• Published 29th Oct 2012
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A Dark Knight for Equestria - Onomonopia

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"All unicorns, OPEN FIRE!" Shining Armor yelled to his troops, who proceeded to barrage the monster with magic bursts. Instead of hurting Solomon Grundy, he began to grow and get stronger. The magic the unicorns were attacking him with actually increased his power. Grundy responded to their attack by lifting a cart over his head and hurling it towards the troops. Three of the guards managed to dodge the cart, but one unfortunate pony did not. There was a sickening CRUNCH as the cart smashed into the guard. The cart splintered from the force of the impact and the guard didn't get up.

The ponies of Ponyville were in full panic mode, complete with screaming and running around aimlessly. Amidst the chaos, Twilight and her friends tried to evacuate the fleeing ponies. Twilight had sent Spike with the ponies to help lead them to safety. She turned to where her brother and his guards were battling the creature. It shrugged off magic, spears, being tackled; even Shining's most powerful spell did nothing. She watched in horror as it tossed a guard through the side of a building.

Unable to watch the carnage continue, Twilight yelled out to her friends to circle up. When her friends had joined her, Twilight began to explain her plan.

"Okay girls, we're bringing that monster down. Applejack, I want you to lasso its feet. Trip the big guy up."

"Can do," replied AJ.

"Rainbow, you hit it hard and hit it fast. Don't give it a chance to recover."

"On it, chief," Rainbow saluted.

"Pinkie, keep it distracted, but do not let it catch you."


"Rarity, Fluttershy, you two continue to evacuate. We can't let anypony else get hurt."

"Right." they both said.

"Alright, let's show this beast what happens when you mess with Equestrian girls!" Twilight shouted before charging at the creature. The other girls yelled and followed her. Applejack tossed her rope around one of the creature’s legs and started to circle it. While she did that, Pinkie threw cake into its face, keeping it blinded. Rainbow Dash flew up high and came back down with a hoof to the head. Grundy stumbled and got caught in Applejack's rope, tripping him and bringing the behemoth down. The girls cheered at their victory, until it began its story.

"Solomon Grundy, born on a Monday." Grundy snapped the rope binding his feet and stood back up.

"Impossible, that was an Apple triple knot. Nothin' can escape that!" Applejack said in disbelief.

"Rainbow, hit him again!" Twilight ordered.

"Here I come, big guy!" Rainbow exclaimed, charging at Grundy.

"Christened on Tuesday." Grundy caught Rainbow out of the air and tossed her half-way across the town. She landed with a thud on top of a vendors stand.

"Rainbow!" cried out Twilight, "AJ, lasso him!"

"Come her, varmint!" Applejack exclaimed, tossing her lasso around Grundy's neck.

"Married on Wednesday." Grundy grabbed her rope and pulled, yanking Applejack straight towards him. He swung the rope around a few times, with AJ still holding on, before he let and watched the pony sail across the sky. AJ was lucky to land in a bush, even though she was knocked unconscious.

"Applejack!" Twilight yelled. Hearing a roar, Twilight spun around to watch a group of guards try to mount some offense against Grundy. He responded with a huge stomp that crushed two guards under his foot, while the other two fled. About ninety percent of the Royal Guard had been brought down by the monster.

"Twilight!" Shining yelled, running up to his sister, "It's too dangerous to stay here, we have to evacuate!"

"Took ill on Thursday."

"Twilight, look out!" Shining cried, pushing his sister out of the way as a jackhammer like punch connected with his side, launching him across the ground. As Twilight rushed to her brother's side, Pinkie got very angry. She rushed up to Grundy and looked him right in the eye.

"Now you listen her, you big, mean bully. I don't like the way you've been hurting my friends. I have half a mind to-"

"Grew worse on Friday." Grundy grabbed Pinkie around her neck and launched her into a wall. She collapsed on the ground, out cold.

"Died on Saturday." Grundy muttered, turning to face the last five guards. Being the brave ponies that they were, they stood in front of Grundy so the rest of the ponies behind them could escape. As Grundy lurched slowly up to them, one stuck his spear into Grundy's chest. All that did was make him angry.

"Buried on Sunday." Grundy punted the remaining guards through the wall of Carousel Boutique, finishing them. He looked around and saw Twilight trying to get her brother to stand. He headed her way.

Twilight was crying. She had watched as Shining Armor and the entire Royal Guard, along with her friends, had been decimated. All she could do was try to get Shining to his hooves and away from the creature. A shadow fell over Twilight and she turned to see Grundy standing over her.

"This was the end," Grundy began, raising a fist over his head. Twilight closed her eyes and waited.

"OF SOLOMON GRUNDY!" Grundy yelled, swinging his fist down. Twilight braced herself for the impact. Instead of the sound of her bones breaking, she heard a loud grunt, followed by Grundy roaring in anger. She slowly opened her eyes, which then snapped open in shock. A figure was standing over her, holding Grundy's fist above its head, slowly lifting it.

The creature that saved her was the giant bat.


'Grundy's even stronger than last time,' Batman thought to himself.

He had arrived in time to stop Grundy from killing Twilight and a white unicorn, but looking around the area he knew he'd been too late to save everyone. Grundy took a few steps back, clutching his heart, remembering what happened the last time him and Batman tangoed. Batman took a quick look behind him. Twilight hadn't moved, instead was staring at him in disbelief.

"What are you doing? RUN!" Batman yelled at her. His voice snapped her out of her trance. She used her magic to lift Shining Armor to her side and moved him away from the battlefield. Batman turned back to face Grundy, who had torn out a chunk of a wall and hurled it towards Batman. He rolled out of the way and bolted towards Grundy. Grundy swung a massive hand at Batman, who slid between Grundy's legs, applying explosive gel to some "tender areas." Batman rolled back to his feet and detonated the gel. The explosion caused Grundy to stagger, but he remained standing. Batman watched with dread as magic began to heal Grundy's wounds.

'Great, he probably gets stronger with magic and I bet these horses were giving him what he wanted. This is not good.'

Grundy lunged at Batman in an uncharacteristic burst of speed. Batman tried to roll out of the way, but Grundy caught his cape. Lifting Batman over his head, Grundy tossed him into the side of a building. Hard. The wall collapsed as Batman collided with it, burying him. With a grunt, he tossed off the chunk of wall that was on top of him.

'I can't fight him head on. I need a plan.' Batman activated detective vision and began to survey the area, hoping to find something of use. Instead of something of use, he saw the bodies of horses lying everywhere, the price of him being slow. When he dodged another charge by Grundy, Batman saw something on Grundy that didn't belong. The dimensional stone was lodged into his chest, right in the center. If Batman remembered correctly, there was only one sorceress he knew with a stone like that. The dimensional stone was probably how Grundy got here and if he destroyed it, there was the chance it would send him back.

'So Morgaine's behind this attack. Grundy was probably sent here to kill me. She's going to be disappointed.' Batman let three batarangs fly from his hand, each of them slashing Grundy across his eyes. While he was blinded, Batman pulled out his bat claw and fired it into Grundy's chest, grabbing onto the stone. He yanked hard, feeling the stone beginning to give, until Grundy grabbed his line and pulled. Unlike Applejack, when Batman was yanked through the air, he responded with two boots in Grundy's face.

Grundy groaned and staggered back, giving Batman the opportunity to unleash his beat down. A barrage of hammer like punches and kicks rocked Grundy, pushing him back, until Grundy caught one of his punches. Grundy swung Batman over his head and smashed him into the ground, knocking the wind out of the bat. Grundy repeated the move three times before tossing Batman away. Batman hit the ground and rolled, coming to a stop twenty feet from Grundy. He slowly brought himself to his feet, aching all over. He was lucky nothing had been broken.

Turning to face Grundy, Batman prepared his next move. Grundy was stronger, bigger and now faster than Batman. He would have to rely on the only advantage he had left; his mind. Backing himself against the side of a building, Batman placed explosive gel on the wall. He then waited until Grundy charged before making his move. Diving out of Grundy's path, he detonated the gel. The explosion stunned Grundy while bringing the wall down on him at the same time.

'That bought me a minute. Now what?'


Rarity and Fluttershy had finished helping the ponies of Ponyville evacuate and had returned to help their friends in the battle. Running through the deserted streets, the two friends stumbled upon Rainbow Dash passed out on top of a carrot stand. The two of them helped Rainbow to her hooves and the three proceeded to talk and run.

"What happened darling? You look awful?" Rarity asked.

"The big guy got a lucky shot in on me. Next time, it'll be different."

"What about Twilight, Pinkie and Applejack?" Fluttershy asked, concerned greatly for her friends safety.

"I'm sure they're..." Rainbow's voice faltered as she saw Applejack laying unconscious in a bush. The three of them dragged her out and spent a moment waking her up. When she was awake and able to stand, the four of them took off for the battlefield.

"The big guy tossed me like a ragdoll," Applejack said, ashamed of herself, "I don't know what happened to Pinkie or Twilight."

They found out what had happened to Pinkie a minute later. Seeing their friend KO'd by the side of a ruined building, they rushed over and the four had to wake her up as well. She had really been knocked for a loop.

"The big meanie threw me into the mean wall. No, I don't know what happened to Twilight or her brother, but we've got to find them!" Pinkie exclaimed answering their questions the best she could.

A roar from down the street drew their attentionand they raced towards it. Each of the ponies assumed that Twilight was still battling Grundy, trying to save everypony. When they reached the combatants, the answer couldn't have surprised them more. The bat from earlier was locked in combat with Grundy, neither side seeming to have an advantage. They watched the bat deliver hammer like blows to Grundy, only to be swatted away by the bigger monster. The bat fired electricity from some weird device which stunned Grundy when it connected, but that only seemed to enrage the beast.

The five friends weren't sure they believed what they were seeing. The bat, the creature that had beat them all with ease, was barely holding its own against the beast that called itself Grundy. No matter who won this battle, the loser would be Ponyville. At the moment though, Grundy was the biggest threat and needed to be brought down, so with a yell, Rainbow charged back into the battle.


Batman threw a vicious uppercut to Grundy's jaw, staggering him. He then had to throw himself out of the way of a massive right hand. Grundy's left arm smacked him in the side and sent Batman sprawling. As Batman rose groggily to his knees, a massive shadow loomed over him. With enough sense to roll to the side, he managed to avoid a curb stomp. Standing back up, he watched as Grundy began to lumber towards him, hatred gleaming in his eyes. What happened next was so sudden it startled the both of them.

A rainbow-colored blur slammed into Grundy's stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Batman recognized the pegasus instantly. Rainbow Dash, the horse he had battled earlier that day, had delivered a heavy shot to Grundy. Not wanting to miss this chance, Batman followed up with a drop kick to the gut which brought Grundy to his knees. With his great strength, Grundy managed a charge towards Batman, who rolled out of the way. Before Grundy could stop, he ran through the wall of a house, bringing it down on top of himself. Believing she had won, Rainbow began to celebrate.

"Yeah, that'll show you not to mess with me!" She did multiple poses in the air, ranting about how great she was.

"Good going, Rainbow," AJ said, as the other four came down to congratulate her, each of them a horse Batman had fought earlier that day, "You sure showed him."

"Yeah, you were like all 'kick to the gut!' and he was like 'arrrrgggghhhhh!'. It was AWSOME!" Pinkie yelled happily.

"If you think that will keep him down, you're all bigger fools than I thought," Batman said. The five horses turned to face him as he looked around for something to keep Grundy down for good. Looking at the tree house to his left, his eyes rested upon a lightning rod. Looking back at the two pegasi, he began to formulate a plan.

"How fast can you two get thunder clouds here?" He asked Rainbow and Fluttershy. The two looked at each other before Rainbow answered.

"Maybe a few minutes, but why..."

"I need a thunder storm and you pegasi can move the clouds here. Make it a storm, a big storm."

"And just why should we listen to you?" Rainbow asked defiantly. All of the ponies jumped as Grundy began to lift the rubble off his back, slowly getting to his feet.

"Why? Because you don't have a choice," Batman answered before re-engaging Grundy. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy exchanged another worried glance before the both of them took to the sky and began to gather thunderclouds. Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie decided to go look for Twilight, knowing they'd need her help. As the ponies headed off to their assignments, Batman continued his battle with Grundy. With each blow and dodge, Batman slowly moved Grundy closer to the lightning-rod. After a few minutes of battle, they reached the tree.

Only when the two of them were right next to the rod did Batman take a chance to look up. The storm clouds were already building, with two pegasi flying back and forth placing more clouds into the storm. The distraction allowed Grundy to get close and grab Batman's left arm, lifting him in the air before grabbing his right. With both arms trapped, Grundy began to pull, planning to rip the Dark Knight in half. That was until a brick hit him in the back of his head. Dropping Batman and turning around, he saw four ponies, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, and Twilight.

Her friends had found her in Ponyville hospital, pacing the lobby, worried sick about her brother. They filled her in as quickly as they could and she had teleported them back to the battlefield. Twilight still didn't understand why the bat had helped her, but at the moment, they needed to bring down Grundy.Twilight looked at the lightning rod and then at the building storm, instantly realizing the bats plan.

"Applejack, when he gets close enough, tie Grundy to the rod. Pinkie, use your cannon to push him towards it. Same goes for you Rarity. Use your gems. I'll will check up on the bat."

"Right," they all said.

As Pinkie and Rarity began to fire on Grundy, Twilight ran over to Batman. He was pretty banged up and breathing heavily. She wasn't really sure what to do, but Batman asked a question before she could speak.

"How did you figure out my plan?"

"Oh, um, when I saw the storm clouds and the lighting rod, it was pretty easy to follow." Twilight said nervously.

"Maybe you aren't so dense after all," he muttered, getting back to his feet. The pony looked at him in surprise before turning her attention back to Grundy.

Grundy roared in rage as the combined effort of Rarity and Pinkie Pie had forced him to back up against the poll. The moment he touched it, Applejack let three ropes fly, tying him tightly to the rod.

"Rainbow, bring the thunder!" Twilight yelled up at her friend. With a salute, Rainbow kicked the giant thunder cloud, causing a huge bolt of lightning down straight onto the lightning rod. Grundy roared in pain as the electricity flooded his body, burning his clothed and most of his skin off. While the horses gasped at what was happening to him, Batman quickly sprayed explosive gel onto his right fist and charged at Grundy. The ropes had been burned away by the lightning, causing Grundy to fall to his knees. He could barely look up as Batman drove his right fist into the stone embedded in his chest, triggering the gel.

A massive explosion tossed Batman away from Grundy. The stone shattered from the force of the explosion, completely destroying it. Without the stone to keep him tied to Equestria, Grundy began to fade away. The ponies watched in disbelief as the monster simply vanished into thin air. Batman struggled to his feet, clutching his arm. Looking at his right gauntlet, it was fried from the explosion, but his hand and arm were fine.

With Grundy gone, Batman and the ponies took a minute to look around the destroyed town. The buildings closet to the center were completely leveled, as well as any landmarks. The mayor's building was rubble and the Carousel Boutique had a huge hole in it. The bodies of the guards and some of the citizens were hard to look at, but the threat was gone. Batman turned to face the horses that had helped him. With a frown, he came to a conclusion he didn't like. Without their help, he may not have been able to beat Grundy. Should he ask for their help? Tracking morgaine while dodging the guards would be difficult. It might be for the best.... Before he could finish his thought, a blast of magic hit him in the back, rocketing him across the ground.

Princess Luna had returned.