• Published 23rd Oct 2012
  • 8,860 Views, 205 Comments

Harmony of the Heart - Archivist Nightwatch

Heartbroken Spike finds love where he never expected.

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2. Harmony Dragon?

The sun slowly rose over Ponyville. Spike and Sweetie had curled up with each other during the night and had kept each other warm. They would have slept on just like that for a while longer too. That is if the sun wasn’t right in Sweetie’s face. “Rarity shut the curtains. It’s too early to get up.” Sweetie mumbled not realizing she was outside.

“What do you mean too early Twilight? You always get up at this time.” Spike mumbled back. Both started to doze back off just as they realized they were not at home. Spike jolted straight up, sending Sweetie rolling over onto her back, her feet stuck straight into the air. “Sweetie what happened?” Spike started, not quite remembering the night before yet.

Sweetie’s memory wasn’t much better. She did remember that she had finally confessed to Spike, even if it was through song. Rolling over she stood up and stretched. Her wings were sore from where she slept on them last night… ‘WAIT A SECOND I DON’T HAVE WINGS!!!’ Looking over her side there were definitely a pair of wings resting at her side. She was dumbstruck to say the least.

Spike wasn’t faring much better. Where he barely came up to Sweetie's chin yesterday, today he stood about a hoof taller than her. Not much bigger, but still just a bit. Although that wasn’t the biggest change. On his head now rested two short horns pointing backwards and a bit of what he could only call a mane grew from around his spines. The hair was more like the ethereal manes of the Princesses, it flowed, not in the Solar wind but in time with the flames burning within his own body. He also found it a bit hard to stand upright now, it was much easier to walk on all four legs much like a pony. Though even with this, what he could only think of as, growth spurt, he still lacked wings.

Only after they finally started to settle down about their own changes did they notice the other ones changes. The wings that now graced Sweetie's back were a bit larger than Scootaloo’s wings and the horn on top of her head seemed to have grown by a few inches. She also seemed to be leaner than she used to be. Spike guessed this was because of the new Pegasus and Earth pony magic running through her. Spike, on the other hand, seemed to get slimmer he had stretched and looked more thin than muscular. The two spikes on his head pointed backwards and turn slightly upward toward the ends. His tail had also elongated by about twice its previous length. His claws and teeth also seemed to have sharpened and grew to accommodate his new body. Overall both of them could only stare at each other in wonder where the beauty Sweetie had before was more below the surface yesterday, today it was surfacing rather well. Spike was having a hard time looking away. While Spike on the other hand had grown out of the baby look he had into more of a majestic creature with an appealing build, or at least Sweetie thought so.

They sat there staring at each other for what could have been years or maybe just a few minutes before they noticed the sun had risen a bit higher in the sky. Squeaking Sweetie jumped up and looked around. No one was in sight but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t get seen on the way to their houses. She was starting to ramble, a bit like Twilight, her mane was starting to spring up and her eye started to twitch as she began making weird accusations about what the Princesses would now think about a new Alicorn. Spike noticed this and started his anti-mental breakdown routine he so often had to use with Twilight. After being around her and noting how the Princess was never mad at anything she did or really anyone of her subjects did he knew that Princess Celestia would more than likely welcome Sweetie with open arms. Yet even pointing this out didn’t improve Sweeties mood.

So before he could even do much to stop the freak out from occurring Sweetie did something he had seen no one but twilight and the Princess do. She teleported. Unfortunately Spike had no clue where the teleport went to. Though for some reason he could sense the lingering magic in the air from where she flashed away. Pulling himself up Spike made his way toward the library. Where most likely Twilight was slowly freaking out that he had not come home last night.

As it turned out that was exactly what was going on, with the addition of Rarity asking Twilight to help find Sweetie who had also not gone home the night before. Twilight was looking through the 4th book in her collection of locator spells so she could try to yet again locate the baby dragon. Needless to say she didn’t have to use a spell because just as she found one, that she promised would work this time, the door opened and in walked Spike. Or a dragon they thought was Spike for a moment. “Who are you?” Twilight questioned the now slightly larger Spike.

To say he looked confused was an understatement. How did Twilight not recognize him?

‘Oh yeah that happened.’ He thought to himself before quickly dispelling the thought from Twilights head that he was some random dragon. Rarity was staring at him as well quiet lost as to what occurred to the baby dragon she “dumped” the day before.

“Um Spike what happened to you?” A confused and slightly flustered Twilight asked from right beside Rarity, causing her to jump a bit in surprise.

“Well it’s a bit of a long story.” Spike began. He didn’t want to tell them about Sweetie so he glossed over the story a bit. “Yesterday after Rarity told me that it wouldn’t work between us I felt broken so I went out and walked through the park. I kind of fell asleep and woke up looking like this this morning.” Spike felt this was vague enough yet specific enough not to cause Twilight to question it.

He was almost right.

“This makes no sense all the dragon biology books we have doesn’t indicate any of what you went through. Maybe we should send a letter to the Princess asking if she knows anything." Twilight summoned a quill and scroll hastily scribbled down what had occurred to Spike. More the changes than how it happened thanks to him not mentioning anything of what happened the night before. After finishing the letter Spike quickly took it and sent it on its way with a slightly larger than normal fireball.

Not ten minutes passed before they received not just a scroll back but a small book as well. It was red with a golden dragon flying on the front of it. Opening the letter Twilight read the contents.

To my faithful student,

The book I sent should tell you what is occurring to Spike. Begin on page 215 it should explain what is occurring.

Your teacher Princess Celestia

P.S.: Also a note I did not know spike was this type of dragon.

Twilight was a bit shocked at how quick the note seemed written as she quickly levitated the book over to herself and opened it to page 215. She began to read aloud.

“The Harmony Dragon is the rarest of the Equestrian Dragons and the only one capable of fully exerting its will in the form of magic. While their magic is draconic in origin it functions suprisingly similar to Unicorn magic and as such can learn to work spells much as a unicorn does.

While Harmony Dragons are the rarest of the dragon species ones that ascend to the higher levels of power are by far the rarest of the rare. Harmony Dragons make up around 1 in 10,000 of normal dragons. While Ascended Harmony Dragons make up a much smaller percent at roughly 1 in every 10,000 normal Harmony Dragons. This basically means that 1 in every 10,000,000 dragons ascend. Ascended Harmony Dragon’s Magical capabilities put them in the power range that only Alicorns hold.”

Looking up from the book Twilight noticed the look of glee on the young dragons face and the look of shock on Rarity’s. “Umm so yeah looks like you can use magic Spike.”

“Sweet I wanna try levitating something. Can I? Can I please?”

“I don’t see why not. Let’s see it says that your magic is almost the same as a unicorn so it shouldn’t be too different. Umm Rarity would you show him the basics I want to read a few more pages about Harmony Dragons first.” Rarity nodded to her as she pulled a few small round balls off the shelf and set them down. Twilight returned to the pages of the book and read silently to herself.

The reason behind the ascension process is complex but simple at the same time. They have to choose a mate. Which in and of itself is a simple task. What makes this task difficult is that the mate they choose is almost always a pony with very few examples of griffons being chosen. One major thing to note about these mates is that they are not just chosen by the dragon the mate chooses the dragon. This is one of the main reasons behind so few ascended. The name Harmony Dragon is also chosen because of the dragons choice to live in harmony with their mate. While most dragons rather live a life of solitude or with other dragons.

Because their power puts them in the range of the Alicorns most beings consider them royalty and as such the Princesses themselves have stated any Harmony Dragons living in Equestria are Considered a Prince or Princess the moment of their ascension.’ Twilight blinked at this she couldn’t even fathom the prospect of Spike being a Prince.

Harmony Dragons anatomy is very strange as well compared to other dragons. They do not grow as other dragons, instead they grow at the same rate as their mate. Meaning that if a Harmony Dragon chooses a pony they will never grow much larger than said pony. Also they do not age at the same rate as normal dragons instead they age at the same rate as yet again their mate. The last known harmony dragon died at the age of 98 after his mate, an earth pony mare, died one week prior. It is also worth to note that Harmony Dragons are capable of breeding with another species. We use the previous Harmony Dragon again as an example. At the time of his death he had 4 grandfoals. They were perfectly normal Pony children with no abnormalities.

One final note on Harmony Dragons is this. If they ever choose a magic weilding mate their magic will always share colors to distinguish them as a mated pair.’

Twilight looked up, she had thought that Rarity had been Spikes chosen mate seeing as how he had followed her around like a love struck puppy but…

“Umm I got some news about your magic Spike.” Twilight stated cutting into the training.

Rarity looked up fearful as to what might be wrong with Spike. Had something occurred to cause him problems? “Well two things actually.” Twilight started. “First is Spike because you’re a Harmony Dragon your considered a Prince in Equestira.” Spike looked shocked by this statement while Rarity looked like she was about to squee like Rainbow Dash meeting the wonderbolts. “The second is the color of your magic and how it relates to who you chose as your Mate.” The word mate sounded weird in her mouth but it was the name the book had given.

When he received this information Spike paled and looked at Rarity. While he no longer felt any Romantic interest in her he still loved her like a sister. He knew this would break her heart but he, just like she had, had to let her down. Looking back at Twilight he nodded. Twilight knew Rarity wasn’t his chosen.

“The thing is that the magic color a Harmony Dragon uses will always be the same color of the magic as its Mate.” Rarity just stood there and looked between Spike and Twilight. She couldn’t see where this was going. Surely she had her Prince now. She turned to looked at Spike who slowly lit up his horns, to reveal the Emerald glow that surrounded it. Slowly her eyes fell and she knew. She always had her Prince but she had turned him away and it was only her fault that she had lost him.

Twilight could only watch as Rarity started to comprehend what she had lost. This still left a question. One that needed to be asked and answered. “Spike, if you didn’t choose Rarity who did you choose?” Spike opened his mouth.

Then the door to the library slammed open. All three occupants jumped up and looked at who had come in. There stood Sweetie Belle her magic holding a cloak over her body. Rarity jumped up and started to run only to stop a second later

Her magic was the same color as Spikes.