• Published 29th Oct 2012
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A Dark Knight for Equestria - Onomonopia

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The Storm part 1 On Angels Wings


Batman brought an armored gauntlet into the sternum of one of the mind controlled ponies. It spat out blood before falling over unconcious. Batman barely had time to breath before a pony jumped on him from behind. The pony wrapped it's hooves around the armored throat of the bat, trying to choke him out. Batman reached back and grabbed the pony's head, tossing it forward onto the ground. With no other ponies trying to attack him at the moment, he chose to look around the battlefield for who else needed help.

Even with their training and armor giving them an edge over the mind controlled ponies, the guards were still horrible outnumbered. Celestia had informed Batman that since the incident with Grundy, there had been less ponies signing up for the guard. That lack of recruits was coming back to bite them now. The guards were forced to use lethal blows on the mind controlled ponies just so they could survive. Looking to his right, Batman saw a small earth pony guard was being triple teamed. Batman rushed over to her side and planted a boot into one of the attacker’s head, while colliding the other two attackers heads together. Now that she was safe, the small guard looked up at him gratefully.

"Thanks," she panted. Batman looked over at the rest of the opposing army.

"Don't thank me yet," he growled, rushing back into the fight. As he unleashed a beat down on another horse, he noticed Celestia flying towards Morgaine. Morgaine had seated herself above the battlefield, seated on a cloud.

"Morgaine! You will fall!" Celestia shouted, power crackling through her horn.

"As amusing as it would be to crush you myself, I believe that I have someone...no, some PONY who would be a much better opponent." As she said this, a blast of magic as black as the night flashed by Celestia. Celestia turned to face her attacker and her heart sunk when she saw who it was.

"Luna?" Celestia whispered, before another blast of magic connected with Celestia's chest. The impact knocked her into a cluster of ponies and she struggled to get back to her hooves as Luna descended in front of her.

"Luna, why are you doing this?" Celestia asked in despair as her little sister pointed her horn at Celestia's head. Before she could fire, a batarang smacked her in the face, causing the princess of the night to stagger. Batman followed up with a dropkick to the chest, sending Luna sprawling.

"Your sister has been placed under Morgaine's control," Batman informed Celestia as the sun princess got back to her hooves. He pointed to her glowing green eyes. "She's an enemy now." Celestia couldn't believe it. she was forced to fight her sister again? The last time they had battled, Luna had been lost to her for a thousand years. Celestia couldn't fight her, she loved her sister too much. But her commitment to her ponies won out in the end.

"Then I will face her," Celestia said with determination, spreading her wings. Luna, who had recovered from Batman's assault, stood up and mirrored her sister stance. The two then ascended into the sky and night and day began to clash. Batman watched them go at it for a minute until he was satisfied that Celestia could handle herself, so he returned his focus to the battle on the ground. The situation was desperate. The remaining guards were being pushed back and Morgaine's forces were closing in. The brave guards that were still standing formed a circle around their wounded comrades in one last attempt to protect the fallen. Before the armies could collide again, multiple smoke pellets engulfed the attackers, temporarily blinding them. While they were in the smoke, the Dark Knight began to pick them of one by one. Mares and stallions all fell to Batman.

However, Morgaine's forces were not stupid. The remaining ponies backed out of the smoke while the pegasi used their wings to blow it away. Once it was gone and Batman was revealed, the unicorns began firing bolts of magic at him. The magical attacks were deflected by the armor that Batman wore, but the impact still rattled him. He spun his cape around himself and crouched down, deflecting as much of the magic as he could. He was planning his next move when a sound reached his ears that he had not been expecting.

He heard howling.

Suddenly, the sound of hundreds of snarling dogs joined in the sounds of battle. Batman lowered his cape to see Diamond Dogs now battling together with the guards against Morgaine's forces. Before he could react, a massive stallion tried to bring its fore hooves down on Batman's head. But before it could, a very familiar Diamond Dog tackled the stallion and slashed it in the side. The pony took off as the dog turned around and offered Batman a paw.

"Needs some helps?" he asked with a smile.

"Fang. What are you doing here?" Batman asked, ignoring the dog’s gesture and standing up on his own. The Diamond Dogs smile grew wider.

"Me new leader of packs, now that we's got rids of Claws," Fang said with an evil smile. "And you saves Fangs life, so Fang's returning the favor." Batman almost smiled at that.

"Then I hope you and your pack are ready for a fight, because this may be one that you won't get out of alive," Batman told Fang, both of them turning to face the advancing ponies.

"Fang survived battles with Dark One's," Fang replied, pointing at Batman, "If Fang's could do's that, then Fang's can survives anything." He smiled as the ponies charged at the two.

"Then fight!" Batman yelled as he delivered a running kick to one of the ponies. Fang let out a howl and began to slash any pony that got in his way. Fang tackled a massive stallion and the two rolled off into the confusions of the battle. Batman tossed an ice grenade at one of the enemies and scanned the battlefield, re-analyzing the situation. The arrival of the Diamond Dogs had turned the tide in the guards favor. The guards were still outnumbered, but the ferocity of the dogs balanced out the number disadvantage. Slowly, Batman and the guards began to push back Morgaine's army. Until Morgaine played her next card.

"Oh dear, it seems my ponies are losing. Whatever shall I do?" she said in a bored voice. "Oh I know, how about...this?" She snapped her fingers and a flash of light filled the square, blinding all the fighters. When the light died down, Batman cursed his luck at the sight that greeted his eyes. A massive yellow monster with four heads was standing in the courtyard, all eight of its eyes glowing green.

"Attack," Morgaine said with a smile. The hydra roared and brought its foot down on a group of both Celestia's guards and Morgaine's forces. It the swung its head into the side of a building, raining rubble down on both forces. Batman felt his rage boil. The hydra was destroying her forces as well as Celestia's and Morgaine didn't care in the least. Batman raced towards the rampaging hydra, deploying REC shots and batarangs towers the creature’s eyes and face. The gadgets only annoyed the creature, which now turned its attention to the Batman. It swung one of its heads at Batman, who grappled onto a building and pulled himself over the sweep attack. A second head swung over and grabbed the bat midair in its mouth. Batman planted both feet on the lower jaw and both hands on the top of the hydras mouth as the creature began to bite down. He slowly felt himself begin to give, as more and more pressure was applied onto his body. Then, for the third time that day, something else surprised him. A massive roar filled the battlefield, causing all to stop fighting. Batman and the hydra both turned to the sound of the noise and both watched as a massive blue paw grasped onto the edge of Canterlot. The beast then proceed to pull itself up into the city, revealing another surprise for Morgaine.

An Ursa Minor had come to fight. Taking a look at the beast hind leg, Batman recognized it as the bear that he and Fluttershy had saved from a landslide. He watched as the Ursa looked around, before its eyes rested on the hydra with Batman in its mouth. Its eyes narrowed just as Batman's widened at what he saw on the very top of the Ursa's head. What he saw was a small white rabbit. Angel. The bunny pointed at the hydra and the Ursa let out a mighty roar, before charging straight at it's foe. As the two colossi collided, the force of the impact knocked Batman out of the hydras mouth. He engaged his cape glide and descend back onto the street. The two titans rolled around, each other biting and clawing the other. The destruction the two caused was incredible, but at least the odds had been evened again.

Batman took a moment to recover as the small white rabbit ran over to him. He let out a small smile as the rabbit sat in front of him, waiting for orders.

"Alright, I want you to keep the Ursa focused on the hydra. Don't let it attack any of the ponies. Also, try to keep it away from buildings the best you can. Got it?" Angel answered with a salute and took off to where the behemoths were brawling. Batman stood up and winced as pain rushed through his body, which was already aching from the battle that had consumed Canterlot. Before he could decide what to do next, Celestia crashed into the ground a few feet away. Batman bolted over to her as she tried to stand up. She was weak and covered in blood, most presumably her own. Batman helped her stand as Luna descend in front of the both of them. The princess of the night barely had a scratch on her and advanced slowly towards the two.

"Let me go Batman. I will defeat her," Celestia panted, trying to stagger forward. Batman did as she asked and she collapsed to the ground.

"You're in no shape to fight any more, princess. It's obvious that you've been going easy on her. I'll take it from here," Batman stated, before turning to face Luna. "Besides, I owe her for what happened in Ponyville," he smiled, cracking his knuckles. Luna and Batman began to circle each other, waiting for the other to make the first move.

Luna let out a scream and rapid fired magical blast at the bat. Using his armored gauntlets, Batman punched each of the bolts out of the air, knocking them to the side. Luna snarled at her failed attempt and concentrated her magic into her horn. A black blade enveloped her horn, which she then used to try and gore the bat. While Luna swung wildly, Batman dodged with ease, waiting for his chance to counter attack. Luna made another wild swing, but this time her blade embedded itself into the side of a building. Batman used this chance to begin his attacks. He tossed a smoke pellet in Luna's face, temporarily blinding her. Before she could recover, he pulled out the REC and fired it onto his gauntlets. Electricity started to travel through the mythril, resulting in the gauntlets crackling with electricity.

Just as Luna could finally see again a massive right hand connected with her face. The electric current running through the gauntlets discharged into the princess of the night, causing her body to begin to spasm. Batman followed up with an uppercut to her jaw, snapping her head back. She staggered and tried to keep herself standing, but Batman was far from finished. Pulling out his only antirang, he gripped it like a blade and slowly advanced towards Luna. In desperation she fired bolt after bolt of magic at the bat, only to watch as he sliced through them all.

In one last attempt to beat him, she summoned the spell she had used to defeat him before and fired it at Batman. Batman smirked as the spell got closer and closer, before he caught it with his left hand. He could feel the magical power flood through the gauntlet, but the mythril held. With a roar of his own, Batman launched the spell right back into Luna's chest. The force of her most powerful attack blasted Luna backwards into one of the castle towers. She then slumped to the ground, defeated. Batman, who was now breathing heavily, took a moment to enjoy his victory over her. Unfortunately, the moment didn't last.

"GAH!" Batman cried as a power pulse of magic smashed into him. The impact was strong enough to crack the armor he was wearing. Growling, Batman turned to face his attacker.

"I must admit Batman, even I did not expect you to defeat Luna so easily," Morgaine said in a carefree voice. She raised her hands into the air and muttered an unheard spell. Clouds began to form over Canterlot, bringing with them destruction. The fighting momentarily stopped as the heavens let loose its wrath. Fire began to rain from the sky, destroying everything the blaze engulfed. Ponies, dogs and the city of Canterlot were all soon burning in a torrent of fire. Batman watched the destruction unfold, before turning back to Morgaine with a look of hatred in his eyes.

"Surprised?" the sorceress asked. "The Stone of Reality had increased my already incredible powers. Care for a demonstration?" She clasped her hands together and slowly drew them apart, creating a sphere of lightning between them. She then let loose her torrent of lightning down upon Batman. He reeled as the bolts of sheer destruction collided with his armor, shattering his shoulder guards and one of his greaves. Morgaine then fired a blast of the coldest ice straight into the Batman's chest, freezing his armor solid. Another blast of lightning tossed him like a rag doll and shattered his chest piece. As Batman struggled back to his feet, Morgaine then launched a cone of white hot fire at the bat's head. He barely moved his head out of the way as the flames lanced by. The heat was so intense that even though he dodged the flames, they still burned off half his helmet. Tearing the burning metal off his face, Batman let a batarang fly from under his cape. Morgaine simply swatted the projectile away before blasting Batman with a jolt of thunder. Batman was launched onto his breath with the wind knocked out of him. As he struggled to rise, he felt Morgaine's foot place itself on his chest.

"And now you're destiny is reality," Morgaine said with a sick smile, raising her hands over her head.

"NO!" Celestia yelled, trying to race to Batman's side. Morgaine rolled her eyes and blasted the princess with an bolt of magic, knocking her to the ground. Morgaine smiled again as Celestia tried to stand up.

"I cannot kill you yet, your highness. After all, I need you to cement my position as ruler of Equestria," Morgaine told Celestia, relishing in her victory. Turning back to Batman, she once again raised her hands over her head.

"You, however, I do not need alive. Goodbye." Batman, try as he might, could only watch as Morgaine brought both hands down, her magical power crackling. But right before her spell fired, a missile shot into Morgaine's side, knocking her off balance. Her spell misfired and flew off into the side of a guard tower, completely vaporizing it. She snarled and looked around only to have the missile strike her in face. As she screamed and staggered back, the projectile flew past and landed in front of Batman. Batman finally got a good look at the missile that was causing Morgaine such grief.

The missile's name was Scootaloo.