• Published 26th Oct 2012
  • 1,342 Views, 20 Comments

This is For Real - Electron15

A pony to human transformation leaves the girls and Spike in the hands of a confused teen.

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Headaches hurt... a lot.

Himni was awoken by certain inaudible voices. They were kind of muffled at first, but slowly became clearer. They seemed to be arguing, but right now Himni couldn’t tell the difference between dog and cat, so he didn’t care.

“Is he going to be all right?”

“Him? What about us?”

“We have to stay calm; he may be our only hope.”

Himni grumbled a little as he turned his body. He felt like he was lying in a soft bed, mostly because he was. He finally got his eyes to open, and he would’ve probably passed out again if it wasn’t for the pounding bruise on his head.

“Excuse me… Mr. Himni, are you all right?” asked Twilight.

Himni saw the girls sitting on the bed he was on, which made him blush deeply. He quickly straightened himself out, as to not make the situation awkward.

“Darling,” said Rarity, “she asked you a question, it’s not polite to keep a lady waiting.”

“Seriously, bro, you left me trying to teach them how to walk, but these girls barely listen to a word I say,” complained Spike.

Himni became confused by this comment, did it mean they weren’t bi-pedal before. The reminder that they weren’t normally human made his head hurt. He shook it off.

“So, what are you usually used to?” Himni was watching his words.

Applejack mentioned something about all fours. Himni’s headache quickly advanced to a migraine, he rubbed his temples. The girls realized this and ceased with the comments, giving Himni room to breathe.

“Maybe we shouldn’t mention we were ponies,” Fluttershy whispered.

Himni felt like Zeus giving birth to Athena, or at least similar. He’d heard the comment, and it wasn’t helping his sanity. He began breathing quickly, which led to hyper-ventilation. Spike almost said something, but had a fist stuffed in his mouth by Rainbow Dash. She gave him an evil glare, Spike knew better than to mess with her.

Himni looked at each of the girls as he calmed down, they all looked perfectly human. Their hair complimented them perfectly; even Spike’s spiky hair looked pretty darn cools. They each had five fingers, a complete face, arms, the whole shebang.

Himni adjusted himself into a sitting position, as to make the situation less awkward for him. 7 pairs of eyes staring canceled any effect on the awkwardness. So Himni took a deep breath, and asked them to explain their dilemma.

“Well, to begin, as Fluttershy said… we are supposed to be ponies, and while we were in my library, we received a strange letter from Princess Celestia, and then we feel like we’re falling, and then… we’re inside your home, which we apologize for.” Twilight gave an apologetic smile. She continued to explain, in short, Equestria, and anything else that might be important.
The idea of a magical land full of ponies and mystical creatures sounded girly for a moment, but Himni felt pulled toward it, which left him more confused than mentally broken.

Twilight stopped talking for a moment as she came to a realization.

“Spike!” she yelled, which caused him to topple over, “do you still have the letter from Princess Celestia?”

Spike rubbed his head, “yeah, I think-,” he noticed a small scroll sticking out of his new pants.

Twilight noticed as well and snatched it out, unrolled it, and gasped.

“There’s new writing here!”

The others became intrigued by this, leaving Himni scratching his head. Twilight realized that they wanted her to read it.
“Oh,” she cleared her voice, Spike usually did this, “My dear little ponies; well, I guess I can’t call you ponies anymore… I would like to apologize for the dramatic and dizzying transportation. You need to stay with this young man for the time being; listen to him, learn from him, and please try not to give him a hard time, especially you Rainbow Dash-,”


It’ll all make sense eventually. I will not be able to communicate with you directly anymore, but rest assured you’ll have help… Seriously, Rainbow, if you start giving him a hard time I will personally-,”

“OKAY! Now you’re just making it up,” Rainbow pointed her finger accusingly at Twilight.

Twilight shrugged, she’d only been trying to lighten the mood.

God be with you till we meet again; Sincerely yours, Celestia.”

A long silence took hold. Applejack broke it.

“So what do we do now?” she asked.

Twilight gave the letter another look, trying to find code or something. Rarity asked to have it handed to her. She looked over it slowly, with her eyes that could see any detail. She gave a disappointed sigh.

“I’m sorry, Twilight, there’s no hidden messages, or anything else for that matter.” Her head stooped downward.

Himni felt completely useless, he had an incredible feeling that they were telling the truth, but didn’t know what to do. He got off the bed and stood up, all eyes directed toward him now.

“Do you want us gone?” asked Fluttershy as she looked at him with her brilliant green eyes.

A strange feeling of nobility took over Himni, he wasn’t going to throw out 7 teens onto the streets that obviously couldn’t fend for themselves very effectively, let alone walk. He looked toward Spike and nudged him.

“Gimme a hand?” he asked as he motioned towards the girls.

“If they actually listen, they didn’t understand the first thing about walking on two legs,” Spike responded as he walked toward the girls.

Himni and Spike helped Twilight to her feet.

This surprised her, “Oh, thank you,” she gave a nervous chuckle.

She wobbled badly, but Himni got her left arm pulled over his shoulder. Spike was mainly an armrest for her left side. Himni gave her a simple instruction.

“One foot in front of the other,” he said believing that it was simple enough to understand.

Twilight tried to mimic what she had seen Spike do and what Himni was doing; it led to multiple failed attempts.

Himni took notice of her clothes as he helped her. She wore a light purple t-shirt, with a strange looking design on it; it resembled a large magenta star surrounded by smaller white stars. She also had on pair of skinny jeans, along with purple socks.

When Himni had finally gotten Twilight to walk on her own, he began helping the others. They all had similar wear. Rarity had a white tee with 3 diamond designs on it, along with skinny jeans and dark purple socks. Fluttershy had a yellow shirt with butterflies, etc.

But they each had something unique to their clothing. Rainbow Dash wore a cyan hoodie; Spike wore one that was green and purple. Rarity had a long purple scarf flowing around her neck, as did Fluttershy, but pink. Applejack had a nice looking Stetson. Pinkie didn’t seem to have anything except for a party hat that she seemed to pull out of nowhere.

While helping them up, Himni was completely unaware of the fact that each girl blushed when he held them up. Mainly because Himni was blushing, so he avoided direct eye contact. At this point, Spike was developing a headache due to being an armrest, so he gave up. When Himni finished with each girl, he gave a quiet sigh of relief. That’d been torture; Himni always pictured himself with a single girl, smooth talking her. Then again, in hindsight, he always felt like someone flipped on the stupid switch in his brain whenever a girl greeted or complimented him. So now take 6 girls talking to him alone, save for Spike, you could see why Himni was worried.

Himni realized that the hard tile floor of the music room was not the best place to teach someone how to walk. So he decided to take them upstairs. He seemed especially concerned about Pinkie, who began hopping the moment she got the hang of it, she was bound to hurt herself, right?

“Um, I think it’ll be a lot more comfortable upstairs,” Himni explained.

The use of stairs seemed a little advanced for them, but Himni got them going up one by one, gripping the hand rails, which they explained was also new. Fingers were now a minor problem… wonderful. He and Spike followed behind to stop a domino effect if needed.

Rainbow Dash felt curious, she tried her best to stumble believably, and fell back. She fell right into Himni’s arms.

“Whoa,” he said holding her, “you all right?”

Rainbow looked at him with her striking magenta eyes. She gave him a smirk.

“Don’t worry about it…”

Himni blushed; he quickly helped Rainbow back up the stairs. Rarity had seen this little fall as it happened, she had tiny smile with narrowed eyes. She continued on up the stairs. Upstairs was mainly carpet, which Himni concluded was a much safer environment for walking. A large couch and a lounge chair were less awkward than everyone sitting on the bed around Himni.

Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight took a seat on the couch, while Spike quickly went for the lounge chair. He took full notice of his new height due to being able to, sort of, fit in the chair. He was now a whopping 4’ 8” and he was enjoying it, despite being the shortest of the group. Applejack and Rainbow Dash comfortably took a seat on the ground as Himni had done.

How am I going to explain this to my parents? He thought as he rubbed his temples.

Applejack saw his worry, and nudged his arm, “Everything all right, sugarcube?”

“I’m sorry, it’s just… how am I going to explain this to my parents? You saw how I reacted, how will they react?” Himni’s headache returned.

“You still live with your parents?” asked Rainbow Dash.

Himni stared blankly at her, “I’m only 16, how old are you guys? Your teenagers too, right?”

Rarity confirmed this, “Yes, I’m almost 17, but I own my own fashion boutique.”

“I’m 16, but I run the local library with Spike who’s 14,” Twilight said.

Himni perked up a bit with the mention of the library; Twilight must have been really smart.

Pinkie explained she was 15 and grew up on a rock farm or something, and now worked at a bakery. Fluttershy barely increased her volume from before, but she was 16 and seemed to be living alone taking care of animals. Applejack worked on her family farm, which explained her light tan, and she was 16. Rainbow lived in a mansion-like cloud, which needed some explaining to Himni about pegasi, unicorns, and earth ponies. The concept brought the headache back again.

A knock came at the door, which made everyone jump. Himni looked out and saw a man in a mail uniform. When he opened the door, the man held some papers up.

“Good afternoon, our newbie didn’t give you some of your mail, so we decided to save you the trouble of having to wait longer,” the mailman gave Himni the mail.

Himni was surprised, mailmen never just gave you lost or misplaced mail… ever.

The mailman tipped his hat, “Have a good day, sir.”

Himni fell out of his thought process, and nodded toward the man thankfully. He opened the first letter as he walked back to the room where the girls and Spike had been waiting. He’d just finished reading the first letter when he got back. He froze in place, with confused glances coming from everyone. He dropped all the mail to the ground, and put a big, goofy smile on his face. His headache had gone from migraine… to miniature tactical nuke.

He looked up, “Well, it was fun meeting you all, but I have to get back to reality,” his right eye twitched.
Everyone, even Pinkie was giving concerned looks as he walked to the kitchen. Rainbow Dash began to get up and check on him, but there was a large splash before she could start walking. Himni walked back into the room soaking wet, head to toe. His crazy smile had faded and was now replaced with a still twitching eye.

His eyes wandered across the room, “Ok, this calls for drastic measures… anybody have a lemon, I have to burn my eyes out.”

Rainbow Dash took hold of Himni’s shoulders and shook him, “HIMNI! SNAP OUT OF IT!”

Himni dazed his way back into control, the headache strangely left him. He blinked a few times and began shivering from the water.

Rarity spoke up, “What did you read?”

Himni slowly turned his head to the pile of mail on the floor. He picked it up and read, Hi son, your mother and I were given a chance to vacation across the world… now I know that it’s all a bit sudden, but honestly, how could we pass up a cruise across the world? We hope you don’t burn the house down, and just to let you know, we sent Omner to Utah with family.
We love you, Mama and Papa.

P.S. You better stay on top of schoolwork, because if you don’t you’re in for a lifetime of grounding.

A/N: Sorry to cut off so suddenly… but I am seriously sorry for the month long wait. I promise to never do that again. I mean, I do have another fanfic that has become more popular than this one, but I can’t decide which I like better. Anyway, here it is, I’m feeling a headache like Himni’s right now… urg.

Comments ( 4 )

Needs a bit work here and there fix em and you'll have yourself an awesome fic :raritywink:

-Kiryu :moustache:

I would fell that way to but what about rainbows actions hmm, gets better and better , keep going!!!!!!!!:twilightsmile::heart:

Also write what you write dont let anybody stop you, not the dislikes, not the comments, you write and you write period

I'm loving this story! Just update as much as possible.

Keep up the great work!:twilightsmile:

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