• Published 26th Oct 2012
  • 1,342 Views, 20 Comments

This is For Real - Electron15

A pony to human transformation leaves the girls and Spike in the hands of a confused teen.

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I don't think we're in Equestria anymore

Twilight’s eyes opened, she felt crushed under a ton of weight. She immediately knew it was her friends. Still half-asleep and dazed, she mumbled.

“…Get off.”

There was some movement, and she heard a body fall to the ground.

“Owwww,” said the familiar voice of Rainbow Dash.

Twilight shut her eyes, about to give up. Then there came the scream from Dash.

“What the- What’s happened to me?!” shrieked Rainbow as she noticed her new upper appendages.

The rest of the group awoke with shock. Except Spike, he just mumbled something about his mother.

“Spike!!” exclaimed an irritated Twilight.

“Gah, WHAT?” Spike awoke and looked up.

He gave a girlish scream when he saw the six former ponies sitting awkwardly on the hard tile floor. He’d never seen anything like this before.

“Twilight… is that-?”

“Yep,” she looked scared.

Fluttershy was hyper-ventilating, Rarity was looking at her now pale furless skin, and Pinkie was investigating the electric guitar in the back of the room. Applejack checked for her hat, thankfully it hadn’t moved off her head. Rainbow was trying to find her wings, and she was having a severe panic attack. Twilight searched for her horn, but like Rainbow’s wings, it was nowhere to be found. Spike even noticed his claws and even his spines were gone.

True speechlessness fell upon them. Seconds, minutes, even hours may have passed. Or minutes, definitely minutes.

“Girls… I don’t think we’re in Equestria anymore,” Rarity spoke as she looked out the window.

“Well, DUH!!!” said Pinkie as she threw her arms up. She slammed the cymbal on the drum set next to her.

They heard a large thump from above. Like something falling. Or someone.

“What was that?” Fluttershy whimpered.

“Everypony, stay quiet,” Twilight was scared out of her wits. So were the others.

Footsteps coming closer. Tension rising so high Applejack was about to pass out.

The knob on the closed door rattled. And the door flew open. A creature, of similar appearance to them, came into view.
All sense of hearing in him was destroyed as their voices broke loose in high-decibel screaming.

“What the fudge!?” he yelled as he fell back.

All of them had pushed themselves against the wall across from the door. And once again, Fluttershy led them in a beautiful unison of hyper-ventilation. Spike, on the other hand, was possibly in the middle of shock-induced stroke.

“What the heck are you doing in my house!?” He asked, still shaken.

Twilight was the first to calm down enough to respond.

“Uhhh, we are so sorry for the intrusion, we just- uhhAHHHH!!” Twilight had attempted to get onto two legs like the creature in front of her. She failed.

She had fallen over onto Spike, who was holding in his screams of pain.

“Whoa, are you okay?” he moved toward Twilight.

“Oh, of course, just a little… disoriented,” she responded.

“Here, let me help-,” he started.

“Hey,” said a raspy voice, “she said she whOOAAHH!!”

Rainbow had gotten up only to have the same problem as Twilight, and she had fallen over this guy. She was caught in his arms.

“Let me rephrase that; are all of you all right?” He asked.

He got no responses as he set Rainbow down slowly. She was slow to let go. But he noticed each of the girls’ unique traits. They were each completely differ-

“EXCUSE ME, but I’m still down here!” Yelled Spike, who was still being squashed by Twilight’s new form.

“Oh, shoot, sorry kid,” the creature said.

He helped Twilight up and walked her over to a mattress at the corner of the room, he then helped Spike up. But he just popped his back and walked over to the mattress. He helped the rest of them over and sat them down. No defiance occurred, except in Rarity, who hesitated to let this creature touch her out of fear that he was filthy.

“Well, under normal circumstances, my parents would be here to deal with a problem like this,” he started, “but unfortunately, they are not, so to start, my name is Himni and you are obviously misplaced.”

“Himni?” Applejack said, “that’s a-”

“I know, a weird name, I’ve been through this about million times with everyone,” Himni interjected.

“I think it’s nice,” a little voice came from Fluttershy.

“Thank you, uhh, I’m sorry, what’s your name?” asked Himni politely.

“Um, Fl- Fluttershy,” she said softly, hiding her face in her long pink hair.

“Fluttershy?” Himni questioned whether or not this was true.

He shook this thought off.

He continued on to ask each of their names. He attempted to stay straight-faced, but he was having a hard time.

“Twilight Sparkle,” she straightened herself up to look formal. She was meeting a new friend after all.

A rude thought entered Himni’s mind, something about weird parents. He shook it off.

“I’m Spike,” he gave a smile of pride.

“Rarity, fasionista extraordinaire!” she flipped her hair, looking gorgeous, but barely trying.

“Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie, short for Pinkamena, but that’s cuz’-” Twilight cupped her hand over Pinkie’s mouth.

“Applejack, howdy partner,” she tipped her hat.

“Oh, uh, Rainbow Dash,” Her wings being gone really threw off her focus.

“Well, uh, let me check something,” Himni placed his hand on each of their foreheads.

Normal body temperature, no sign of head injury, and despite the incredible colors of their eyes, they weren’t bloodshot. He decided to check their breath. This received a smack in the arm from Rarity. It hurt more than he expected.

“Okay, I don’t see anything wrong, so-,” started Himni.

“Excuse me, but we have some urgent questions that are in need of answering,” Twilight was anxious, and like the others, feeling a bit scared.

Himni could feel their fear, and he felt obligated to help them all of a sudden.

“Sure thing, fire away,” he waited for reasonable questions. No such luck.

“What are you?”

“Uh, what?” Himni grew concerned.

“Your species, what is it called?” Rarity clarified for Twilight.


All eyes went to Twilight, but she had no idea. She got her nerve back to ask another question.

“Where are we?” She feared the answer.

Himni was really in a pickle now, 7 people who didn’t know what, or where they were. He felt overpowered with anxiety.

“Imperial, Missouri, United States of America, North America, Planet Earth, Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy,” Himni tried to be as thorough as possible. He gave an awkward smile; no one usually enjoyed his jokes.

Twilight was losing it on the inside, she didn’t know what any of these were, and she didn’t like not knowing. She kept a cool head though, no matter how agonizingly painful it was.

“Soooo, you aren’t from around here are you?” Himni expected.

“From around here? We aren’t even, uh, human!” Spike lost it and let it all come out.

Himni and the 6 girls gave Spike stares.

“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help it!” Spike slouched.

Himni was dumbstruck. It’s not every day you’re told that the people in front of you aren’t humans. Never mind, you’re never told the person in front of you isn’t human. His mind was on the fritz, like trying to force a puzzle piece that obviously does not belong into a certain hole. He did the most logical thing his now illogically-infected mind could do.

Pass out.

A/N: Hello………… uhhh, yeah, so, sorry for the long wait. But I had to do a lot of rewriting, because I kind of started a shipping too early in the story… Ohhhhhh, you’re wondering who it is, right? Well, wouldn’t you like to know? Just remember, there's this wonderful thing called plot twists. Till next time.

Onwards and upwards!