• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 2,605 Views, 32 Comments

Applejack and Applebloom in Appleoosa - Metal Pony Fan

Earth and Sky side story. AJ and Applebloom take the train to Appleoosa and make some new friends.

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"Look Divin', it's not my fault you forgot your crayons."

I rolled my eyes and looked out the train's window. Bro's not listening again. I know he works hard to take care of me and momma, but it would be nice if he just paid more attention to stuff. "I didn't say that, I was just asking you to go get them."

He pointed out the window at the desert scenery flying by. "But we're halfway to Appleoosa already."

That's not much of an excuse for you. "As fast as you fly, I bet you'd be back in like five minutes. Why did we even take the train anyway? You're the best flyer in all of Equestria! You could have flown us there!"

He laughed, he laughs at the smallest things. No wonder everypony thinks he's a goofball. "I think that title belongs to someone else."

"No way. If someone else was better than you, then they'd be on the wo-"

"SSH!" He jumped out of his seat and put a hoof over my mouth. Then he checked to see if there was anypony in the car with us. There wasn't, we were alone in the traincar just like we were for the entire trip. "I thought you agreed to keep quiet about that. Besides, I can't leave you. Momma would make me sleep outside for a month if I left you on the train alone."

I pushed away his hoof. "But you sleep outside all the time anyway."

"But that's because I choose to." He climbed back into his seat. "It's not as fun if you have to."

Sometimes he just doesn't make sense."But what am I supposed to do with paper and no crayons?"

"I'm sure you'll think of something, put that artistic cutie mark of yours to work." He leaned back on the bench like he usually does before a nap. "Maybe origami?"

Why does he have to do that? He knows I don't have my cutie mark yet. And how can he be comfortable laying with his hooves behind his head like that? Taking one last look out the window at the featureless desert, I sighed loudly to get his attention,"I'm gonna go get a sandwich from the snack cart. Do you want anything?"

"Nah, I'm good, I doubt a snack cart would have apple pie or anything. Hold on." He dug into his duffel bag and took out a small bag of bits. "Here's five," he said, counting them out, "that should be enough to get something nice. Here you go." He held out the coins in his hoof.

Oh, no. He's gonna do it again, I know he is. I reached out my hoof to take the coins and, sure enough, he pulled his back. "Aww," I groaned, "do I have to?"

He bounced the coins up and down a few times. "Yes."

"But it's hard."

"That's why you need to practice." He gave a flap of his wings, knocking me back with a strong wind. "You want to be a good, strong flyer one day, don't you? This will help." He helped me up and ruffled my mane. I hate it when he does that. "It helped me." I guess that's what big brothers are for, making you do the things you don't want to do. I sighed and stretched out my wing. I fumbled with the coins for a few seconds before finally managing to pick them up with my wing tips.l. "See?" he said, "I knew you could do it. Enjoy your snack." He leaned back again and closed his eyes.

"Enjoy your nap." I trotted off to find the snack cart, stack of paper in one wing, coins in the other. Why did I have to forget my crayons?