• Published 22nd Oct 2012
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Beast Wars: The Equestrian Front - I_am_the_Matrix

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The Princess and the Primal

The Princess and The Primal

The sun rose once more on a new day. Twilight, Rhinox and Spike were gathering essentials for the train ride to Canterlot. For Twilight, essentials usually meant reading material. She picked out several books pertaining to Equestrian facts; geography, history, wildlife, and so on. She stuffed each one into the saddle bags Rhinox currently had slung over his back.

Rhinox didn’t mind, He was eager to learn about this new world, it had been a long time since he had been a scientist for the sake of science.

Spike removed books from a bottom shelf; the books however weren’t the point of interest. At the back of the shelf was a panel with a horseshoe attached to it. He pushed on the horseshoe and the panel slid open and revealed the jewel box that contained the elements. Spike emerged from the shelf, box in hand.

“So that’s where you put them,” Twilight nodded in amusement. “Pretty clever.”

“I thought so.”

Something occurred to Rhinox as he studied the box. “Twilight, do you have any books about the Elements of Harmony?”

Twilight frowned just a bit. “Only one and it isn’t very detailed. I could probably tell you more when we have the time, perhaps on the train.” Twilight smiled as she suggested her alternative.

Rhinox nodded. “That will be fine.”

As Twilight got out another book, the library door slammed open, causing her to drop the tome.

“Hay Twilight! What’s taking so long?” Rainbow Dash barged in. “We bought the tickets and the train will be here soon.”

“Sorry Rainbow Dash, I just thought the max-Wait. Did you say bought? Didn’t you show the ticket office my Royal Emergency Pass?”

Dash rolled her eyes. “I did, but once there was mention of thirteen passengers worth of bits, they questioned the pass’s authenticity.”

“Ugh.” Twilight threw her head back. “I am so sorry about that. I’ll see what I can do to get your money back.” She exited the library and headed for the train station.

Dash turned to follow her along with Spike and Rhinox. “It was mostly Rarity’s money anyway.”

The walk to the train station didn’t take too long. After Twilight berated the pony operating the ticket office and got the ticket money refunded, everyone was gathered at the departure platform waiting for the train.

“How long will it take to get to Canterlot?” Optimus asked Twilight.

“It’ll take a few hours, give or take. It varies day to day.”

Silverbolt turned his head to look at Twilight curiously. “How so?”

“Well, the land between here and Canterlot is a bit untamed; there are always some unforeseen obstacles.”

Rattrap got a bit curious. “Such as?”

Applejack decided to take over for Twilight. “Nothin’ the train or us, for that matter, can’t handle.”

A high pitched whistle sounded from down the track.

Pinkie bounced happily. “Ooh, ooh! The train’s here!”

The mares and maximals stepped forward to watch the train roll in. The engine looked like an early earth steam engine, primitive, but seemed to fit for the world around it considering it was brightly colored. The train car that followed it was more of sight; it almost looked like one of the sweets served at the party two nights ago. The cars following weren’t as creatively constructed, but were equally as colorful.

The maximals stared at the train unsure if they should say something, except for Rattrap. “You guys don’t take much seriously do you?”

“Why? What’s wrong with it?” Rarity asked.

“You’re kiddin’ right? The whole thing looks like it was designed by Pinkie Pie.”

Pinkie hung her head. “I wish. They didn’t accept my design ideas, said they weren’t structurally stable. Wishy washy bureaucrats.”

Twilight turned to her pink friend. “Pinkie, you wanted to put a Ferris wheel on the dining car.”

“Who wouldn’t want that?”

Rainbow dash got the two friends back on track. “Hay, not that this argument isn’t riveting the twentieth time around, but we have somewhere to be.”

“Oh right, everyone onto the train.”

The maximals and mane six boarded the train, unaware that they were being watched from a distance.

It was about an hour into the train ride and the twelve ponies had dispersed throughout the train. The only ones in the car that they had designated as their personal car were Applejack, who was sleeping with her hat covering her eyes, Twilight and Rhinox, who were reading the books that they had brought with them.

Rhinox was currently looking at an atlas when Optimus entered the car.

“Hello Optimus.” Twilight greeted the maximal leader warmly. “How was the dining car?”

“It was good, though it’s going to take some getting used to the constant need to eat.”

Twilight got curious at Optimus’s remark. “Did you not have to eat when you were whatever you were before?”

Rhinox removed his attention from his book. “In our beast modes we could, but that’s only when we were low on energon, our main source of energy.”

“Interesting.” A small notebook levitated up from beside Twilight as a pen began scrawling notes on it.

Optimus gestured a hoof to the notebook. “What’s that about?”

“Oh I’m just taking notes about how maximals work, non-pony ones anyway. The more time I spend with you all, the more fascinating you get.”

“We can say the same about you ponies. I’m reminded of my first day as an explorer.”

“Speaking of fascinating things and exploration,” Rhinox spoke to get Optimus’s attention. “Do you remember two nights ago when we took notice of the stars?”

“Yes, they were just like the ones we saw back on earth. Rattrap wasn’t too happy about that.”

“The stars only prove that we are in the same solar system, this however,” Rhinox tapped the atlas before him. “This proves we’re still on earth.”

Optimus looked at the open pages as Rhinox turned the book right side up. There before Optimus was the spitting image of North America; however it was labeled Equestria instead. “Amazing, then right here,” Optimus pointed to where the northwest United States would be. “Is where the Arc would have crashed. Where exactly are we now?”

Twilight levitated her pen, using it to point somewhere in the Midwest. “We’re about here, making our way from Ponyville,” The pen moved to a small dot just a little to the southeast. “To Canterlot.” The pen directed a route leading northwest to a star larger than the dot that was indeed labeled Canterlot.

Optimus furrowed his brow. “It only looks about three hours away.”

Twilight set her pen down next to her note book. “Yes, but due to what’s out there, these train ride can turn into overnighters.”

“That is very concerning. What could possibly delay a train that much?” Rhinox asked.

As if by serendipity, Cheetor opened the car door from the front. “Big Bot, Rhinox! You’ve got to see this.” He pointed to the window to his left.

Optimus and Rhinox along with Twilight looked out the window to see an enormous three headed bipedal reptile running alongside the train.

“What in the Matrix is that?!” Both senior maximals stared wide eyed at the fierce beast.

“That would be a Great Plains Hydra.” Twilight stepped forward with an explanation. “An enormous reptile capable of regenerating two heads when one gets chopped off. Slightly larger than bog hydras, they tend to roam the plains between Everfree and the Crystal Mountains.”

While being remarkably fast, the train was faster, slowly passing the beast. Two of the hydra’s heads turned to the train and began snapping at the maximal’s car and the one in front. Instead of actually touching the train, the heads bounced off of a magic barrier. The train cars shook slightly.

“Are you sure this train is safe?” Rhinox asked Twilight uneasily.

“Don’t worry, the worst it can do is give us a bit of a bump. It’s when they sleep on the train track that’s the problem.”

The hydra continued its chase for about half an hour, it fell further and further behind until it disappeared behind the train.

“Let’s see.” Twilight tapped her chin. “If there are no more hydras along the way, we should be in Canterlot within the next hour.”

It was a quiet day in Ponyville, much quieter than the dragon attack two days prior. Thank goodness they had the maximals watching out for the town. Everypony was so relaxed that they wouldn’t notice the slightest thing out of place.

Something unseen stalked the alleyways and slipped passed every stand and store unnoticed. The unseen thing approached the center of a large street, where the local library stood, branches waving in the wind.

Most ponies were aware that Twilight was gone for the day, noticing she had left for the train station, so none of them bothered to visit the library. None would notice fresh claw marks as the invisible thing climbed up to the balcony. The invisible thing slowly opened the door to the inside and entered. When there was nopony in sight that could possibly see him, the invisible thing rippled into the visible spectrum revealing that he was Ravage.

The black panther walked down to the library’s main room as quietly as he could, being careful not to disturb anything. He circled the main room looking at the books, seeing if they were of use to his leader. He recalled the order Megatron had given him the night before.

“Ravage, I am in need of your skill set.” Megatron had summoned Ravage to a room deep inside the Predacon’s mountain base.

“I am at your command Sir.”

Megatron paced across the cave floor, claws folded behind his back. “I need you to do some reconnaissance work, concerning the element bearers. Twilight Sparkle is well known for being studious and a slight bit obsessive compulsive. I need you to infiltrate her home and search for anything that can be of use to us.”

“How will I know if something I find is important?”

Megatron paused his pacing and remained completely still. One would assume he was collecting his toughts. However, Ravage could have sworn that the predacon leader wasn’t thinking, but listening. Listening to something Ravage couldn’t hear.

Megatron snapped out of his trance. “Bring what you can find to me and I shall figure out what to do with the information, yessss. By pure chance the denizens of this world use languages similar to earth’s, many of them you know. You shouldn’t have any issues finding anything. Can I entrust you with this mission?”

“Da, it shall be done.” Ravage turned, left the cave and traveled down the mountain at high speed. Once at the foot of the mountain, Ravage faded into the night and started for his destination.

Ravage had finished searching the ground floor; none of the books he saw caught his interest. He made his way up the stairs, no matter what; he wasn’t going to return empty handed.

After an hour, all of the maximals, mares and Spike had assembled back in their designated car. Once the train entered a tunnel Twilight gathered the maximals to one of the sides.

“What exactly are we doing?” Blackarachnia questioned Twilight.

“Since this is your first visit to Canterlot, I thought you first look at it should be memorable.”

Just then the train exited the tunnel and Canterlot entered into full view in all of its shining glory. A grand city of white crowned with gold, waterfalls cascading through it reflecting the brilliance of the sun. The maximals beheld the city in awe.

“Beautiful isn’t it?” Rarity addressed the group. “Never again will you see a city of such elegance in all of Equestria.”

Cheetor answered her. “I admit, it’s not Iacon, but it’s amazing all the same.”

“Oh we must give you a tour, I know this quaint little-”

“I’m sorry Rarity,” Twilight interrupted, “But the meeting with the Princess takes priority.”

Rarity slumped just a bit. “Oh yes of course.”

“I actually would love a tour.” Optimus smiled. “It’s been a while since I’ve been in a city, perhaps when we have time afterwards.”

Rarity perked up, more so than before. “I assure you, you won’t be disappointed.”

Just as soon as the city’s vastness was beheld to the maximals, they found themselves on the train platform in the thick of it. Twilight took the lead, guiding the group down the main streets of the city. To say the least the streets were immaculate, only surpassed by the pure white buildings adorned by purple and gold that flanked it. They passed by shops selling the latest clothing, jewelry as well as the occasional book store and other various shops. There were many open air restaurants, every table packed with ponies of high esteem. Many other ponies went in and out of the shops and nearby apartments, going about their daytime routine.

Nopony noticed the maximals, to them they were just ordinary ponies. All of them were too caught up in their own business, ignorant of the predacon threat that these “commoners” were staving off.

At last they left the private sector and stood before the gates of Canterlot Castle. It truly was the jewel of the crown that rested upon the mountain. It was a masterfully crafted piece of architecture, perfectly balanced towers, domes and spires of white purple and gold. The greenest gardens as well as the most lifelike statues ever seen surrounded it. Flags depicting the sun and the moon were flown from every parapet.

Twilight approached the gate guards, showing them the princess’s letter to allow the maximals to enter the grounds. The guards complied and opened the gates. Once passed the gates, the group noticed the many guards and other palace workers going about to and fro. Occasionally a few of them would stop to say a quick hello to Twilight and her friends, while giving the maximals a passing glance.

“This is truly a wondrous place.” Silverbolt spoke up, looking about the gardens.

Rattrap took note of the guards, noting that they all looked alike. “Eh, the security could use some work.”

Twilight laughed. “Come on Rattrap, It may not be the ‘High Tech’ on your planet, but these are the best of the best.

“Pff, I counted thirteen security flaws and we ain’t even in the front door.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Say what you will. I’d love to see a pony infiltrate the most guarded palace in all of Equestria.”

Rattrap hummed to himself as he lagged to the back of the group.

Ravage searched the library for hours, yet had no luck finding anything of possible interest. He shut the door to the closet he had been searching.

“шлак, what does it take to find information these days.” He scanned the bedroom he was in, searching for anything that he missed. He lifted a cushion that sat in a small basket, finding only shed scales. “Life was easier as a cassette.”

Ravage wandered over to the nightstand next to the bed, all that was on it was a lamp, some feather quills, and a book.

“The Personal Log of Twilight Sparkle, Primary Student of Princess Celestia: Vol. 9.” The Panther snorted once he finished reading the title. “What kind of student of such high authority neglects to keep any royal documents?” He turned to leave, only to have realization strike. “A personal log?” He turned back to the book and carefully opened it. Sure enough every detail of the mare’s day to day life was written on the pages. “This, this is what I came for.” He turned back to the front cover. “Eight more just like it. Megatron shall be pleased.”

It took a while to get through the castle. While the six mares attempted to vouch for the maximals, the palace guards were insistent on searching the maximals to be sure they could do no harm to the princess. It took longer than it should have, thanks to Blackarachnia bucking one of the guards in the muzzle when he got a little too invasive. After taking the injured guard to the infirmary, and with some help from Silverbolt reasoning with Blackarachnia, the inspection was finished and the group had finally arrived at the doors to the throne room.

Two unicorn guards stood to either side. Once they saw Twilight, their horns glowed blue and green, each encasing the left and right doors in their magical aura. The doors swung open revealing a grand hall of soft lavender, stained glass windows and a magenta carpet leading to a golden throne. Sitting upon the throne was a large white pony that wore a crown along with other golden regalia. As the group approached, the maximals noticed that along with having all of the characteristics of the pony races they had seen, a horn and a set of pure white wings, she had a mane that rippled with the colors of the aurora borealis.

She was currently speaking with an earth pony guard when her attention was drawn to the large group of ponies plus a baby dragon. “Twilight Sparkle, it is good to see you again.” She rose up from her thrown and walked towards the group.

With exception to Twilight, the Equestrian born mares lowered their heads. Twilight however cantered towards the princess and they held each other in a sisterly embrace. “I’m glad to see you too Celestia, I’m sorry I haven’t visited in a while.”

“It is alright Twilight, you are allowed a life apart from me.” They let each other go and Celestia turned to the maximals. “I assume these are our visitors?”

“Ah yes, these are the maximals.” Twilight trotted over to Optimus. “This is Optimus Primal, he’s the leader of the team.”

Optimus lowered his head for a moment. “Thank you for inviting us here.”

Celestia nodded. “It was no trouble at all.”

Twilight the gestured to Rhinox. “This is Rhinox, Lead scientist and mechanic.”

Rhinox mimicked Optimus. “Pleasure.”


“And this is communications officer Cheetor.”

Cheetor didn’t move, only staring at Celestia in awe. “I, uh…”

“You may relax my little maximal, there’s no need to fear me.”

Cheetor looked away sheepishly as Twilight directed Celestia to Blackarachnia. “This is Blackarachnia, tech specialist.”

Blackaracnia just looked at Celestia with disinterest. “Charmed.”

Celestia returned with a warm smile.

“And this is air combat specialist Silverbolt.”

“It is an honor.” Silverbolt gave Celestia an over exaggerated bow. Only to be elbowed by Blackaracnia.

“Quite the gentlecolt.”

“And last but not least-” Twilight was about to introduce Rattrap, until she realized that he was nowhere to be seen. “Wh-Wait! Where’s Rattrap?”

The maximals and mares frantically looked around the hall for the diminutive stallion.

“He was with us when we were being searched, wasn’t he?” Cheetor questioned.

Optimus sighed. “He must have snuck away when we weren’t looking.” he began to get rather cross.

“Or maybe,” Pinkie went wind eyed. “He was never actually here.”

“Pinkie, don’t be ridiculous.” Twilight rolled he eyes. “Oh Celestia, I’m so sorry, I didn’t think he would cause trouble.”

“Don’t worry Twilight, he hasn’t caused any trouble. In fact, he has been rather helpful.”

The entire group just looked at the princess in confusion. “What?”

Celetia stepped to the side allowing the guard she was talking to before to approach the group. “I believe you already know reconnaissance, weapons and demolitions expert Rattrap.”

The earth pony guard looked just like the others, white coated and covered head to hoof with golden armor. “Miss me?” However the voice it spoke with was the unmistakable Brooklyn accent that belonged to the short bald gray stallion they were searching for. “How’dja like the strip search?”

The maximals were completely baffled.

“Rattrap?!” Optimus was now borderline shocked and furious. “But how?!”

Rattrap removed the helmet from his head. Once it was off he morphed back to his normal self, with the golden armor hanging loosely from his body. “Magic armor.” Rattrap tapped the helmet. “I noticed that the guards looked eerily similar, so I decided to test a theory.”

Celetia spoke up. “The armor that my royal guards wear has an enchantment that makes them all look alike. I originally had it used as a mode of uniformity; Rattrap however showed me how much of a security flaw it is.”

“Where did he even get the armor?” Blackaracnia questioned, slightly amused at the rat’s ploy.

Cicero the green coated and golden maned pegasus guard exited the showers. He dried off with a towel as he wandered towards his locker. Once opened, he noticed a glaring lack of golden armor.

“Wha-Where’s my armor?”

Rattrap continued. “And after that, it was just a casual stroll to the throne room.”

“And until all of you arrived, Rattrap has been giving me advice on how to improve security.”

Rattrap gave a smug smile to the group, showing off his buck teeth.

Optimus however was far from pleased. “Rattrap, remove that armor, we’ll talk about his later.”

“Ehhhhhh, whatever you say boss mustang.” Rattrap undid the clasps that held the armor in place, albeit loosely, and walked over to the group. Pieces of armor fell onto the ground with metallic clunks, until Rattrap was unarmored and standing beside Cheetor.

“Nice work rat.” Blackarachnia quipped.

“Up yours, longlegs.” He muttered.

Celestia spoke up, gathering the undivided attention of all in the room. “Now that salutations are over with, I wish to address the matters at hand. In her letter, Twilight summarized your story, your fight against the predacons. I would however, like to hear it first hoof.”

The maximals were all too willing to recount the tale to the princess, just as they did for Twilight and her friends. Once they came to when the maximals arrived in equestrian, the mares jumped in whenever they felt necessary. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were especially enthusiastic when telling their side of the story. Once the story caught up to present time, Celetia just stood there wide eyed, amazed and the fantastic nature of it all.

“I must admit, I am amazed.”

“Then you believe us?” Rhinox asked.

“I admit, anypony would give your story a questioning thought. But I trust in the judgment of Twilight and her friends, if they believe then I believe.” Her soft smile then became a concerned frown. “The question is what to do about this new predacon menace.”

“You could always use that magnifying glass trick you used on them before.” Pinkie suggested happily.

Celestia looked at Pinkie in concern. “I’m unsure what you are talking about.”

The party pony facehoofed. “That’s right. Sorry, I’m following so many stories, it’s hard to keep track.”

The maximals went from staring at Pinkie, to the rest of her friends looking for answers.

“It’s just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie.” Rainbow stated, which was honestly the best answer anyone could give.

“At any rate,” Celestia spoke once more. “I shall put the rest of Equestria as well as its neighboring nations on alert for any possible predacon activity. I shall also send out my best guards to search for them. Apart from that, I would like to count on your cooperation in dealing with our new problem.”

“We shall you highness.” Optimus and the maximals bowed to the princess. Then a thought occurred to Optimus. “Princess, there is something you should know.”

The princess gave Optimus her undivided attention. “Yes Optimus?”

“Megatron somehow knows about the Elements of Harmony.”

While her face attempted to remain stoic, her eyes widened slightly. “How can he know? He is an outsider.”

Rainbow Dash slapped her right hoof in the crook of her left wrist. “Oh, just remembered. Megatron mentioned that he was working for somepony. Maybe they told him.”

Celestia said nothing.

Optimus took this opportunity to ask the question that has been on his mind for a while. “What exactly are the Elements of Harmony?”

Celestia softened, distracted slightly from the troubling news presented to her. “The Elements are an ancient form of magic that amplify the emotions of whoever they bond to, currently Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. Their purpose is to restore harmony to where there is chaos. They are potentially the most powerful form of magic there is.”

Twilight then motioned to Spike to bring forward the jewel box he carried. “Spike, could you show the maximals?”

“Sure, no problem.” Spike opened the box and presented the elements to the maximals.

The maximals looked over the elements, recognizing them from when they first arrived.

“Reminds me of the Matrix of Leadership.” Blackarachnia muttered

“I’m sorry?” Celetia couldn’t help but overhear the black mare’s comment.

“The Autobot Matrix of Leadership.” Optimus interjected. “An artifact of our ancestors, according to legend it could do the same as the Elements.”

“To light our darkest hour.” Rhinox quoted

Celestia looked to the stain glassed windows and saw it was time to set her sun. “It is getting late, I shall have rooms prepared for you, we shall speak more tomorrow.” She then turned to Spike. “You may leave the elements with me.”

Spike bowed and set the jewel box before the princess. The group was then escorted from the throne room. All who remained were Celestia and two of her Pegasus guards.

“You are dismissed, and take that armor back to its owner if you could.” The guards bowed and left the room once Cicero’s armor was collected.

Celestia walked to one of the windows, using her magic to make it see through. She stared out at the castle gardens, bathed in the remaining orange light of the sun she set. “Megatron. . . It was so long ago, it’s impossible. But could he be. . .” She stared deep into the grove of statues that stood in the sunset. Memories from millennia ago were flooding back. “Megatronus?”

Under the cover of night, Ravage left the town behind with a satchel full of journals. He was now cutting through the deep woods of Everfree, heading back to the mountain base.

“Halt! Who goes there?!” A lantern lit up an area of the forest.

Ravage had managed to keep to the shadows of the trees just outside the light’s reach.

“I may not see you, but you disturb the air.” At the light’s epicenter stood a female zebra with golden rings covering her neck. She held a pole in the crook of her fore limb, which supported an antique lantern.

Despite Ravage’s invisibility, by magic or otherwise, the zebra stared at exactly where the big cat rested. As she cautiously walked closer, Ravage prepared to lunge, perhaps to take this chance to quell his growing hunger.

Just as the zebra came within range, a snarling came from the far side of the lit circle. Predacon and prey looked to see glowing green reptilian eyes.

Ravage decided against chancing anymore encounters and bounded away into the forest. The zebra heard the rustling of foliage from behind her and momentarily saw the outlines of a wild cat. She then turned back to see the green eyes still looking at her. After a minute the eyes turn away with a snarl and wandered off into the forest.

“Something ill has infected the atmosphere. Terrible fates are in store, I fear.”

Author's Note:

The long wait is finally over, Chapter six has been written, wherein there is plot development and world building.

I already said in my recent blog that the position of Editor is open. I really want this story to be as awesome as it could be, and an editor would be a real help. I just ask that you keep any plot details to thine self and everything will be fine.