• Published 23rd Oct 2012
  • 8,860 Views, 205 Comments

Harmony of the Heart - Archivist Nightwatch

Heartbroken Spike finds love where he never expected.

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5. Sweetie vs. Rarity (Unedited)

Chapter 5:Sweetie vs. Rarity: Battle for Spike's Heart

Rarity stood stock still staring at her sisters glowing horn. Her mind in shambles. Her sister, her sweet innocent little sister had JUST STOLEN HER PRINCE!!! Needless to say she wasn't really in her right mind. Her right eye twitched. Strands of her mane, which she spent hours every morning perfecting and arranging to make sure it was NEVER out of place, had small strands popping up in every direction. This all pointed to one simple fact. Rarity was about to have a breakdown. Twilight couldn't help but stare and ask herself if that was what she looked like when she went crazy. Spike and Sweetie on the other hand knew that was exactly it and slowly started backing away.

“My wonderful little sister how good it is to see you this morning.” Rarity stated while slightly tilting her head to the side, a huge Cheshire like grin adorning her face. “You have some serious explaining to do my little sister.”

Sweetie was just on the short side of freaking out herself. Twilight she could handle, she had seen her this way before. Namely during what everyone referred to as Lesson Zero. Her sister though had never snapped before she had always held the decorum of a refined noblemare. This was the exact reason Sweetie couldn't even form a coherent sentence. “Well.. sis... Spike.. and sad...lonely.. didn't want to hurt...” She trailed off getting quieter and quieter after each word till you could barely hear her squeaking out the last little bit. She had backed into a corner and even though her sister hadn't taken a single step it felt like she was being towered over and looked down on.

“Rarity maybe you should calm down.” Interjected Spike noticing the discomfort on his newly acquired young loves face. “Take deep breaths, in and out in and out.” he stated trying to get Rarity to calm down with Twilight's preferred method whenever she felt “out of it”. The method worked, partially at least. Rarity did seem to calm down and the smile adorning her face vanished replaced instead by a large scowl.

Sweetie by this point had retreated into the the corner of the room right beside the door. She knew her sister was a bit upset about something but really wasn't sure exactly sure of the reason why. Though she believed it had something to do with the cloth she had used to make the cloak she now wore. 'Maybe it would have been a smarter idea to use scraps that she was gonna throw away.' She pondered to herself while her big sister stared down at her with the disapproving scowl. “Um big sis if your mad that I used some of your fabric without asking I did use the cheap stuff you always have stuck in that big bin. Though if you really wanted me to I could maybe make something from the Scraps you were going to throw away.” Sweetie mumbled to her sister.

Rarity while still upset noticed the cloak her sister now wore. Overall it wasn't a bad design, sure she could have added a bit more flair to the neck area maybe a little lace around the end. She almost got lost in Inspiration before she quickly pulled herself back and stared down even harder on her sister. She was upset. No upset was a bit of an understatement. She was a bit furious and yet even though she was she couldn't direct ALL of the rage purely at her sister... That didn't stop her from trying though.

“No, my dear little sister,”Rarity spat, “This isn't about the fabric. I am proud that you thought to use the stuff that I can buy in bulk at almost no cost. It isn't even a bad design. But I digress, Its not about the cloak. NO! Its how you stole my PRINCE! HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN MINE!!!” Rarity stated slowly increasing in volume until she was shrieking out the last part. Twilight and Spike were staring slack jawed at the sudden outburst by the white mare.

“What do you mean yours? Who are you talking about?” Sweetie asked with a look of genuine confusion on her face. She had not heard the part about Spike being royalty and as such couldn't understand what Rarity was so mad at her for. As far as she knew there wasn't anyone Rarity was seeing and she had made it clear last night that Spikes crush was plenty one sided.

“Oh don't make out like you don't know. You knew spike liked me but you just had to show up and steal him from me.” Rarity hissed at her sister.

Now Sweetie was utterly confused. “What do you mean I stole him from you? He told me last night that you told him he could never be with you.” Sweetie was by this point getting a little bit grumpy towards her sister as well and let it show in the later part of her sentence which didn't go unnoticed by Rarity and thus only fueled her rage to higher levels.

“He very well could have had a chance with me If he would have just tried a bit harder. BUT YOU!!! had to step in and fill his heart before he got back on his feet. If you hadn't stepped in he would have gotten back up and tried harder and he would have gotten me.” Rage was billowing off Rarity as she ranted toward Sweetie Belle. Her mane had started to smolder a bit. But she wasn't the only one...

Sweetie was nearly ready to slap her sister but held herself in check. Which was a good thing thanks to her new strength she would have put her through a wall. Twilight and Spike watched on in horror. Sweetie wasn't quite as out of it as Rarity was but even they could tell that the tension in the room was about to reach a breaking point. It was just a matter of who tipped first. Biting her lip to keep from letting slip a remark she really didn't want to Sweetie just stared at her smoking sister. She didn't want to let the remark out but it was right there on the tip of her tongue. Twilight was shaking her head no but Sweetie wasn't going to back down from this. It would either be her or her sister and she wasn't going to let Rarity win this stand off. Not with Spike on the line.

Rarity opened her mouth to speak to deliver the final verbal slap right as Sweetie Spoke. “Your right he could have been yours he could have gone back to you. But he didn't he came to me. He finally saw your true colors and its not the pretty white princess wannabe that you project yourself to be.” Rarities eyes went to pinpricks. Her hair completely ignited. Twilight winced having never been on the outside of a unicorns rage burst. Rarity completely snapped.

With all the might the fashionatta could put into her legs she lunged forgetting all magic or all self restraint she had ever been taught she charged. Horn down and ready to try and impale Sweetie. She closed the distance in just under a second. Twilight saw it coming and activated her horn to grab Rarity and restrain her but before she could Rarity just stopped. It was if Rarity had been frozen in time except for the fact her eyes were still moving. Which had widened to the size of dinner plates. Twilight sat stunned she had been trained from around Sweetie's age to react quickly and with as little charge up time as possible and she had been outpaced by Sweetie Belle. She was Flabbergasted and so was Rarity. Rarity looked down on her sister who had a large frown on her face with her horn glowing.

Realizing what she was about to do the rage Rarity had been feeling broke and so did her composure. Tears fell as she started to sob. Not at the fact she had lost her prince but at the fact that she nearly attacked her sister for obtaining the one thing she herself had always wanted. The field holding her broke and Sweetie rushed to her sister. She knew the fight was over Rarity had given up and in doing so needed her to be there for her. Even if Rarity had been trying to hurt her sister Sweetie was still her sister. Sweetie would always stay by her side when it was needed. “I am so sorry Sweetie. Can you forgive me?” Sobbed Rarity.

“Of coarse big sis. Even if the entire world turned against you your still my sister and I will always stay by your side... as long as spike can be there to?” She finished with a questioning tone.

Rarity looked up with her tear stained face and couldn't deny her sister what she had found because of her own selfish words. “I would be honored to have spike be by your side as long as you stay by mine.” Rarity replied slowly kissing the top of her sister's head.

“We're not interrupting anything are we?”

Sweetie jumped a good 3 hooves in the air and shot behind the couch from the new voice that had popped up right behind her head. Looking around the couch corner it was her turn for her eyes to drop to pinpricks as both of the Royal Sisters stood in the center of the room.


Author's Note:

So who was looking forward to this chapter?

And who was thinking I forgot about you all?