounding, much like she was looking for a fast escape route.

“It’s pretty much in the center. We have to follow the road some time and then go through a section with creepy looking trees. After that there is a small river and then a cliff. But we repaired the bridge last time so we will be fine,” that was at least what she was hoping for. If Daring could fly, this would be no problem at all, but so they had to take the same way she took with her friends. Rainbow was no longer so sure about this. Quiet noises could be heard after she finished talking. A limb breaking, the rustle of an unknown animal in the bushes and the clatter of teeth. “Are you…,” Rainbow asked and turned to her companion.

“No.” Daring answered head shaking. They both gulped and looked around.

“Hello, Anypony there?” Rainbow asked into the dark. Again the breaking of a limb sounded through the air, but now it was right next to them. They held their breath and in the next moment a timber wolf jumped into vision.

“Ahhhhhhhhhh,” Daring shrieked and jumped into cover behind Rainbow. She herself was looking at the wooden predator. It seemed to consist of limbs and a few leaves and was only half as tall as a foal. She didn’t want to, but she had to. She felt over laughing her flank off.

“Hahahah… Daring…. That was hilarious….,” she said between small breaths. It was only a pup, still dangerous to some degree but a pup. Daring stared at her, than at the small wolf, which seemed to be confused as well. After a minute of laughter Rainbow got back on her hooves and wiped a tear from her face. “Sorry,” she began, still trying to intake breath. “But that was hilarious! Are you always so... jumpy?”

“Well, it could have been a dangerous animal, you know! If it was the hydra you mentioned, or this manticore... I was just high alarmed,” Daring defended her actions. The stuntmare thought about that a few seconds and agreed.

“You’re right and we should get going anyway. Timber Wolves never leave their pups alone. They probably are around here somewhere.” With that said they got going, leaving the pup alone which only wanted to play with them and now was kinda sad.

“Can we take a small break?” Daring asked only a minute after walking down the path again. Rainbow looked at the sheepish smiling Pegasus and planted her plot on the ground.

“What is it this time?” Not even Twilight needed so many stops on any trip they had been on together.

“Only need to make some notes again,” Daring answered, already dropping her journal on the ground. Rainbow sighed, but at least she could read what Daring Do was writing.

We were only minutes in the forest when we heard some strange noises. I was taking a few steps towards one of the bushes when they jumped out. A pack of not less than twelve Timber Wolves. Creatures consisting of wood which I thought only existed in ponytales. My guide was cowering by my side in fear…

“Hey!” Rainbow shouted out. “I wasn’t the one who shrieked, it was you.” Daring looked at her without batting an eyelash and then continued with her task. What she wrote was not in the slightest what really happened. It was only one wolf and a pup on top of it.

I had to do something against these wooden predators or this would be not only my last adventure, since I was responsible for the life of my new friend. Looking around I saw a small branch hanging low from a tree. With a small jump I snatched it off and took it between my teeth. The first carnivore took this as a chance and jumped forward, but I was faster and hit it right on the snout. It backed off, but only a few meters and there were still his friends.

“Give me my fire equipment from my bags!” I shouted at my companion who was still paralyzed in fear. I kicked her with my right hind leg what got her out of her trance like state. “Fire equipment, now!” I yelled again. She understood and started to look for what I wanted in my bags. In the meantime I had enough to do with one wolf after another. They tried to jump at my neck again and again but somehow I was always a bit faster.

“Got it!” the happy guide yelled behind me and swirled around to my side. In her mouth was my magical lighter, which had been a present from my father. She opened it with one hoof and the flames came to life. I lit the tip of the branch in my mouth and grinned to the pack in front of me. Firewood for the night would not be a problem anymore.

Rainbow blinked a few times and looked dumbfounded at the journal between Daring Do’s hooves. She couldn’t believe it! She was reduced to a coward assistant! “Hey! What are you doing? That isn’t what has truly happened! Not even in the slightest,” she said and pointed at the journal.

“I know,” she answered shortly and took the small book away again. “So, I’m ready.” They looked each other in the eyes a few seconds and neither of them said a word. Then Daring stepped past her and began walking again. Not wanting to be left out Dash caught up to her.

“So, why are you writing stuff that didn’t even happen?” She asked curious while looking for an explanation for what happened.

“You know, Equestria is mostly safe, thanks to the princesses, right?” Rainbow nodded. “So the real adventure doesn’t start until we are somewhere out of her supervision. And no one would like to read something like: And I walked down the road for hours and nothing is happening.” After some time she answered.

“Well, yes.”

Just wanted to thanks everpony for faving and rating this story. It's really awesome to get so many support.
I tried my best to do better with my grammar and my choice of words, so that it sounds a little more natural.

In the comments under my last chapter a few offered to proofread further chapters, so I will pick somepony.

Greetings from Germany